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Realistic or Modern Space Boy





See you later, space cowboy.
zippy zippy
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]'Talis'[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Talis was royally screwed. Though he'd gained control of his ship once more, he was way to far off course to make it back to where he was supposed to be. The ground was approaching fast, and the main thing on his mind was to not crash land. Frantically pressing buttons on the control paneled, he was almost tempted to scream at the incessant beeping that just wouldn't stop. The constant "Recalculating. Recalculating." was also driving him insane. As if he didn't know how badly he'd fumbled the ball. It was fine, every thing was going to be fine. Despite the fact that he had no idea where he was landing, at least he was landing and not crashing.

He was jolted from his seat when the bottom of the ship made contact with the ground a bit too hard. But Talis wasn't dead, and for that he was grateful. The front of the ship was a clear, window-like panel. That didn't help much, as he appeared to be surrounded by tall green stalks. Corn field. The words came to him and he was grateful for his thorough movie library in his head. It'd certainly come in handy. He pushed open the door, watching as it flapped upwards and the purified air mingled with the Earth's. The first thing that hit him was the smell. It was almost sweet, when compared to his home planet's metallic odor.

After a moment of hesitation he finally exited, taking his species' first steps on this foreign planet. He pushed through the stalks, eventually stumbling into an abandoned street. Everything was so dark. Nighttime. He stared up at the sky, the stars captivating him. He couldn't believe he was actually here. The place he'd watched in so many movies. It was finally a reality. Except... A lot more empty than he expected it to be.

The only source of light came from some sort of building, lighting up with red and yellows with a sign that read 'Sweet T's'. Talis glanced down at his hands, making sure they were pale white rather than pale blue. He fidgetted a bit with his wardrobe, wondering if it was too much. His plain white tee was tucked snugly into a pair of light blue jeans. On top of that he wore a red button down that was completely open and rolled up to his elbows. Well, even if it was too much there wasn't much he could do about it anyways.

He walked towards the building the smell of strange foods wafting into his nostrils as drew nearer. Honestly, it didn't smell all that appealing but whatever. Talis wasn't here to eat, he was here to find out where the hell he'd crash landed. Hopefully they were friendly enough. He knew that humans weren't necessarily hostile, but they could definitely be stand offish towards new people. Talis walked into the lot and sat at an empty table. He wasn't exactly sure what to do to draw attention to himself so instead he picked at his fingernails, hoping that some worker would approach him first.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: In Awe
Mentions: calypso calypso [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#6ba3ff; --color2:#3b80ef; --color3:#000919; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566801515034181653/image0.jpg'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Rose[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
This was probably the most anticlimactic night Rose had ever witnessed at Sweet T's.

Sitting behind the counter of the main desk, Rose sat with a comic book opened up. She didn't exactly know what the plot of the story was, given she had picked up the light novel in the discount bin at the local supermarket. It was an old 'Mom and Pop' store, which meant their releases were about five years too late. She was mostly just doodling over random drawings with the marker she found in the parking lot earlier. A random goatee there, followed by devil horns on another character. It was the most entertaining thing she could thing of at the moment, besides actually reading the story itself.

Or she should sneak out to the fields tonight. The thought had been plaguing her mind ever since she doodled the first mustache onto the aged paper. There had been only one customer tonight, and they just wanted to take a piss. It was Donny from her art class, and she had silently pointed her thumb over to the out houses. She didn't need him acting all nasty to her tomorrow in second period. Normally with such a slow night, she'd be already gone from this lousy joint. But...Her boss only scheduled her to work the shift tonight. If they got robbed or something, there was no one else to blame. And if a customer did come, with no one around...She'd just never hear the end of it.

But there were was only an hour left in her shift, and she still had at least ten more pages of doodles left to do. If she took her time, she'd be able to make the most of it. Besides, the little old radio next to her was cranking out some tunes. Even if static was playing over majority of the song...Jessie's Girl was still vaguely playing in the background. A large bubble was blown from the gum she had been chewing on for the last two hours, before Rose slowly shifted her eyes to the side. Squinting a bit, she leaned forward on her stool. Was that...?

Oh great, it was. A customer was walking towards the tables, a rather confused look on his face. Was that Bobby Rod? No, dude was too skinny to be Bobby. Maybe it was David...It didn't look like him either. Not to mention this guy was just walking down the road, and from the directions of the fields. The bubble popped loudly, before she pulled the gum back into her mouth with her tongue. He was sitting down, which meant he expected someone to come serve him. Maybe someone had a lost cousin in town, but that'd be real rare.

Pushing herself off the stool, Rose took a moment to collect herself. The skates she wore wobbled a bit under her feet, before she steadied herself out and grabbed a small notepad and pen. A moment later, and she was pushing open the swinging door of the main booth to skate on over to the newcomer. He likely heard her approach before seeing her, but she was upon him in seconds with a somewhat perplexed look on her face.

The young girl was quick to lean down on the table in front of him, her elbows braced on the plastic surface. A thick eyebrow rose upward, before the gum snapped in her mouth. She said nothing as she stared at him, the silence hanging in the air.

"You ain't from around here, are you?" She suddenly asked, the southern tang quick to ring out in her voice. She continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: Confused
Mentions: zippy zippy [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#E8C5C7; --color2:#C88D8D; --color3:#171212; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566731060512292894/Screenshot_4.png'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]'Talis'[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Talis' head snapped towards the sound of the doors swinging open. His eyes were instantly drawn towards the contraption on each of her feet. He couldn't remember the name of them, but he'd definitely seen them in a handful of movies. She glided effortlessly across the rough pavement until... Well until she was leaning over the table infront of him, giving him a perplexed look. He was sure his face mirrored a similar expression. After all, he was face to face with a real human. The first thing he noticed were here freckles, and his hand lifted. He almost reached out to touch her face, but quickly came to his senses and brushed his hair from his eyes instead.

He flinched a bit at the sound of her gum snapping, before shaking his head aggressively to answer her question.

"No, no. No, I'm from uh..." he gestured vaguely towards the street he wander over from. Her accent sounded so funny. Talis had spent so much time trying to perfect his "average American accent" that he hadn't stopped to think about the others he many encounter. He was clearly flustered though, and the light blush that started to spread across his cheeks didn't do much to hide it from the strange human girl.

"I'm from another city, you probably wouldn't know it," he finally answered, hoping the clearly terrible answer would be satisfactory enough for her. "They call me Talis. What do they call you?"

He couldn't help the excitement that oozed into his voice. Talis must have been a very strange sight from the girl, seeming to almost vibrate from what was simple interaction between him and another person. Maybe she would even be his friend. Part of what he was meant to do was to enroll in their school system, to learn as much as he could about the culture and blah blah blah he didn't care enough to listen too closely. It'd be a lot of help to have a friend before he started.

Abruptly he stood, knocking the table with his knees a bit aggressively. He extended his hand, yet another gesture he mimicked from the movies. His green eyes met hers. He hadn't realized that she was so short. He didn't tower over her (thankfully), but on his home country everyone essentially grew at the same rate, give or take a centimeter or two. Of course he shouldn't have said what slipped out of his mouth next, but he couldn't help it.

"Is it hard to use those wheels on your feet with shorter legs? I've never tried it with my own even." Talis lifted his left leg a bit, as if to demonstrate to her that his were longer. As if she couldn't have noticed that with her own eyes. A breeze tousled with his hair, and he lifted his eyes to the sky, in awe of even something so simple like the wind. There were some familiarities here of course, but in context, everything was so different. He still couldn't believe he was actually on another planet.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: In Awe
Mentions: calypso calypso [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#6ba3ff; --color2:#3b80ef; --color3:#000919; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566801515034181653/image0.jpg'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Rose[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Keeping her eyebrow raised up at him, Rose said nothing as the young man scrambled for an explanation for where he was from. Her brown eyes silently trailed his hand when he gestured to the street, before another bubble was slowly blown and popped. Based on the bits and pieces of fiber clinging to his jacket, it looked like the dude had just wandered out from corn fields. Her eyes returned slowly to his face, watching the blush that slowly began to creep over his features. Once his answer was given, Rose only shook her head a bit. Her honey blonde hair swung in the high ponytail, a small bounce to each movement.

"Right, 'cause the only other town around here is about forty miles the other way. If you're from some other town I don't know about, must be real hidden," she said, pushing slowly off the table to stand up straight. Wobbling a bit, she was quick to steady herself out of the skates once again. She was about to pull out her notepad to actually take his order, but the young lad was quickly launching into another topic. Mainly, his name.

"Your name is Talis? What kinda-" She stopped abruptly as he stood, her eyes dropping down to his hand as he jerked it forward. The pen she held was slowly pushed behind her ear as she raised his gaze to his own eyes, before she took his hand in a firm handshake. He was definitely the oddest customer she had ever encouraged, given that she knew just about everyone else who rolled up at night.

"Uh, I go by Rose. It's on my name tag," she said once her hand was pulled back, her slender finger raising to tap against the little plastic tag. A heart sticker was stuck under it, along with an alien head above it. At least she somewhat got to customize her uniform. She was still reeling over the fact he went by Talis, which sounded like it came straight out of Star Trek or something along those lines. Maybe he was just a huge nerd who was trying to change his name. It was a weird name, but she wasn't exactly concerned about that at the moment. She needed to just take his order.

"Alright bud, do you actually want to order something or--" She stopped again, his question suddenly heard. Did he just...ask how she skated because she was short? Not to mention he called her skates wheels...on her feet. Her lips parted into an 'O' as she stared at him, half expecting the guy to take it back as a poorly timed joke. But he was already tilting his head back to stare at the sky as wind tousled his hair. A moment later, it seemed to hit her. A sharp 'Oh!' sounded.

"I get it!" She said suddenly, skating around the table to stand next to him. A finger was jabbed into his arm, before she wiggled it slowly at his face. "I got you all figured out mister, yeah-huh." Oh no. Was he that bad at hiding his alien nature? Were humans already aware of his existence, and she was about to expose him?

"You're on drugs. That's why you just came out from the corn fields. I bet you're from the next town over and your friends dropped you off cause you took one too many hits. Now you got the munchies. Don't worry, I'll get ya something to eat."

[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: Offended
Mentions: zippy zippy [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#E8C5C7; --color2:#C88D8D; --color3:#171212; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566731060512292894/Screenshot_4.png'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]'Talis'[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Talis hardly noticed the fact that he was hardly giving the girl enough time to respond. He couldn't help it, really. The excitement bubbled throughout him and made him feel so energized. When she grabbed his hand to complete the handshake, Talis had to resist the urge to instantly pull his hand back. Her hand was so warm, it shocked him. Or perhaps his hands were unnaturally cold, though they studied humans they had no way to know such intricacies such as their body temperature. When she released his hand he slipped it into his pocket and rocked back on his heels a bit.

She pointed at her name tag and Talis lowered his eyes to check it out. Rose, she said it was. An interesting choice to name your offspring. Though he knew humans were quite partial to giving plant names. Daisy, Rose, Petunia, Dahlia. He certainly knew all about those, but he wondered if the names always fit personalities so well. Rose seemed to be quite beautiful, and yet abrasive and perhaps a bit opposed to being touched. Much like an actual rose. Talis was going to mention it, but he figured he'd save it for another time.

Talis took a step backwards when the human girl skated around and poked him in the arm pointedly. He paled and his eyes widened at her words. She had him all figured out? What the hell did that mean? Instantly his brain was calculating the probability that he could get out of their alive. He doubted she could keep up with him if he ran for the fields, but would he safely be able to fly away. The sheer panic in his eyes probably seemed a bit overkill when he processed the words she said after that. She only thought he was on drugs. What a relief.

"Yes! I was sharing a uh- a bean with my good friends. Then they totally ditched me in the corn fields and left me here. Can you believe that? Man I am just so out of it."

His grin was wide and his over explanation probably helped him appear even more stoned to the unfortunate worker who had to deal with him. Talis dropped back down onto the bench and slouched a bit over the table. He kept his eyes on Rose though, studying her reaction. He didn't think she'd turn him in, even for doing drugs.

"Thanks a lot, Rose. I would really love a cheesy hamburger right now. The drugs have really given me the munchies like you said."

He didn't realize he'd messed the words up, but it didn't really matter to him. Honestly, he was just glad that the first person he'd met seemed to be at least a tiny bit understanding. Though, he wouldn't exactly say nice. He knew when he was being poked fun of.

"Can you sit with me while I eat it. Like I said my friends left me here and I don't want to sit out in the dark on my own." He tilted his head as he spoke, his smile widening a bit more in an attempt to look friendly.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: Content
Mentions: calypso calypso [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#6ba3ff; --color2:#3b80ef; --color3:#000919; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566801515034181653/image0.jpg'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Rose[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Great, it was late at night and Rose was dealing with a dude who was stoned. Or at least...trying to act like he was stoned. It was more exciting than what she was previously doing, but was it any better? Raising an eyebrow at the grinning man, Rose just shrugged her shoulders to herself with a defeated sigh. He was still a customer technically, and she wasn't gonna nark on him.

"So one cheesy...hamburger. Which is just a cheeseburger, got it. I'm just gonna put down a side of fries with that, cause I don't think you even know what sides you can get," she spoke to herself as she pulled the notepad back into her hands, the pen soon clicking away as she wrote down his order. The tip of the pen was pressed against her lips as she paused, clearly lost in thought for a moment. The end tugged her lip upward slightly, before she huffed loudly again and clicked it closed entirely. "Okay, buddy. Talis, was it? Doubt that's your real name, but whatever..." She muttered, before she began to skate backwards around the table once again.

"I guess I can chill out here for a bit, unless someone else comes to order. Just don't go anywhere, you're already acting weird enough on whatever you had. Doesn't seem like weed," she added, before turning around fully to skate back towards the shack. The doors swung open and closed as she passed through them, leaving Talis is the silence of the night. Well, it was more or less the hum of cicadas and the buzz of cheap electronic signs. A large cicada landed on the table in front of me, before buzzing loudly and taking off again. No other cars threatened to pull up, while the shack was more or less silent. A banging inside sounded, followed by a loud 'Fuck!'

Rose appeared from the door moments later again, a noticeably grease stain on the front of her shirt. She had managed to spill the cooled grease over herself, which meant she'd smell like a burger join for the next few days. But she was also carrying food. A cheeseburger and side of fries, along with a tall bottle of coke. She had thrown in the drink as extra, but she still intended for Talis to pay for it.

Oh, if only she knew...

"Okay, drug boy!" She announced as she slowly skidded to a stop, the plate lowered down onto the table in front of him. "Eat up, I'll get the receipt in a few moments. I'm gonna keep doodling in my book here, but I'll do it next to you like ya asked," she said, before plopping down in the seat across from him. The comic book was slapped onto the table, and her pen clicked to life as she continued scribbling in the drawings.

"So, are your buds gonna pick you up? We close in a bit."
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Sweet T's
Mood: Bewildered
Mentions: zippy zippy [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#E8C5C7; --color2:#C88D8D; --color3:#171212; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557392715348705301/566731060512292894/Screenshot_4.png'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]

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