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Fantasy St. Lucifer's school of the gifted

Cylpso shivered slightly when she saw the shadows creepy grin but regained herself quickly. She chuckled at him calling her pretty she was used to it seeing as most related her looks to that of an angels. She chuckled and smiled, "Anything you're heart desires." she says and winks. She played with her long hair and smiled sweetly, daring him to tell her what he wished for.
"What I want? What I want is to see how you would look from the inside out" Umbra said, his grin growing from ear to ear, and reaching out to Clypso's face"

In an instant Umbra was gone.

"I'm so sorry" Dave said, slowly walking backwards. "He always tries to scare new people, I can control him most of the time, but sadly what I can't control is his big dumb mouth.

"I'll leave you alone now, Im sorry". Dave went for the door.
Cylpso chuckled hearing something like that from her queen once, she quickly followed after him,"hey wait up she said."
"Ah, please I don't want any trouble, I said I would leave you alone just don't tell anyone else about Umbra, okay? It would be bad if you start telling everyone Im the weird guy with a rude shadow". Dave felt really bad, he had good intentions, but Umbra had to swoop in and be a dick like always.

He was tired of it, and he hoped that this school would help him completely tame Umbra once in for all.


Location: Gym

Feeling: Cheerful

Hair Colour: Pale Pink

"It's not nice to ignore people you know," April said, pouting slightly from behind Calypso and Dave who seemed to be hitting it off, in a weird way.

"First off, sorry for bumping into you earlier, I have can have no awareness of my surroundings at times. You could say I'm a walking hazard," she grinned apologetically, "Anyways, Hi Calypso. Hi Dave. I'm April, witch extraordinaire."

April felt a sharp jab to her side and turned to find the Grimoire floating still, as if chiding her for forgetting him, "Oh right. And this is Noir, my Grimoire. He can usually talk but I shut him up this morning because he was being a nag. Otherwise, he's pretty cool. Oh! Watch this!"

She flipped the pages, racking her brain to remember what page the cupcake making spell was on."Wait a sec.....here it is! Finally, you've actually got the spell I want this time," holding up her hand over her levitating Grimoire, she recited the spell, "Face o tava de prajiturele !"

Sparkles emanated from her hand and formed a shape before dispersing into a tray of cupcakes, " Here, to celebrate our friendship!" April pushed the tray onto Calypso's hands and stepped back.

"Now I've really got to go. Places to be, things to do. Welcome to St Lucifer's!" And then she was off, running, almost skipping, down the corridor.

Suddenly, she halted and made a sharp turn, "Umbra's pretty cool by the way. Don't worry, I won't say anything if you don't want me to. Get along you three!"

She then went on her merry way.
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Cylpso looked at the cupcakes in her hand and grimaced she wasn't used to human food where she came from her drinks were weird looking and the food was enough to make a human go made just by licking frosting off their fingers, She smiled though at the gesture because shed never received a gift, "Umbra isn't bothersome to me I just wanted to say welcome to St. Lucifers and that i hope to see you around." she said sweetly. She then yelled a thank you to the girl who said her name was April and handed the tray of cupcakes to Dave and walked off towards the dorms.
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Ember rushed around her room collecting everything she could. She couldn't BELEIVE her mum. She had known she had her new school to attend, but had dragged her off to her dads fancy dinner party anyway. Its not like she ever thought it was going to end well. She had accidentally set fire to the tablecloth, and they had to splash it with water to put it out. Her mum had taken her home, stony faced and told her to get packed. Fine. If she wanted to be like that. She took a small backpack, and her ipod (and headphones) and shoved them in her case. She nabbed some bars of chilli chocolate, as well as some toffees for the way. She grabbed her fireproof dragon hide gloves (yeah don't ask) just in case, as well as all her short t shirts. She grabbed a couple pairs of shorts and her boots, before slamming the case shut. She quickly changed into her black t-shirt with a flame on the front and flung her dress out of her door. Pink was NOT her colour, it clashed with her hair. And plus, she hated dresses. Weirdly, she never wore long "warm" clothing. When you have a literal fire burning inside you, you didn't really get cold.

From outside her mother honked the horn, ready to get rid of her troublesome daughter. Ember grabbed her case and ran downstairs, and into the garden. She chucked her case in the car boot and pretty much vaulted into the backseat. Her mum smoothly cruised away and she was put her feet up on the seat, contentedly chewing her toffees. Hopefully this would be a fresh start, where less things got set... well alight.


They had arrived! She was surely super late. The school looked like a haunted castle from a movie. Cool. Her mum kissed her goodbye, and gave her a small wave, before driving off without so much as looking back. Ember looked at the back of the car for a moment, before determinedly marching towards the huge entrance doors, towing her case behind her. She pushed open the door, wincing as it creaked loudly. She looked around, wondering she was supposed to go...
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Aran Eric King


Mood: Interested

@River Vermillion

Location: School

Aran looked at the keys in his hands. Written on it was the number '271'. It was his dorm number. "Now, where could this room be?" he asked himself, standing in front of countless corridors mounting hundreds of rooms. "Maybe I should just look for someone that knows this place better? Someone who could help me?" Aran knew if he would start searching for the room himself, he would get lost in mere minutes. His navigation skills were close to zero after all. A few years ago, when he first moved into his apartment, he was late to his first three days of work, because every single morning he'd get lost searching for the train station. He eventually got the hang of it though. Aran did get a beating from his boss, but luckily he didn't get fired. That would've been the end for him. Finding jobs that pay enough to be a fashionista and at the same time not starve is hard for kids his age.

"Should I just wait here, or..?" he tried to decide. He knew that searching for people wouldn't be easy either, since the school was huge, but what were the chances of meeting someone helpful by sitting here?

The young man went of his way, looking for help. He tried to talk to quite a few seniors he met on his way, but all of them shrugged him away with "I'm busy with setting up the gym" or "Go ask someone else". Aran was overall quite surprised, because he had never seen creatures like he saw today. He was born with humans, grew up with humans and practically is a human too. But today he saw fairies, demons, a mothman and many other mythical beasts. After walking for a while, he finally approached a girl with pale pink hair, quite like his own. The difference was that Aran's hair was so light, that you could easily mistake the faded pink as white. The young girl seemed energetic and happy, a perfect person to approach. Aran grabbed her wrist, because she was about to skip past him. "He-hey! I thought you could help me find my dorm room? You seem like you know the place quite well." Aran said, forgetting that he was still holding her wrist.

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Ember surveyed the area. There was nobody around that she could see to help her so it looked like she was on her own. From what she had seen of the outside, the place was huge, and she was unlikely to just stumble across somebody by accident. Hang on. She reached into her pocket and fished out a letter. She skimread it as fast as she could. It mentioned a gym and an office, but where was she supposed to go. It said that the gym was on the far left of the school, and that the office was upstairs. Considering that it didn't mention what floor the office was, or where on that floor, she opted for the gym. There was sure to be other students there that she could ask for help. Right?

The hallways were fairly dark, and some were narrower than others. Was there anymore information on the letter? She pulled it back out of her pocket and tried to read it in the dim light. Annoyed at the lack of directions, Ember made to shove the paper into her pocket again, but it lit on fire and started falling apart. Great. Now she had no instructions. She continued walking on, holding the faintly glowing paper to illuminate as much as possible. She noticed that the was a door in the corner. She might as well try it right? She pulled it open apprehensively, preparing herself for spiders and dust, and possibly a few brooms to fall on her.

The door swung open revealing a much better lit corridor lined with rows of doors, as well as an opening at the end of the corridor. Dorms? Dorms! She must be close now. She walked down the doors, watching as the numbers counted down, at the end of the corridor she spotted a boy holding the hand of a pink haired girl. She didn't want to interrupt them, but she had no idea what to do. She walked towards them, before stopping and watching them, not sure whether to ask or not. She hovered behind them biting her lip, The boy asked the girl something about dorms and she responded sympathetically. Maybe he was new as well? Unsure what to do she waited. But some dust managed to get up her nose and she managed to hold it in a minute before sneezing, quite delicately actually.
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"What the fuck am I supposed to do with these cupcakes?" Dave thought as he awkwardly stood by the doorway, not sure what to do now.

"I think they're for eating, idiot" Ah. Of course. Sure he could save people the trouble of hearing Umbra's weird and sometimes even creepy rants, but he was never safe. He was always stuck with him, and honestly, he didn't mind that much, not anymore at least; it wasn't unusual for Umbra to make him smile or laugh with his sarcastic remarks, but he knew that other people wouldn't take it kindly like him.

Dave knew that offering people food was probably the wrong approach. Sure you could do so when you were a pretty pink haired girl, but it was probably safe to assume that people wouldn't take it the same way coming from a hoodied figure with a shadow for a face".

So he took a cupcake, and put the tray on one of the benches, and put a note that said "Take one" right next to them. "At least that way they won't go to waste". He then headed for the dorms.
Kaleb Justin Devereaux

Location; Gym

Mood; exasperated, curious

Tags: none

How he had been roped into setting up the sound system for the welcome assembly Kaleb had no idea... Actually no that wasnt true, he did know as he rarely said no when a teacher asked for his help with anything that had to do with electronics. Bent over the bundle of wires and cords Kaleb heard the voice of a girl yelling at .... a book? Ah no spell book since she kept ranting about a lack of an untying spell... why witches needed a spell for every little simple task always confused him.... wasnt it much easier to just... do the task yourself?

'Side tracked Kaleb focus' he though with a shake of his head as he felt a slight shock go through his hand. Shaking the appendage he straightened to his full height of 6'3, letting his blue/grey eyes scan the gym while ignoring the whispered words and giggles coming from a small group of sophmores to his far right. His sensitive ears picked up the end of the witch's rant and he turned his head to see her run off and... bump into another young woman and young man speaking by one of the gym entrances.

Curiouz Kaleb cocked his head to the side and focused on the three by the door, April, Calypso and David.... no wait David and Umbra?... ah the shadow yes he saw it now, though he was distracted when April conjured a plate of cupcakes then left in a whirlwind of pink hair. An involuntary chuckle left his lips and he shook his head. The girl was a handful and he made a mental note to stay away from her.... and David for that matter, he couldnt risk anything setting his wolf off.

'Ok enough stalling lets get back to work' he scolded himself with another shake of his head, turning back around and bent over to finish connecting the sound system


Location: Girl's Dormitory

Feeling: Excited

Hair Colour: Pink

April stood in front of a guy she didn't recognize, probably one of the new students, who asked her for directions to his dorm room. He looked so lost and nervous that she couldn't bring herself to scold him for being in the girls' dorms which was strictly off-limits to boys. She didn't particularly mind guys entering the girl's dorms as long as it was just for fun, she'd even helped some guys sneak in to meet their girlfriends. She was a hopeless romantic so it was fun for her to help bring two people together. She liked to think of herself as the resident cupid of the school. Though a lot of people just thought she was nosy. Not that the couples she helped were complaining. So being her normal self, she wanted to give the poor guy a tour to meet the girls in the dorm to see if there was another potential couple she could make. And she would would have if it weren't for the strict dorm head who was always patrolling around. 'Always restricting my fun,' she thought, pouting.

"Um....excuse me? "

The voice jolted her out of her thoughts. " Oh dorms, right. You're in the wrong building, by the way. Your dorms should be on the other side of campus. Once you're there, go up to the 3rd floor and just go straight down the hallway. Your room should be the one on the right. You might want to cover your nose before you enter the building. And your eyes too on really bad days."


"Let's just say, its nowhere near as clean as this," she said gesturing to her surroundings. Boys dorms in normal human schools were bad and most girls expected that the ones in St Lucifer's would be even more so. If only they knew. How April knew however, well, let's just say her dorm infiltration operations weren't limited to the girls dorms.

" And for your own sake, you might want to leave this place," she felt shivers remembering what happened to the last guy who was caught, "pronto."

April's voice was grim and there was a feeling of dread in the air.

"A crea dou? benzi de cap partid!" Both their heads glimmered and formed a shape on their heads. When the sparkles dispersed, they were both wearing headbands with the word party on them.

And just like that the heavy atmosphere disappeared.

"Welcome to St Lucifers! I'm April. It's a little different here but it's pretty fun. Everyday's a party!" she said pointing to her headband. The boy looked slightly miffed but so did everyone who met her at the start.

"Achoo!" April turned behind to see a red-haired girl standing behind them, looking shy and nervous.

"Nice to meet you too! Unlike him, you're in the right place. But since you two are in the same year, why don't you get to know each other. Well see you guys around!"

And then she was gone.

  • Mood: Interested
  • Location: Girls Dorms
  • Tags: @SivOmega

Ember stood still, wondering what to do. Should she say anything, or just walk away? Should she create an image or just be friendly? So these were the girls dorms... but which one was hers? She looked at her number. 921. And she was standing next to... 579. Excellent. This would be fun.

The pink haired girl had completely left her, with no instructions at all. And this guy was standing there looking at her. Uhm. Hadn't the girl said he was new too? She decided to play it cool, not overly friendly, but not rude either. She looked him up and down, for effect. She had already seen him, but it was supposed to give the impression of being tough, and not a weakling to be picked off right away. Yay Psychology! Right? He seemed alright. He was well dressed though. Interesting.

"So what do you do? Anything particularly cool?" She asked in a disinterested tone. That again, would add to the image she was hoping to create. She had social skills, but wasn't overly friendly, or a pushover. Plus, she was curious. Everyone here was supposed to do cool stuff. Like... being able to shapeshift. Maybe there was someone else like her? Or maybe not. You didn't exactly meet a half Phoenix every day. She looked him in the eye, shifting her weight onto one leg and folding her arms, waiting for a response.
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  • Aeryn tapped her foot impatiently at the foot of the stairs, near the front door. It had to be Drew that was late. Aeryn had been organised, packed weeks before. All she had to do that morning was adorn the light blue lace dress her mother had left out for her, and do her hair and make up. Aeryn wore her hair in a fishtail braid, tying it at the bottom with a ribbon that matched her dress.

    "Come on Drew!" Aeryn yelled up the stairs at her sister. "We're going to be late!" Her case was already on the trailer of Purcell, her horse. Purcell was a dapple grey mare, fast and reliable. She wasn't the strongest, but Aeryn always packed lightly so that wasn't an issue. Named after composer Henry Purcell, Aeryn's mare was taller than Drew's. That was needed, due to Aeryn's height.

    As Drew ran down the stairs, Aeryn donned a disappointed expression. She had been waiting for nearly half an hour for her sister, who had only gotten out of bed not long before. "Bye ma, bye pa. See you in the summer." She beamed at her parents, almost dragging Drew out of the door. "You ready Drew?"

    After the twins had reached the school, they had the issue of sorting out their horses. Part of Aeryn wanted to take the horses with them, but it was a bad idea. If the horses got spooked, the could injure someone. Especially Purcell, who had an affinity for getting very afraid. She tied the reigns of her horse around the post Drew had created, before taking her case from the trailer.

    Aeryn lead the way. Her sister was useess with directions, and to avoid them getting lost Aeryn decided she was better off leading the way. The gym was where they headed, Aeryn having decided that's where most people would be. They were a little late, but that was okay. At least she figured it would be.

    She pushed open the doors of the gym and walked in, letting Drew take the lead this time. This was the other girl's area of expertise, socialising.
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Aran Eric King


Mood: Chatty (lol I don't even know)

Tags: @SassyAndroidSera

Location: Girls' Dormitory

As fast as the pink-haired girl appeared, just as fast she also disappeared. Aran repeated in his head '3rd floor, end of the corridor, 3rd floor..' He completely missed the fact that he was in the girl's dorm and took a bit of time to process all the information the young woman had given him. 'I shouldn't have problems living in a dirty dorm room, considering what the place I lived in before was like,' Aran thought. April didn't really leave any huge impression on him. You can't judge a personality after meeting them once after all. He was also given this awkward party hat thing. He immediately took it off when April had left, removed his hat, ruffled his hair slightly and put his hat back on. After all, looking good is important.

Aran was left with the red-haired sneezing girl. "First of all - Hello, my name's Aran. I can play the guitar, if that's cool to you," he said with a smile, pointing at the large guitar case on his back. The girl seemed friendly, but slightly awkward. She seemed like someone who he could make friends with. She didn't look like she was a senior either, so that was nice too. "I also used to have a job at a moving company. That's not all that cool though," Aran sighed, remembering his hard past of having around three jobs at once. "Anyway, what's your name? Do you have any hobbies?"

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  • Mood: Interested
  • Location: Girls Dorms
  • Tags: @SivOmega

Ember rolled her eyes slightly. She had meant magical skills, but it was whatever. She considered the question. Did she have any hobbies> Not really... well, she liked running in her spare time, but did that really class as a hobby. Tripping and occasionally setting fire to small twigs on the ground wasn't most peoples definition of a hobby.

"My name is Ember. I'm new here too. And no. Unless you count being a pyromaniac a hobby I don't really have one. I run a little, but not particularly well. Also, do you by any chance know where the gym is? I wanted to go there once I have chucked my stuff in my dorm." He looked like he knew what he was doing. Well. More so than her at least. She pulled the blackened pieces of paper from her pocket, wishing there was a map. She wasn't good with directions.

She looked at him again. He was wearing really warm clothes, surely he must be baking. He looked super refined, while she stood there in a belly top and shorts. Oh well.
"Arent you warm in that jumper? I know I am, and youre wearing double the amount of clothes."As if to emphasize her point, her shoelace lit on fire, only a small one though. She bent down and clutched it in her fist extinguishing it quickly. Anyway, if he knew where the hall is, she should head in that direction. Someone there could point her to her dorm,or maybe she would find it along the way.
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Aran Eric King


Mood: Interested

Tags: @SassyAndroidSera

Location: Girls' Dormitory

"I'm used to being this hot," Aran said as laughter followed his terrible pun. To be honest, next to working eight hours on a construction site in 80 degree weather while wearing a suit, this was nothing to him. His co-workers did laugh at him, but it was all for the cost of looking nice. An occasional discomfort is not that bad. At least for Aran it's not.

"Pyromaniac.. That's pretty neat," Aran tilted his head, slightly interested in what species Ember could be. Perhaps something close to a human like himself? Unlikely, but possible. She didn't look like those odd monsters he saw in the alleyway before after all. Aran was relieved by the fact that she confirmed that she was a newbie too. "About the gym, I think it's at the left wing. I scouted past it before. Now, if I gave you wrong information, don't blame me. I have no navigation skills whatsoever," Aran snickered. "I should go to my dorm too now. I'll remember your name Ember. See you at the greeting party at the gym later," Aran smiled. He turned around as the image warped slightly and gone he was. He thought this time teleporting would be slightly more practical. Nobody would look at him oddly in this school, since everyone's weird like this, so he was pleased that he no longer had to walk as much as he usually would've.

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  • Mood: Nervous
  • Location: Gym
  • Tags: None

Ember rolled her eyes at the pun. He seemed to be thinking about something. She wondered what was going on in his head. Most people at the school probably had some kind of backstory. She wondered what his was...Anyway. He was saying something else now. Left wing... so that would logically be to the left ,right? He didn't sound too certain, but it was better than anything else she had to go off. At that point he vanished. Hmm. What could he do... Invisibility? Time freezing? Teleporting?

She turned to the corridor on her left and started walking. This corridor was quite large, so hopefully this was the right direction. Still towing her case, her arm was starting to ache. She continued walking though, watching the little dorm plaques grow larger. She could see some corridors leading off to the side, but was only in the 750s. She continued. This place was huge. She reached 900, and looked aound to see if she was in the right area. She found a corridor to the side marked '920s'. Perfect. She walked down a little way and found it. 921. She slid her key into the door, and it unlocked with a click. She peered inside. It was quite drab with plain walls, a dresser and a bed. Could she decorate? It would be awesome to paint her trademark flames on the walls, as well as changing the covers on her bed. Oh well. She dumped her case on top of the dresser, but first taking her gloves and putting them into her pocket, just in case.. She could unpack later.

She left the room, taking only her key, and locked the door. She continued down the hall and found a door outside. Must be a courtyard of some sort. She saw some decorations adorning one building. That must be the hall! She was finally there! She walked inside and her jaw dropped at the people on the hall. They were all so different! She was a bit too emotional, and her shoelaces both burst into flame again, more violently than before. She bent down to put them out, but a nearby banner caught alight too. Nonononono. The fire was spreading, but it wasn't far. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and patted the fire out it didn't spread too much. As she patted it, some seeped back into her palme. That was new. Cool. Now the fire was out she turnedback around, hoping nobody had seen her light the decorations on fire...
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.3d0ca6c7a8f90f7b778d64715521a342.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.3d0ca6c7a8f90f7b778d64715521a342.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Interaction:@Fantasy Addict

Side Note:the ring around her eyes is still golden from her wolf pushing out from the loud sound of the gem breaking

Echo walked back to the gym leaving the twin terrors by themselves she wanted to see who else was here she knew where her dorm was anyways seeing as she gets the same one every year, she walked into the gym and looked around so many different people she could never get over how many different types of monsters there were she saw sparks fly from the dj set up and quickly went over there to see what had happened and as she looked over the set up she saw a boy working on it, she remembered seeing him around last year but never caught his name, "hello? do you need any help?" she asked softly.



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Shrinikin had walked into the school " what....what is this place?" Shrinkin asked as she put her ear buds in and turned on the song king. and began exploring around, Shrinikin had been exploring for a while and didnt know what else to do but just sit and wait for a bit. @anyonee


Kaleb Justin Devereaux

Location: Gym

Feeling: slight pain in the head, awkward


'Had he not had his head under the table concentrating on fixing a frayed wire he had found, Kaleb would have heard someone approaching his back... however since that wasn't the case he jumped when he heard a female voice causing him to whack the top of his head on the table. He let fly some curses in French as he backed out from under the table then stood, running a hand through his messy blonde hair to try and sooth the throbbing in his skull.

He turned to see who had spoken to him and he blinked in surprise. The female lycan, Kaleb remembered seeing her around the school last year, though he tended to avoid his kind.... well and anyone else for that matter. "Uh.... No Im almost done setting this up" he said awkwardly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.855d1062f9861e10a105df2919922050.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.855d1062f9861e10a105df2919922050.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Tagged:@fantasy addict

Side Note:

"Okay, so are you okay you seemed to have bumped your head,"she said softly she smelt there air but couldn't sense what type of monster he was with all the other monsters sents around, she frowned a crinkle in her forehead showing.



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Kaleb Justin Devereaux

Location: Gym

Feeling: embarrassed

Tags: @DreamCatcher99

"Im fine really" he muttered still embarrassed and awkward. "I get distracted when I get around electronics... and books, I tend to just lose myself so easily so I don't pay attention to my surrounding and.... Im babbling sorry" he cleared his throat and looked away.

He wasnt use to speaking to anyone, much less someone whom he had watched from afar for the entirety of last year

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Tagged:@fantasy addict

Side Note:

Echo chuckled at him and smiled putting out her hand for him to shake, "My name is Echo and i tend to ramble also" she said sweetly. " i like your hair by the way its nice and it looks soft, what type of products do you use could i help? yea see there i go" she said laughing.
Kaleb Justin Devereaux

Location: Gym

Feeling: bashful

Tags: @DreamCatcher99

He bit his tongue to stop from blabbing 'I know who you are Echo', this was already incredibly embarrassing as it was. It also didnt help that the other sophmores and seniors were stairing at him and Echo in shock since he avoid socializing like it was the plague.

Talk you idiot dont just gawk at her!' A rumbled voice growled in his mind, his wolf. "Kaleb" he blurted then mentally winced at the huff of laughter that came from his beast, "product? I don't... oh my hair right.... I dont use product actually, it has a mind of its own actually. The only time it's tame is when Im in wolf form"

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