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Futuristic Sparx


Wandering Fox
In a bedroom, void of any light since the blinds were down, on the nightstand was an interesting device. However, it's purpose was soon known when a holoscreen appeared above it with a rather perky looking man yelling "GOOOOOOOOD MORNING NEW YORK! Its another beautiful day in the big apple, your buddy L.K.Sly here to give you the morning news and help you get your lazy butts outta bed and start your day!" beside the device was the owner of it in their bed, already stirring and getting up with a yawn. At the foot of his bed was little fox already stretching and hopping out of bed. The boy in the bed after sitting up for abit, finally dawned a rather energetic grin "Today is the day.... ALRIGHT!" it was as if the energy of the planet surged through him since any sign of drowsiness was instantly eradicated as he got up and ran out of the room getting ready and starting his morning routines.
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A rather bleak screeching blared from Trinity's alarm clock. It was another day. His eyes still closed, he groaned and rolled until he was more or less conscious. His roommates in the orphanage disapproved of the early alarm, but Trinity made sure their complaints weren't heard by the use of "coercion". Today he would see his friends again, the few people in this world who meant anything to him any more. Trinity silenced the alarm and stood up, pulling his clothes for the day on. He took a groggy step to the orphanage 'rec room' of sorts to make some coffee. He felt that today would be different, or at least something new would happen today.
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Faeyth wakes up to find that Venice is using her face as a pillow.. she picked him up and puts him in his cage. She then got dressed in her usual outfit of a skirt leggings and a hoodie. She picked up her school bag put Venice in his carrying case and started to walk to school.
Aralyne woke up to the small apartment the mysterious man gave her an address to. She stood up and put on her traditional black hoodie, which had recently replaced her fur tunic and boots. She wore grey jeans and black vans. Her hair was in a messy ponytail because she hadn't bothered to brush it. She picked up her bag, which had barely anything in it, put of iron gloves, and walked outside of the apartment. The hallway was musty and seemed to be wet, but Aralyne didn't give a second thought to it as she walked down the hallway, out the front door, and stopped at the bus stop. She climbed on the public transport bus and headed to school, dread in her eyes and hand in her hands. She was not looking forward to socializing with anyone.
Nyx jumped out of bed at his normal time in the morning and quickly got ready for school making sure he packed all of his gear and materials he needed. "Heh, let's have a little fun today and parkour to school. Should be more fun than riding that cramped bus." he said as he slipped on his Sparx glove and ran out the door to his house and towards the school. Nyx started jump over walls and between buildings making sure to take the most convoluted way to school as possible for him to train is mobility.
Jack already jumped down the flight of stairs, efficiently pissing his folks off for doing so as he ran into the kitchen and practically inhaled his food. sure he could eat like a regular civil person, but today was different. He had the best surprise to show his friends at school and he didn't want to waste a second more on anything else. Lex, his pet Fox was already scarfing up the food from his bowl before hoping onto a dining chair, onto the table, up onto his master's shoulder and slipped right his pulled down hood promptly using it as pouch to carry him in.

"Alright, love you guys, cya later!" Jack chugged his OJ and ran out the door. Sparx gloves on and activated

"Jack! Slow down!" His father called out as he entered the kithen but it was too late, his son was long gone. He then held his head and sighed before closing the door his child burst opened. "That's your kid today" Earning him a laugh from the missus.

Once Jack was outside and onto the street's heshot one hand out and a his glove conjured and shot out a large translucent bluish clawed arm that reached and grabbed onto a ledge five stories up. "Let's move Lex! The will be there soon!" he flashed a rather toothy grin before the extended light arm reeled him up rapidly and launched him into the air, where he proceeded to repeat the process high above even the hover care lanes swinging, wall running and jumping off roof tops like Spiderman.
Trinity pulled on his black trench coat and gloves, one of which was normal, the other was his sparx glove. Putting his hood up, he shoved the orphanage door open and stepped into the street. He looked around, his expression revealing nothing of his emotions. To his left, a few doors down, sat the block's beggar, Rocks. The beggar was called Rocks because of his mental 'in-capacities'.

He looked at the beggar with disdain, pulling a $5 note from his pocket. He walked in the beggar's direction, holding the bill out for a hand-off. Rocks took the note and muttered in thanks.

All around him, the city went about its business, people going in and out of buildings. People talking, people walking, cars driving and flying, taking people to their destinations. Trinity cared for none of this, it could all go away and he would just keep living. The smell of the city surrounded him, filling his nostrils with street food, mold, and the smell of millions of bodies.

The school was close enough that Trinity could walk to it, so, he walked.
Aralyne hoped off the bus a couple blocks away from her school. Using her glove, she entertained herself with an image of a tiny bird perched on her finger. She let the tiny bird sit as she walked, getting no looks from people that were heading in the same (or different) directions.

When she got to the school she looked up at the building, and felt something in her stomach that she hadn't felt in a long time. Anxiety. She sat on the side of the steps, trying to quell her stomach.
Jack's ride through the skies was a relatively short one. You could go as fast as you want if you weren't a vehicle and above traffic after all. The school came into view far down below him a three story building with a rather generous track and field property for the P.E. and any other athletics club. You'd think with all that privilege for sports and fitness related acquisitions it be a "Jock" sort of school, but it was actually pretty spread out in all paths, There was even a greenhouse for those that wanted to learn more in agricultural science to work on one of the Cities Vertical farms.

He remembered telling his friends to meet him at the entrance. He did a very late double check mid flight that he still had his book bag, Check, Lex is still chilling in the back, Check, Bottle of chilled Shock energy drink. "His favorite", Check and today's flavor was Strawberry. Alright! everything seems to be in order. He nodded to himself as he was in the middle of an aerial somersault as gravity finally started pulling him down into a dive bomb course toward the school entrance "WOOOO!!! INCOMING!"
Aralyne looked up into the sky, noticing a figure rapidly approaching the school from the sky. Holy crap what is that kid doing Aralyne thought, her eyes following the body as it neared the ground. People are crazy, no wonder her parents kept her so excluded.
Nyx finally arrived at his school and made his Sparx glove scythe disappear, "Heh, I still got it." Nyx saw Jack high above the ground, "What in the world is he doing this time?" He muttered to himself as he watched Jack.
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"YYYEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" Once he was a few feet from the pavement he flipped to land feet first then immediately tucked and rolled to dissipate the force of impact but that just gave him enough moment tum to crash right into Nyx knocking him to the before tumbling over and past him. He finally came to a stop a foot away. "Hahahaaaa... Sup, Nyx! You made it!" Jack helded the biggest grin on his face like that little incident didn't happen.

Lex seemed to have somehow already expected this and was no longer in the hood but on his Master's chest looking over toward Nyx with mild intrest.
Nyx slowly got up and dusted himself off, "I see you are still doing your best to be as flashy as possible when you get here. You seem a lot more... energetic than normal is something up?" Nyx asked Jack after holding out his hand to help him up.
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That smile never left his face sa he grabbed Nyx's hand "Oh you have no idea... yet" Lex hopped onto Nyx's shoulder and waited for Jack to get back onto his feet before hopping back onto his shoulder and returning back into the hood. "But first, we gotta wait for the others. did Faeyth and Trinity make arrive yet?"
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Nyx shook his head, "I haven't seen anyone else yet, I can only assume we are the first two here. Unless the others are already inside. Kind of doubt it though." Nyx said as he stretched his arms out.
"How are we here before Trinity? He's like literally the one closest to the school!" Jack rebuttal-ed as he looked around for their other two missing in their group.
Aralyne stared at the interactions between the two boys, particularly focusing on the energetic one. The boys weren't even close to her, but she could hear every conversation happening outside of the school because of her trained ears. What was he so excited about? She kept a puzzled face and continued observing, hoping for more details.
That was when an orange fluffy head popped out of the back of Jack's hoodie. Lex seemed to suddenly turn toward Aralyne's direction and stare at her intently.
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Trinity arrived in front of the school and sat at the table near the entrance where he and his few friends usually met up. He didn't see them in the crowd as he was looking at the small objects he was creating in his sparx glove to pass the time. Something that did catch his attention, however, was a loud yell. He decided to make his presence known, as he heard them talking about him.

"Over here, guys!" Trinity looked up and waved at them.
Hm?" Jack turned to look back at Lex who seemed tob e staring off at the school. "Yo, Lex... What's with you?" He couldn't find time to figure out when the third person in their group of friends called out to them. "Well Speak of the devil!, Ha!" Jack Fist pumped and ran over to Trinity "I knew we you got here first. For a second I thought you got sick or something" He lightly punched the guy in the chest.
Aralyne peeked her head through the indie in the door and kept an eye on the group. She didn't notice the odd looks from those around her.
When Jack came over and did the friendly-punch-in-the-chest, Trinity overreacted, holding his chest and making an "oof!"

"Why do you have to beat me up like this, man?" Trinity chuckled as he spoke. "Another day, another assault. You're going to kill me one day. How've you been?"

Trinity invited them to sit at the table while they waited for school to start.
Jack rolled his eyes "Just fine-NO! Even better then that! Cuz I got something Amazing to tell you guys. but we're still short in the friend department" Jack turned back to look around some more. "Seriously it's bugging me trying to not spill it now."
Trinity squinted his eyes, secret agent style. "So, you're saying you have information. Important information. What would you say to giving an old friend some insider sneak peaks." Trinity was being sarcastic, he was always sarcastic, as if it was his second language.

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