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Futuristic Sparx (Need two more RPers)


Wandering Fox
Now here's an interesting subject.... lets take the world as we know it now. Now add in all the mythological sentient creatures from fantasy, elves, giants, dwarves, lizard men, etc, let them exist with the humans, now erase the whole racial thing like you see in all those movies that make on race act like they're superior with the others. None of that in this story. Next Apply a location.... New York City. What better choice then a bustling city that never sleeps. Quite the interesting concoction don't you think? well we're not done yet. Now Add in a timeline. Lets make it the not so distant future of the present. Yeah, hover cars, advance tech, holographic screens, all that jazz. To pinpoint it lets choose the year. 2155. the people of Earth have already been terraforming distant planets, but other worlds aren't our focus in this. Now that I set up the stage lets get to the point of this tale.



In the year 2105 a glove was developed that was mainly designed for industrial worker use. The Spark Glove, designed by an unknown source, and patented. This glove allows the wearer to conjurer whatever he can focus on thinking in reality. For example from out of his glove he can create a tool or hand or weapon, or even an object. The harder the focus the more they can create, because of this what normally comes out of spark gloves represents the wearer's way of thinking. A brutish thinking character can easily conjure up a giant spiked hammer rather than a small wrench or hand. and vice versa for the opposite kinda person. The glove uses the manipulation of light, electricity, and electromagnetic waves to make what comes to mind material. It could be used to reach places a normal person couldn't reach nor robots. Like say working on screwing in a small panel in the midst of dangerous wires.

After 10 years later, in a certain warehouse the workers out of boredom created a game with the equipment. Using personal shields as protection, they could brawl it out or race to goals to see was the best. Originally this was misuse of industrial tools but instead being stopped it started catching on in the city, then the state, country, and 20 years later, the world. It grew immensely popular and was given the name "Sparx" soon it became an Olympic sport. The game received its own stadiums across the worlds and a massive fan base and teams off all kinds. What was once seen as tool, the Spark Glove was now seen as a must have for the public. Now the thing is. as famous as it has become, the story doesn't direct to the sanctioned stadiums and matches you see on TV or get tickets for. No, it's directed to not so nice version of it.

Street Sparx is as the name suggests, playing Sparx in the streets of the city, the alleys, the rooftops, on, in, and around multiple buildings. Or the even more challenging, construction sites. No surprise this sport is illegal. So the game either ends when one side loses or the cops makes an unwelcomed visit then it turns into a free for all to avoid jail time. Now every two years a tournament is held by an unknown sponsor. The prize: $500,000 and fame and bragging rights to the city that their team is king of the games. Some go in it for the money, some go in it for the fame, others do it for both, and some people just do it for the fun of playing the game.

This story focuses on the saga of a small rookie team, that appears out of nowhere. All expects them to know their place soon enough, but the team thinks otherwise. In the end it's all just talk, they're gonna have to prove who's right, but even under the game itself there seems to be something sinister rising as well, in the form a another team... But hey, you won't know any more if we don't get this story started, right. Then let the games begin.
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1. Follow the RPN rules obviously

2. Third Person typing

3. Try to post atleast once a day, if you have some real life issue that would prevent you from doing even that like a trip away from the comp or internet cut off, just let us know. We all got smartphones that have internet access or know someone that does. It doesn't even put in a noticeable dent in LTE service time to go online with the phone and post a "I can't post because so and so" note for me if your worried about that you don't have wifi for the phone. I speak from experience.

4. Don't be rude to the other rpers. If you got an issue with someone, take it to the PMs.

This is all I can think of at the moment. I believe this is all the rules that will be needed, but will add more if the need ever arrives int he story. Highly doubt it though.

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