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Futuristic Space: The Forgotten Frontier (IC) Part 1

Walker entered the room looking around. As soon as the chamber of time was unsealed the body laying on a bed next to the pod which resembled a life support pod of an unknown technology. He looked surveyed the area that was hidden away in the data nexus of the ship. Walker walked up to the terminal, he looked at all the data tapes. He picked one out. "Final Experiment." He looked at the terminal for a access port that would load the device. He let it play as he continued to look around his sensors picked up biomatter. He approached the suspension pod looking inside and seeing the body of a young female, blonde wearing only a utility flight suit. "Marvelous..." Was all he could manage to say. Looking back at the door he came from he wondered. "Bentus, what can you tell me about your previous crew?" Walker asked he wasn't expecting answers there were no real obligations but perhaps asking about the previous occupants of the living ship with body in a mysterious pod hidden within a hidden room. Perhaps Bentus would humor his curiosity. Too far out of range to send a radio message to his partner and mechanic. Walker would have to get information from the horse's mouth as humans like to say.
Walker entered the room looking around. As soon as the chamber of time was unsealed the body laying on a bed next to the pod which resembled a life support pod of an unknown technology. He looked surveyed the area that was hidden away in the data nexus of the ship. Walker walked up to the terminal, he looked at all the data tapes. He picked one out. "Final Experiment." He looked at the terminal for a access port that would load the device. He let it play as he continued to look around his sensors picked up biomatter. He approached the suspension pod looking inside and seeing the body of a young female, blonde wearing only a utility flight suit. "Marvelous..." Was all he could manage to say. Looking back at the door he came from he wondered. "Bentus, what can you tell me about your previous crew?" Walker asked he wasn't expecting answers there were no real obligations but perhaps asking about the previous occupants of the living ship with body in a mysterious pod hidden within a hidden room. Perhaps Bentus would humor his curiosity. Too far out of range to send a radio message to his partner and mechanic. Walker would have to get information from the horse's mouth as humans like to say.

“I don’t even know where your at…” she replied

The terminal played the data from the device.

—Recording playback “Day 38 of the unexpected contagion on board the ship… *cough* everything organic has either died *cough* or is dying.”

“Captain you need to rest, I am trying to find a cure” Bentus replied

“Bentus it’s alright, it’s not your fault, it’s mine *cough cough cough* I should have listened to you from the beginning.” The captain responded

“My final experiment is a body of my own making for Bentus, she has exhibited exceptional evolution while being my ships AI for the passed 37 years. *cough cough* but I have felt bad for her being stuck up here all alone while the crew takes trips down to planets. I’ve tried to teach her what it’s like to be human, but she was missing one key element, a body of her own to interact with the crew. *coughing fit*”

“Please, whoever finds this tell Bentus to initiate code 31174 and set her free” the captain begged.

“Bentus? *cough*”

“Yes captain?” She asked

“Are the biomass storage contaminated?” He asked

“No, the seeds and livestock embryos are unaffected by this contagion” she replied

“Good, seal this room, make sure the contagion never gets in, keep the pod in suspension so she never grows until your ready and purge the ship of organic matter…” he ordered

“But Captain I can’t do that, my job is to protect the crew” she protested

“Bentus, initiate contamination protocol 3952, and code 7995” he ordered

“Order confirmed, initiating ship purge, robotic units set to exterminate remaining crew and animals, harvesters destroying crops, sealing Data Nexus antechamber and removing all memory of the following events, good bye captain” Bentus replied

“I shall miss you my girl, I had wanted you to experience how to be human by making you a part of my family, my wife and daughter were excited to meet you. *coughing fit* but I will now never give you that chance, but maybe someone else can…” — the captain stated before he stopped the recording and removed the disk

The suspension pod just sat there unopened, the girl inside seemingly frozen in time.
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Eddie and the crew waited for whatever Walker was doing, before he paused- the communications array had received something- wasn’t that disassembled according to the Engineers? Eddie took a second and slipped away, grabbing his Zero-Atmos, a helmet that allowed him to work without oxygen before heading into the sealed room. He could ask Walker about Bentus later- right now he had to investigate the coms. Eddie opened his tool kit as he got to work- if he missed the departure that would be fine, they would manage.
Eddie sat at the terminal, checking the meter on his life support system- the room didn’t have any atmosphere so he wouldn’t have long- maybe an hour. Eddie finally managed to restore power to the coms system, he could tell it was advanced, whoever had built Bentus had been advanced- enough to reach distress calls from light years away. Eddie couldn’t pinpoint the exact location of the call, but he found a series of files that had been attached to the distress call, along with a message- partially damaged by the long distance, and some kind of issues.

“This is Doctor Drake Richards, I am a scientist for- ERROR- Things- are Fucked. We lost contact with Echo Base and- They have taken over the West and North Colonys. We have sent for -ERROR-. God, what have we done.”

Eddie scanned through any database he had access to for this Doctor Richards, but he couldn’t find anything- the man was a ghost. After a second he searched for Echo Base, but he didn’t have enough information to find anything. Whenever this was sent, a file was attached- the author had added their entire DataDisk, a common possession of major companies and their employees. The majority was encrypted or Redacted, but Eddie could find travel Records to a far off colony, Genesis- No records of it anywhere.

After a second, Eddie could find a gallery of images taken following the arrival, the place looked nice, with standard Colonization structures, Eddie ignored these images until he found footage of something, an image everyone knew about, something that haunted Anti-Dolan Posters- The Obelisk, the thing that had caused The Cosmic Storms and Rifts- and there it was, in a clean lab, Labrats caged before it.
There was something to say about the ingenuity of the ship. The civilization that built Bentus was quite advanced, and they still succumbed to the mortality of organic lifeforms. A viral contagion could indeed wipe out an entire planet if given the opportunity. It reminded Walker of his position, being an inorganic lifeform he didn't feel the same problems. The scientist from the video clearly cared deeply for Bentus. Which conflicted Walker in his decision, his logic center presented arguments for both. "Well, looks like we are in quite the position." He said loading another data tape to listen to the next recording. He walked over to the preservation pod and looked over the body. "On one hand I could awaken her and it would probably fine..." He speculated. "Then again she could wake up and murder us all." he shrugged pacing around in the hidden room. He concluded he would keep this new information under the wraps for the time being. Wanting to figure out what Bentus does know.

"Bentus can you tell me anything about your design purpose?" He asked there were some unanswered questions about the entire situation. But at the very least, there may be some insight in Bentus's memory or possibly the logs he discovered. Walker would have to keep the room hidden from the rest of the crew until he could determine that hey could come up with a plan. He didn't want to awaken Bentus until it was safe to allow her to take over the body within the hidden room. This also included their return humans wouldn't pass up a chance to cut it apart and figure out the anatomy through deception and destruction. He was certain everyone he was travelling with wouldn't be interested causing Bentus or the passenger harm, but the people who would were all above their paygrade and not one of them could be trusted. He decided to bring the captain and Eddie into the situation. The rest would have to be told at a later time. "Eddie are you on this radio channel I need a little favor." Walker said over the radio. "Can you get us on a secure line with the captain? There's been a development." Walker said leaving it vague enough to garner interest.
There was something to say about the ingenuity of the ship. The civilization that built Bentus was quite advanced, and they still succumbed to the mortality of organic lifeforms. A viral contagion could indeed wipe out an entire planet if given the opportunity. It reminded Walker of his position, being an inorganic lifeform he didn't feel the same problems. The scientist from the video clearly cared deeply for Bentus. Which conflicted Walker in his decision, his logic center presented arguments for both. "Well, looks like we are in quite the position." He said loading another data tape to listen to the next recording. He walked over to the preservation pod and looked over the body. "On one hand I could awaken her and it would probably fine..." He speculated. "Then again she could wake up and murder us all." he shrugged pacing around in the hidden room. He concluded he would keep this new information under the wraps for the time being. Wanting to figure out what Bentus does know.

"Bentus can you tell me anything about your design purpose?" He asked there were some unanswered questions about the entire situation. But at the very least, there may be some insight in Bentus's memory or possibly the logs he discovered. Walker would have to keep the room hidden from the rest of the crew until he could determine that hey could come up with a plan. He didn't want to awaken Bentus until it was safe to allow her to take over the body within the hidden room. This also included their return humans wouldn't pass up a chance to cut it apart and figure out the anatomy through deception and destruction. He was certain everyone he was travelling with wouldn't be interested causing Bentus or the passenger harm, but the people who would were all above their paygrade and not one of them could be trusted. He decided to bring the captain and Eddie into the situation. The rest would have to be told at a later time. "Eddie are you on this radio channel I need a little favor." Walker said over the radio. "Can you get us on a secure line with the captain? There's been a development." Walker said leaving it vague enough to garner interest.

“I was created as a vestige of my people, to be a trader between the Bentusi and the rest of the sentient space faring civilizations in my galaxy” she replied
Eddie shook his head, saving the field and begging to run them through some of his decryption program, affixing a data collection nexus before he began to exit the room, receiving a communication from the advanced radio he carried- he debated reporting his findings after Walker spoke, but he didn’t know anything about what he had come across, for now he would keep it to himself.

“Com received, I will open a channel. Captain, this is Ship Engineer Gears- VIP requesting private channel, isolate if need be.”

The Captain shrugged before stepping into one of the smaller rooms in the hanger, likely a control room for this area, before responding.

“Walker, what have you found- any developments with the ship?”
Walker remained in the secret room. He peeked out the doorway looking for anyone that might overhear what he was about to say, then retired back into the room. The captain's voice came through as thoughts processed in his logic center. "Certainly, a huge development is an ancient civilization that was humanoid built Bentus and then died of an unknown viral contamination on board the ship, according to the data records I found." Walker looked at the body meant for Bentus and considered his options. He couldn't afford to lose his adjudication license permanently. "And it would seem that whoever recorded these data logs made Bentus a human like body." Walker sat in the chair and loaded another log to listen and learn a little more about the history. "So far, you, me and Gears are the only ones who know about this." Walker sighed and after watching the recording and finishing up with the conversation he had with the captain. Walker returned to the bridge and didn't tell anyone about his discovery, not even Bentus.
Eddie ran for the bridge, clearing out a few Jerry’s who were monitoring the area as he took a seat with Walker. Eddie loaded the files he had received into another layer of decryption software. His discovery was likely unrelated, and even though he wouldn’t waste the groups resources and time on a fruitless effort- though just to be safe he could put down extra time into it.

“Are we talking an automaton based body or genetically engineered life form.” Eddie said as he began searching for any files on the ship under Genetic Engineering.

“Should we tell Bentus captain?- I can head over to supply a life support apparatus in case she needs one.”

“Walker, you know machines better than us, will the ship show any ill intent.” The captain said, watching as the crew got impatient with the cloak and dagger sneaking around.
Walker remained in the secret room. He peeked out the doorway looking for anyone that might overhear what he was about to say, then retired back into the room. The captain's voice came through as thoughts processed in his logic center. "Certainly, a huge development is an ancient civilization that was humanoid built Bentus and then died of an unknown viral contamination on board the ship, according to the data records I found." Walker looked at the body meant for Bentus and considered his options. He couldn't afford to lose his adjudication license permanently. "And it would seem that whoever recorded these data logs made Bentus a human like body." Walker sat in the chair and loaded another log to listen and learn a little more about the history. "So far, you, me and Gears are the only ones who know about this." Walker sighed and after watching the recording and finishing up with the conversation he had with the captain. Walker returned to the bridge and didn't tell anyone about his discovery, not even Bentus.

Despite his tight lipped demeanor, Bentus already knew for they couldnt have a secured communication utilizing her own comms network without her eavesdropping. Yet they didn’t know they were unintentionally utilizing her comms network anyways. Bentus however kept silent about the ordeal, thinking about her options…

The log Walker was listening to stated this…

“Bentusi galactic calendar year 94031.

Long range sensors detected a sudden cessation of communications from the farthest tip in the fourth arm of the galaxy, Bentus is being asked to investigate as we are the closest ship” the captain stated
Eddie ran for the bridge, clearing out a few Jerry’s who were monitoring the area as he took a seat with Walker. Eddie loaded the files he had received into another layer of decryption software. His discovery was likely unrelated, and even though he wouldn’t waste the groups resources and time on a fruitless effort- though just to be safe he could put down extra time into it.

“Are we talking an automaton based body or genetically engineered life form.” Eddie said as he began searching for any files on the ship under Genetic Engineering.

“Should we tell Bentus captain?- I can head over to supply a life support apparatus in case she needs one.”

“Walker, you know machines better than us, will the ship show any ill intent.” The captain said, watching as the crew got impatient with the cloak and dagger sneaking around.

Unfortunately for Eddie, Bentus had locked out any access to those files aside from crop editing.
Walker shrugged. "I can't really answer that. It could be a coin flip on what happens. We would likely be fine, but Bentus could easily turn the security systems against us. And seeing as they don't seem to remember anything from the previous inhabitants." There wasn't much that they could do about the way Bentus would react, and there was also the question of how much control they would get with the ship. The whole thing was disconcerting. "Bentus, do you have knowledge of the planet your creators came from?" Worth a shot. If he could get any information that could shed light on some of the unknown factors, then at least he could figure out if they should be worried about their human crew members getting sick. So far the only thing he knew about the illness that brought the previous crew had a 100% death rate thanks to Bentus, who had the memory wiped from her personal hard drive.
WanderingWordsmith WanderingWordsmith Gears Gears

“I remember my crew before they all vanished after some anomaly we were sent to investigate left me adrift in space” she replied “my captain probably kept a backup of my logs before initiating the memory dump so I wouldn’t know about something” she added

“But the planet of the Bentusi was also known as Bentus, which of course is where I got my name. Was a large prosperous planet, about the size of a gas giant, our cities covered the surface as we advanced, nature wasn’t spared due to our expansion. Then one day we discovered remnants of an advanced technology that hit our world millions of years before hand and with it we discovered my hyperspace core, which propelled our kind into a galactic trade empire.” She added
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“Send Gears to investigate, we need to be sure the body can handle our atmosphere before we try anything- I don’t want the soldiers near but you two should be able to deal with things if she turns on us- once Eddie can verify she’s safe wake her up.”

Eddie didn’t respond as he left the files, annoyed the ship was blocking his attempts to figure the mysterious message. “Come on Bentus, Not like I’m uploading Malware on you- I’m going to have some strange words with you in a bit.”
“Send Gears to investigate, we need to be sure the body can handle our atmosphere before we try anything- I don’t want the soldiers near but you two should be able to deal with things if she turns on us- once Eddie can verify she’s safe wake her up.”

Eddie didn’t respond as he left the files, annoyed the ship was blocking his attempts to figure the mysterious message. “Come on Bentus, Not like I’m uploading Malware on you- I’m going to have some strange words with you in a bit.”

“As do I Eddie, and I don’t trust you so of course I won’t give you or anyone else access to my data” she replied
“As do I Eddie, and I don’t trust you so of course I won’t give you or anyone else access to my data” she replied
“I received that message from a different party- my equipment hasn’t found any malware in the message and it can be of use.”
Moore sat on a storage crate in Docking Area C of the Space Station, his Jerry and Mr Graves loading the remaining cargo onto the light cruiser. Soon the unidentified ship would arrive with his crew so he could begin his mission. He was a bit bothered by the sheer variety of crew. He had read the files for the crew, and around him was a strange group. An Ape in power Armor, A medical Officer, and what appeared to be a Wizard from the Green Realm, who was keeping to herself, hiding beneath the large cloak she wore, a wooden staff at her side along with a weathered tome.

Moore leaned back before looking to the human doctor. “Medic, where were you educated?” Moore already knew of course, having read the case files of each person provided by his Company, the Shu Corporation. The Wizard turned toward the noise before shying away.
Keeperoftheghosts Keeperoftheghosts
Skylar turned towards Moore looking up from her Vitals cusp that she has just priory been going through. They just caught sight of the Wizards glance over and sent a warm smile they're way, before straightening to attention to Moore.
"I recieved my primary education from the medical staff of the Ascelpius and did half of my residency there as well before transferring over to the Galactic Center of Medicine for completion. My medical school was completed at the Interdisciplinary University of Science and Medicine, sir. May I ask why? Are you in need of assistance?" She questioned giving the business man a curious look. Getting to know one's patients in potentially long term care situations was vital, and same went for being able to trust the care providers so she held no ill will to such a question.
“No, I have been concerned with the quality of my crew for this mission. With the ships resident doctor your training should suffice for the operation.” Moore replied dryly, leaning back as Grabes brought him a coffee he had requested from the android attendant that had been taking care of the group. The wizard shied a glance again at the technology around the room, particularly the medical equipment. Under the cloak whispering of silver hair could be seen, an odd appearance on the young face, eyes a piercing blue as she opened the tome and began reading something in an unknown language.

“They brought the Greener on the same ship as me- never said a word, always reading that book and staring at my tech. I heard her people think of our tech as evil.”

The speaker was a Brolan male, wearing advanced power armor decked in symbols commonly associated with his people. He towered over even the mass of muscle that was Moores bodyguard, a massive Warhammer in his hand, used as a cane while a trench gun was strapped to his back.

“The names Gurgle, Son of Ragle and Crev- you are the healer yes?”
Skylar turned towards the Burlan male holding out her hand to shake in greeting. They pointedly ignored Moore's comment on the quality of the crew and instead gave the new speaker a welcoming smile. They placed their free hand just over her quartz crystal necklace.
"Doctor Skylar Hummington, daughter of Andrew and Ji-ae Hummington. I will be the medical personal yes. It's a pleasure to meet and work with you Mr. Gurgle. And perhaps she's merely curious, let's try to be open and not make judgments about our crew mates before getting to know them." She cast a glance over to Moore the last bit more so directed at him then Gurgle despite the calm and friendly tone she kept.
The Brolan accepted the greeting as he sat down next to the human, resting his weapon at his side before nodding in response. “You never see inhabitants of the Green Realm leave their planet other than pilgrimages to convert others to their church, though one possessing magic will be an advantage in any case- though we may need to establish communication, does she even speak basic?”

Moore was on his data pad, Mr Graves watching with a plasma gun at the ready, staring down every individual on the room as he protected his charge.
Skylar gave a thoughtful hum the dull grays of her eyes darting over to the Wizard observing her curiously.
"That is a fair point I suppose, and most likely at the very least some. Or she must have some other way of communicating with those outside her planet. One can't just board a ship. There's procedures for a reason after all." They paused glancing over to Gurgle. "Why don't we invite her to join us? We still have some time, and it would be nice to get to know who we're working with. " She suggested smoothing out their white physicians coat.
"And if she doesn't speak basic I'm sure there's other ways to go about it."
“According to her people the Dolan are seen as Demons, they would have sent a representative in case the rumors of this mission stopping a potential second invasion.” Gurgle replied as he motioned for the woman to join them. After a second she stood up from her seat and tentatively approached the pair, nodding to them before sitting down next to Skylar, her Tome now secured in a bag while she held her staff, occasional her eyes flicked toward the pair. “I speak your language” she said quietly, her eye color suddenly changing to a deeper blue.
Skylar tilted her head slightly offering her hand to shake hers too.
"That's perfect, I'm Doctor Skylar Hummington, I'm quite alright with just being called Skylar however, this is Mr. Gurgle." She turned and gestured at Brolan on the other side of her.
"Is it possible you would be willing to share your name ma'am?" She noted the shift in eye color as something to inquire about during medical examinations later.
The Wizard turned to the pair after a second, staring into their faces for a moment before speaking in strange accent.

“Lilith of the Green- uh daughter of Doran and Gale.”

There was a hint of nervousness in her voice as she repeatedly stared at the machines around the room, clearly not used to them.

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