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Fandom Star Wars AU CS

  • Gish_Sky

    Senior Member
    image here
    Name: (self-explanatory)
    Age: (max age 700 for plot reasons; minimum age of 14 unless they’re a clone. Clones age 2x faster, so a 10 year old clone would be the equivalent of a 20 year old, etc.)
    Species: (I’d prefer if the race exists in the SW universe, but please check with me if it isn’t)
    Gender: (some may not have a gender, like droids. In that case, use the gender that was intended when programming)
    Height: (bear in mind you will need to fit inside a space ship unless you want a boring RP.)
    Weight: (be realistic)
    Definitive features: (any scars or tattoos?)
    Faction: (Republic, Separatist, Jedi, Sith, Mercenary, or Unaffiliated.)
    Rank: (military ranks for republic or separatist members; Jedi ranks are Youngling, Padawan, Jedi, Jedi Knight/Counselor, and Jedi Master. Jedi Knights are military leaders within the republic, while Jedi Counselors serve as guards, advisors and delegates to government officials. Sith ranks are Apprentice, Sith, Sith Warrior/Assassin, Sith Lord. Sith warriors act as frontline fighters and commanders, while Sith assassins specialize in espionage and assassination. Bounty hunters and mercenaries get ranked in order from least skilled to most skilled. bronze is least, then silver, then gold, and finally durasteel. Rank may not apply if your character is a civilian)

    Special abilities:
    All approved characters will be liked by me. Those not approved are subject to a PM from me, suggesting edits so I can understand your character better. Once the appropriate edits are made, I will reconsider your CS.


    Name: Artem Kesyk
    Age: 14
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’2”
    Weight: 100 lbs
    Definitive features: Inky black hair, curious and quick emerald eyes, and fairly tanned skin.
    Faction: Unaffiliated

    Rank: Civilian


    -Hand blaster: The blaster is not loaded. Artem keeps his blaster in a holster and only threatens to use it when in danger.
    -Handful of credits: Artem doesn’t have much and uses it to buy food.

    Special abilities:

    -Force titan: Artem has incredible force powers, but he is unaware of them.
    Personality: Artem is a sly and cunning boy; he is willing to cheat and do anything dirty to achieve his goals. He is sarcastic and enjoys making jokes about his past. He is lazy and dislikes responsibility. He will attempt to weasel his way out of anything if he doesn‘t like the task assigned. When facing dangerous situations, Artem prefers using empty threats, before fleeing. He’s rather paranoid as well.

    History: Orphaned at a young age, Artem was born on Coruscant. He doesn’t know anything about his parents. Living on the streets for a long time, Artem has learned not to trust anyone. After being promised some credits for a job, Artem was nearly kidnapped by a slave trader, who wanted to sell him to the spice mines. Thankfully, he was able to run away, but has been unable to sleep well ever since. Artem has never been able to sleep easy, fearing that someone will come after him. Due to his fear, he is untrusting and easily accuses people of betrayal.

    Likes: Food, safety, peace

    Dislikes: Trust, promises

    Goals: Survive in the streets; buy a ship (the irony is that he has no experience with them) and explore the galaxy.

    Fears: Artem fears that he will be caught off-guard and sent to the spice mines. He fears death because he doesn’t know what happens after death.

    Relationships: None​
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