Spilt Personalties (Possible Yaoi)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Boyscarfsbeautiful.jpg.3219c27b5cf03483b8e7872a01bf56da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Boyscarfsbeautiful.jpg.3219c27b5cf03483b8e7872a01bf56da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Form

Name: Earl Ryder Hawthorne

Age: 15

Occupation: Earl of Hawthorne

Abilities: None

Sexuality: Homosexual / Uke

Personality: Ryder has a proud outlook of life, and will forcefully remove a person from existence if they dare damage his reputation. As a nobleman, Ryder usually places work before fun. Before the death of his parents, he would almost have a bright smile on his face whenever he spotted a person. Now, he rarely smiles truthfully or laughs. His self control is extremely powerful, as he had been trained how to keep the monster within him at bay. Ryder is sometimes described as, "Cold", "Emotionless", and "Non-Caring". He usually acts like he could handle any situation that hits him, even though he is extremely dependent on his butler, not being able to tie laces himself. He will fake his happiness if he had to greet visitors or anyone of higher standard. Underneath his cold exterior, Ryder does care about others, this could suggest he is a "Tsundere".

Background: Ryder had a fairly normal childhood, though he had developed an allergy of cats. He would often smile and laugh, being extremely playful. His parents adored the young boy, often taking him on holidays around Europe. This all changed on Ryder's eleventh birthday. Ryder's parents had been on a business trip to France, and Ryder had been taken care of by the servants in the Manor. Desperate to be able to see and hear their son, they rushed onto a boat to England and set sail. Ryder had been patiently waiting by the front doors for his beloved mother and father to open them and greet him with a hug. Meanwhile, the boat that Ryder's parents were travelling on, had sunk. Ryder, unknown to the fact that his parents had died, waited by the doors for three more days. Refusing to take any food or drink until his mother and father arrived. On the fourth day of Ryder's wait, the wooden doors burst open, as several masked figures barged inside. Ryder, now terrified, had fled from the doors and behind his maid; Victoria. Victoria immediately picked up the young boy and ran, out the garden and into the nearby forest. The men proceeded to murder all those inside the building, and soon realised the young Ryder wasn't in the building. Victoria had taken him deep into the large forest, holding Ryder close as she continued to run until she ran out of breathe. The men had been chasing after them as well, after they had successfully burnt down the Manor and everyone inside. Victoria dropped Ryder down onto the forest floor, as she leaned against an oak tree, unable to run any-more. Ryder began to cry, protesting on who were the men, and why weren't his parents here yet. Victoria urged the boy to run on without her, beginning to cry herself as Ryder denied. The men soon found them and killed Victoria. Ryder, hidden behind a nearby birch tree, began to sob as he watched. The men eventually found the boy and knocked him out. Once Ryder had regained consciousness, he had been placed on a wooden table. The men had brought him into an underground convent, preparing to sacrifice the male. The men then proceeded the place a spell on the Hawthorne Family Name, causing the next Earl or Countess to become a bloodthirsty monster every night. Ignoring Ryder's cries and sobs, they stabbed the boy several times. During this moment of hate and sadness, the boy managed to summon a demon. The demon asks Ryder if he would want his wishes granted, and of course, Ryder immediately agreed. In return for the boy's wishes, the demon would take his soul after the contract had been completed. Ryder made the wish to discover the ones who sunk the ship his parents were on and the ones who destroyed his Manor and killed everyone inside. The demon then proceeded to make a contract with the male, placing the seal of their contract on the base of Ryder's neck as Ryder continued to die. Once the contract had been placed, Ryder had recovered from his wounds. As the men attempted to recover from the shock, Ryder ordered his butler to slaughter all the men and bring him back to his home after. Once returned to his Manor, all that was left were ashes and corpses. This caused Ryder to burst into tears once more, before falling asleep on the green grass. During Ryder's sleep, the demon had rebuilt his Manor and refurnished everything, as if no-one had ever burnt it down.


  • He adores cats but is allergic.

  • He is afraid of the dark and dolls.

  • Only his butler knows of his "Monster" form and has been ordered to stop the other servants or anyone else from discovering.


Monster Form

Abilities: Ryder's Monster Form has the abilities to shape-shift into any creature he wishes. Usually chasing havoc if he decides to use this ability. He also can control fire, able to create fireballs or barriers of fire.

Personality: Ryder's Monster Form is usually mischievous and sly, also loves to tease his butler. The monster can usually be described as a troublemaker, when he's not off attempting to murder. His signature smirk is the first sign that he has developed a plan, possibly a murder. Ryder's Monster Form is quite flirtatious towards his butler, sometimes attempting to kiss the demon. Though, once he sets his eyes on a victim, he'll do anything to end the human.


  • He has bipolar disorder.
  • He owns a scythe, though doesn't show the weapon often.


Muffin~Tyrant]May I reserve the Opposing Earl? [/QUOTE] Sure~ [QUOTE=ForgottenBlood][FONT='Times New Roman'][COLOR=#cc99ff][I]Reserve cook for me.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [/QUOTE] Okie dokie.[DOUBLEPOST=1385153089][/DOUBLEPOST] [QUOTE="Micheal Embers]I'd like to reserve the butler. [/QUOTE] Alright said:


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Name- Lucius Arkwright

Age- 21

Occupation- Gardener of Hawthorne Royal Family.

Abilities- None.

Sexuality- Pansexual.

Personality- Lucius is a very lewd person, often making remarks about people in public in a very perverted sense. However, when in battle, he is very serious and talks very little. A self described "Playboy Inventor", Lucius loves to upgrade and invent new gear to use in his Assassin's inventory. Or, at least did. He takes pride in himself, his creations, and his status as Top Gardener.

Background- Lucius was the runt of the Arkwright litter of thirteen children. As the youngest child, he was bullied by his siblings and was constantly told to "toughen up". He was chased by a crowd of rowdy teens through the streets of London one day. Lucius learned he had a gift for dissapearing and sneaking, as he dodged and ducked from the bullies. Bu while he was hiding, he was approached by an eerie man covered in stitches. Lucius was then taken from his family and trained to enhance his natural skills into that of a cold-blooded Assassin. In his day, he and four other men were tasked with eliminating an underground society. Their targets were disguised as Prostitutes. Unfortunately on the mission, the assassin group's numbers dwindled from repeated failures. Lucius was soon the only one left, getting results. His murders were found, and he was nicknamed "The Ripper of London", more commonly known as Jack the Ripper. He was never found or charged with the murders. At the age of Seventeen, he retired and took his place upon a gardening job for the royal Hawthorne family. Of course, he kept his gear locked up tight in case he ever required it again.


-Enjoys Milk Tea, often drinking many cups a day.

-Is proficient in hand to hand combat, bladed combat, and even ranged combat.

-A master of Improvational weapons.

-Angers easily if you bring up his pointed teeth.

(Long live Earl Hawthorne!)
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Monokuma said:

Name- Lucius Arkwright

Age- 21

Occupation- Gardener of Hawthorne Royal Family.

Abilities- None.

Sexuality- Pansexual.

Personality- Lucius is a very lewd person, often making remarks about people in public in a very perverted sense. However, when in battle, he is very serious and talks very little. A self described "Playboy Inventor", Lucius loves to upgrade and invent new gear to use in his Assassin's inventory. Or, at least did. He takes pride in himself, his creations, and his status as Top Gardener.

Background- Lucius was the runt of the Arkwright litter of thirteen children. As the youngest child, he was bullied by his siblings and was constantly told to "toughen up". He was chased by a crowd of rowdy teens through the streets of London one day. Lucius learned he had a gift for dissapearing and sneaking, as he dodged and ducked from the bullies. Bu while he was hiding, he was approached by an eerie man covered in stitches. Lucius was then taken from his family and trained to enhance his natural skills into that of a cold-blooded Assassin. In his day, he and four other men were tasked with eliminating an underground society. Their targets were disguised as Prostitutes. Unfortunately on the mission, the assassin group's numbers dwindled from repeated failures. Lucius was soon the only one left, getting results. His murders were found, and he was nicknamed "The Ripper of London", more commonly known as Jack the Ripper. He was never found or charged with the murders. At the age of Seventeen, he retired and took his place upon a gardening job for the royal Hawthorne family. Of course, he kept his gear locked up tight in case he ever required it again.


-Enjoys Milk Tea, often drinking many cups a day.

-Is proficient in hand to hand combat, bladed combat, and even ranged combat.

-A master of Improvational weapons.

-Angers easily if you bring up his pointed teeth.
(One question, did you read the rules?)


Alexander Emerson




Butler to the Earl of Hawthorne


Superhuman speed, strength, stamina, borderline immortal




Alexander is the epitome of what a butler should be: polite, efficient, diligent, always promising perfection and giving exactly that. He takes his job very seriously, never dodging his responsibilities or letting important work fall upon others he deems unfit and always doing exactly what his master asks of him. Though he always acts humble he is more than a bit of a showoff, seemingly brushing off compliments for his amazing work that others might give him though he insists it's all part of the job. From time to time he has been shown to have a charming side, wooing whoever needs wooing with very little effort. Underneath the shine is a rather dark heart. His usual chipper demeanor never fades even when he's forced to get his hands dirty and he takes on such jobs with some glee. He has been known to tease the Earl Hawthorne from time to time but never in a hurtful way and goes back to doing his job flawlessly the next moment.


Nobody knows a thing about the past of the Earl Hawthorne's mysterious butler. All that most know is that shortly after the death of the young man's family and his disappearance, he showed up from seeming out of the blue to take care of the young lord and the house that many thought had burned down though he insists that it was just a hoax. He's served his master from that point to the present and nobody but Ryder knows of his origins or even his true race. Being a demon, the nameless entity was on a search for a human soul to consume when he came across an extraordinarily miserable one in the care of some cult. The scarred and tainted soul was so tempting that he made a deal with the young man in exchange for his soul upon completion, his first order being the death of the dozen or so men in the room. After that he took the young lord to the ruins of his home and had it back up before he even awoke. Being a nameless demon, Ryder gave him a name that he accepted without complaint and has since done every little thing he's been told and then some as he gets closer and closer to his final prize.


  • Though he rarely says it aloud, he dislikes cats.
  • He shows very little respect for the rest of the staff, often having them doing menial work or telling them to get out of the way.
  • He never seems to sleep eat -- out of necessity

(( Long live Earl Hawthorne! ))



Ian Maxwell




Ryder's cook


Black Magic.

Travels through the air by black mist.

(At night-^)




Ian has a bit of a "needs to be perfect" attitude when it comes to things,especially his cooking.

If something is done wrong,he would gladly fix it no matter how bad the damages are.Sometimes Ian can develop

bipolar issues which results in him lashing out on someone or using a spell.When being social he doesn't have a

problem being the first one to speak in a crowd and shows no shyness at all.Ian also doesn't mind waiting for

something and doesn't have an ounce of impatient inside of him although when he waits for something so long

and it doesn't turn out right or wasn't worth it,he gets really pissed.Ian can be considerate and understanding

but,he can also be blunt and sarcastic which sometimes works out well and other times....not so much.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Ian was born with a love for cooking and magic.His mother didn't really like him doing magic so offend

he would get in trouble for doing it and even more trouble if he sneaked it passed her without her approval.

Ian was in six grade when he first caste an actually spell and,of course,he ran downstairs to his mother to show her that

magic was real and that he could actually do it;he ended up with a slap in the face and all of his books and everything

on magic were taken away from him along with anything else his mother thought he could also use.Ian didn't like his things

being taken away from thing in fact,he hated it."If mother won't let me do good magic...maybe she'll like dark magic."he said.

Ian had practiced and practiced until he finally had mastered the dark magic powers.One day when Ian decided he didn't want to

have dark magic anymore,he couldn't stop it.It was like he had a split personality that he couldn't control when the sun goes down.

When he woke up one morning he was laying in front of Hawthorne Manor and from there he became a cook.


Live On Earl Hawthorne

Night form xP


May I be the opposing earl's butler? :3

btw totally my face when I read the plot *points down*
I'll post the butler after she posts the earl, if that's okay. I just want to make sure that the stories don't clash too much.
[QUOTE="Ricki/Todd]I'll post the butler after she posts the earl, if that's okay. I just want to make sure that the stories don't clash too much.

Thats fine, i'll try to hurry along ^.^

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Adrian Sinclair




The Opposing Earl






Adrian is very different from his brother. He couldn't care less about his father and his own reputation as an earl. He tends to be stubborn towards others, especially those below his status. His temper is quite remarkable for such a short Earl, the only people how can seem to calm him down is his brother or butler. He doesn't like to wait on others for anything, if he expects something then he expects it to be done quickly and if things are not prepared to his liking then he will shame it. For him to be pleased things must be perfect, he was taught to be perfect but his temper gets the best of him and is his major flaw.


Growing up as a child, Adrian got everything he asked for. Surprisingly it was his father who treated him so well. His mother, Alice, didn't live long enough to see Adrian grow up to be two years of age. Adrian's father paid a lot of attention to him and cherished his eldest son as if he were priceless and rare. Adrian had some ideas as to why his father treated him like this though his father never really gave a good reasoning for ignoring his youngest son, Thomas.

Adrian loved his brother, Thomas. Though he didn't show his love very well, he always figured his brother should know that he loved him. Adrian always knew his father disliked and even sometimes despised Thomas. It annoyed Adrian very much though the man was still his father so he showed respect towards his fathers choices and never questioned. Practically if it weren't for Adrian, Thomas would have been either put in a orphanage or beaten by there father.

Adrian being treated better by his father was tutored a lot and had less free time than his brother did. Adrian was always worked to the bone and it bothered him very much that his brother got to breathe fresh air whenever he desired and had no responsibilities that needed tended to twenty-four seven. One thing his father didn't allow him was freedom and time to himself. 'To be the best you have to work the best' His father always told him. Even with this said Adrian would just have to suck it up and deal with the trouble and workload his father poured on him.


- Despises Roses

- Can play the piano

- Terrified of Heights



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Name: Thomas Sinclair

Age: 15

Occupation: The Opposing Earl's brother

Abilities: N/A

Sexuality: Homosexual/Seke


Thomas has a great love for his farther and his older brother and even though his father showed no interest in him, he still cared for his father. But he has a greater love for his older brother Adrian who has looked out for him since the beginning, he does as his brother tells him to and without complaints. He believes Adrian will always be more successful than him as his father had told him before but he does get tired of Adrian at times. He doesn't like being forgotten, it seems that most times the only person who exists in the Sinclair household is Adrian. When most people meet Thomas they are shocked that Earl Henry had two sons and Thomas has no real talent, Henry only paid for special classes to Adrian. Most times Thomas is the one who is following Adrians orders but he would like a change in things, though he is too nice to bring up the subject so for now he just sits back and does what his big brother tells him to.


Thomas was the youngest son of Earl Henry Sinclair, his mother was known to him as a woman named Countess Alice Sinclair but that wasn't entirely true. Both Alice and Henry Sinclair were the biological parents of his brother Adrian but Thomas's mother was nothing more than a lowly Female servant named Lysana who was seduced by Earl Henry Sinclair. But Thomas has no knowledge of who his real mother was and the only other who knows is Adrian. After Countess Alice Sinclair figured out about the affair she fired Lysana , then she threatened that she would commence a divorce and take all of Earl Henry's fortune including the oldest son Adrian. Henry was concerned for his fortune, reputation, and status so with no other choice he had to set things straight. One night .Alice was walking around her garden at night, she did this quite often and while walking about she was shot. Of course the man who shot her was no one other than her own husband and he managed to clean up the mess quite well, the police suspected it was him but because of his high status they didn't dare to mess with him.

Lysana fell ill one summer, the doctors said she had 'Consumption' which is also known as 'Tuberculosis' and she didn't have much time to live. After she passed away in winter her son, Thomas was taken care of by Lysana's mother but she too did not have the requirements of taking care of an infant. With no other choices Thomas's grandmother came to Earl Henry Sinclair in hopes that he would accept the child and take care of him, Thomas was only three at the time and his grandmother had taken care of him since he was one. Once she had arrived at the manor she begged Earl Henry to take responsibility as a father and open welcome arms to Thomas, she noted that she was too elderly to take care of such a small child. She even told Henry of what happened to the boy's mother Lysana but he was not swayed by her words so he rejected the offer of taking responsibility. But thankfully Adrian had been listening in on the whole conversation, he had been playing with some toys as he sat on the floor. Adrian was only five at the time and the idea of a little brother intrigued him, so he went up to his farther demanding a brother.

Earl Henry was the type of man who believed that nobles should get what they request without any second thoughts and the common people should always bow to nobles. He was one to also spoil his oldest son Adrian, so he agreed to let Thomas live in the manor with them but as Thomas grew older he was never Henry's favorite or treated like Adrian. Adrian was a full blooded noble, something Thomas lacked in quality. But the different treatments they got from there father didn't stop Thomas from respecting his older brother Adrian. He believed that Adrian got Henry's respect because he earned it and such. When Thomas was twelve his father Earl Henry Sinclair, died and the cause of his death was by a man who had stabbed him five times in the chest. The man was a butler to the household and he would have killed both sons of the Sinclair household if it hadn't been for the police arriving after a maid had called about what she had seen.


Long Live Earl Hawthorne!



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|Clarence Welch|

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Lavi.full.169812.jpg.7e97958c219c9722e41f2afac6840715.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Lavi.full.169812.jpg.7e97958c219c9722e41f2afac6840715.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|General Information|

  • 491 years old

    appears in his mid 20's never gives a number on how old he is though

  • Clarence can be terrifying. Of course this is only if you happen to hit one of his pet peeves. What would his pet peeves be?

    -Bad Manners

    -Bad Grammar

    -Bad Taste in Fashion

    -When someone calls him by anything but his proper name

    -Nicknames and pet-names in general

    -When people ask about his eyepatch

    You know what, let's just sum it all up to anything that could be seen as less than the best of anything or anything improper. He has a taste for the finer things and doesn't care what possible reasoning anyone could have for settling for less than the best. If they can't afford the nicer things, obviously they are a sad and sorry excuse for a life and should avoid being seen by anyone.

    But aside from that, he's top notch. He takes his responsibilities very seriously, and knows that any butler worth his salt would never let his master's home be less than flawless in any way. He can't stand it when a butler doesn't take his job seriously, or do his job properly. As you can tell it doesn't take much to get on his bad side. Everyone has their place, and he believes there is a very obvious line between each place in society. And those who aren't higher in ranks should not behave as though they were.

    With that in mind, he never goes against the wishes of his young masters. Though to some it would seem as if he had an ulterior motive for being so obedient, he tends to avoid speaking about anything specific pertaining to himself. Never giving an age, or where he came from. Just that he was the Sinclair Family Butler, and that was all anyone would need to know about him.​



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