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Space station Delta, our final days


Ivy league procrastinator
(ok, so I wanted to do something different, and then I thought, "a roleplay with a definite end sounds nice" so this is where it lead me)

In the year 2087

Seven years after the great war struck earth, leaving behind a surface similar to our moon...lifeless...dull...

The station "Delta", had launched three months after the war broke loose (before the world ended), and carried with it 60 passengers.

Things eventually turned to the worst, as less and less passengers woke up the next "morning", and now we are left with six (five rp spots to fill, as I am #1).

They thought that maybe they could survive for at least a year longer, until the long range scanners on the station picked up a comet heading directly at them.

The engine had long since run out, leaving them directly in the way....they were going to die, and they knew it.

The scanners predicted 4 days until impact, so until then....what?

Station layout

Shaped like a circle, the  "front" of the ship consists of a big room, with a long array or seats supposed to control its functions (long ago abandoned), This is the captains area.

A door from there leads into a long hall from there to about the middle of the ship, one side with four different storage rooms (food, medical, tools, guns), and the other side a giant mess hall of sorts (where the eats are happening).

From the middle back, are the rooms of many different people, most of are which dead, and at the back is a room where people can suit up for outer space (used to make ship repairs).

The "middle" is really where the engine is.

Character sheet






(nothing too classy, as this is limited)

(will begin rp as soon as people join)

Name: Captain Hoodwin

Age: 32

Gender: male

Appearance: lean design, usually wearing his issued uniform (a one piece black, with stripes that center into a circle on his chest, which holds the earths insedia

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