Spy Games: Close to the Chest

Elle Joyner

Fracturer of Fairytales
((NOTE: The storyline has started, but I am still accepting characters. As of now there is room for 3 more))

For now, I'm looking for at least 10 characters. If you have already applied for a character but would like a second, this is fine, but please limit yourself to no more than two characters, so there's room for others!

Before applying, please be sure to read the rules and regulations.

To apply for a character please fill out the following form. While filling out these sheets, please take your time and use as much description as possible. Be creative!

To ensure that we have a realistic idea of what your character actually looks like, I ask that your stick to real images (no personal images/selfie) or gifs. If you need assistance with finding an image, please PM me.

I also ask for a writing sample at the foot of your skeleton - this is to ensure the best quality of roleplay for everyone involved. This does not need to be from your character, but can be from another RP/Story/etc, so long as it meets the 100 word minimum. That said, if you've already given me a writing example (either here or in another storyline I've created) there's no need to repeat the process.

Again... Don't forget to read the rules before posting your skeleton!


Full Name:


Shield Type:
(Which agency is your character employed by and what is their position?)


Occupational Skills:

(Who does your character claim to be to civilians?)

Height & Weight:

Physical description:






(A brief but detailed explanation of how they came to be where they are)

Appearance (Again, live models only, please):

Writing sample (At least 100 words):
Character Skeleton: Edith Montgomery


Full Name: Edith Faith Montgomery

Alias/Nickname: Eddy

Shield Type: C.I.A. – National Clandestine Services

Age: 25

Occupational Skills: Eddy is trained in undercover espionage, weapons (handguns, rifles, knives) and hand-to-hand combat (E4, Krav Maga). She speaks four languages, fluently (Russian, Spanish, Israeli and Arabic) and is in the process of learning Cantonese, Italian, German and French.

Cover:Eddy’s cover is a college student and part time barista.

Height & Weight: 5’6”, 125lbs.

Physical description: Eddy is small, but packs a punch. She has long, dark brown hair with light brown highlights, doe-like brown eyes, a strong jaw, slender frame, small curves and slight hands and feet.

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: A few scars here and there, but nothing noteworthy.

Personality: Eddy enjoys a good time. While she is all business on the job, she often jokes around and came be extremely sarcastic. Despite a difficult past and unconventional childhood, she refuses to be a victim and sees every circumstance as a learning opportunity.


Quirks/Habits: She enjoys nicknaming people, based entirely on first impression and has been known to promote those nicknames within her work community.

Weaknesses: She trusts, too easily and takes it extremely personally when that trust is betrayed. While she is excellent at her job she is uncomfortable with exploiting her femininity outside of work and can be apprehensive around men.

Strengths: Eddy is a quick learner and absorbs things like a sponge. She is a gifted fighter and proficient with firearms, but the majority of her skill-set lies in her ability to never need either in the course of a mission. She has one of the highest non-combative take-down records in her field, due simply to her aptitude for manipulating situations with strong resourcefulness and imaginative and in-depth cover identities.

Six months on a beach in So-Cal, soaking up rays and taking down bad guys? Count me in...

History: A typical recruit, orphaned at a young age, with very few contacts or personal connections, Eddy started out in the CIA straight out of high school. Trained from childhood in the Israeli martial art of Krav Maga, by a foster-uncle, she was already one step ahead of the game when she signed up, but proved incredibly adaptable and eager to learn.

During the course of only a few short months she showed extreme promise and was transferred to the NCS division, where she received extensive training for covert anti-terrorism and counter-intelligence.

Three years into the job, due to her proficiency and dedication, Eddy was selected for a special task force – a team of multiple agencies, all kept under one roof for the purpose of collaborating to bring down a suspected West Coast terrorism organization.

Encouraged by her senior officer, she joined the team and embarked immediately for Southern California.

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Full Name:Charles Timothy House

Alias/Nickname: Charlie or House

Shield Type: CIA NOC Agent or Non-official cover Agent

Age: Twenty-Six

Occupational Skills: Charles has gained many skills in this job over the years. These skills range from the ability to drive exceptionally well to knowing six different languages (Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean). However, his most notable skills lie withing the region of combat. Charles is know in the Agency for being one of the best in terms of hand-to-hand combat. His skills with fire arms is also very good, but not nearly as good as his hand-to-hand combat and investigative skills. His investigative skills is the reason why he's working for the CIA at such a young age. During his time in the Army, Charles lead many operations and spent much of his time investigating and capturing enemies. There, he made a name of himself which is what caught the CIA's eye and led to his recruitment.

Cover: Charles James Price, a college student who works at a bar as a bartender

Height & Weight: 6'0 and 163lbs

Physical description: Charles has smooth, black hair with dark green eyes. He's in great physical condition so naturally he's very mucular. He has wide shoulder and a squared (but not ridiculously so) jaw

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: Charles has multiple scars in his chest and back as well as one small scar on the right side of his chin. He also has a service tattoo from his time in the Army on his right upper arm.

Personality: Most would agree that the best way to explain Charles is confident, intelligent, and lighthearted. Unlike most in his profession, he strays away from being cold and prefers to bring a lighter mood to whatever he's doing. However, this does not mean thst he isn't serious as well. Charles might be seen cracking the ocassional joke on a mission or using his natural charm in a humorous way, but he does this to help whoever he happens to be working with to make sure they stay relaxed. Many would assume that he doesn't take anything seriously because he's always calm and collected never panicking which makes it seem like he doesn't care. That is not true, Charles simply believes that letting your emotions get the best of you keeps you from thinking clearly.

Quirks/Habits: Charles has a bad habit of smoking and chewing on his lip. Constantly you,ll see him chew on his lip as he tries to think a way out of a situation. He also has a quirk of stealing things due to old habit from his younger years. Most of the time, he does it to get a lqugh out of everyone as he hands back the original owner's posessions. However, many times Charles has found himsels taking subconciously taking someone's wallet or phone.

Weaknesses: Children, women, and animals. He also doesn't care much for authority or rules which can get him in trouble

Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat, adaptive, intelligent, and he also has a way with words

History: Charles was born in Manhattan, New York. His mother died giving birth to him and his father was part of the Mafia. Growing up, he didn't exactly live the "American Dream" life. By the age of seven he had already began life as a criminal by constantly following his father as he went about his day and did things for the Mafia. This meant that from a young age Charles new how to pickpocket, con, and even pick a lock. However, everything changed when he became a teenager. He began seeing all the wrongs he had done and the kind of man his father truly was. So at the age of seventeen, Charles joined the United States Army. Charles became a very good soldier, he even became an Airborne Ranger after several tours at the age of twenty. Past that, his life in the military became all about secret missions and top secret files. After only three years with the Rangers, Charles was recruited by the CIA

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/whitecollar_charactergallery_neal_01.jpg.cb4bd361d538b5c429115be75b94c683.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/whitecollar_charactergallery_neal_01.jpg.cb4bd361d538b5c429115be75b94c683.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Writing sample: Somewhere in Russia, Charles sat in a public train a newspaper in front of him as he sipped on cofee. A pair of horn rimmed glasses hung on the bridge of his nose as he pretend to read the paper. His mission was a simply one today, restrain and capture a man by the name of Vladmir Golov who had once been an ally of the Agency until he sold intelligence of them to an enemy.

Vladmir sat two seats in front of Charles and on each of his sides sate two large men. Clearly they were hired bodygaurds. After all, Vladmir knew the CIA was coming to get him soon for what he did. Looking around the room franticallt, Vladmir looked for any signs of the Agency. His darted ound the room, having no idea that the businessman reading the paper was sent to capture him.

Charles discretely kept his eyes on Vladmir, making sure nothing out of the ordinary was occuring. You see, all that Charles really have to do is sit and wait until Vladmir got off at his stop where a group of agents were going to be waiting for him. However, Charles' hopes that things would go smoothly were shattered as Vladmir recieved a call. Luckily, a bug had been planted on his phone and Charles had heard the entire conversation. It seemed that someone spotted his Agents and now Vladmir sit still when his stop came. The doors close and he skipped his stop completely. Now it was time for Plan B.

Charles stood up with his coffee and walked towards Vladmir's seat, pretending to be changing seats. Wheneer he reached his seat, Charles spilled his cofee on one of his bodygaurds. Apologies in Russian flew out of his mouth and while one gaurd worried about the burning coffee he punched the other, knocking hims out cold. The other gaurd, with coffee on him, tried to react but before he could he was also out cold.

Grabbing Vladmir by his shirt, Charles made his way through the train people around him screaming and shouting out questions. He had to move fast of they would miss where Charles' agents had repositioned. He opened the door on the roof of the train and dragged Vladmir out. They laid on the roof, Vladmir shaking with fear as Charles waited for the correct moment. Seeing his agents in the near distance, Charles stood up, pulling Vladmir up with him as well and pushed him off of the roof of the train jumping off behind him.

They landed on the floor and rolled scratched and bruised, specifficaly Vladmir who had been thrown off. Charles' agents detained Vladmir and treated to his wounds. Liping away without a word to his agents, Charles went off to sleep of the accomplished mission.



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Daciana Arteine

The Shadow


  • Full Name:

    Daciana Arteine

    (Dah-see-ah-nuh Are-tea-in-aye)


    Shadow (Alias)

    Daci [pronounced Dah-see](Nickname)







    Sexual Orientation:


    Height & Weight:

    5'6"||118 lbs

    Physical description:

    The first word that comes to mind when looking at Daciana is delicate, a word that if voiced usually will lead to a punch in the gut. Daciana is slender with tan skin and long black hair that fades to a brownish copper hue at the bottom. Her eyes are a deep greyish blue and almond shaped fringed by thick lashes. She has small but delicately curved lips and a gentle soft face. Despite her small size the majority of her weight is lean muscle and she won't hesitate to prove her strength through physical means if called to question. She is rather curvy despite her slim waist and long legs and is what most people refer to as "pretty" though she could care less.


    She has a long scar across her abdomen that runs across her navel and diagonally to the swell of the right side of her hip. She has a tattoo of a dragon surrounded by roses and lotus on her back and tattoo of the Grim Reaper on her left leg. She also has about five piercings (two at the lobe and three in the cartilage) in each ear.



Kiera Sampson

US Cyber Command

DOB: 14th April 1987 | 28yo.

Occupation: Intelligence Operative

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 112 lbs.


Physical Description

Kiera has a slender but athletic physique which she achieved after years of training and missions in the field. She has delicate skin that has a few scars from various physical altercations but none that are particularly hideous or visible; the most notable is the scar of a gun shot wound on her lower abdomen. Usually tied up in the field, Kiera's hair is lusciously wavy and of a brunette, almost dark brown colour; matching her eyes. She has high cheek bones that make her the perfect candidate for missions that involve seduction and she has often used her appearance to gain the upper hand in combat.


As far as her family and close friends know, Kiera is a full time employee of Carter Wright Logistics, a very prestigious company that provides security for banks and other high profile businesses. This isn't too far-fetched because those that really know Kiera, know that she's a tech whiz.

Occupational Skills

As for most agencies, Kiera has gone through a series of rigorous training modules that were intended to make her an excellent field operative. Though not graduating at the top of her class, Kiera came in a close third and was by far the most improved. Kiera seemed to excel in close-quarters-combat, firearms [specifically handguns] and smaller weapons, including knives. She is in peak physical condition and gifted with a natural understanding with computers. Though not skilled enough to work as a technician or a member of Operations, Kiera is still considered a technological genius to the average Joe.



To those that meet Kiera for the first time, she may come off as cold and distant, but that's only until she becomes comfortable. She has never been one to trust other agents, even those that work alongside her. This is due to a friend defecting and joining the enemy, something that hurt her on a very personal level. Despite this, Kiera is a very laid back and calm person who thrives off of hectic situations opposed to becoming hindered by them.


After every mission without fail, Kiera has a cold beer and slice of banoffee pie from the bakery around the corner of her apartment. It was the same routine her father had and since his passing, it's how she honours him. Aside from that, the onlu quirk that Kiera has is biting her lip when she thinks.

Weaknesses: far too quick to turn violence | inability to know when to back down

Strengths: technological genius | combat skills | intellect


Kiera grew up in a very loving household with her two sisters, mother and father. They did everything together and were very close-knit, always making sure that the others were having a good day. As the daughters got older and moved out, it came to only Kiera visiting her parents on a daily basis. This was what allowed Kiera to really get to know what her father did for a living, and almost came across it by accident. So after that, Kiera devoted her time to achieving a position at the CIA. However, after failing the entry exam three times, her father suggested that she give up and try to use her other talents. This is how Kiera was introduced to the US Cyber Command, where she was employed to train as a field operative.


"Visitor" | Writing Sample

"Freya enters Zeke's simulation"




Within the large room that serves as Operations, only the symphony of steady breathing and fingers drifting over keyboards can be heard. Though housing more than twenty five computers, only one is turned on and displays a series of complicated calculations. Staring into the screen with a pair of horn rimmed glasses at the end of his nose is Zeke, a bushy haired technical genius. His skin is tan despite his lack of adventures in the sun and the sleeves of his woollen cardigans conceal his wrists and knuckles.

"Are you ready to slay some monsters?" Zeke leans back against the thin cushion of his wheeled chair and flexes his fingers. He looks over the top of his screen at a slim physique expertly shifting in and out of a defensive stance. Her black hair falls in loose curls down her back, neatly tied at the back of her skull with a band. Her arms are raised in front of her face, fists balled and prepared to strike. With the sudden address, she turns and raises an eyebrow in Zeke's direction. "Okay, okay. You don't have to say it." Zeke shakes his head. "Just play the simulation, nerd." He says the words in a mocking tone, repeating the words he's heard many times before.

After several more keystrokes, Zeke pushes his chair back with his feet and stands. He shuffles across the floor and raises his hand, signalling for the young woman to take a seat. To his right is a lengthy metal chair, with two arm rests and a large headrest encompassed by protruding circle. She obliges and doesn't say anything, swiftly taking a seat and leaning her head back. "You've done this before, so I don't have to tell you not to move until you feel yourself standing." Zeke moves behind the chair and begins reaching for an entanglement of wires, each a different colour. Some are a deep shade of green, others a pale blue and a single, very large red one. Each of them fit effortlessly into various ports, all of them having a different function.

As Zeke plugs the final wire into the chair, a small glass visor is released from the protruding circles and covers the entirety of the girls face. With each shallow breath a small cloud of mist hits the glass and she clears her throat, shifting slightly to attempt to achieve some comfort. "Starting the simulation..." Zeke pauses before heading back to his computer and pressing several more keys. "Now." Suddenly a lengthy screen descends from an opening in the ceiling and a small, dusty field is displayed.

As the girl closes her eyes the sudden sensation that she is falling causes her to flinch subtly. The darkness that consumes her vision begins to slowly morph and change, bending in a variety of shapes that eventually create the field that is shown on the screen.

"Freya, can you hear me?" Zeke's voice resonates through the field like a gentle breeze. Freya stands in the centre of a cropped clearing, the outer edges decorated with dry, wild grass. Freya nods slightly as he eyes rapidly move from one direction to the other. Until she analyses every inch of the clearing, she relaxes slightly but doesn't compromise her now offensive stance. "Initiating combat practice 012." As soon as Zeke finishes speaking, a guttural growl tears its way through the breeze. It makes every hair of Freya's body stand to attention.

Half expecting the creature to appear from behind her, Freya turns and looks out to the south. Though instead of a dark, menacing silhouette, her gaze is met with only distant swaying trees. "That would be far too obvious." Freya thinks the words and almost immediately dives forward. Silently and expertly, standing where Freya was only moments ago is now a hench, gangly mess. It's at least 6'4" with matted fur and a horrifying humanoid build. It stands on hind legs, the small bones contracting and pulsing beneath its thin coat of fur. It resembles a modern werewolf, but with sharp, broken teeth that jut out in various directions. Saliva drips from its mouth, hitting the cut, dry grass before causing it sizzle. "Acid spit, Zeke? Really?" Freya says a little irritated, he was always implementing little perks to his creations.

Freya returns the stare that the monster gives her and grits her teeth. Instead of waiting for it to make the first move, she swiftly breaks into a run and steadies her breathing. Then, as the monster mimics the movement and charges, Freya allows all of her weight to descend, moving her body into a sliding motion. Her body travels beneath the creature and she looks up at it as it confusedly turns. Quickly getting to her knees, she moves to the left as the monster release a mucus filled spit ball. It narrowly misses her and she gets to her feet, rubbing her hands together as she does so.

Avoiding another few spit balls, Freya feels the familiar feeling of heat vibrating between her palms. Taking a deep breath and raising them outwards, she embraces the electricity that ignites every cell within her body and releases it. The electricity leaves her body and travels through the air in unpredictable, jagged movements; it illuminates the entire clearing until finally reaching its mark.

The wolf creature howls as its body is impacted with the searing heat of the fox fire. It claws at its deformed torso, desperate to relieve itself from the pain. As swift as its howls began, the creature falls silent and falls to its knees and then face down. Freya shakes her head. "It would have moved out of the way before being hit, Zeke. Do you actually read any of the reports I fill out after bringing in monsters?" Freya sighs and crumples her nose as the smell of burnt flesh and fur fills the air. "Zeke?" Freya calls to him after he fails to reply.

"Uhm, you might want to get out of there. It seems as though we have a visitor."
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Full Name: Jasmine Minamoto

Alias/Nickname: Minamoto Thunder

Shield Type: Diplomatic Security Service- Special Agent

Age: 25

Occupational Skills: As a Special Agent for the D.S.S, Jasmine is combat-proficient. A precise Marksman, she can make headshots from up to fifty yards away and rarely misses her intended target and displays proficiency in a wide range of Firearms, with Handguns and Sniper Rifles being her Strongpoints. In addition to her Hand to Hand Combat Training, Jasmine was a Martial Artist who held Black Belts in Judo (5th Degree), Karate (3rd Degree) and Jujitsu (1st Degree), which gives her an upper edge over other agents because she can incorporate her knowledge in Martial Arts into her Hand to Hand Combat Training. Although trained in Knife Combat, it is in fact one of her weaker areas and still needs improvement, but she makes up for it with her proficiency in Hand to Hand because she can disarm her opponents if she is quick enough. She is also multilingual and is able to speak up to four languages fluently; English, Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean. She is currently in the process of learning two more (Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese).

Cover: As she keeps her occupation as an Agent for the DSS classified, Jasmine lives a double life as a Volunteer Nurse who spends her time taking care of others, including but not limited to Cancer Patients, Leukemia Patients, Newborns, Pregnant Women and especially Disabled Veterans.

Height & Weight: 5' 4", 100 lbs.

Physical description: Jasmine is a young girl with an athletic build. She has brown hair which goes down to her back and chocolate brown eyes. Slender, but lean. Aside from a few battle scars, Jasmine has little to no body altercations or modifications.

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: Has up to at least six scars inflicted by knife wounds on her back, but that is covered up by a Tattoo. What her back tattoo represents is her cultural heritage.

Personality: Ever since she was a child, Jasmine has burned with a strong desire to protect and serve. As a friend, she is known for keeping an open door policy whenever her friends need someone to vent to, which shows that she is very nice and caring towards others, at least until they cross the line. While she is generally easygoing and lenient towards others, she can be quick to anger. While not dependent on others, Jasmine has indeed shown to be more timid then the average female and is quick to become emotional. She even admits that she can be quite the crybaby, because there are times where she is quick to burst into tears despite her resilience. Overall, she has a good heart.

Quirks/Habits: Although an excellent agent, Jasmine is a Loose Cannon armed with a Hot Temper, Smart Mouth and Itchy Trigger Finger. Whenever she gets angry, she can have a bad case of using vulgar language. Whenever she gets bored, she has the tendency to start singing, a habit she seems to have inherited from her late mother. If there is anything that can quickly anger her, it is when people ask or tease about her love life, her family and especially her Mother.

Weaknesses: Following her Mother's Death and her Father's Betrayal, Jasmine has extreme difficulty trusting others, even fellow agents and her own superiors. Although it seems unlikely, her emotions sometimes do get the best of her and impairs her focus on missions. When she is out for revenge, it is near impossible to change her mind. Her biggest weakness are the emotional wounds left in her heart, inflicted by her Mother's Passing and her own Father, which is why she gets really unhappy whenever people bring up the subject of her Mother and Family. Hostages also seem to be her worst nightmare on the job, especially if there are Children involved.

Strengths: In spite of all her weakness, Jasmine also has her strengths. Although her emotions can sometimes get the best of her, she is still able to focus on a mission at hand. Her Hand to Hand capability has shown to be much stronger then most other Agents in the D.S.S. Very nimble and flexible as well, Stealth is something that seems to come natural for her, even though it is not often that she is sent on espionage missions. A precise marksman, she rarely misses her intended target, because if she does miss, it is either on purpose or the wind speed changing direction.

History: Jasmine was born into a Working Class Family to loving parents. However, when she was in middle school, her parents divorced and she would end up staying with her Mother, whom she loves dearly. When her Father started dating again, Jasmine didn't even accept his Father's girlfriend and saw her as nothing more then a stranger who is trying to replace her Mother. Near the end of Middle School, Jasmine would end up getting expelled for getting into a fight with another girl over a boy that she had a crush on. When she moved in with her Father and his girlfriend, Jasmine was still not willing to accept her, which did upset her Father. Even a Father-Daughter talk failed to persuade her. After her first year in High School, her Father would kick her out after she got into an argument with her Stepmother, as her Father remarried midway through her Freshman Year. Feeling betrayed by her Father, mainly because he chose another woman over her, his own daughter, his own flesh and blood, she would kick her Father out of her life in retaliation after moving back in with her Mother. Her Junior Year would prove most stressful as her Mother would be diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Her hatred for her Father only got worse when her Mother passed away, which was not long after she graduated from College with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. After winning a Martial Arts Tournament, Jasmine would find herself being recruited into the Diplomatic Security Service. After passing an extensive evaluation process, she would find herself hired and sent to Georgia for training. Jasmine would then graduate top of her class, known by her superiors for her capability in Hand to Hand Combat, Proficiency with Firearms and Negotiating. Over the next four years, she would become one of the top Special Agents and was known for her work in Counter-Terrorism. Her dedication, commitment and skill would see her handpicked for a special task force made up of only the best that all US Government Agencies had to offer.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/MV5BMTU2MjgzNjY1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA4ODkxMTE@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.6fb67e0f33481eba4fb9ce5ed633303b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/MV5BMTU2MjgzNjY1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA4ODkxMTE@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.6fb67e0f33481eba4fb9ce5ed633303b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Writing sample (At least 100 words):

It has been four years since her Mother passed away and even longer since her Father had betrayed her. DSS Special Agent and Volunteer Nurse Jasmine Minamoto was just spending her days at a local hospital while awaiting another mission. However, above everything, Jasmine missed her Mother. Before going to the Hospital, she was in the Cemetery. Tears hit her eyes as she set down flowers on her Mother's Gravestone. "Oh Mom...I'd give anything for you to be here with me right now..." she wiped her eyes before leaving and heading to the Hospital. On the way there, she began singing because she was stuck in traffic. "I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house, that don't bother me, I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out...I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though goin' on with you gone still upsets me, there are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay, but that's not what gets me..." She had a habit of singing sad songs because her love life felt empty, over the past seven years, she's only dated twice. However, not like being a Government Agent helped her case. After the Traffic started speeding up, she received a call from her superiors. Afterwards, she would return to HQ, where she would learn that she was handpicked to join a Special Task Force made up of the best Agents the US Government had to offer. Feeling that this mission would have counter-terrorism written all over it, Minamoto Thunder was more then happy to be back in action.



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[QUOTE="Elle Joyner](( @Kawashima Thunder ))
Nicely done. Approved.

Yay! So when do we get this party started?
[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Yay! So when do we get this party started?

Won't be till at least next week - I wanna wait for a few more character sheets and then I gotta work on an intro.
Full Name: --------------- (Redacted) Cover: Dr. Dominic Guzzo

Alias/Nickname: "Dom", "Dr. G", "Guzzo", "The Doctor"

Shield Type:
CIA Operations Officer; attached to SOG (Special Operations Group) of SAD (Special Activities Division) a paramilitary off shoot whom are more dagger than cloak. Prior to that Army Counter Intelligence Officer MOS 35E

The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division in the United States Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) National Clandestine Service(NCS) responsible for covert operations known as "special activities". Within SAD there are two separate groups, SAD/SOG for tactical paramilitary operations and SAD/PAG for covert political action.

Special Operations Group (SOG) SOG is the department within SAD responsible for operations that include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the United States government. If they are compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may deny all knowledge.

SOG is generally considered the most secretive special operations force in the United States. The group selects operatives from other tier one special mission units such as Delta Force, DEVGRU and ISA, as well as other United States special operations forces, such as USNSWC, MARSOC, USASF and 24th STS.

Age: 28

Occupational Skills: Advanced Pursuit Driving, Hand to hand combat, and various other skills training at Langley; Advanced Marksman training (proficient in rifles, shotguns, handguns, and other projectiles) Sniper school and S.E.R.E. training in Fort Willington via Army; Explosives ordinance training via Army at Fort Huachuca; Jump school and Airborne ranger training via Army at Fort Benning, Psychological Operations training via Army at Fort Dix.

Height & Weight: 5'11 185

Physical description: Dark hair which he usually slicks back. Suits almost always unless he is on a job that requires other wise. Dark Brown eyes that are black like coal unless there is sufficient light.

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: No identifying marks

He doesn't like games, bullshit or unnecessary complications. He is very empathic and knows when people are lying to him. He is cool, calm, collected and very calculating.

Quirks/Habits: Always on time, he is very prompt and about business. He always checks and double checks his plans and hones his skills every day.

Weaknesses: He is in love with being in love, but it won't stop him from doing his job even if that means killing the ones he loves.

Strengths: Highly intelligent trained in many different areas he is a Jack of all trades master of none. The Leonardo Di Vinci of his time.

History (writing sample 100 words):

Dom was born into a middle-class family, living in a New York City townhouse with his mother, father, and brother. Their lives were normal, attending school or work, getting groceries, and coming home to have a sit down dinner and complete homework before going to bed. It was a simple life, one filled with wonders and trips to Coney Island during the Spring and Summer months of the year. For Dom life was difficult. Although school came easy he was a social outcast a ghost among any peers he may or may not of had.
His mother was really hard on him all his life. She pushed him to succeed at everything he did. She always said he was an idiot and never praised his merits, nothing was ever good enough. His father always treated him a little roughly, being a military dad and all, but he loved his son. Dom is also a bit a nutcase and off the wall being raised an army brat. He sought adventure in his banal life he wanted it to mean something. For his younger brother--Anthony--on the other hand, life was easy, liked by a variety of people throughout his neighborhood and public school system.

It all changed when Dom went off to college.

Having received a tuition to medschool via the Army's A-Med program Dominic was recruited into Military Intelligence afterwards due to his profession as a doctor which would allow him access to high priority targets as a counter intelligence officer. Just when he thought he was out--a
s per stipulation in his contract--he was reactivated and retrained. Finally when his years of service came to an end and he was approached by the CIA for recruitment due to his very unique skill set. It would seem retirement for Dom just wasn't an option...


(Again, live models only, please):


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Elle Joyner](( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5327-dividesbyzer0/ said:
@DividesByZer0[/URL] ))
Excellent work!! Really in depth. Definitely approved!
Full Name: Dmitri Makarov

Alias/Nickname: Macky

Shield Type: Russian GRU/SPETSNAZ


Occupational Skills: Weapons Expert, Hand to Hand Combat, Combat Trauma Medical Specialist, Explosives Expert.

Cover: John Compton

Height & Weight:6'0" 167lbs

Physical description:Has messy brown hair, that he keeps out of his eyes, with dark brown eyes. He wears jeans and t-shirts for casual wear and undercover work.

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: two old bullet wounds on the right side of his chest.

Personality: Off the job Macky is very relaxed and easy going. He tries to keep the mood light as much as he can. He thinks he is funny, and thinks he's good at picking up women, but in reality, he doesn't understand a lot of American sayings.

On the Job: He is extremely serious and quiet, and very proficient at what he does. Does not mind killing Women, but refuses to kill Children.

Quirks/Habits: Has a very clean US Southern Accent(Texas), but curses in Russian

Weaknesses: Children, will put friends and loved ones over the mission, can get angry fast and it will affect his thought process

Strengths:Expert at Weapons firing and maintenance. speaks fluent German, Russian, English and French with near perfect accents for specific regions, Almost anything Medical

History: Dmitri's Father was a KGB officer during the Cold War from 1974 until the USSR's collapse in 1991. His father never hid what he did from his only son, and as Dmitri grew, he was learning small tips and tricks from his father. In 2006, when Dmitri was 18 he enlisted in the Russian Federation's Military. He served 4 years as a medic before getting picked up by GRU. Dmitri was quickly turned toward the espionage side of GRU, however he has been apart of multiple SPETSNAZ missions over the last 4 years as well.

Currently, to improve American/Russian relations Dmitri is being sent as an adviser/to be advised to trade allowed information between the two governments. However, obviously, both governments have a list of what can be shared/not shared.


Writing sample (At least 100 words):

February 2014,

Dmitri was in the bell tower, his Dragunov was propped up by a bipod. He was cold, he hated being cold, which was bad for a Russian, because he was normally in cold places. He was bundled up, and should have been comfortable, but the tower was the high point and the wind was howling. He shivered and looked out at the rioters and sighed a little, they were just trying to make their government better, but he had orders and he would do what was necessary to an extent at least.

He sat up and pulled the Sniper rifle into the cradle of his shoulder and looked at the crowd one last time, and selected his target. They had a bright yellow jacket on as they yelled at the Ukrainian police. He squinted his left eye and looked through the high powered scope with his right. It was a man. He didn't know the man, he didn't know if he deserved to die, or if he was a loving father. None of that mattered. What mattered was expanding the borders of his beloved country. He opened both eyes and looked at the crowd again, and then back through the scope. He pulled the trigger, and didn't even acknowledge the kick of the rifle.

Two months later John Compton was sitting in First Class on his way to Virginia, he scratched the stubble on his chin, he wasn't used to it yet. Normally he kept it very clean shaven. The Stewardess walked down the aisle and looked at John.

"Drink, Pretzels, Peanuts, Cookie?" She smiled sweetly at him

"Coke, with Peanuts, please Miss." John grinned to her and winked, his Texan accent coming out lightly.

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