Other Spilling my heart here cause it's safest...


My day has been... a roller coaster.

To start, I've got my life wrapped in a failing marriage with no way out of it. I've known this for ages.

Then, I've been emailing/texting/calling/skyping an RP friend for well over a year now... and even though I've never met him... I feel like I met my soul mate... we have so much in common, and we view so much in the same light...

And then I find out his marriage is failing as well for reasons that are personal between me and him since he confided in me...

and all I can sit here and think is that I fucking wish I lived closer to him... so I could meet him... and maybe confess that I think I've fallen for him...

and my heart goes out to him for what is happening in his life right now and all I want to do is be there for him...

I feel pathetic... (TAT)
You should do something nice for yourself. I like to surround myself with nature, where it is quiet and I can hear myself think.. Or maybe not think about anything at all, and just sit for a while. Everyone deserves to be happy. *hugs*
melissaphilia said:
You should do something nice for yourself. I like to surround myself with nature, where it is quiet and I can hear myself think.. Or maybe not think about anything at all, and just sit for a while. Everyone deserves to be happy. *hugs*
If I had a car... I might do that. I've done it before, but alas...
Dethbycoffee said:
If I had a car... I might do that. I've done it before, but alas...
binge watch a show in the bath? If it's possible. That'd be relaxing. And you'd have alone time.

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