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Fantasy Soul Manifestors Characters



Five Thousand Club

Character Sheet
Age: (17-21)
Home Nation:
Aura Color:
Soul Name: Please Spoil

Appearance: (Picture, Description, or Hybrid is all fine)


Soul Manifestation Details


Name Manifestation

True Manifestation

Name: Laukai Kenkuri
Age: 19
Home Nation: Cholsuri Alliance
Gender: Male
Aura Color: Gold
Soul Name: Burning Hope


History: Laukai was born to a fishing family on a small island within the Alliance. It was a simple life, and he lived it happily for years. Then, when he was five, he went out on his first fishing trip. A large sea serpent overturned the boat and summoned a deluge. As far as he knows, everyone else was lost as the next time he woke up, he was in a bed of a rather affluent family in Hertsei. They told him that they found him floating with a sword of burning gold in his hand, and that light was the only reason he was still alive. Soon after that, the Master of the Manifestor Monastery arrived, and took the boy to his new home..

Soul Manifestation Details

Appearance: As Pictured Above
Powers: Small fire blasts and manipulation. Brighter than normal aura burn.

Name Manifestation
Appearance: The blade begins to burn with golden flame, and grows in size to a large slab of a sword.
Powers: Uplifting Aura to allies who can see his glow, burning blade and larger ability to summon and manipulate fire.

True Manifestation
Appearance: The blade becomes a burning pyre, and an aura of golden fire coalesces to form a cloak like a wolf pelt/head around him.
Powers: Allies within range feel unending hope, continuing to push on while fire burns and purifies all around them.
Viking Dude.jpg
“Pitiful craftsmanship as this could never come from Menchora!”
“The forge father’s work is never done.”
“Your weapon is an extension of your body. Mine is an extension of the soul.”

General Information
  • Name – Bertrum “Bertie” Blackheart
  • Alias – Blizzard, Smith
  • Species – Human
  • Gender – Male
  • Age – 19
  • Birthday – September 28th
  • Zodiac – Libra
  • Birthplace – Menchora
  • Sexuality – Heterosexual
  • Soul Name – Freezing Furnace
  • Height – 6ft 5inches
  • Hair – Golden Blonde
  • Eyes – Cold Blue
  • Likes – Crafting Weapons, Cleaving thing in half, Strong drink
  • Dislikes – Lazy People, People who smoke
  • Addictions – Working Out
  • Phobias – Centipedes and Spiders
Notable Proficiencies/Skills
  • Smithing – Bertrum is the son of an accomplished Blacksmith who inherited his father’s genius with the forge. Given enough time, he has shown the ability to make weaponry and armor.
  • Peak Physical Condition – Have you ever seen a fat smith worth his hammer? Neither has Bertrum. His father considered it a sign of laziness if one was overly plump and forced this attitude onto his son.
  • Heavy Weapons/Armor – Bertrum was never one to ignore what the gods had given him in terms of size and began to learn how to use heavy weapons and armor from a young age.
Soul Manifestation
Nord Axe.png

Powers: Coats his edges of his weapons and armor plating in ice. Resistance to cold. Brighter than normal aura freeze.

Name Manifestation
Nord Axe Upgrade.jpg
Powers: Strengthens the craftsmanship and overall durability of his allies’ weaponry and armor. Ability to manifest ice shards to throw at enemies.

True Manifestation
Nord Axe 3.jpg

Powers: Constantly emanates freezing aura no matter the current weather pattern above. Gives full access to Cryomancy.

  • Positive Traits – Funny, Confident, Honest, Determined, Hard Working
  • Negative Traits – Stubborn, Confidence can sometime turn into Pride.
Jerome Blackheart was a renowned blacksmith in Menchora whose only regret in life was that he couldn’t have a son or a child for that matter. He had tried multiple times without fail and still, he was not given a child. It wasn’t until that he fasted for two entire weeks and did nothing but pray to the Forge Father that his wife was finally found pregnant with a child. From that day forward, he swore to raise the best child that he could to serve the Forge Father’s interests. He would make the child a great smith that would even surpass him if he worked hard enough at the forge.

From the day Bertrum was born, Jerome did as much as he could to prepare him for what he had in store. The cold of Menchora had hardened him to the point where he only showed as much love that was necessary and never more. Bertrum felt all of this as he grew up, reliving some of the experiences through his head. There was the time when he had to chop firewood in the middle of a blizzard at six years old or the time when he was forced to learn how to make a pommel for an axe from scratch. He knew his father was harsh to make him strong but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it all the time.

The turning point in his life came when was taking some firewood back home in some harsh weather and he was descended upon by some ruffians who knew the weight his last name carried. The descended upon him and beat him within an a few inches of his life before his hand fell on his chest and his weapon formed for the first time. A savage lust for survival formed within him and in that moment, he cleaved through the three of them like they were drifts of snow. When his father heard of this, he summoned someone to take the boy to his new home. The Forge Father had truly blessed him this day.
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Character Sheet
Name: Rouge Salter
Age: 18
Home Nation: Chemnat
Gender: female
Aura Color: yellow
Soul Name: Lost Judgement


History: Just another random child born unwanted into the world. The burstling capital city of Chemnat can be harsh to anyone. Kid Rouge ended up in a 'shelter' where she learnt how to beg and 'borrow' stuffs from the passerby to fulfill her daily quota.

That's what her life was until the owner of the shelter suddenly vanished without a trace. Rouge and the other kids dispersed on their own ways, hoping to make the best out of their life. Hopefully they all get a happy ending... Nobody needs to know about the blood on her hand, and the newfound power that encourage her to do the deed.

Soul Manifestation Details

Appearance: A set of seven double-edged daggers. Each of them have a different shade of colors, like a rainbow.
Powers: Each dagger can zap each other with lightning bolt. Rouge can also withdraws the daggers back to her hand from the distance.

Name Manifestation
Appearance: carved igzag patterns appear in all daggers. Sparks occasionally emanates from the daggers.
Powers: Strengthen the lightning bolt. Rouge gain lightning immunity and able to pull herself to one of her daggers.

True Manifestation
Appearance: The daggers are covered in so much lightning sparks that the blades couldn't be seen. Lightning surge runs through Rouge's body, lightning-pattern tattooes appeared and her hair now stands stiff.
Powers: Rouge able to call forth powerful lightning from the sky. The daggers can levitate and controlled by her mind.
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Name: Soryn Llyonard
Alias: White
Age: 17
Home Nation: Buntae of the Four Kingdoms
Gender: Male
Aura Color: White
Soul Name: Voracity

Appearance: Everything about Soryn is devoid of any color: the long hair that falls down his back is as white as snow, his eyes a cold silver, his skin as pallid as a doll, or a corpse. None of this is natural, instead being a side effect of his manifested weapon. There are a number of scars on the bottom of his feet - a result of walking over rough terrain without any protection - and more odd scarring below his eyes - appearing to be from tears freezing against the skin. He is unusually short for his supposed age - possibly due to malnutrition? Despite its color-drained appearance, the crown he wears is genuine gold.

History: Soryn comes from the land at the end of the world, the smallest and weakest of the Four Kingdoms: Buntae. He was just another unimportant bastard child of the current king, not even in line for the throne, until his soul weapon manifested. Suddenly he was made the crown prince of a worthless kingdom on the brink of disappearing. His siblings were jealous and spiteful at being passed over for a runt that got lucky, and Soryn's time in the castle learning royal matters became hell for him. When he could stand it no more, he wrote a letter to his father stating his intentions and then left. Soryn was not found by the Monastery, he came by his own power. He traveled on foot through the icy mountains of Bokuni to reach Banchun, from their managing to reach an Alliance port and pay all he had - only keeping the clothes he wore and the crown that was deemed not valuable - to get aboard a ship headed towards the Monastery. He has two goals while there: to learn to control the weapon that he holds and become strong himself, and to gather information and support from important individuals of other nations, namely other Manifestors. Both would make carrying out his plans much easier.

Soul Manifestation Details


Appearance: A large claymore with an odd toothed crossguard.
Powers: Passively consumes Soryn's presence, making it more difficult for others to perceive him. Will actively absorb color from its surroundings, becoming lighter and sharper as a result. Objects drained of their color become weaker as a result.

Name Manifestation
Appearance: The blade devours its own physical shape, leaving behind just white light in the shape of a sword.
Powers: The blade's hunger grows, and it now consumes anything it can touch. It becomes brighter the more it consumes.

True Manifestation
Appearance: While the blade doesn't appear to change from its awakened form, the change in its surroundings is quite noticeable.
Powers: The blade's hunger grows even further. Color is drained from the world around it, at first only leaving black and white, and then even white is consumed, leaving just the brilliantly shining blade in a black void. Anyone that stares at the blade beyond this point will get to see even it fade to nothing as the blade consumes their very sight. The light of everything the blade had absorbed can be used to power various attacks.
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Character Sheet
Name: Alois Ghentrein
Age: 19
Home Nation: Menchora
Gender: Male
Aura Color: Blueish Grey
Soul Name: Steel Rain

"A well placed arrow is sharper than even a Menchoran sword."

Alois, from the outside, isn't much to look at. He's an average height at about 1.75 meters, weighs in at just under 80 kilograms, and has dull green eyes. His hair is a dark brown, and is fairly messy. He often wears a fur coat, primarily out of habit from his home nation, but also for comfort. Physically, he is mostly ordinary, save for a handful of scars in various places, most of which are from his childhood.
(If anybody can find a good face claim, please let me know.)

Alois' childhood had a bit of a rough start.
He was born in a blacksmith's workshop, which belonged to his godfather. His father had been drafted into military service some few months before, and his mother was growing increasingly ill, following his birth. Alois had to grow up fast, following the death of his mother when he was only 2. With his father still in the military, his Godfather took it upon himself to teach Alois the skills necessary to survive the harsh climate of Menchora, to work a forge, and the very basics of a practice known as Alchemy. For his 10th birthday, his father returned with a gift: a bow that was, save for the drawstring, made completely of Menchoran steel.

At age 13, Alois left his home in search of opportunity, and to flee conscription. With his steel bow, he set out upon the icy wastes, where he was confronted by raiders. There was a battle, and his cherished bow was destroyed. For a moment, death seemed certain... then, as if out of thin air, a bow, comprised completely of what he thought was steel, manifested itself into his hand. He drew the string, and forth from oblivion, the first arrow of his manifestation penetrated the heart of his foe.

After reaching safety, Alois came to learn that he was, in fact, a manifestor, out of sheer chance. The last in his family to be able to manifest had been his grandmother of 3 generations past. (Great Great Great) He sought out a teacher, to better understand his abilities, and left Menchora in doing so. It was in this period of his life, only a week after discovering his manifestation, that he came across the Tower, and it is there that his story truly begins.

Soul Manifestation Details

In place of regular arrows, summons arrows of pure ice. Summoned arrows have little distance drop.
Briefly hold a target in one place, but not for extended periods of time. (Anywhere from a microsecond, to about 8 seconds.)

Name Manifestation
Features the same bow as before, with the steel now tainted blue; Arrows are now larger and sharper.
Can hold multiple targets in place for a somewhat extended period of time.

True Manifestation
The arrows, as well as the bow itself, again increase in size to roughly that of enlarged javelins, all arrow drop completely eliminated.*
Allows the user to call forth a violent snowstorm, cold enough to freeze the flesh of foes. Any hostiles within a 150 meter radius will be completely held in place, for as long as deemed fitting by the user. More effort is required for enemy Manifestors. Additionally, manifests armor forged from Menchoran steel plate, which is highly resistant to oncoming arrows and projectiles.

*Sidenote: While the arrows have no drop, they still have limited range; after about 750 meters of flight, the arrow will simply disappear if a target is not hit.
Character Sheet
Name: Charles Balthasar of House Godrik
Age: 19
Home Nation: Kelamba
Gender: Male
Aura Color: White
Soul Name: Ascalon, Heaven's Chosen Bastion

Appearance: Looks like this
Height: 6'1''
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
History: Born as the only child of the decorated knight Ser William The Third of House Godrik, Charles was born into a family of great renown. A family lineage as old as the land, all the men of his family have been engaged in the service of the military as either knights or commanders. Being the last young, male descendant of the line of Godriks, Charles has been groomed from a young age to follow in the footsteps his ancestors and pursue knighthood.

However, many of his relatives would doubt him as a prophecy told by elder seers cast him in a bad light. The prophecy foretold of a descendant of Godrik to bring about a ruinous storm that shall plunge the House into darkness and desecrate the sanctity of the name. At the time of revelation, it seemed hard to think the end of the Godrik's would come from their own. But that change when Charles' mother fell ill. For three days she laid dying in her bed, succumbing to her disease. No doctor or mage could cure her and all options have been exhausted. A violent, unyielding storm gathered around the family estate and laid a siege on the House. For three days, the storm tested the mettle of their strongest knights as they prayed for the soul of Charles' mother.

But all was lost. His mother died peacefully in the night and was to be burried immediately in the family catacombs. When they had emerged from the tombs, the storm clouds still hung in the sky. But slowly, a ray of light pierced through the darkness and illuminated young Charles Balthasar. The seers and elders saw this proof of the prophecy. An evil omen that could tear the House. But Charles' father remained unaffected and promised his beloved wife to prove the elders wrong.

Young Charles did not mind the talk of his elders, for him, what mattered were the final words his mother spoke to him. On her final night, young Charles snuck into his mother's bedroom, looking to comfort her. Fighting through her sickness, she tells Charles another bedtime story, but this time it will be her last. She told him about the Final Days of Heaven. In the tale, the forces of Darkness is about to destroy Heaven, whose last defense is a single legion of angels. One of the angels, looked down from the Heavens to see the kingdom of man. Frail and meek. He took pity upon them, left his ranks to defend man for he knew that once Heaven was gone, man would have no defender.

Charles saw the light as that angel, coming down from the heaven to defend him. While the elders see the event as an angel abandonning his brothers for selfish purposes. It doesn't matter which is right, what matters is that when the light touched Charles it awakened his soul manifestation: Ascalon.

Now Charles sets of a knight in the making to fulfill his quests to acquire knighthood to prove his doubters wrong. But that goal has to be delayed to pursue training in the Manifestor's tower

Soul Manifestation Details
: Kinda like this
Divine Guard: Casts a protective ward around user that deflects physical blows and strikes

Name Manifestation
: It's hammer time
Eternal Defense: Casts an immense aura of light that renders the user, and allies, immovable (can't be moved when hit) and slowly fatigues enemies.

True Manifestation
: Same as Name Manifestation
The Chosen Defender: An ethereal angel descends from the sky and hovers over the user and defends him from all manners of attack, big or small, physical or magical. The angel can't be defeated but the angel can only defend and inflict minor wounds.
Name: Brycen "Bryce" Faulner

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Home Nation: Chemnat

Aura Color: Dark purple

Soul Name: Yggsildra

Appearance: Long brown hair kept in a ponytail, brown eyes and a beard.
Six feet and ten inches tall weighs 204.7lbs and is muscularly built.

Brycen grew up on a small farm with his father and younger brother.
He lived a normal life until his manifestation appeared during a raid on his village.
Now he trains to master his manifestation to defend his nation and loved ones.

Soul Manifestation Details

Creates an aura around the user that protects them from all attacks for up to four seconds

Name Manifestation

Appearance: Moderately larger with a blue gem instead of red
Creates an aura around the user and one ally that protects them from all attacks for up to four seconds.
Must wait one minute before it can be used again

True Manifestation
Powers: Creates an aura around the user and up to four additional allies that protects them from all damage for up to forty seconds.
Must wait five minutes before it can be used again
Name: Jarroc Vallen
Age: 20
Home Nation: Southern Zoru
Gender: Male
Aura Color: Deep Blue
Soul Name: Reaper Scion


History: Family in the southern lands of Zoru is the most important thing. Since their ideals aligned with the idea of pack hunting, it was not uncommon to have 5 or more children to a family. The larger the family, the bigger game you can hunt. The bigger the game, the bigger the prize. The bigger the prize, the happier your family will be eating it.

Jarroc was the first born with a family with three children. Despite this, his family never went without hunting big game. This is because unlike other families, his entire family including uncles, aunts and cousins all hunted for the same household. They did this because they wanted to make sure every member of each family had plenty to eat. Growing up he learned that it didn't matter how you were related, how close you were or if you were even blood-related at all. If you considered someone family, they deserved your full support and undying loyalty.

His father started him out Young. He was about 6 years old he went on his first hunt. He was carried most of the time course. That did not affect the impact this hunt had on him. The way his family looked out for one another. The undying support and loyalty they had for each other. Even the way they moved. Before the Chase actually started, the oldest walked in front set the pace. Behind them was a few of the stronger members of the family, ready to protect the elders and weaker members in front and behind them. In the middle was all the weaker and younger members of the family. Behind the weak and Young was another set of the stronger members to protect the back. Finally, in the back was him and his father. His father was the strongest member of the Hunting Party. He stayed in back to make sure that everyone stayed on path and to make sure that he could get to anyone who needed his help. His father showed him that being the strongest does not mean being the best or being in front. Being the strongest was about being there for those who need you. To be the strongest, you needed to be the one your family could rely on most.

Jarroc's family was very proud of him. They watched as he took to hunting like a fish took to water. At the age of 8 he was a full member of the hunting Party. This excitement was short-lived. While hunting for food they were attacked by a venomous creature. One they had no chance of beating. This creature was famous. It feasted on metal, so it used its venom to turn its prey into metal. The family managed to escape, but failed to notice that young Jarroc was left behind. In the fight for his life he was bitten on his left arm. His left arm turned to metal as he was thrown against a tree. He looked at the monster as it bared down on him. Certain he was going to die. Feeling the pain of the arm as it turned slowly to metal. He placed his hand on his chest to calm his beating heart.

Just as he was about to accept his fate he Manifested. He stopped and looked at the Beast who was acting strangely. It was looking around as if it couldn't see him. At this point time is Family showed up, just in time to watch this creature get decapitated by an unseen Force. Then Jarroc appeared, standing over the creatures body, holding his Manifest. The family dropped to their knees and sent praise to The Goddess of the Hunt for this blessing and the gift given to Jarroc. The next week Jarroc was sent to the monastery. They sent him off the only way a hunter can be sent off. After a long hunt and a good meal.

Soul Manifestation Details

Appearance: In the picture above.
Powers: In this state he gains minor invisibility. This means he is invisible, but the noises he makes can be heard, he leaves footprints and his shadow is visible. In light there will be a slightly visible rippled outline of his body, but not in shadows.
Name Manifestation
Appearance: Same as normal Manifest
Powers: At this stage he gains Major Invisibility. He does not cast a shadow or leave foot prints, but noise can be heard and he is now fully invisible even in light.

True Manifestation
Appearance: Temporarily fully repairs his arm and modifies his body for aesthetic purposes.

Powers: This stage unlocks true invisibility. He is completely invisible. There is no shadow, no noise and no ripple that comes from him. Not even a smell comes off him. Nothing can physically touch him and he cannot touch anything. If he wants to attack he must make himself able to be attacked. He cannot return to the invulnerable state unless he drops the invisibility completely for 3 minutes. The downside is he can only hold True Invisibility for 5 consecutive minutes before he needs an hour of rest.
Name: Rian Kelly
Age: 18
Home Nation: Hertsie
Gender: Female
Aura Color: Amber
Soul Name: Phoenix


Stands at 5'7" and has a decent amount of muscle, but is not bulky. She has fair freckled skin, red hair and green eyes.

Personality: Rian has always been a wild child. She's always idolized manifestors so she was ecstatic when she discovered she'd become one herself. She's brave and outgoing, loved by most. She holds a presence in any room due to her loud and cheerful voice.
Look out, she's a hugger.
She loves cooking and can always appreciate a well prepared meal. When she can she tries to experiment with new flavor combinations. Along with her love of food she can't resist a good drink and can out drink most.

History: Having grown up the daughter of a chef' a successful one at that, she grew up with a curiosity of cooking which soon turned to a passion. Her father owned his own restaurant and had began teaching her cooking techniques as she was old enough to hold a knife.
Being so near to the manifestor monastery she idolized them. Her excitement only increased once her friend, Jarroc, was discovered to be a manifestor. Her own discovery didn't happen till a few years later.
Having been a wild child she often ran around and explored. One day her and a group of friends decided to go explore outside the city(?). While they were exploring Rian had taken the lead. It wasn't long before some beast decided 5 children would make a delicious meal. While she doesn't remember much of what happened due to her survival instincts taking over. She remembered hearing her friends scream. Having reached out her hands in a futile attempt to block she felt something heavy in her hands. What happened next she doesn't really remember. When she finally came to she was standing over the beast holding a sword which was now piercing its chest. The first smell that hit her nose was one of burning flesh.
Feeling exhausted her friends had to help her get back home. It wasn't long before word got out due to her friends telling everyone about the coolest thing they've ever seen. And with the word out Rian was sent off.

Soul Manifestation Details


Powers: A comfortable warmth emits from her body, no matter how cold it gets she's always comfortably warm.

Name Manifestation
Appearance: Same as before but now flames constantly swirl around the blade and is burning hot
Powers: In addition to the flames and burning heat of her sword she can shoot fireballs. If she can raise the heat level to a smoldering heat. Not deadly but extremely uncomfortable and exhausting. She can only do this for around 20 min. Otherwise her temp remains comfortably warm.

True Manifestation
Appearance: approx. (main focus is the wings)

Powers:Now Flaming wings can sprout forth from her back and allow her to fly. She can raise the temp around her to extreme heats, can instantly ignite the fauna around her. The hotter this is the shorter amount of time she can maintain it. depending on heat ranging from an half hour to 1 minute. Her Fireballs burn hotter and larger. She can Also call upon a rain of fire around her (see image for approx.)

Note: While at all levels she can never get cold she can still suffer from the effects of heat other than her own as well that of fires which are not the product of her own powers.
Name: Karam Ourbora

Age: 21

Home Nation: Hertsei

Gender: Male

Aura Color: Light Blue

Soul Name: Discrete Harbinger


History: Karam doesn’t remember what his life was like before being taken to the monastery to be trained. He was taken in when he was very small and has spent more time in this monastery than anywhere else in the world. Of course there is a story of how he came to be at the monastery even if he doesn't personally know it. He's from Hertsei where his family had a small farm just to feed themselves and traded what they didn't eat for a few petty luxuries to remain at least a little comfortable. They worked within their means and while certainly not desperate they were not very far from poor either as they depended upon the land and good growing seasons just to stay alive. He was five years old when he first manifested, he and his brother were playing in the wilderness just outside the farm when the ground suddenly gave way to the two of them. They were scared and couldn't see anything in the darkness, until Karam gripped his chest in fear and suddenly found a glowing sword in his hand. The comforting shade of light blue helped both brothers to calm down and find their way out of the darkness, coming out in a cave and making their way home to tell their parents quite the story.

Word traveled fast as their parents talked about the story among their peers due to such an out of the ordinary thing happening in such a peaceful and quiet place. Soon enough people from the monastery came for Karam, saying that he's special and can be trained to great things. Karam's parents were hesitant to let their son go and Karam's brother was completely against the idea of seeing his brother be taken away. But when faced with the option of either giving Karam up to the Seekers and the possibility of being forced to give him away to the military Karam's parents caved. Karam was promptly taken to the monastery and doesn't remember any of this, his earliest memories are of training and learning to improve his abilities to manifest. Due to the circumstances of his upbringing though, he also needed to learn how to read and write among other things a petty farmer doesn't really know. While he lacked these skills he fell behind those who were the same age as him and was made to be with younger children. Now that he is 21 he is well versed in the basic things someone needs to know in a more socialized society that exists in the monastery. Though he still has a long way to go before he masters the art of manifestation.

Soul Manifestation Details:


Appearance: A thin sword that reflects a blue shine when light is directed upon its surface, it is unusually flexible and upon command it can be brought into a state of unearthly flexibility and stretch to lengths three times its original length of 3ft.

Powers: Extreme flexibility and ability to stretch upon command into something akin to a metal whip that is under Karam’s complete control as if it’s an additional limb.

Name Manifestation

Appearance: The sword glows blue as it begins to move slightly on its own accord, flowing in the slightest breeze like a ribbon caught in a hurricane.

Powers: The sword strikes faster than an ordinary person can react and bends and flows through obstacles really well.

True Manifestation

Appearance: The sword turns into a brightly glowing blue light that flows within the air of its own accord. Karam is covered in a light blue robe that obscures his figure and makes it difficult to make out his form.

Powers: While making Karam difficult to detect it also moves silently as it has gotten sharp enough to cut through most materials, including the air. Karam is made to be similarly silent and very quick with his strikes.

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