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Futuristic Sparx

Interested! Still got room? I'd post a CS, but I'm at work right now and don't have access to any of my stuff. My phone's also a bit junk when it comes to this stuff. So if you've got room, mind if I reserved one?
Well ONe spot open for anyone willing to play a female elf. the original person left the website leaving the story grinding to a near halt.

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It's basically this one here, Your free to alter it anywa you like. So long as she's a martial arts experst and conjures weapons and tools a martial arts expert would use, and she's upbeat. You can even change the name if you want. However, the ferret made it into the story so I guess it stays if you don't mind it.

Login Name:SugouHamster

Name:Faeyth Grayhill

Age : 18

Personality: sorta like a bunny, when she first meet a you she's shy and reserved but after she gets to know you she is very out going and friendly. She is sarcastic at times.... well alot of times really. She is also very silly. But don't get her mad she... well I leave that for you to find out

Bio:faeyth grew up in Brooklyn and is now living on her own that is all she wishes to reveal.

Appearance: she has short Auburn hair and jade eyes. She is about five foot but don't coment on her Hight or she will get mad she is fairly curvaceous but she's sensitive about that as well .

Glove: she is wherein brown fingerless leather gloves

Weapon : she is fairly good with a bow and a guns but her preferred weapons are either a pair of dual hand pistols for long range and a prison this is lined along the edges with blades also the top of it is used to stap people

Other: she has a pet ferrite named Venice
Hmm... I can work with this. You said maintain behavioral traits and the Ferret, which I'm fine with. Make sure she conjures up things like... Martial Arts... I'm not sure if that counts Brass Knuckles or Shock Gauntlets, but I assume it's swords and nunchucks and the like. Change from shy to upbeat? Okay. Would you want the looks to stay the same?
the appearance is up to you if you want to alter it or use a photo. that's up to you. as for the brass knuckles and shock gauntlets, if it involves hand to hand combat then it it's fine. just make sure she can conjure a weapon or tool that helps her zip around in the air, there will be alot of parkour or zipping about like Spiderman. Pole vaulting and the like can be used as well if you wish.

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