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Realistic or Modern Southern Nights

panic! at the disco
far too young to die

  • .

pretty bored honestly

on his way to a funeral


I've never so adored you
So apparently, Magnolia Darington was dead.

Avery hadn't known the woman well, if at all. He remembered the name briefly once her funeral was announced, probably because it sounded like some old Hollywood starlet or grand dame of class or something of that sort. Despite this, he noticed the names of his former classmates and friends popping up in the group chat, and with that, he figured he may as well go on and head to the funeral, on the off chance that someone he knew would also be there. He didn't exactly tell anyone, but surely that wouldn't be a problem for anyone.

Or, at the very least, he was keeping his fingers crossed that it wouldn't be.

Having no car to speak of, he just decided that taking the bus would be just fine, considering he didn't have any other options (he was definitely not taking an uber this time). So, with his phone in one hand and his bag slung over his shoulder, he made his way to the... funeral home? Church? He wasn't sure he could tell at this point, admittedly. But nevertheless, he was heading to the funeral.

Getting there had been a bit of a hassle, but he had made it through well enough. When he did manage to get inside, it seemed that he was the first arrival, with some family and such scattered about the room. He swallowed, feeling only slightly awkward that he had completely forgotten a card or any flowers to hand over to the family. But, he figured, he was not there to give many condolences or, really, even be seen by many people. He was mainly there to... to what? Prove something of himself, maybe? Who the hell knew at this point, admittedly. In any case, he had already picked a spot to hunker down and wait for the rest of the group chat. He had taken a moment to write some kind words in the guest book, but as soon as he was done, he had made his mind up, moving to a corner and pulling out a small notepad to write down any thoughts he had right now, and he started to wait for anyone he knew to arrive.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








location here




@erzulie (mentions Lisette)

It wasn't particularly a surprise that she ended up at Magnolia's funeral, it was the circumstances that were unexpected. The young girl was well known for the party life and drugs - a life that Saruh had lived in once upon a time ago when she was spiraling after her mother disowned her for coming out. The irony - she thought she'd be the first of the group chat to pass. Some days she itched to go back to that life, to abuse the pills, to ease her mind from the pains of existence. If she was honest - the anti-depressants helped, but they weren't a fix. Her mind still drove through the storm of chaos that her anxiety and depression left her with, she just no longer had the emotional outbursts that accompanied it. She was able to function because of the anti-depressants, even still able to be creative, but those thoughts never left.

She was responsible now. Better. You couldn't tell by the state of her marriage, but she was better. She didn't know what happened to her relationship with Lisette. They had conquered so many obstacles to get to the happiness of exchanging vows and all of that seemed meaningless now. She was better. Why didn't things work even when she was better?

Her chestnut eyes gazed out of the tinted glass pane that of the door of the sable vehicle she was riding in. She hadn't expected to be going to the funeral without the support of her wife, but here she was. Alone.

Solitude had become familiar. So much so that any time she had with her wife felt foreign, forced. If felt like a charade. They were performing the most raved about play on broadway. Theatre had become her entire life. The songs she sang about the men she dated in the past felt more like current events than any love she and her bride shared. Those lonely nights in her room on the opposite of their large house. Those nights all she wanted was to lie next to the woman she shared a surname with. But any cold glance, dry response she got always made what was only a couple hundred steps feel like a couple thousand of miles.

"we're here ma'am."

Her driver had spoken and jerked her out of her world of solitude. The way he pronounced ma'am was stirring, she hadn't gotten used to the way some British pronounced it similarly to "mom". She'd even take her mom's company right now though.

"Thank you," was all she offered as she waited for him to come open her door. She stepped out of the vehicle the sun disturbing her eyesight with its overbearing brightness -a direct contrast to the somber mood she was in. She squinted hard before her hands were able to find the shades before she slid them to the bridge of her nose, finally able to open her eyes and lay her vision upon the catholic church for the first time.

"Oh Maggie..." she stated gently trailing off before letting her feet guide her into the church. She found a seat near the back and let that be where she would hide. She was in no mood for fans, so hopefully she could avoid that, but also she knew there would probably be some type of paparazzi or fans somewhere in hiding. Maggie was very popular herself and many of the people who would be attending would also be, the on particular couple in mind being an NFL player and his Singer wife.

♡coded by uxie♡


Run Fef Run





In Picture


at funeral


Avery Atkins

A loud yawn escaped the jaws of the young woman as she rose from her position on the couch. She cast a glance to the other side of the den, before looking back to the area where her phone laid. A quick tap of a manicured nail on the phone screen and it lit up to shower the time. Though she woke before her alarm, it wasn't by much, so she let out another yawn getting to her feet.

She had fallen asleep in the den of her sister's apartment, naked, but there was no need to cover her as neither she nor her wife would be back anytime soon. The joys of crashing with sisters who were WWE superstars so they were never home and sometimes when they were, they were at their other house in Florida. This meant that she could march around the house without any clothes.

She moved to the bathroom and began to get ready for the day, a somber occasion of a funeral. It took a couple of hours for her to get ready, shower, do her hair and makeup. Eventually, she would finish and put her clothes on and call an Uber and be on her way. On the ride over she kind of just looked out the window. She didn't really know Magnolia that well outside of the mutual connection, like the group chat, but she would go to the funeral and the following events to support those friends of her who were close and did know her. She knew Orisha was going, so at the very least she would be there to support her.

It wouldn't be long until she found herself at the location making sure to move her way in. When she shot a text off to Orisha ( Aster Sapphire Aster Sapphire ) before spotting someone she did know in Avery, and sitting right next to them,
"Hey, Avery! I know it's a sad day but it's so nice to see you"
Her voice was in essentially a whisper, trying to pay respects though the funeral hadn't started.

♡coded by uxie♡

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