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Dice St. Brigid's Academy for Wayward Stars (Princess: The Hopeful, CoD)


Lazy Seer
Post sheets or links to sheets here. Keep in mind the ST runs a Linux laptop and relies on her Android.
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I am gonna presume this is where we put sheets until told otherwise. And edit this when I pick out Charms, Aspirations, and XP.

Alexander "Sasha" Roberts

Champion and/or Troubadour, Court of Tears

Nurturing / Righteous // Indecisive


Str * Dex *** Sta ***

Pre *** Man ** Com ***

Int ** Wits ** Res **


Academics **

Crafts *

Science *

Athletics *

Brawl ***

Larceny *

Stealth *

Weaponry *

Empathy ***

Expression ***

Persuasion *

Socialize *

Streetwise **

Subterfuge *


Crafts (Sewing)

Expression (Dancing)

Expression (Singing)

Init6 Def5 Spd9 | Belief 7

Willpower- 5/5 | Health [][][][][] [][][]

Inner Light 1 | Wisps /

Beats: 0 -> XP: 20 / Spent XP: 0


Allies (Nuns) *

Circle **

Defensive Combat (Brawl) *

Entwined Destiny ***

Second Calling **

Striking Looks *


Aria *

Lacrima *

Terra *


+5, 2 Calling






Bejewelled Visage

Upgrade: Profuse

Open Heart

Notes and Expanded

Age: 16.


Allies (Nuns) *

The ex-flapper.

Circle **

Friends, roommates. The fact that he technically still has a relationship with his father.

Defensive Combat (Brawl) *

Use Brawl instead of Athletics to calculate Defense.

Entwined Destiny ***

Magical rivalmance? :D

Fighting Style: Street Fighting !

Not purchased yet.

Fluff, Aspirations, and Breaking Points



XP Expenditures:

None yet.
Aight, here goes.


    Courtless Mender

    Virtues: Conviction/Compassion

    Vice: Selfishness

    Birthday: May 2, 1952

    Age: 15


    • Find Mother
    • Make sense of this reincarnation ordeal
    • Make her own family
    • Happiness for those she calls "Family"
    • She remembers the last person she talked to being awfully on edge. Hopefully she's alright...

    Breaking Points

    • Utterly ruining someone's family
    • Witnessing someone becoming an orphan the way she did
    • Being considered a traitor to her country/friends/family

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Name: Genevieve Vanderbilt

Age: 15

Calling: Troubadour

Court: Mirrors

Transformed Identity: Belle Reine des Voleurs (Beautiful Queen of Thieves)

Appearance (normal): Genevieve stands at 5’5”, with ringlets of red hair framing her face. She has pale skin and freckles, and bright green eyes. At fifteen she’s still growing into her body, and while she does have some curves, she finds puberty to be awkward and uncooperative for her. She disguises this as best she can with designer fashions and high-heeled shoes, and waits for her body to hurry up and settle into its’ final form. She speaks with a flawless French accent.

Appearance (transformed): Transformed, Genevieve is a totally different person. She stands at 6’2”. Her hair is long, straight, and a glossy midnight-black. Her eyes are purple with golden flecks. Her already pale skin becomes ghostly white, set off by red, full lips usually curled in a smirk of some sort. She wears a form fitting catsuit of bright white, which shows off the ample curves of her new form. When “on the job” she wears a white domino mask. She also has a crown of platinum and electrum, inlaid with pearls and diamonds. She wears matching bracelets, gloves of white silk, and a pearl belt inset with emeralds and sapphires. She moves with elegance and grace at all times.

History: Go anywhere in New England and you’ll hear the name Vanderbilt. Genevieve’s family history goes back to the American Revolution. Todd Vanderbilt was a Massachusetts land baron who had bought up the land seized from retreating British after the War of Independence (in which he’d fought as a lieutenant-colonel). His farms were highly productive, and when the Industrial Revolution came along, he built a textile empire that rivaled any in the South. The Vanderbilt line maintained and built on those successes in the next two centuries. They supplied clothes and money to the Union in the Civil War and to the U.S. in World War One. In World War Two they converted their factories to produce munitions. Vanderbilt men served with pride in all those conflicts, and many earned medals and commissions.

James Vanderbilt the Third and his wife Sophie produced the latest generation of Vanderbilts in 1952, with the birth of their daughter Genevieve. James was a high-ranking officer in the U.S. military who fought in D-Day, and married a woman from the newly-liberated France that he had met during his service time, bringing her back to the States with him. It was a love match, but also a well-calculated means of increasing wealth. Sophie’s family owns considerable vineyards and a successful international winery business after all. And if James wasn’t best pleased to have a daughter instead of the namesake boy he’d always wanted, he couldn’t stay mad at seeing Sophie’s joy.

Genevieve grew up in the lap of luxury, but she’d be the first to tell you that luxury isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Oh sure, she grew up with all the luxuries. Big fancy house, chaffeur, more servants than you could shake a wad of cash at, all those things. And yet Genevieve has never been satisfied. The things were just there. They didn’t make up for what she lacked.

As a child Genevieve was withdrawn. Bookish. She could spend hours in a good book and her imagination. Her parents decided this would not do. As the daughter of high society, there were social expectations. They needed a social butterfly, not a bookworm. James and Sophie were relentless in their passive-aggressive (and sometimes just aggressive) criticism. They compared her to her female relatives on both sides of the family, who were almost uniformly social mavens and community leaders. Her parents made it plain from an early age: be what we want you to be. Our love is based on you meeting our expectations. So she did.

She became the pretty, perfect, popular girl her parents demanded. She choked down her crippling distaste for social interaction and became what was expected. And every day, as her parents fussed and prodded and remade her outwardly to their perfect socialite, she internally rebelled as best she could. When she was younger it was by secretly making fun of what her parents took oh-so-seriously. As she grew older she began to lash out in different ways. Petty bullying and social maneuvering came first. Her parents didn’t mind. Sophie was an accomplished social manipulator and a high-brow bully in her own right. By her early teens, Genevieve was tired of simply pushing around her peers.

One of her clique of high-class girls (the Gennies as most in her prep school knew them) shoplifted some makeup from a salon on a dare. That intrigued Genevieve. She learned how the girl had done it, and copied her. At first it was just a lark. A little makeup here. A dress there. Nothing that she couldn’t afford herself of course. It was new, novel, and a rebellion against her overbearing parents. The more she did it, the more she liked it. It was fun to get away with things. To be sneaky and unaccountable. She got the rest of the Gennies into it as well and pretty soon had her own gang going. Of course, petty shoplifting wasn’t enough of a thrill. Pretty soon they were planning bigger jobs. Robbing mansions and department stores. Making off with hundreds, even thousands of dollars worth of property. It wasn’t even about the money, but the thrill.

Everything changed one night in 1965. The Gennies had targeted a mayoral candidate whose obnoxious blustering about ending the crime wave had offended their sensibilities. They were robbing his home one night, pocketing a small fortune in jewels and cash, when Genevieve stumbled across something in the basement. Or rather, several somethings. Strange men and women who wore dark robes and were whispering. Getting as close as she dared, she overheard them plotting. They were going to unleash creatures called “Darkened” to assassinate the candidate’s political rivals, then frame up the police chief and sow chaos in the community. She might be a thief, but she couldn’t allow murder. On an impulse she couldn’t name, she burst into the room and confronted the conspirators.

She should have died. She was a teenage girl alone and unarmed against six people. But somehow she grabbed a gun and a force ran through her. She didn’t realize it, but she Blossomed in that dark basement. Her newfound power and some quick thinking let her outmaneuver and then shoot down the Darkened. The noise drew down the other Gennies, who marveled at what their leader had become. She got them out, and told him what she’d found out. They might not have believed her if they hadn’t seen the climax of the battle against the things. Afterwards, she swore them to secrecy. One of the Gennies suggested that other creatures like them might be in the world, and they should do something about it.

Genevieve wasn’t sure, until she received the visitation by the Queen of Mirrors later that night. She was in her bedroom, still trying to process what had happened, when the Queen spoke to her through her vanity mirror. Or at least, seemed to. The actual visitation was like a dream, but what the Queen said appealed to her. She was the True Heir to an ancient Kingdom that had fallen but could be regained. And all she had to do was be herself and everything else would follow. She joined the Court of Mirrors that night, and ever since then, she and her Gennies have sought out and thwarted the schemes of the Darkened. These nights, she’s known as Belle Reine des Voleurs, the beautiful Queen of Thieves who strikes from the shadows. And she makes sure that she and hers profit from the misfortunes they inflict on the Darkened and other targets of choice.

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