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Futuristic Star Gazers

In front of him, just 15 feet away, was a strange figure, standing at 5'11, he had a metalic mask, with an orange blinking dot in the corner, in his right hand a long whip like object blazed and crackled.

"Venkur" (scum) he spoke

   The young man observed the figure standing in front of him, and then recoiled at the sudden utterance. He didn't understand the alien language, but he certainly didn't like the tone that the man(?) took with him. Ferron held up his hands to show that he didn't have his weapons. "Woah, hey, little guy." Ferron immediately cursed himself for that, especially since he only stood about a couple of inches taller than the figure. "I don't mean you any harm."
   The young man observed the figure standing in front of him, and then recoiled at the sudden utterance. He didn't understand the alien language, but he certainly didn't like the tone that the man(?) took with him. Ferron held up his hands to show that he didn't have his weapons. "Woah, hey, little guy." Ferron immediately cursed himself for that, especially since he only stood about a couple of inches taller than the figure. "I don't mean you any harm."

The being slightly recoiled at the comment of "little", he'd pull his mask down, reveling a humanoid face (See Charcter sheet for discription)

"Human Scum" he spoke It broken english

He lashed his whip, aggressively the plasma Sparked and buzzed

He took two steps forward, and lashed his whip towards Ferrons right leg, the plasma buzzed as it seeped closer and closer to his leg 
  He stepped away from the coil, back into the pod. Sensing an incoming fight, Ferron grabbed an arm off of one of the dormant androids, and held it up like some sort of medieval sword. "Alright, English isn't your thing, and you don't like people, so let's try this. You step back, and I don't beat your brains in."

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A Low flying Freighter Flew overhead the Escape pod,Quickly spining around to make another pass to Get a better view on the situation.

The Freighter went into Hover and spun around showing the Rear of the ship. The Rear turret came to life and aimed down at the humanoid.

The Ships Intercomm Blared Out "Alright, Hands where i can see them, Alien Scum." The ships turret aimed at the Humanoid, Waiting for a response.
A Low flying Freighter Flew overhead the Escape pod,Quickly spining around to make another pass to Get a better view on the situation.

The Freighter went into Hover and spun around showing the Rear of the ship. The Rear turret came to life and aimed down at the humanoid.

The Ships Intercomm Blared Out "Alright, Hands where i can see them, Alien Scum." The ships turret aimed at the Humanoid, Waiting for a response.

Ferron, for a moment, thought the voice was addressing him despite the fact that he was currently inside of the pod. "Christ, are you kidding me?"

Elaine stepped out of her frozen state, taking a careful step and making sure not to stumble. Her numerous eyes looked simultaneously in the same direction, scanning the room for movement. Fog poured from the pod, it's tendrils extending through the room. Two other pods were already opened, and Elaine looked through the rest of them. She placed a three-fingered hand on the glass of one of the unopened ones, looking at the face of the creature inside. It's lips were blue, and it's eyes closed, unmoving underneath their seals. Shallow breaths came from the corpse, fogging up a little part of the glass. The arms of frost crept up form the corners, and Elaine tapped the glass, concentrating on the frozen air inside of it. She felt the air in the lungs of the creature, and smiled. She felt no remorse as she froze the air in the lungs, the creature's pitch black eyes opening and seeing her dozens of eyes in the moments before it died. Elaine smiled. It was nice to be back. 

She touched one of the pendants on her neck, the gold searing her hand. The magic prevented her from taking them off, as she was forced to carry them around to show her weakness.
   Ferron felt the pod jerk as it smashed into the ground of the planet, having only been somewhat shaky as it had careened in a fireball through the atmosphere of the planet that the pod had set him on course for. Ferron flew forward, hit the floor, when the pod hit the ground, and lay there for a moment as he waited to ensure that the pod was steady before he stood up. He glanced to the android that he forced him onto the pod, before his eyes darted toward the door. He didn't know if this planet was safe for humans, but Ferron guessed that dying on a planet's surface would be better than rotting in the escape pod.

He stepped forward, and pushed the door open, allowing it to hit the ground with a loud clang as it reverberated on the rock that the pod had come to rest on.


(chat problom 1 sec)
A Low flying Freighter Flew overhead the Escape pod,Quickly spining around to make another pass to Get a better view on the situation.

The Freighter went into Hover and spun around showing the Rear of the ship. The Rear turret came to life and aimed down at the humanoid.

The Ships Intercomm Blared Out "Alright, Hands where i can see them, Alien Scum." The ships turret aimed at the Humanoid, Waiting for a response.

"Human Scum" The alien spoke again, he'd spin the whip towards the ships main weapon, the plasma "Blade" wraped around it, before cutting threw it like paper

The whip then latched itself to the ship, with a swift tug, the alien, useing impossible strengh, pulled the ship a good ten feet downwards, he'd draw his PP1, And took aim at the boy from the escape pod

He'd command him "Keep your mammalian hands off of that leg." Followed by alien gibberish
The rear turret turret fired one warning shot at the humanoid, Sending dirt flying near him.
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The rear turret turret fired one warning shot at the humanoid,

Sending dirt flyin near him.

He'd produce A rifle looking object from his sleve, he'd aim towards the pilots sholder

"Kar'kungu Ken venkarik venuka!" he'd scream, pulling the trigger, seven blots fired forward

They smashed the window open, glass (or whatever it was made of) fell all about, one bolt managed to skim the pilotes sholder

He tugged the whip again, the ship drew closer to the ground
The turret fired 3 more shots knocking the humanoid off balance.

The ship would break free and riase 20 feet into the air.
He'd produce A rifle looking object from his sleve, he'd aim towards the pilots sholder

"Kar'kungu Ken venkarik venuka!" he'd scream, pulling the trigger, seven blots fired forward

They smashed the window open, glass (or whatever it was made of) fell all about, one bolt managed to skim the pilotes sholder

He tugged the whip again, the ship drew closer to the ground

 Ferron, tired of standing off to the side, rushed forward and tackled the figure that had tethered the ship, slamming a fist into his face once, twice, three times in an attempt to subdue him before he could bring down the ship that might have been Ferron's only way off of the planet.
He'd grab a strange Orange device from his pack, he'd press the device

The device planted inside the pod began to beep, before detonated, the shockwave knocking all of them over
the ship would begin to go into a spin, before regaining its balance, the turret fired randomly, sending a shot over the aliens head.
the ship would begin to go into a spin, before regaining its balance, the turret fired randomly, sending a shot over the aliens head.

He'd growl in anger, he'd set the whip's heat level on low, he'd then glare directly at the ships pilot

He'd swing the whip

In what seemed like slow-motion, the whip warped around the pilots neck

With a yank, Endo began to slowly pull him from the cockpit 
Ferron, with the combined force of the blow along with the shockwave that rocked his body, lay on the ground a few feet away, attempting to stop the world from the spinning state that it had been launched into by the hit that he had sustained.
the piolt, looking no more than 20, flew out of the cockpit of the ship. Now the ship went into a more violent spin, the ship slamed into the nearby forest. no explosion followed though.
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He dragged the pilot Via whip around his neck, he'd slam his own foot onto the pilots chest, he'd aim the PP1 directly at his head

"WHere does your kind go when it dies?" he asked
He dragged the pilot Via whip around his neck, he'd slam his own foot onto the pilots chest, he'd aim the PP1 directly at his head

"WHere does your kind go when it dies?" he asked

      Ferron had managed to stand, and had grabbed a piece of scrap metal from the explosion of the pod. Now, he held it to the neck of the alien, standing directly behind him, his breathing labored as he struggled to stay standing. "Id like to ask you the same question."

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