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Realistic or Modern ...Speed of the night...


Crazy Сat Lover
Speed of the Night

Give a man a car -
he will be happy for the day.

Give a man a woman -
he will be happy for the night.

Give a man a woman who loves cars -
he will be happy for life.


A roleplay by Taiga Taiga and crafter crafter
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-Last night-
Alexandra laid back in her bed, which stood by a window covered with curtains. A line of street lights shone on her ceiling. The "Sally's car shop" was standing right by a busy street, so every single car could be heard inside of the building. It was like a lullaby for Alex. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds carefully. Some cars were perfectly fine, some of them had issues with their engines. She heard everything. Cars weren't just cars for her, they were something more. A living organism. Alexandra imagined herself in her car. Her hands on the steering wheel, her foot on the gas pedal. She looked forward on the dark street. Her foot pressing the pedal, bringing her child to life. She only had to change the gear and it will speed up forward. As she was thinking, sounds of different racing cars reached her ears. It was a race night. She could swear that she smelt the burning tires. But something went wrong, a strange sound of tires. Alex knew, it wasn't the sound of a car going into drifting. Another squeek, another second and the sound of breaking metal was heard. She could only jump up and reach to the curtains. Her heart was pounding. Who's car was it? Did she or he survive? Her shaking hand slowly moved the curtains away. She looked across the street. A car was laying flat on it's hood. The other racing cars were nowhere to be seen. There was a rule of street racers - every man for himself. Alex was looking at the car for a good minute, waiting for any movement over there. Finally some figure crawled out of the crushed car. Another life was saved by god. Alex closed her eyes and said a prayer.

Street racing. It is illegal and very dangerous. If you look at it from the side view, you'll say that you would never ever join one of of those races. But once you get invloved... You sit in a car that comes to life once you hit the pedal. It comes alive under your body. The sound, the vibration. Everything is surrounding you. People invented cars and many of them don't use it's whole power. The way it jumps off, once you hit the pedal to the end. 10... 20... 30... You feel like you are faster than anything in this world. You enter another dimension, another universe. There is only you and your car...

Alexandra was running downstairs to her fathers car shop. "Sally's" was a recommended place in the city they lived at. It has been on the market for 13 years. As Alex came down, she noticed her father under the bonnet of a Mustang car. She guessed that he was working on it's engine. "Buongiorno, papa!" she jumped off the last step and ran up to her father. He in the meanwhile, stood up and smiled as his daughter approached him. They gave each other a kiss on their cheek and talked about some work in the car shop. Alex got some tasks to do through her day. She was more than happy to help out her father there. Nothing much did happen. Different cars, different tasks. Her hands covered with oil. She was almost like a goddess, bringing cars back to life. As she was working on a car, the memory of last night came up in her head. Did the male survive?

Working at the car shop wasn't a hard thing for her. She always enjoyed the smeel of a car shop. The look of a car, a engine. She never noticed how the day came to end. Now it was 8 pm at evening. It was her most favorite time in the world. Today she had the chance to visit the street race. It was the place where she could meet up with new people, talk about their hobby - cars and it was also the place where she could hook up with males. In other words it was her most favorite place. Once her work time was over, she jumped into her car and headed over there.

She slowly approached the parking lot in her silver car. It was already packed with different cars and people. The females here were mostly dressed in too small clothes, trying to show as much as possible naked skin. On the other hand Alex was dressed in average jeans, a Guns'n'roses shirt and black sneakers. Her appearance didn't bother her much. She was Italian and inside of her she knew, she was the hottest female in this area. Maybe this was selfish but that was the way Alex was. She pushed herself out of her own car and a male already approached her. "Hello, my belle" he put his hand around her waist and pulled her close, placing a kiss on her lips. His name was Dave. He has been her lover for a week or so. She didn't count. One comes, another goes. She laughed and gifted this male a piece of her caress. Who knows, maybe she will find another one-nighter soon.

Time was going pretty quick and soon she appeared by the starting line. Something pushed her forward and she felt like it was the night to join another street race. Alex had fresh memories of the yesterdays car crash she saw. But some strange force pushed her forward to this line. Racers were getting ready, so did she. As she sat in her car, another drove up to the line. Some rap music was pumping out of his car. She looked at him. She swore that she saw him before. Hunter? Gary? John? She had no idea. He looked pretty annoying to her because he was trying to sing to this rap song and pretented he was cool. She decided to call him Dick. He looked like one. Dick looked pretty young, around 22. Alex was examing him for quiet a bit, before he sent a glare on her and smiled, saying something like "Hello pretty". She rolled her eyes, sighed and looked to her other side.

Something clicked in her head. Alex couldn't take her eyes off. This male... He looked ... Hot? No. Wait. Alex shook her head, it was her enemy. They stood by the starting line and also, he looked like a fuckboy. No, this can't be true. She will never fall for this man. Alex smirked as she looked at him. Her hand reached to the recorder and she turned on some of her favorite rock song. Her stubborn traits were taking over her. She started laughing and adrenaline was flowing into her blood. She pressed on the gas pedal, checking her car. Everyone was ready. They were ready to take the race of their lives...


crafter crafter
Last Night

Royce was more of a night owl than a morning person. He wasn't surprise to look up at the clock and, see it was close to midnight. He was working on his baby, his lovely black 1980 Roadrunner. The guys in the shop gave him a hard time, but he preferred the older cars; they had more of a personality than the newer ones. Right now, his baby was being stubborn and he needed to give her a fine tuning before the race tomorrow. He loved talking with his grandfather about cars, that's when he got it into his head every car was different, even if they were the same make, model, and year. Back in the days before machines assembled cars it was done by hand, and he was certain that all the cars had a little bit of the souls of the people who put them together in them. Every car was different because, you weren't exactly the same from day to day and right now he was confident that everyone who had anything to do with his car was a stubborn jackass. He was covered in grease and set the wrench down on a rag, "Look I don't know about you but I'd like to eat this month, so start working with me or will both starve." He mumbled, it may have been odd but, he found talking with his car helped things. Not just his car either, the ones that came into the shop to get customized, as well. He told some cars he was sorry their owners were morons, and others that they were in good hands it just depended on the car, job, and owner.

Yes, that habit got him some looks from the other guys in the shop but, they all knew not to bring it up now. After all when you won races and weren't afraid to throw a punch if it meant getting people to shut up. And to mind their own business, they typically started to leave you alone. Roy then wandered over to the fridge and, pulled out a beer and sipped on it for a few moments before returning to his baby. This time things started to work more smoothly and he was able to get the fine tuning done he needed to before the race tomorrow night.

There was nothing quite like the sound of the engine roaring to life, then feeling it vibrate through the steering wheel, hell the whole car. They talked back if you knew how to listen and what to feel for. It may have been weird to other people but that was how he was and he didn't care what they thought. He was getting excited as he worked on his black beauty, the sound she made and the sound the other cars made as they engines revved. Then the watching and waiting for the go signal and flooring it, speeding past everyone and everything. In those moments everything else just melted away, and it was just him, baby, and the road. There was nothing better for the man than that, unfortunately it was dangerous and at time expensive, so that's why he ended up working to during the day on other people's cars instead of his own. If he crashed it could all be over either permanently or for more months than he would like, but it was all worth it for that thrill when he was on the starting line. Finally he finished his work and fired his baby up, and she sounded ten times better than before. With that he drove home to his small one bedroom rental house and after a quick shower passed out.

Royce groaned when his alarm went off, he would much rather sleep a bit longer but, there was work he had to do. He pulled out one of the grey shop shirts, that had Roy embroidered on it. Slid on a pair of black pants, and put on his black converse shoes. Then he drove back to the shop. "Thanks for letting me use the shop." Roy said as he passed the owner who nodded in reply. From there he joined the rotation of working on the cars and talking with the customers, though as usual he got pulled from that, for telling one to many customers they shouldn't be driving. He just worked on the cars after that and, made comments that only the other employees could hear.

The shop closed at six which gave Roy enough time to head home eat something quick then take an hour or so nap. This time when the brunette's alarm went off he was happy to wake up and get moving. He put on a plain black t-shirt, and dark blue jeans, along with those same old black converse shoes he wore everywhere. He wet his hands in the sink and ran his fingers through his hair. At least then he didn't look like he'd just woken up, though it didn't really matter. He didn't currently have someone he was trying to impress but that could change, especially after he won.

Slowly he drove to the start line and stepped out of his car. Roy certainly dint mind the veiw, women running around half naked, and there were some some beautiful cars too. He was almost more interested in the cars than some of the women. It was nice seeing them with so little on most days but he was kind of tired of it, they weren't really leaving anything to the imagination. Roy didn't have much time before the race so he quickly returned to the starting line to get his baby ready for the race, and himself in the drivers seat. He as always had gotten some comment about his tattoos on his arms but he'd had them since he was nineteen so he didn't pay them any mind.

After a little while a car pulled up beside him and shortly after one that was blasting some rap music. He wasn't a fan of rap but for now chose to ignore it. That was until he felt some other eyes on him and heard the rap being drowned out by some rock, which he preferred. When he looked up and saw who it was next to him he smirked a bit. It was Alex, his rival ever since her wreck, and he won that race. "I didn't think you'd try this again." He said half himself and gave her a wink. After all head games were a part of racing and he was already in her head so why not try to rattle her a bit. After the wink though he turned his attention back to his car and the road.

They were all ready and he was eager to get started. He said a quick part that no one got hurt, then Roy was back in the moment he glanced at Alex once more then waited for the signal to floor it. Time seemed to sad still in the seconds it took for the signal to be given, but finally it was and they were off. It came as no surprise to Roy that the one blasting hid rap music had gotten off the line a bit late, which meant he'd have a hell of a time catching up. Alex on the other hand was some real competition but he certainly wasn't going to lose to her, and began to work on passin the fiery woman. Who was actually rather attractive, but this was not the time for those thoughts no it was time for beating her as badly as he could.

Alexandria held the steering wheel too tight, her fingers turned a white color from the pressure. A weird feeling was growing inside of her. Memories of last night inside her head were surrounding her but there was also another side - she wanted to be in this race. Alex always acted a bit too cold for a female. Edgy, hot headed, egoistic. She couldn't help. It was her protecting mechanism. Sometimes she even looked like she could kill someone with her bare hands. But there was little Alexandria inside of her. Little one full of insecurities and anxiety. The one who was bullied throughout her school years for being Italian and not knowing a single word in English. At first she didn't understand anything they said but later everything came clear.

Now she was here, in her car about to win. She had to win. This guy in the other car, he was driving her crazy. This weird feeling, was that revenge? Or is it something different? The car revved beneath her, it was a pleasant feeling. She felt powerful being the driver of this roaring monster. Alex closed her eyes and took a breath in, then took the last glance at this guy. They were enemies. She's going to whip his ass. A girl came in front of the cars, waving a silly flag and wearing too little clothes. She really wanted to get laid, Alex assumed. The racers only listened to the information about the route and once it came out of her mouth, everyone else started to warm up their engines. This girl tried hard enough to say something but it was too loud. Alex's pulse was getting faster, she smirked and got herself comfortable in her seat.

The race began and she pressed the gas pedal till the end, jumping off the starting line. Her car wasn't the best but it had its own potential. This guy, he was taking too much place in her head. She pushed her car to the limit, turning her gear up every time. She felt the heat coming from the engine. Lucky enough the streets were empty today and nothing stopped them. Alex looked into the rear view mirror noticing that the rap guy was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't as good as her. Her only enemy was this guy, who somehow managed to annoy her. There were only their cars rushing through the streets side by side. Last bridge ahead and she will be by the finishing line. The only problem was him but she managed that there was a way.

She took a turn and then noticed that she is finally ahead. Everything around was getting darker, it was a tad strange but she didn't stop her tracks. She was coming up to the bridge as suddenly stop signs appeared in front of her. Something clicked in her head... The bridge, if it was under construction... Her whole life appeared in front of her eyes but her reaction was quick enough. In the matter of a second she managed to unbuckle her belt and push herself out of the car. The landing wasn't as soft as she would like it to be. Alex felt her whole right side burning, her skin digging into the asphalt leaving some wound. Another second and her body rammed into the road boarder. A little bit more and the night silence was broken by an explosion. Her dear car was destroyed. She just wanted to win... Alex heard ringing in her head, everything around was going blur. She felt too dizzy in this moment. She coughed, pain was everywhere, though she wasn't hurt as bad. Only deep wounds, maybe a few scars but overall she is going to survive this. She could only roll on her back and look at the beautiful starry sky. "Every man for himself..." She whispered. Will anyone notice that she hasn't came back to the parking lot? Or will everyone assume she just drove away during the race? Or did police catch her?

crafter crafter
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The speed, the vibrations, the smells; they were great the adrenaline dump was even better. There was no way he could give this up, yes his family wanted him to do something respectable. But, here he was partaking in an illegal street race, he felt as though gasoline ran through his veins. The buildings began to blur as his car began to pick up speed. He was in heaven right now, it was frustrating that he wouldn't be able to stay on her tail long. All the racers had different routes to take they were the same distance with the same difficulties for the most part. His time to veer to his own route had come before he was able to make his pass. It was rather frustrating, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Things like road construction made things more dangerous but they also added to the fun. At least they did until someone got hurt but typically that was their own fault in cases like this. Roy was flying along and doing well, granted he did have to take a short detour thanks to a section of road being closed. He knew he hadn't lost to much time and was rather confident with his standing. Roy was almost to the finish line confident that she'd cross the finish line after he did. Then they'd argue because it was so close ultimately though he'd be declared the winner and he rub it in her face. He was however pulled from his fantasy when he heard a small explosion near the finish line. Normally Roy would have said a pray for the person and just kept going but he could see the faint light of a fire, and knew that was Alex's route.

"Damn it!" He shouted as he slammed on his breaks and turned the car around. Roy peeled out heading away from the finish line to check and make sure that someone else hadn't lost their life. Normally he wouldn't turn back but Alex had a place in his heart, or more accurately was a pain in his side. Yet he couldn't just let his rival get arrested or worse still bleed out. Roy sped back along hee route until he came near the end when he saw the bridge that was no longer there. It was lit up by the light from the fading fire, he just hoped that she wasn't in that car. He came to a stop and said a quick prayer that he wouldn't find her burned and mangled body somewhere near her car. Then he got out and started to look for the girl.

"Alex!" He shouted when he saw the body lying near the road boarder. He hurried over to her side and squatted down next to her. She was breathing and nothing looked broken, well except for her skin, but there were any bones sticking out so he took that as a good sign. Roy let out a small sigh in relief before he frowned, "You know this is the second time you screwed up, if I were you I'd learn how to drive better." He murmured looking her over again just to be sure he could move her. "Can you walk or so I have to carry you to my car?" He asked and quickly added, "I can hear the police sirens, they are gonna be here soon and I'm not getting arrested. You've already lost to much tonight so you won't be getting arrested either. Going to the hospitaleft though that's happening whether you like it or not." He said he wasn't a nice guy but he also wasn't cruel. She had lost the race and her car, on top of all that she was hurt and spending some time in prison wasn't going to help her or anyone else for that matter. He was growing tired of waiting for her answer, and the sirens were getting closer as well. Roy huffed and carefully pulled the bloody, and no doubt sore girl to his chest. "Am I carrying you or not?" He barked, this wasn't the time to dilly dally.

Taiga Taiga
-First view of 9 year old Alexandria-

Dear diary,
today I, Mommy and Daddy went to the beach. The sun was bright and warm. I really liked the shore. The sea waves were tall but we still managed to swim. Mommy and I were splashing each other with water and then I was jumping into the sea from Daddy's shoulders. Mommy was smiling a lot, I love her smile. I wish this day never ended but it started raining and we had to go back home.
When we were going back to the car, we saw a tall buffy male stading by Daddy's Mustang. Daddy told Mommy and me to wait, as he went to talk with him. I was scared but Mommy hugged me. When the male gone away, Daddy was a bit sad. He didn't tell me why. Mommy got sad too but she said it was because of the rain. I got sad too because we had to go back home. As we drove back home the sea had much taller waves. I watched them. Everyone was quiet but they didn't tell me why. This is unfair! I wanted to know. Now Mommy is cooking pasta downstairs. It smells very good! I have to go, my diary. Mentre!

Alexandra's head was literally exploding from the ringing in her ears. She whined a bit as she looked around. Everything was dark, except of the light coming from her burning car. This was not good, she lost her car. Yes, adding road constructions to someones route was a fun thing for sure but this was the first time when a dead end (aka no bridge) was added to the route. Alexandra was very confused at this point. Not only because of the headache but this situation. Somewhere in the distance she heard the cops coming. She was thinking how she could get away from this quickly since she wasn't really able to walk right now. As she was thinking, she heard a car engine coming closer. It wasn't some kind of a mini van engine, not even close. It was a beast.

As she placed her hand on her head and whined a bit more. Alexandra was thinking about finding the race organizator, also known as 'Buffy'. She saw how she would come up at him and shatter him into small little pieces, which she would then cook and feed to cows, who then are going to compost them. She frowned from that thought and shook her head. The beast finally arrived, she was wondering who it was. She heard that this male shout her name. As suddenly her heart missed a beat. It was this son of a *****. Alexandra coughed as he came up and started to ask some questions. She really didn't get anything since her ears were a bit wrecked at this moment.

Something like adrenaline smashed into her brains and she was simply looking at him with her crystal blue eyes as he was talking. At one point she started to smirk since something made her do it. Was it the way his eye brows were wiggling as he was talking to her? She bursted out with laughter, feeling the pain going through her body. Tears bursted out of her eyes and she slowly started to fall back as her eyes rolled inside of her head. With the most silly face expression she passed out at the worst moment ever possible. Huh, it didn't really matter now. Alexandra was in her little world of hallucinations... Oh, look, an unicorn!

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There were very few moments when Roy wished he'd ended things with his parents better. This however was one of them, with their money and connections he could take her and get her the best care around no questions asked. Unfortunately here he was with little cash to his name and not the best of reputations with most people. He sighed as he watched her waiting for her response, and her laughter only made him more concerned. Roy groaned when her eyes roled back and then closed for a moment he was afraid he'd lost her. But then he saw her chest rise and fall and he found he was able to breath again himself. The brunette hadn't realized that he was holding his breath, until just that moment. Roy did however know he was in a bad situation and she wasn't going to be any help.

Time was slipping away and he wasn't going to get arrested or let her wake up handcuffed to a hospital bed either. "Fine." He said and slid one arm around her back and the other he slipped under her knees. Once he was sure he had a good grip on the girl's body and secure footing he stood up pulling her close to his chest. Roy was muttering to himself about what a pain and inconvenience this whole thing was. But, he certainly hoped that he hadn't over looked any anything to serve. Once he got to the passenger side of his car he opened the door awkwardly with Alex still in his arms. "I never thought I'd let you anywhere near my baby." He said as he carefully set her in the passengershop seat. Then the brunette took the seat belt and fastened her in. Roy closed the door making sure he didn't close it on anything of hers and ran to the driver's seat and buckled up. With them both secure he turned his car on a floored it. The faster they got from the wreck the better but he slowed after a couple of blocks when he spied the flashing lights aheading towards them.

After the police cars passed him Roy took the fastest route he knew to the hospital. He finally arrived and pulled into the loading and unloading zone. He flew from his side of the car to hers and carefully took the girl in his arms once more before heading into the emergency room. "She wrecked on her bike. I'm pretty sure she hit her head." He said to the charge nurse. From there it was basically him refusing to leave and if he wasn't family he couldn't stay, which at this point he felt was utter nonsense. He wasn't about to let her ruin things so he was staying even if that meant saying he was her brother. It didn't take too long for the doctors and nurses to get her bandaged up but to him it felt like an eternity. He sighed when he was finally allowed to go into her room and sit down beside her. Roy pulled a chair up next to her bed, he wasn't sure about her personal life so he didn't know who to call for her but he'd make sure if there was anyone they'd get the call after she woke up. He folded his arms and waited, as patiently as he could, which wasn't very. This most certainly wasn't how he planned on spending his night, and could only hope that it would improve after she woke up and was more or less alright. If only he had his trust fund he could have have just brides the staff and not had to tell all those lies but, oh well it was too late to go back now.

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