Sound of Silence: A Musical Adventure


Enemy Stand User
The Seven Nations:

Rock [Rock & Roll, Rockabilly, Hard Rock, etc.]

Rock is a large country full of diverse people. It has many cities with modern amenities and a pretty good night life. Despite this, many visitors choose to travel to Classic city, where great coliseums and vast music halls rival the Classic nation that inspired its construction.

Metal [Heavy Metal, Hair Metal, etc.]

Metal distinguishes itself from other nations with a fierce population that originally lived in loose clans. Surrounding the large island of Metal is a storm of Noise that takes special vessels and excellent navigators to pass. It has a reputation for powerful Musicians. Many famous figures from Rock have trained here at some point or another.

Alternative [Alt. Rock, Indie, Reggae, ect.]

A newly recognized island chain made up of natives and the descendants of settlers from several generations ago. It has no unifying features but acts as a melting pot and a place for new ideas among its many and varied citizens.

Techno [Dubstep, Dance, etc.]

Perhaps the most advanced nation, much of life of Techno is automated and covered in neon. The people there are famously addicted to their flashing lights and non-stop parties. It rises from the desert in a twisting mish-mash of highways and high rises, bordering the nation of Pop.

Pop [Hip-Hop, Rap, etc.]

Comprised of several modern cities scattered across a vast desert, Pop is famous for its control over new trends and upstart Musicians. Many from Pop end up migrating to other places once their turn in the limelight is over, but those that last that long can be sure of their place in history.

Classical [instrumental, Opera, Orchestral, etc.]

Classical is the oldest surviving nation in the world of Bheesaide. It is home to a proud, noble people who live in ancient castles and massive cathedrals. Originally many warring city-states, the influences of many different styles can be seen here. Similarly, many modern styles trace their roots back to those who left Classical. It is famous for its use of multiple Musicians to strengthen a single common Song.

Soul [Rhythm & Blues, Jazz, etc.]

Sitting between Classical and Rock, Soul is a land of rivers and lakes with a gentle population. Here is where Songs and Musicians weave tales of loss in war, of triumph over adversity, of many great emotions. It is often forgotten by tourists, but there is no discounting the worth of Bheesaide's deeply empathetic lore keepers.

More Information Here:

Rules for the RP:

  1. Follow all regular site rules
  2. Fill out an application prior to posting in the board, for the sake of clarity
  3. Keep it clean, folks
  4. Follow valid lore within the world (I.E. no werewolves, no Super Saiyans or what have you)
  5. More than one Song of a certain title can exist, but do try to stick to actual songs
  6. No killing without expressed permission
  7. No god-modding, power playing, bunnying, or whatever it is you kids are into these days
  8. Please direct any questions about the world or its rules to me
  9. Have fun and treat each other with respect!
  10. Include links to any songs used by your character, I'll be building up a playlist that makes up our rp.
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