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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Jayce “Pharaoh” Hammerkin

Name: Pharaoh

Classification: Weapon - Khopesh

Meister: Alessa Wolf

Mood: Eager and Curious
The young boy’s eyes watched as Hiro began class although he occasionally glanced down at his paper to jot notes along the way. It was almost as though he had been refueled, as though he had a new desire to learn; and in reality, that was the truth. Now that he had a meister again, everything had a purpose. There was a reason to learn about soul resonance because it was once again something that was possible. At the same time though, the lesson saddened him. Kyrstan and I were trying to learn soul resonance… we never figured it out. Is that bad if I do manage to master it with a new meister? Would that dishonor her memory?

Fortunately, Jayce didn’t have time to contemplate that conundrum for long because his attention was yanked off of the lesson as soon as Axel Grace and Keziah stumbled into the classroom. That isn’t normal for them, Jayce realized. He had been in class with most of the people in the room long enough to know their normal habits. Jayce became further confused when the two of them mentioned Death City and something going on.

As Lord Death motioned for the class to follow him, Jayce lurched out of his seat and started to run out of the classroom before he remembered that he had a meister now. Jayce came to a sudden stop and turned to look at Alessa where he extended his hand to her and asked, “Are you coming?”

Undine Isle

Undine frowned in confusion. Okay... That was neither the reaction nor response she was hoping for. Squishing down her initial amusement at the silvery haired girl's head launching back into the desk sitting behind her, she gave her concerned once over.
"Are you alright?" Even after a bad hit to her skull, Kassana's focus was on the lost page in her book.

Code Name: Dine Isle

Rank: NEW/NOT Student

Location: The Lone Classroom

Weapon: Aoi/Ponytails

Status: Unsure

Undine smiled sheepishly as Kassana zeroed her focus onto her.
"I wanted to know if you knew where the class up and vanished to?" She nodded slowly once the girl took a look at the ghost classroom; now she notices. And to think I'm bad at that tuning out stuff... She's like 10 times worse than me at this point.

"I don't know where everyone went. I'm going to go find them, though." Kassana picked up her stuff and headed out the door with Undine watching her blankly. "Wait, what?" She shook her head, her mouth parting in a brief moment of shock. "Wait for me!" Making the rookie mistake of running after Kassana, Undine stumbled out the doorway and narrowly avoided smooching the unsanitary tiles thanks to reflexes that extended to her upper torso, but lacked terribly on the lower half.

Picking herself up from the floor, she took a much slower pace following the girl. No more slip-ups today; literally. She quite liked her face the way it was.

Once they'd gone outside, it took a minute for Undine to process the situation but once she had, she was quick to head over to her weapon. Beginning of the school year, and already fighting people infected with the madness. Was she ready for this? Probably not, but still... Just because they were NOT students, didn't mean that they weren't just as good as the others.

"Aoi, what should we do?" She asked quietly standing next to him.

@T h e F o o l @DaughterofAthena


Classification: NOT Weapon

DWMA Nickname: Ponytails

Meister: Undine Isle

Mood: Happy/Hopeful

Aoi Asuka

Aoi had to stand back and watch, there was nothing much he could do, or at least that was his frame of mind was telling him. Which was really pessimistic of himself, although he was usually cruel to himself when he thought about it. He buried his head in between his legs, before he heard his meister talking to him. Which was actually quite weird considering the chaos surrounding the academy. He was rather happy in spite of himself, he couldn't really do anything when things were this bad, you could count on him to take you to the hospital if you have the common cold but this. This. This was insane.

"What we should do?" 'Ponytails' echoed the question his meister said to him out of habit, "Do something? I mean that the worst we can do is...actually.. forget about that part. Sorry." He apologized as some of the meisters' armed themselves with their weapons. He was about to say the worst that could happen would be being infected with the madness, more than all the reason to not say that. "How about that we can help a little bit, and if we don't do anything then we can't help at all?" He added, unsure about what he just said and being contradictory considering how he was acting before Undine came along. "Sorry, Sorry.. I must sound really stupid because I didn't do that earlier." He said to himself, apologizing to the group as a whole without really saying it loud enough to distract them.

He got himself up to his full height of 5'3, standing next to his meister, rubbing the back of his head. "So..um we should probably help." The uncertainty of his meister's voice rubbing off on him a bit by the end of that sentence.When he realized his own tone of voice, "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, So-" He said cutting himself off for once, "I mean we should help.." He didn't really want to change to his weapon form without the consent of his meister, although he was trying to conseal his eagerness to actually help out now that 'Dine Isle' was here.
Noel Van Agthoven


Codename : Chromo

Partner(s) : Tora and Tao Kamineko

Status : Meister

Location : Outside

Tags : @The Suspicious Eye & @Cephalo

In the Moment... : Keep Calm & Don't Go Mad

"...B-Bumblebee?" That was the sole word that came out of his mouth. It was difficult to describe what Noel's expression wished to transmit. To put it lightly, its mix of emotions all came down to one that not even he could assimilate in his face. Confusion, embarrassment, shock...? Questions would only consume him more and more, each one leaving him in an even bigger mumbling mess. Surely a feast for the eyes of a sadist to see him in such a fluster. But what could he do? He was not expecting such a casual approach, not to mention with a grin such as the one the girl had graced him with. He was now but a child trying to explain a bad deed. Adorable or pathetic?

But the name Bumblebee...why Bumblebee of all things? Silly as it sounded, it was the question that prevailed out of all that flooded his mind. Why not compare him to a frog? Or a dog? Familiar as he was with such terms being addressed to him, the Meister could only accept the card rather absent-mindlessly, all the while coping with the whole scenario with a distressed look on his face. But the two of hearts would go unnoticed, such as the chance to further interact with the [perhaps] magician, as Noel was once again pulled back to his Weapons' reach. The reason was Tora's voice once again reaching his ears, proving how magnetic this course of action was to him. But the words that came out of her mouth only seem to throw him off even deeper into the abyss of despair. Or at least that was where he wished to be if he were given the choice.

Great, just great. Everytime he tried to be helpful, he had to bring more casualties to the mix. Well, not helpful, perhaps the best word to describe it would be...a good Meister? Ugh, things were just keeping getting worse and worse!
"Tora, it's all my fault...P-Please, calm down, okay? Tao, you too...stop fighting..." No good, his embarrassment at the scenarios he had been thrown had left him at loss of how to handle this. He couldn't just headbutt the two girls like usual, that would be uncalled for, not to mention hypocritical of his part. Thankfully Tao had the attention spam of a goldfish and was soon taken over by her undying curiosity. Noel sighed in relief, pulling his hood over his eyes in silence while listening to Tora. "No...I...I should have asked first, I'm really sorry for all this." What a sad excuse of a Meister he was...

Sooner or later, it would come to bit him, he knew that. It stung, nonetheless, sure. But it was a...eye-opener of sorts. To remind him that he still had a long way to go and not to grow cocky. Once again, he was assaulted by a sensation of deja-vu, only to be brought back to reality by the teacher's voice reaching his ears. Listening attentively to Professor Hiro, Noel gently pulled Tao down to her seat while are it. His eyes grew wider at the transformation, his face twisting in an expression of pure awe, with an awkward yet genuine smile. He couldn't help it.

But soon everything would be put to an end, whether he expected it or not. He now faced madness at its core, crawling through Death City mercilessly. As Meister and Weapon soon joined the chant that Noel could only describe as "unexpectedly clever", he swiftly moved his body forward, shielding Tao and Tora. It was out of impulse, a reflex. But it was genuine.
No madness shall taint them. Such words were carved within the depths of his mind. That's why...

Slowly, he tilted his heads towards them.
"...Girls?" That was the only word that came to him. But it was the only one he needed. And always, always with a smile.

I can't loose it.
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Kamryn 'JJ' Vessot

1-Star Meister

DWMA EAT Student

Partner: Thalia Travis

Mood: Cheery, Horrified, Lost, & Confused

Start Location: In Classroom

End location: Outside

Tags: @Kyra @The Suspicious Eye
Kamryn tilted her head as a voice that wasn't her partner or the adults sounded nearby. The girl blinked as she turned her head to see as cat girl sniffing her. Am I seeing... Her thoughts began, but cut short as she looked around to see another cat person. Definitely not seeing things. She focused on the girl before her again, as a large paw was pointed at the box of pocky sticks and the cat girl asked what it was. Kamryn couldn't help but stare slightly at the girl's tail, and at the fact that she did not if the wonderful pocky.

"Dear, you are sorely missing out. It's called pocky! Here, try some!" the girl answered the cat person.She paid no mind to the other having been scolded for having candy only a few seconds ago. There was not reason the girl should be prevented from having some of the joyous wonder known as pocky. She pulled a stick out of the box,and handed it to the cat girl. She glanced to the other cat girl briefly, before smiling.

The class was called to order, and Kamryn turned back to the front. Suddenly very bored, she laid her head on her arms across her desk, and stared blankly at the adults. Her pocky was tucked carefully underneath her. She watched, silent, as class started and Hiro seemed to make an idiot of himself, before transforming. The girl's interest peeked slightly at this. Soul resonance was something interesting after all. However, the lesson was cut short when two more students burst into the classroom. The duo told Lord Death about a problem outside.

Lord Death called the class together for a 'field trip' and Kamryn stood quickly. She turned to Thalia, and started to pull her partner to her feet as everyone filed out.
"Let's go, we should keep up, right?" She said, looking very lost as the class left. Eventually, she let go of her weapon partner, and gestured for her to come, before running out of the classroom after the others. She caught up as they were just reaching the DWMA doors, and stayed to the back f the group as chaos broke out between some in the front.

Eyes wide,she shifted so she was within the group more, listening as their teacher called out orders like a drill sergeant. When he was done, Kamryn remained rooted to the spot as the group broke off, doing what they could. As a one-star meister, she knew she should be, and frankly could be, helping, but with the madness and chaos her mind went blank, and she had no ida where to start. Very confused,she looked around wildly, watching and wondering where to help, and wondering where Thalia had gotten to. In her current state though, her partner could bestanding right next to her and she wouldn't notice, showing a bad example of her capabilities as meister.


Kamryn thinking

Kamryn speaking

Tasha R. Weller

With all the comotion going going on no one should be napping. However, a certain someone stayed up too late and could sleep through anything. A small dribble of drool forming at the corner of her mouth Tasha was fast asleep. She didnt hear anything about anything. Her sunglasses hid her closed eyes, so she looked somewhat intensely interested. It wasn't until Tasha didn't comment on tge sudden outburst that her friends began to realize she fell asleep. Both giving worried grins the meister girl elbows Tasha, hoping to wake her up. She leaned over and whispered "Tasha wake up!"

Begrudgingly a eye opened and Tasha yawned, "what?" The meister girl whispered what was going in in Tasha's ear and Tasha sat up. Stretching as she woke up from her nap, giving another big yawn. She popped her neck and got up with the rest of the class, not really paying attention too..... She looked over at the crazie, "whoa...what happened to them? Madness? That is waaay past madness. This is coo coo for cocopuffs crazy." Her stomach growled thinking of the delicious chocolate goodness that was her breakfast, wishing she had that extra bowl.

Looking back at the teacher she spoke confidently, "my weapon isn't here yet, but I've gotten this far without one." She cracked her knuckles and grinned, "I'd be happy to help keep the peace." She looked over at Malakai and smiled, "so the three stars get all the fun work huh?" She tilted her head and shrugged, "not that I could complain, this is a good time to kick some of the daily butt." She slid off her dark black sunglasses and pulled out a pair of golden orange saftey goggles and smiled. "So you ready?" She slip them on her face and winked at him before stepping out of the crowd of students and towards the enemy.

She stepped in front of the others with a smile, "step back kiddies, let the grown up take a him down." She stopped a few feet between her and Keziah, "so you want to spread the word, huh?" She clentched he'd her fists and took a fighting pose, "how about I stop you by breaking your jaw?" She smirked and winked at them.


@DaughterofAthena @Orihara @Arkytior (accept him already!! Although Tasha is like a badass already. *flips hair proudly*) @Stormborn Targaryen
Warren Langston

The young lad had been hearing it all morning as he made his way through Death City towards the DWMA with a jubilant smile upon his face. The incessant hollers of “Spread the word” echoed throughout his ears only brightening the look upon his face as he watched the city in chaos. Why was the city in chaos, one might ask. It was very obvious to the young weapon why such a thing would be. Why, they’re all celebrating the fact that I got better, of course! Warren would’ve snickered at such a question. I’m the best weapon the DWMA has ever seen so certainly they missed me while I was sick. Why else would there be such a big hullabaloo?

It all made perfect sense in his mind. Of course, it never once occurred to him that there were a lot of new students this year who had no idea who he was… he believed himself to be so famous that not knowing him was impossible at best.

”Hold on Death Weapon Meister Academy!” Warren called out to literally no one and everyone at the same time. “I’m coming back no longer infested with that wretched sickness. Don’t worry! I’ll save the day!” As he wove his way through the streets of Death City, streets that were surprisingly lacking in chaotic citizens running every which direction, his voice was loud, echoing off every building.

Turning down another street corner, Warren’s eyes fell upon a peculiar sight - a girl sitting on a window sill looking all high and mighty. “Eh em!” Warren coughed, trying to get her attention. “What gives you the right to sit up there all high and mighty? Aren’t you with the others spreading the word of the next up and coming death scythe?” Warren’s gestures made it very obvious that he was talking about himself.

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Ren and Hotaru

Classification: Weapon and Meister

Nickname: Lazing Lotus and Mirage

Partner: Hotaru and Ren

Feeling: Annoyed
Staring blankly at his partner beside him, Ren blinked slowly, chewing on his bread. Hearing the slamming of Hotaru’s hand on the desk before him, he looked down. Swallowing the last bit of bread, he was almost sad to be finished. It was good bread.

Yawning he pulled his hand out of his pocket and picked up the card, flipping it over so he could see what it was. Staring at the red Three of Hearts being held between two fingers, he frowned. “Interesting…” he muttered, barely covering another yawn.

Zoning out, Ren was content to let class start without his paying attention. While Hiro had to be his ‘favorite teacher’, he still didn’t care to be awake for class. At least Miyako didn’t seem to be there.

At the sudden shouting of a few kids up front, his attention was caught. Looking up, confused for a moment before a neutral expression settled on his face. Glancing at Hotaru he sighed before slowly pushing himself to his feet, as if it was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.

“You’re just an uncaring ass about all things not you, aren’t you?” Hotaru asked upon seeing her partner not even bat an eye at the commotion.

Glancing at her from the corner of his eyes, Ren yawned in response before facing forward. “It’s not like they matter to me,” he replied blandly. Sliding the card he’d been given earlier into his pocket, he slid out the door behind the rest of his ‘classmates’.

“Eden, Axel, Hotaru,”

“Hn,” he yawned again after hearing his teacher’s voice. “Looks like you have a job to do.”

Snorting at him derisively, Hotaru let him stay in his human form as she ran after the girl. Saving the kid probably wouldn’t need him in his weapon form, right? When she got close enough to her that she could pick her up, the girl had been screaming at Maxwell about not hurting her dad or something and she was crying and Hotaru should not be near a child showing negative emotions like this.

Approaching her slowly, Hotaru raised her hands up defensively and put a small smile on her face. “It’s alright. He’s not going to hurt your daddy. I know Maxwell over there looks like a mean delinquent brat, but he’s… not.”

“But he is a delinquent…” Ren muttered under his breath, shifting his weight as walked closer to Hotaru and the girl. Sighing, he walked past his partner and grabbed the little girl, tossing her over his shoulder.

“Goddamit, Ren,” Hotaru nearly shouted. Maybe no one would be able to hear her saying anything over the sound of the screaming little girl tossed over her partner’s shoulder like a sack of flour. She was tempted to give herself a moment to pout dramatically and whine, but he was strangely effective in getting things done. Hotaru did huff a bit just to show her discontent with him. “Alright, whatever, you ass,” she said. “Let’s just get her to safety.”

“Stop screaming in my ear. It’s not helping.” Ren commented, glancing at the screaming girl on his shoulder, walking away from the fight the Kizuna kids had started. He didn’t feel like staying near them.

“Yeah, like she’s gonna listen to you.” Hotaru rolled her eyes. The girl paused for a moment, and Hotaru honestly hoped the kid wouldn’t actually do what Ren told her to do. Lucky enough for her, the girl raised her arm up high and slapped her partner in the eye. She resumed screaming.

“Ow.” he commented in a monotone, wincing slightly as he was kicked in the stomach. “Brat…” he muttered under his breath as he tightened his grip on the squirming child.

Glancing around the area, full of people running and crying out, unsure of what was going on, the raven-haired male spotted two small figures. His eyes narrowed and he corrected his walk, so he would be walking straight towards them. Without glancing back, he called out to Hotaru.

“Hurry up.”

“Keep your panties on, I’m coming.”

“I’m not wearing any, so get moving.” he responded. “Unless you want this kid to get left in the middle of this mess.”

“Wow, you sure know the perfect things to say to a girl,” she said. She ran and caught up with him, walking on the other side of the screaming kid on his shoulder.

“I try,” he threw back, resisting the urge to yawn. Picking up his pace slightly, he dodged around a few running people before stopping in front of two of the smaller members of the DWMA.

Alessandra and Jayce.

WIthout a word he grabbed the little girl by her waist and lowered her down in front of the two. Once she was placed securely on the ground, tears streaming down her face, did he speak. “Watch her.”

Hotaru grimaced and said, “He’s rude, ignore him.” She shot him a glare before turning back to the two. “Please just make sure she stays safe, alright guys?” Grabbing Ren by the arm, she tugged him along back to where they could help out people in need.

Warren Langston

"Are you crazy!?" Warren exclaimed before both of his thumbs turned to point directly to his own chest. "I'm the next up and coming Death Scythe... I'm sure I'll even be too strong for Lord Death before too long!" The confidence in his voice was practically overwhelming and his smile confirmed that he truly believed everything he was saying was the truth.

As the girl gestured over to the people who seemed to be running around randomly, his eyes looked back to her as they temporarily widened. "Are you sure they're crazy? I thought they were just excited that I had finally returned to this part of the city..." Warren explained while his eyes watched as they ran chaotically. "I'm Warren, by the way. Warren Langston! And you're Freya? That's a good name, I guess, but are you actually a viking? That would be pretty freakin' awesome if you were!"

"Anyway, I've gotta get to school now. It should be fun. I still have to find a meister who's great enough for my glory," Warren shrugged as though it wasn't really a big problem for him to be without a partner for the time being. "I'll bet the school fell apart while I was gone because everyone missed me. I can't keep 'em waiting anymore. Good luck though, with.... whatever it was you were doing!" Warren looked back to Freya giving her a thumbs up as he started walking more towards the school.

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Thalia noticed her meister gesturing towards her, symboling to her for her to follow. Thalia nodded and followed her meister. “What do you think is going on?” Thalia asked her Kamryn, her voice displaying an obvious curiosity.

Thalia was in shock due to the madness coming from her fellow classmates. It was not something the young demon weapon had expected to see, at least not this soon in her time at school. Thalia looked over to Kamryn wondering if her reaction was the same to her own; after taking a glimpse at her meister Thalia’s blue eyes wondered back to the madness. Thalia then heard Hiro’s order. He actually told us to do something… Thaila made eye contact with Hiro for a second, and gave him a nod. Thalia then pulled on Kamryn’s sleeve, “you heard him! Now let’s get going!”

At first, Kamryn seemed to be stuck in a daze. She seemed frozen - like she didn’t see Thalia there at all. It was like she forgot what she was supposed to do. “Kamryn what has gotten into you?!” Thalia shouted at her meister, hoping for a response.

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Mac & Sprite


"Does every single person have to greet Lord Death?" Sprite grumbled tiredly, glancing over at Mac. His partner was much better at keeping his emotions in control- or he wasn't as easily annoyed as Sprite. Either was absolute fair game. The pale blonde boy released a long, insufferable sigh when an argument broke out- one guy yelling at a girl for something or another. Sprite wasn't really paying attention beyond that the yelling was bothering him. But he didn't say anything because that would have just turned the yelling on him.

"Why doesn't the girl just stand up for herself?" It was an earnest question directed at Mac, the meister speaking in a whisper so as not to disturb Lord Death and their useless teacher in whatever the two of them were talking about. Sprite leaned forward, resting his chin in his hand and his elbow on the desk, staring off into space a bit bored with the whole situation.

Sprite became a little more interested when their teacher turned into a weapon and began to demonstrate passing soul wave lengths between meister and weapon. It was fairly interesting just seeing the teacher sweat under Lord Death's questions. Before things could become boring, someone burst into the classroom about someone yelling 'Spread the Word.'

"Is that our cue for some action?" Sprite asked Mac, eyes glimmering with excitement. When one of the students started to freak out, there was a spark of fear in the small boys gut and he reached over to grip Mac's arm, just needing the contact from his partner for the moment before realizing what he was doing and pulling away. "I do believe that is our cue. You ready to do some head bashing, ol' Mac ol' pal?"

Red hair rolled to shadow Mac's face as he rested his cheek on a hand. His mind seethed, Every. Single. Day! You treat your meister like a damned rag doll! I don't give a shit what kinda 'hard life' you came from, Igor. That is no excuse to treat someone else like crap!! Aaah! I hate holding back like this! I must not reveal my identity. I must calm down. If she were my meister... if he ever tries to mess with my meister... I'll have to smash his mask in! Judging myself, I can't say he's beyond help. But... he sure as hell won't get it from me.

Outwardly, Mac sat in silence, seemingly zoned out. This was broken by Sprite's first question. Leaning his head so the hair parted to reveal an eye, Mac retorted, "Why doesn't a bird caught in the gaze of a snake run? Why doesn't a deer move when caught in headlights? They are not logical decisions. They are false instincts driven by fear... yet... fear is not always illogical."

Mac trailed off his last point as he zoned out again. That is until madness was mentioned. Then Mac was alert. He made sure to keep close to his partner as the class migrated to the balcony. The chaos reflected in his eyes before he heard the words.

Mac cringed and slammed a finger into his temple. Something was fighting for freedom within him. A very ancient power that drove the evil of the Star Clan heaved to gain control. However, his mind was cleared when he felt the hand of his meister. He repeated to himself,Fear is not always illogical.

In a fluid motion, Mac grabbed his partner's hand and began to mold into his weapon form. Strings of red soul energy wound themselves together to form the fire red tri-section staff. During this, Mac said, "Sprite. Don't let yourself be touched by these weapons. Do not be afraid to block with me. They will not hurt me."

Must Mac always sound like a fortune cookie? He sighed- Mac was always really good about not rising to Sprite's words and instead cutting the boy off so that he had nothing further to whine about because he'd be so busy mulling over Mac's odd responses. Fear is not always illogical. Mac made a good point.. in fact Fear could be highly logical most of the time. Fear is what kept people alive back in the days where a spider bite could kill you. Being afraid of the unknown could be the difference of you surviving or dying. Today though... most of the time Sprite felt fear to be overdone. I suppose there should be fear felt for the grim reaper but.. I dunno... he looks to friendly to be fear inspiring. He thought to himself.

Sprite nodded. "Right, don't let the weapons touch me. Not that I'd ever allow that anyway but point made." The boy said, feeling the familiar wooden weapon fit easily into his hand as his partner transformed. "So Mac? What is Madness?" Sprite asked, hesitating in his steps as he wondered what fighting would really get the two into. Not that he was too scared to continue... it was more that he wanted to know what Mac knew... and for now Gemini was taking care of their insane classmates and Axel seemed to be holding his own against the insane man so far. Although he did call for help, Sprite's name wasn't on the list. The boy shrugged after a moment.

Better to be there and in the way then over here and watch a classmate get slaughtered.

"Don't seek the answer to that question, Sprite. All you need to know is that it is very dangerous and causes people, good people, to destroy. The rest you shouldn't try to understand," responded Mac sternly.

"And here I thought to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy." Sprite mumbled under his breath. What was Mac keeping from him. "You felt it pertinent enough to say don't get touched by the weapons... which I mean... how often do I let a weapon touch me? Come on Mac... you gotta let me know what it is you know." The boy attempted to reason.

"You want to know the secrets of madness and power? Fear is...Fear is not always illogical. Do not ask me again, Sprite," pled Mac.

Sprite flinched at the change of tone in his partner. Mac has never sounded like that before. It's like... I don't really know him. I mean, obviously I've only know him a month but it's beginning to feel like that person I've known for a month isn't- stop that thought right there Sprite. This isn't the time to be doubting or even questioning Mac. He is your partner and you make a good team. And right now that team is needed. Sprite heaved a sigh... he probably wouldn't be able to let this go, but for now he'd do as Mac wished. At any rate he wouldn't be asking Mac about it again... perhaps Lord Death would be more forthcoming.

Pulling his mind back to reality, Sprite turned to Axel. "Need an extra pair of hands and a weapon?" He asked, in case Axel hadn't caught on to the fact that he and Mac were there to help him deal with the insane man. This guy doesn't have a weapon, though. Does Axel really need help in taking him down? Sprite was ready at any rate, stance prepared for an attack and Mac held loosely, yet in a secure grip in Sprite's right hand.

A shiver rattled Mac's chains as he recognized the man in front of him, and the girl behind him. That's the man I with the crate I slept in. The one I almost killed. And that's...

"Y-Yui?" questioned Mac. Saying the name out loud was an accident.

"Yui?" Sprite repeated, glancing down at Mac with an obvious look of confusion. "Who's Yui, Mac?" He asked, not piecing the situation entirely together. At first he had thought Mac was going to agree with him or give him an order to fulfill but then he was simply stating a name. Was the name important? Sprite had no idea.

Mac figured telling Sprite a little bit would not cause trouble, so he said, "Yes, Yui. That girl running after her father. We must protect her and do our best to figure this out. We must at least beat back her father."

Sprite listened, readying himself to hold back the man though if he was a father that meant not injuring him. Or at least not permanently maiming or killing him. "Alright- I don't see her in any danger but I'll make sure we keep her safe, Mac. And I won't go easy on her old man, but I'll make sure not to leave any lasting scars."



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Down in Death City…

“Look at the pretty light!” At first, it was a quiet sound, quiet voice, a calm voice. They would hear the sound of it although it was muffled, unclear.

Then it echoed again - louder this time. “Look at the PRETTY LIGHT!” Now they could hear where it was coming from… maybe.

More than hear where it was coming from, they would notice the oddity of the scent in the air. It was an odor of cooking, an odor of dinner. No… not quite. This carried with it a warning of danger as they could feel the slightest heat bite at their skin. The musky scent of smoke and charred wood drifted through the air, drawing their attention ever closer to where they had heard the sound coming from in the first place.

“LOOK AT THE PRETTY LIGHT!” The sound of the voice peaked at a maximum volume as a little girl ran around the corner, a burning torch flaming as she held it in the air while the fire spewed its way onto every building she touched.


@GiannaCoco @Phineas Forge (?)
Versus “Silent Knight” Keziah Swan and “Axel” Grace Taghan


Keziah’s eyes, previously focused on Gemini as they maintained a defensive position in front of her, were quickly jolted towards Tasha. The meister’s words invoked a sense of violence - a sense of combat.

“So you want to spread the word, huh?” Tasha’s question rung through Keziah’s ears.

Keziah’s eyes flared as she lifted Axel in her hands, wielding her as the weapon she was. “You want to spread the word too!?” Keziah’s words slithered through her lips as she bullrushed the three star meister. Extending her arm while grasping her weapon, Keziah spun, building momentum behind the strike aimed at Tasha’s waist.

Axel cackled as her tongue materialized on the side of the axehead, sampling the air like a dog in a convertible. Wind resistance caused an arch in Axel’s handle as she stretched for extra distance. Nearing her target, she squealed, “HAI WAIST! I’ll hug you with my TEETH! INSLICING!!!!! HEEEEHAHA!”

Somewhere in her spin, Keziah’s eyes fell on Gemini - the one to speak first. Axel impacted something, but Keziah did not care to find out what it was as she whipped around to face Gemini. “You’re going to help spread the word too, right!?” Keziah’s madness seeped into every word she directed at Gemini.

“Speak word, EAT word, BE word, WORDS’LL SPREAD LIKE BUTTER! HAHAHA!” heaved Axel.

The remnants of her spin left Keziah wobbly, her balance causing her to stagger from left to right in an almost drunken stupor while her eyes remained focused on Gemini. Keziah charged at her newfound target, raising Axel above her own head and swinging the axe downward - hard.


@The Suspicious Eye @Elision of Ecritures
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DaughterofAthena said:
Down in Death City…“LOOK AT THE PRETTY LIGHT!” The sound of the voice peaked at a maximum volume as a little girl ran around the corner, a burning torch flaming as she held it in the air while the fire spewed its way onto every building she touched.

Deryn Nicole Renoir

Name:Deryn Nicole Renoir

Status: NEW

Classification: Meister

Partner: None

Mood: Freaking Out!!!

Interacting with: @GiannaCoco @Phineas Forge

"Oh shi-" She was already off running towards the girl, snatching the torch. "Nope, little girls shouldn't play with fire, even if they're spreading words!"

She tossed the torch on the ground and began to stomp on it. Why wouldn't the fire go out?

Around her, the building were beginning to burn and the little girl was trying to get her torch back, talking about how she had to spread the word and spread the fire and all sorts of nonsense.

She had resorted to using her "big sister" voice on the little girl. "No! You are not spreading anything, anywhere! When I find your mother, you will be grounded for a life time, young lady!" She was still stomping furiously at the torch, holding the scrambling girl back with her hands. While it wasn't exactly the most graceful display, she at least had a basic control of some of the situation? It would be great to have someone hold the girl back so she could focus on the torch, or have someone stating to the put out the fire while she dealt with the girl? Dear god, where was a partner when she needed one?

She spotted two students out of the corner of her eye. They were both NEW too, right? "Hey!! You guys!! Help me?! The city is kind of burning down! And in a minute, my clothes might be too!"
Malacai Grave and Isaac Lion

Malacai watched as things went from bad to a whole lot worse.

“It seems that I’ll actually see some action today after all. Isaac! We’ve got work to do! Oh, and as Mr. Mitsaki stated, let’s try not to hurt them. At least not too bad, anyway.”

Isaac nodded. He responded to Malacai as he started to transform. “I hear you. I wouldn’t want to brutally hurt a classmate anyway. But, if we are going to fight, we might as well have a little fun, am I right?”

Malacai grasped the chain whip as Isaac took its shape. “Tasha! Be careful, you don’t have your weapon! Meisters are not nearly as effective without the bond that a weapon can bring!” After shouting this, Malacai stepped out of the crowd of students, and into the fray. “Alright Isaac. Let’s show Mr. Mitsaki and our classmates a little bit of what we can do. We have to snap these guys out of it.”

“Right.” responded Isaac.

Malacai watched as Keziah and Axel began to wildly spin. He quickly took note of Keziah’s unbalanced movements after coming out of the spin. It seems that the madness did a little bit more than just make these guys go nuts. Let’s try and get the upper hand here. Malacai saw the staggering of Keziah’s movements, and lashed his whip with mastery towards Keziah’s legs, attempting to cause her to lose her footing. “Now, now, Keziah. Calm down before this gets ugly!”

“Calm down, no… Spread the word, yes!” Keziah hissed as her feet danced around the whip aimed at her feet. She really was doing a terrible job of standing still and with the madness flowing through her, nothing she did was predictable.

As Keziah dodged the whip, Malacai drew the whip upwards, and came around for another strike, this time, straight at the center of Keziah’s chest. If I’m not going to be able to ground these guys, then let’s just hit them hard! Mr. Mitsaki may not like this, but I may have to draw some blood here! Let’s see how they react to being hurt!

Legend: Malacai Grave, Isaac Lion and Keziah Swan as added in by @DaughterofAthena

Tags: @The Suspicious Eye
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Alessandra Volkov and Jayce Hammerkin

Classification: Meister and Weapon

Nickname: Alessa Wolf and Pharaoh

Partner: Jayce and Alessandra

Feeling: Insecure / Worried and Apprehensive
Biting her lip as Jayce bolted down the stairs and towards the door, Alessa followed at a much slower speed, unsure if this was something she was ready for. She’d only been a student at the school for maybe a month and had only just gotten a weapon partner. Was there really anything she could do to try and help?

Slowing to a stop at the front of the desks, lost in her world of insecurities, her friends words brought her back to reality.

“Are you coming?”

Blinking the shock away as she jumped slightly, a shy grin spread across her features as she hesitantly reached out and grasped his hand.


Jayce closed his hand around his meister’s own and slowly began leading the way through the school that had become like a second home for him over the past few years. Although they had fallen a bit behind the rest of the group, Jayce got the impression that he knew where Lord Death would lead them and as they emerged from the school, Jayce’s suspicions were confirmed. He knew where they were going although he already didn’t like the situation he saw.

Turning around Jayce’s eyes fell on Alessa and for a moment, his entire body tensed as though he was about to transform into weapon form. Two things stopped him from going through with it. First, as his eyes fell upon Alessa, he realized that it was highly unlikely that she would be able to fight with him or even defend herself with him in weapon form. She was new, after all. The second reason was deeper and much more terrifying. Jayce’s mind was implanted with a single image of a limp form - an image that continued to haunt him even well after the fact. And what were you doing when it happened? … trying to be a weapon… Never again. The fear was such that it sent a visible shiver down his spine.

“A-are you okay?” Alessa asked, noticing his shiver.

Jacye allowed another shiver to consume his body as he tried to shake off his fear; it remained unclear whether or not he succeeded. It was only then that he answered her question. “Yeah…” his response was not confident at all, but it was something. “It’s just… we shouldn’t… this… this isn’t our fight. Not now. Not yet.”

Nodding she sent him a small smile. “T-that’s okay.” she told him quietly. “Because….just because we can’t do it yet...I do…” she paused, catching her breath. “...I do think we can get there eventually.” she offered a slightly wider grin.

“So...I...I think we can get there eventually!”

Jayce merely nodded, taking a spot standing beside his new meister while they both avoided the fights that were now developing in front of them, and he very nearly jumped when he turned around to see two other students standing in front of them.

”Watch her.” the tall male said, setting down a crying little girl in front of them.

The girl grimaced, offering an apology for her partner. ”He’s rude, ignore him. Please just make sure she stays safe, alright guys?” With that said, she turned, grabbing the male’s arm and dragging him off.

Alessa blinked, looking from the sniffling little girl to the retreating figures of two older students. “U-um…” she trailed off, trying to think of a way to calm the girl. Glancing at Jayce, she hoped he could think of something. “H-hey...it’s okay….” she bit her lip, knowing without a doubt that this wasn’t working as well as she wanted. “W-what’s your name…?”

As Alessa distracted their new found charge, Jayce slowly made his way behind her - not with cruel intentions, but merely to try and prevent her from following Ren and Hotaru back into the fray of things. In all reality, he really hoped he didn’t wind up scaring her in the process.

Even as Alessa spoke, the child did not stop screaming. “Why are they hurting my daddy!!?” she screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks. “I want my daddy back!! I wanna go home!! He said he had work to do!!”

Jayce’s eyes flickered to the eyes of his meister as he tried to think of a way to distract the child because clearly casual conversation wasn’t going to do the trick. He tried to think of anything fun that they had back in the school; tried to remember things that he might have found amusing during his early days at the academy. Unfortunately, he was drawing a blank. Jayce was drawing a blank and it did not serve him any good in the present situation.

Saddly, he found himself reverting to the same thing Alessa had tried. “Don’t worry,” he tried to whisper calmly as he bent down behind her - she was even shorter than he was and that was something. “We’re going to fix him and then he’ll be able to go home with you. We won’t let anyone hurt him.”
Versus the Madman…

The madman stumbled backward as he escaped from Axel’s grip. He almost fell down the stairs, balancing on the edge. Almost. Despite the ever flowing madness, the man retained stability and remained on his feet. A shift of his weight sent him dashing forward again.

“Words,” the man licked his lips as he surveyed his surroundings, “seasoned with MEAT!” In that moment his eyes locked on to a student who hadn’t attacked him, a student who had nothing to do with him. The student looked tasty. Arms outstretched, the madman charged his target - the one wielding the tri-section staff - as though he meant to gobble it whole. “I eat my truffles… RAW!!”

In his blind charge, the madman succumbed to tunnel vision, all other students around him forgotten at the thought of the tastiest treat he could imagine - probably because it was the only one he happened to see.

@RubyRose @CelticHero37 @Atom @Sunbather @Cephalo @Arkytior @DeadgurlXD (Igor would've been able to hear the scream of meat...)
Tao & Tora

Tao twitched her tail in excitement as the girl handed her the box. Extending her paws she took the box and fumbled to pull out a lovely stick. She looked in awe at the small chocolate covered stick and began to drool with anticipation. "Wow it looks so oddddd." she sniffed it and drooled again "but it smells ameowsing!" She didn't pay attention to the the other students beginning to leave at the sudden news. Tilting her head she brought the stick closer to her mouth ready to munch on it.

Suddenly she was yanked back, causing her to let go of the Pocky and watch it fall to the ground. The stick hit the ground and splintered into pieces as Tao shouted,


She whimpered as Tora pulled her along. Tora didn't even looked down at her baby sister, "come on Tao. We have to follow the class." As she walked behind Noel toward the city. Tao crossed her arms and pouted as Tora dragged her all the way there.

As they arrived the madness was apparent everywhere. Tao looked at all the chaos with excitement. "Wow! They aren't kitten when they said madness is wild! I wonder what word they want to spread is? Breakfast? Toaster? Candy?!" She looked up at her big sister, "what do you think big sis? I hope it's candy! I mean who doesn't love candy!" Tora looked on the others with sadness, "I don't know Tao, but this is terrible. We must stop this madness." She clentched her fist, just thinking about the horrors of this madness affecting her own people. She couldn't bare the thought of it. Tao's ears perked up, "madness, this isn't madness. THIS IS PAW-SOME!!" She said laughing at her cat-astic pun.

The two were in their own worlds when Noel stepped in front of them protectively. Tao still looked at the crazy people entertained by their spread the word shouting. Tora stood strait looking at the people running for their lives, crying for their loved ones. However the instant Noel spoke the two looked at him and smiled as their bodies turned into two large Chakrams resting in his hands.

Tao laughed, "so we're slicing up the crazies? Sounds fun I'm ready when you are." Tora spoke up in Noel's other hand, "we are here for you. We are ready."

@Mine @SummerWolf
Black = Mad Man

Red = Axel/Maxwell

Orange = Eden

Eden stopped in his tracks to look back at what Axel had pointed it, as he spotted Ivy, who seemed to have gotten into a fight with one of the guys from the group that had pissed him off earlier. "Psh... I can take her." he stated emphatically. He knew how his brother was, so Eden shoved it aside as another attempt to tease him, but he had no reason to be scared of the green-haired girl. He quickly turned away to face his assigned target and ran up to him next to Axel, as he suddenly grinned rather mean and whispered at him. "Since when are you so scared of other students, mhhhh, Maxwell?" With a challenging pat on the back, he now jumped behind the man, allowing his brother the first attempt. Everything seemed to go as planned, until the girl made it painfully clear that her dad shouldn't get hurt. Eden sighed. Of course... They couldn't just beat the snot out the little one's father. He turned to his and Axel's partner and reaffirmed his brother's command. "Take her out of here already!" He then jumped towards Axel and transformed in mid-air. "Just use the handle and knock him out cold, so he's calm, you idiot. This guy is mad, he won't stop till he's out of it!" he yelled at his brother during his flight. Of course, Axel's weapon form would injure the man severely, while his oh-so-beloved brass knucks would probably not leave him unscathed either.

Axel spun on his heel and caught Eden midair with a glare at his brother's weapon form, “Not willing to go toe to toe with him, eh?” Axel asked with a smirk as he spun back around. Axel's eyes narrowed as he noticed the man's new target as he shot that way in a mad dash, “Better get over that real quick cause now It's your turn!” Axel warned his brother before launching the weapon at the where he predicted the man would be by the time his throw had his brother there.

Eden groaned as his brother threw him. “Why actually follow an idea of mine, right?” he yelled, hoping his flight wouldn’t obscure the distinguished annoyance in his voice. Mid-flight, the orange haired teen transformed back into his human form, using his momentum to hit his target with a hard kick, sending the madman flying into the closest wall. “Heh…” Eden combed through his hair, feeling relatively secure, only to have his smile wiped off his face as the man he had just sent flying wobbled back towards him. “Are you serious?” He sighed, now looking back at Axel. “Throw me properly or don’t do it at all, ass!”

The madman’s eyes quickly shifted from Sprite to Eden as he cracked his neck and rubbed at the back of his head before charging again. “EAT meat! FRESH meat! MEET meat!” the man proclaimed as he drove his fist at the ginger while his attention was directed at someone behind them.

Eden flew back a little, and remained laying on the floor for a while, staring upwards. “Okay then…” Rubbing the dust of his mouth by wiping his sleeve over his face, he sat up and called for Axel. “Okay. Playtime’s over, Maxwell, let’s get him.” He knew his brother would be pissed at the name, but he also knew him well enough to rely on his ability to get serious. Immediately, Eden zeroed in on his target and landed a few hits, occasionally being blocked, waiting for Axel to land a few hits on his own. Axel glared at Eden’s use of his name, but now wasn't the time to screw around. With Eden distracting the man Axel came in from right behind Eden, spinning around his side before driving a hard fist right into the man's gut while he was focused on Eden's attack. Eden felt the man’s defenses lower as Axel got in a solid hit, allowing him to land an elbow and a knee strike of his own. “How’s that, huh?!”

“... meat…” The man muttered softly as he took more and more punches, stumbling backwards each time he felt the force of a blow. “... my meat… not your meat… SPREAD THE WORD!” Anger flooded into his expression as his eyes darted up before he lowered his head, driving himself forward at Eden with his head leading the way, his steps slightly staggered, slightly off.

Eden’s eyes widened a bit and his expression became rather comically disgusted as his opponent’s demeanor changed and he closed in on the younger of the brothers. “What in the blue hell?!” He bended over backwards in a matrix-like motion to evade the man, then distanced himself. “Come on, let’s freakin’ do it.” Nodding towards Axel, he dashed towards the mad father again and initiated their offense with a few kicks, meant to occupy him.

Axel once more came from behind Eden, this time remaining directly behind him and laying a hand lightly on his shoulder as he fiddled with something on his other, “Switch on three..” he warned Eden as he tapped once, twice, and then finally a third. Eden swiped away one last time, his brother’s warning in his ear, now moving aside. The madman’s eyes following him after Eden demanded his undivided attention, allowing Axel freedom of movement, completely exposing their foe to his attack. "Look here..." Axel stepped in quick, his right hand already in action as the slight gleam of light off metal could be seen on Axel's knuckles as his hand swept a trail from behind him down and back up to deliver a firm uppercut to the man's chin. A loud clacking noise came from the man's previously open mouth as it was slammed shut with enough force to stun the man. “Now!” Axel barked to his brother before delivering another sharp blow to the man's solar plexus and hearing the sweet sound of air whistling through gritted teeth.

Eden grunted, which was just about the most endearing sign of appreciation he could muster up these days. “Good job.” he hissed, though less to be confrontational and more because his mind was more concerned with taking out their threat. With ruthless force, Eden rammed his knee into the staggered body’s back, not stopping there, instead repeating it a few times before retreating with a jumping motion. Having created some space, he now build up momentum in order to deliver a mule kick into his target’s chest, sending him flying, his body seeming rather limp to Eden. “So…” he began, breathing deeply once or twice. “That went okay, huh?” Eden scratched his head, wondering if they had succeeded, and if so, if they went a little overboard.

“Mmmm, yea looks like it… tough bastard.” Axel muttered in response as he slid his brass knuckles into his pocket once more. “I hope those two were smart enough to keep that little girl from watching though…” Axel grumbled as he turned back towards the group of students. “Hey...more fighting… thinking what I'm thinking?” Axel asked his brother with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles.

Eden raised an eyebrow, looking rather sceptical as he remained eyeing the man, trying to determined their success or lack there of. “I wouldn’t count on them doing anything....” he replied, sounding as pessimistic as ever, then turned his head to follow Axel’s view. “Huh? Oh…” Cracking his neck with two sidewards motions, he put on a grin of his own. “Damn straight.”
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Sam Stephens

Nickname: Knuckles

Status: NEW

Classification: Weapon: Chained Knuckles

Partner: N/A

Interacting with: @GiannaCoco

Sometimes Sam's nerves get the better of him. He'd heard that Death was going to be in class and it had caused him to wake up a few hours before class was supposed to start. He was nervous and excited to see Death and maybe learn from him too. Unfortunately, he discovered that he didn't have anything for breakfast once he'd finally gotten out of bed. He checked his watch and realized that he had plenty of time to head to Death City to get something to eat. A nice coffee and croissant sound pretty good, he thought as he walked into town.

Once he found a bistro that was open, he ordered and waited for the waitress to bring his food. He enjoyed the cool that early morning brought with it, though he also enjoyed the contrast of a hot coffee. He thanked the waitress and sipped his coffee before buttering his croissant. He watched a few people walk by, it was still early so there weren't too many people out yet. He noticed that everyone who walked by was in a hurry; no one was out meandering at this hour.

After finishing his meal and leaving an as-generous-as-he-could-afford tip, Sam checked his watch once more. Other shops were starting to open and Sam realized he still had over an hour until class. He meandered by the windows, realizing that his mom's birthday was coming up. I have time, may as well use it productively, he thought. He strolled into a newly opened china shop, greeting the shop employee as he walked in. He looked at the figurines... some were of Death himself, some were more traditional representations of Death with a scythe and all, some were just random, like the bunny. As he reached for one, his elbow caught the corner of the shelf.

In that moment, Sam began inwardly freaking out. He was well aware of his general clumsiness, but feeling unintended contact with the shelf made him worry that something was going to fall. He moved his hand to the front, in an attempt to catch anything that might fall, where his other hand joined the first. One figurine of Death wobbled and Sam was sure it was going to fall so he reached to steady it. That was his biggest mistake... his hand was a little lower than he intended and he once again made contact with the shelf. All of the figurines fell backwards as Sam's large, strong hand pushed the front of the shelving unit upwards. He tried to grab some of them, but he was unsuccessful and a loud crash came just a moment later.

His face was instantly covered in a sad, repentant look as he looked to the employee. One look at Sam's face and she knew it was an accident. She tried to console him and tell him that it was alright and accidents happen, but... Sam wasn't accepting any of it. He asked for the broom and demanded she let him help clean up. The woman relented, somewhat glad she wouldn't have to do it all anyways. After he got the broom, Sam was very deliberate with his sweeping, being sure to get every single piece of broken china. After all was said and done, Sam once again apologized and left the little shop, no present in hand.

After glancing at his watch, he realized that he was late for class! He started off in a dead sprint, unfortunately his feet weren't given the same message. His right foot started running, while his left dragged along. Not even two steps in and he tripped and fell to the ground. That was when he heard a young girl screaming something about Spreading the word and Light and Fire. It was all very confusing and for a brief moment, Sam forgot that he was late.

That was until he tepidly rounded the corner. He was astounded to see a fellow student (whose name escaped him in that moment) attacking a young girl. It was then that he heard his classmate call for help from some of the other students. When she mentioned that the city was burning down, Sam rushed over unsure of how to help. Without thinking, he grabbed the girl and lifted her off the ground. This would free Deryn up for whatever it was she wanted to do.
Warren Langston

Warren was forced to turn his attention back to the city rather than continuing up to the school. It was the oddest thing that brought him back - the odd scream of "Look at the pretty light." At first, there was nothing he could do other than raise his eyebrows in confusion at how weird it was.

It wasn't until the girl ran into view that everything began to make sense. Or rather, Warren made it make sense in his mind. That girl's trying to steal my spotlight! No! Don't look at the pretty light... LOOK AT ME! I'm the lead in this act! Shaking his head at the stupidity of the girl's actions - who on earth would try to steal his show and think they could get away with it, after all? Warren found himself walking back towards the girl he had previously spoken to.

"You're a meister, right? You look like the meister type... and strong too. Strong enough..." He commented, his voice revealing a slight amount of praise although it was very contained. "Maybe you could join my show, but first that little girl's trying to steal the spotlight and she's destroying the stage in the process. It's terrible taste really. You wanna do somethin' about it?"

Without waiting for a reply, Warren jumped up and allowed the transformation to wash over him as his body took on the shape of a morningstar. "Hit her with my butt... not the head!" Warren added when he was falling towards Freya, not a doubt in his mind that she wouldn't catch him. After all, he was the lead. Who would dare drop the lead in a play?

@GiannaCoco @The Succubi Queen @Phineas Forge
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Erica looked up through the blur of her tears, catching glimpses of meisters pointing their weapons against her sister. Axel's weak plea for help echoed in Erica's mind as she rose from the ground saying, "No, she's sick! She needs help! Leave her alone! Leave my sister alone!"

"GRACE!" cried Erica as she scrambled toward Keziah.

Aiko felt Erica move suddenly as she started to speak. She looked at her worriedly, feeling her pull away from her hand as she began to jolt forward. The meister shifted forward before darting quickly up to her partner before she could reach the madness induced Keziah. She grabbed hold of Erica, gripping onto her partner to try and stop her from moving closer to the fray. "Stop it Erica!" She yelled out a bit panicked for her her friend. Aiko held onto her in hopes of keeping her contained. She could tell Erica was distraught. She hadn't a clue what she would do if she saw her own sister in such a state.

"You can't! Gra.... err... Axel isn't right in her mind. They can't just let Keziah slice them all up, they have to be careful!" She spoke looking at Grace Hunter as she kept a firm grip on the girl. "Please... calm down. They will do what they can do to subdue them without causing them harm, I promise." She spoke trying to calm the frantic girl down as best as she could.

Erica tugged against her meister, but her shoe lost traction. The distraught twin tumbled to the ground, scraping her elbow on the pavement. Kneeling next to her meister, Erica yanked at her short frilly sleeves in an attempt to battle the sudden chill that overtook her. The elbow dripped blood, but she did not care. She willingly accepted the pain, thinking it would somehow right the horrible situation. Then, something unexpected escaped her lips, "A-Aiko... I'm... I'm scared."

Aiko watched as Erica fell forward, seeing her partner caught herself though not before scraping her knee in the process. The meister frowned, hearing her friend's meek voice. She rested her hand on her shoulder trying to comfort Erica, looking down at her partner."I know... hang on alright, they are going to find a way to restrain them both and fix this. If not... I'll go in and take care of it myself! Double promise!" She spoke with a little gloating tone, her overconfidence sounding far more restrained then normal. She smiled brightly towards Erica in hopes of settling her down.
Jessyka "Bullseye" Volontari and "Smoky" Skylar Emerson

Jessyka and Skyler were walking through Death City on their way to school. Both of them knew they were late although neither one of them seemed to be in any rush and neither one of them looked overly concerned about it, really. In fact, as Jessyka brushed a long strand of pink hair off of her shoulder, she looked the opposite of concerned. She knew that avoiding the beginning of class avoided the chaos that was sometimes too much for her to handle.

For a while the city was calm enough. However, as they got closer to the school, things slowly became more hectic. Taking two sniffs of the air, Jessyka thought she smelled smoke. Turning to her weapon partner, she inquired, “Do you smell that?”

Skylar turned to her, nodding. “Smells like s-something from my past. Fire.” His eyes turned to look around, seeing black smoke rising from a building on their right. Skylar’s fingers pointed in that direction, looking at Jessyka. “S-Shall we?”

“Yes, definitely. I wonder if the school knows yet. They should’ve sent people out to help,” Jessyka threw in the comment as she started running towards the fire, something many people would’ve advised against. Not looking to see if Skyler was still behind her, Jessyka put the back of her hand up against the door of a house emitting a plume of smoke. No heat… it could be safe just to go in. “You coming, Smoky?”

Skylar just arrived behind her, looking inside. Breathing in fresh air, he slowly nodded, taking out a small water bottle from his backpack. “W-We could use a cloth piece with w-water to breath a little while. And you k-know I am behind you one hundred percent as always.” Skylar said, smiling, while ripping a small part of his t-shirt, wetting it, and putting it against his face.

“I don’t plan on being in there that long, but it’s a good idea,” Jessyka replied as she pushed the door open and ventured inside.

Most of the building was falling to pieces and her hand immediately rose over her head out of fear that something might fall down on top of her although there was nothing that came down - at least not at that moment. Cautiously, the meister continued walking forward, careful to ensure each step landed on steady ground while her head was constantly turning looking for anyone who might be trapped. It was only after standing there for a moment, feeling the heat of the fire that she could see slowly beginning to surround her, that she heard it. There was a faint cough coming from a room to her right.

“There!” She yelled, hoping that her voice would alert whoever was inside that they were coming as she walked towards the door, ignorant to the fact that her jeans had caught fire.

Skylar’s eyes quickly saw the fire on Jessyka’s pants. “Meister! Your pants!” Skylar yells, taking the cloth from his mouth and quickly patting the fire, trying to put it out. After a few breaths, Skylar began to cough, closing his eyes as smoke was getting denser.

“Don’t worry about that right now,” Jessyka yelled as she saw what her partner had seen. “We need to get whoever’s in there out of here! My pants can wait!” Without even looking back at her partner, Jessyka reached for the door handle only to feel heat radiating from it. “Dammit!” She cursed before finally turning to look at her weapon. “I need a weapon right now,” she requested.

Skylar once again nods, turning into his weapon form. Appearing in Jessyka’s hand, a small blue eye appeared on it’s side, to help him to look around. “I-It’s not *cough* too much smoke here.”

Disregarding what her weapon said, Jessyka turned and fired two rounds at the door just below the handle before kicking it open fiercely with her foot. Inside, Jessyka saw two people - a woman and a child - and the meister did not hesitate to gesture for them to follow her. It was only as she waved her hand that she realized there was a line of flames between them and her. Great… what now?

Her head flickered around the room, looking for anything she might have been able to make use of and she saw a window on the right. Turning, she fired two more rounds at the window, shattering the glass on impact. “Out the window,” she gestured, waving for the woman and the child to go before her.

As soon as they were out, Jessyka leapt through it herself, somersaulting onto the ground outside.

“Well done meister! Y-You did as you always d-do, and use your enviroment. B-But, now what? A teacher m-might send us where we can be of much m-more use.” Skylar says in his pistol form.

“You think the school knows what’s going on? It really doesn't look like it; there should be way more people out here in the city trying to help.” Jessyka asked him as she steadily got back onto her feet, coughing once into the palm of her hand. “Should we try to get their attention?”

“I g-guess. N-Not trying to say you d-do not know what to do! Sorry.”

Jessyka shrugged off her partner’s comment and snickered a bit. “I was asking for your opinion, Smokes… why would I get mad at you for actually giving it?” She smiled down at the weapon in her hand as though his notion was entirely silly. “Anyway, let’s see if anyone’s home…” With that, the meister fired 5 rounds into the sky hoping the noise and the color would create a flare. Maybe… just maybe… someone would notice.
Nicole Heimholtz


Ryoma Takagi

What an interesting day this turned out to be.Nicole thought as she and Ryoma were rushing out of the school and towards the fire that was brewing in the city.

Earlier that day the school went into a little panic when some students went crazy. Nicole was running late that day because her Mother insisted she help clean up the family weapons shop and had not seen what had happened, but Ryoma had only gotten to class a few minutes late and had witnessed some of the aftermath. According to Ryoma one of the Taghan twins went mad and the other twin had an emotional breakdown after bearing witness to her sister’s sudden change in behavior. However, this was quickly overshadowed by that hot head Ivy having a tantrum. Just like that bitch to start a scene and overshadowing the suffering of another student. What is she, a child? She should have outgrown temper tantrums. Nicole shook her head in exasperation at the thought. The two of them finally arrived at the site of the fire..

Nicole looked at the towering flames consuming the the buildings before her. Finally something exciting has happened. Perhaps now I can demonstrate my deep compassion and ability to rescue others. I need to make some progress in showing the DWMA that I am a three star student.Are you sure they we shouldn’t assist with containing the students that went mad? I saw two or three students engaging them. You normally jump at the chance to show your combat skills. The world in chaos / as flames consume the city / populace gone mad. “We’re at the fire Ryoma. We are committed to this now. The sane students should be able to distract the mad ones just fine. Or at least long enough for us to help people get out of the fire.”

The flames were producing a thick smoke that carried some rather unpleasant smells. The roar of the flames mingled with the cries for help of those trapped in this heated prison. Nicole noticed other students rescuing people from the raging inferno as she pulled her shirt over her face to protect herself from the smoke.


I hope this fire will be under control soon. If the whole city burns away it will leave so many homeless people in its wake. Including me and Nicole. Ryoma also pulled his shirt over his face as he and Nicole started to brave the raging fire. He thought back to that poor girl who watched her sister go mad. I should have done something to comfort her instead of being distracted by Ivy and Igor… but Ryoma knew that Nicole would have wanted to know what was going on right away. So he had rushed to find her and tell her about it. He didn’t see the whole incident, just the tail end of it, but still he had self doubt his decision to report to Nicole immediately instead of helping the Taghan girl.

“help *cough* someone *cough* *cough* please help *cough*” Ryoma snapped back to the present as he heard that soft feeble plea though the flames. He put his hand on Nicole’s shoulder and as she turned towards him he pointed towards the sound. She nodded and headed that way. They soon came across a little girl lying in a pile of rubble. She was covered with dirt and ash and almost blended into the chaotic scenery. “Stay with us now!” Nicole yelled over the cacophony of the flames “We’re going to get you out of here!” The little girl smiled weakly at them as Nicole dug her out of the debris. Ryoma then picked her up and proceeded to carry her out of the hellish inferno. Nicole followed as they exited the world of flames to safety. “Go get her some medical help. You’re better with kids than I am, I hate to admit. I will go help the other students over there. I know they’re going to need it.” With those parting words Nicole left Ryoma to join the other students in their rescue operations. Ryoma looked at the girl in his arms. She was wheezing and sputtering and just having a hard time breathing. Don’t worry. I’ll find you some medical help as soon as possible.


“Hey! How’s the rescuing going?” Nicole cried out to the short white haired girl she recognized as a NEW student at the DWMA.

Nicole speaking/thinking

Ryoma speaking/thinking

Little girl speaking

@The Succubi Queen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sprite.png.3c51caa4fe06da40ad50f05b1e6c5136.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sprite.png.3c51caa4fe06da40ad50f05b1e6c5136.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Fire Staff (Mac)/Sprite


This is Madness<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b31696e_FrightenedFace.jpg.b62fdd081082f023b6d2cada434c6528.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b31696e_FrightenedFace.jpg.b62fdd081082f023b6d2cada434c6528.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sprite had never really thought of the fear that consumes someone when they're faced with anopponent who has every intention of killing them. However, when that man turned his gaze on the pale blonde and screamed something about eating Truffles, that icy rush filled his gut, causing him to freeze. Is he talking about eating me? He looks like he's ready to eat me. His grip on Mac tightened, but otherwise, he couldn't seem to force himself to respond. Instead of a fight or flight response, his body seemed to have gone into some fear induced lockdown and he couldn't move beyond blinking and taking a breath in, and then out again.

"Dude, loosen up. I'll get cramps. Hey... bud? SPRITE!?" responded Mac. If a tri-section staff could look uncomfortable, Mac did.

His weapons words were soft murmurs -- he heard them but he didn't register the words. Sprite jumped when Mac exclaimed his name, though, before taking several steps backwards. He still didn't know what to do; there was a man charging at him. A man he had promised Mac not to harm but was finding the thought of attacking just to bring down more terrifying at the moment. Especially since he couldn't let the man touch him.

Sensing the turmoil in Sprite's mind, or perhaps guessing through the tension of his grip, Mac said, "Hey bud. Do your thing. I won't hurt him. I'm blunt remember? Let me worry about the details."

"Right, right... we've got this." Sprite said, taking a deep breath. This of course happened in the span of a minute or two -- communication between meister and weapon quick and silent. As he finally focused in on the mad man, the man from earlier... Axel... stepped in with a weapon, effectively cutting Sprite off. He watched as they took the man down... in a very unpleasant fashion. Biting his lip harshly, Sprite took a few steps back away from the downed man, and the cruel -in Sprites opinion- meister weapon pair.

A chain link curled up until Mac's head appeared from the tri-section staff and yelled, "Hey! Take it easy on him will ya! He can't help it right now!"

Sprite could feel the waves of emotion course through him from the bond and it caused his footsteps to quicken. He had already been heading towards the man as soon as he was beaten and on the ground. He brushed past Axel angrily, not really large enough to shove him aside but wishing he was. He was at the man's side, releasing Mac and almost reaching out to check for vital signs before snatching his hands away as if he'd been burned. "Is it still unsafe?"

One end of Mac skittered on the ground as Sprite rushed to the man. Mac replied, "Hey, careful with me. I don't like being dragged on the ground either. Now, wrap my chain links around his wrists. I'll try and restrain him."

Sprite huffed out a sigh. He tried to do what Mac would do... or what he thinks the weapon would do.. and he ends up causing him trouble in some other way. "I don't think we need to restrain him. I think we need to check if he's still alive." Sprite muttered but did as Mac said regardless. "While you're wrapped around his wrists you should check for a pulse."

Mac tightened around the man's wrists, taking note of the vibrations of pulse. Knocking resonated in Mac's head and he shot a message to his meister, "Stop tapping Sprite! It's giving me a headache! His pulse is fine!"

"Tapping? What do you mean?" Sprite replied back, starting to feel angry. He felt like his partner was ignoring what he had to say, and how he felt about these situations. He continued to give orders but... well Sprite couldn't stop doing something he wasn't doing.

"Just QUIT it or I'll... wait, what?" Mac's heart sank as his mind's eye saw a flickering light. The knocking came from a door in front of him, in his own mind.

"Fear is not always illogical," he recited to himself before calling out to his partner, a frighteningly deadpan expression in his voice, "Sprite... Sprite, I'm sorry. I need your help. I need your fear."

Sprite was about ready to snap at Mac when his partner seemed to come to his senses. He grew concerningly quiet, so Sprite <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b3354b8_RestrainedAngryFace.png.fc1668921b9e6dcee2bdac86adca99c8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b3354b8_RestrainedAngryFace.png.fc1668921b9e6dcee2bdac86adca99c8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> sat still and waited for his next order. Probably going to have me drag the guy somewhere or something. Hopefully he'll just shift back for that though... I don't think I could lug this guys weight.

"My fear? Sorry, fresh out. If you want anger though, I can give you plenty of that," Sprite said, frustration clear in his voice.

The door in Mac's head rattled as something picked at the lock. Visible spindles of darkness poked from the edges of his weapon form.

"Sprite, please," pleaded Mac. He knew his partner would not understand, but Mac could not concentrate long enough to explain. He put his trust in Sprite.

"Dammit Mac." Sprite groaned before shaking his head and sighing. How did you experience fear when you were not afraid? Well... Sprite had just been afraid when the man had come charging at them. He closed his eyes and began to focus on how it had felt to stare that man in the eye. How it felt now to be out of the loop, to not know what Mac was up to. Hurt and Anger was twisted in with the fear, but the main emotion he forced upon Mac was fear. It was difficult but Sprite managed, if only because the tone of Mac's voice scared him like nothing else.

[Click] The door creaked open to reveal a shadow. The flickering light toyed with Mac's face. As it blinked on, Mac's eyes were closed and his body in a meditative state. When it flicked off, a sinister smile reflected in the <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b33ff10_MadMac.jpg.46762746c3841cd3a7597a0996230bdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b33ff10_MadMac.jpg.46762746c3841cd3a7597a0996230bdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> darkness. Then the conversation began.

Long time no see, Mac. It was gettin' lonely out there man. Why'd you lock yourself in here? Ugh, I can smell the fear. I know that's not yours, man. You're not that stupid. But we gotta take care of it. It smells like piss. Come on, this ain't you. You'll never show 'em the true greatness of the Star Clan in here. It'll rub off on ya. Do you wanna smell like...

Sh-shut up.

What did you just say?

Shut it. I stopped you once... and I'll do it again.

Yo we were just playin' man. You didn't actually think I was serious did you? Huh, you're worse than I thought. That's why you can't lock me out man, I'm trying to help you.

Don't lie to me. Fear is not always Illogical. Silence engulfed Mac's mind for a brief moment.

"Mac?" Sprite asked softly. The fun thing about fear was once you let it out it had this great habit of multiplying at an exponential rate. And to reign it back into your control? Well, you had to quell the fear. Sprite could dim his fear because the man that had caused a lot of it was unconcsious... but the uncertainty of what his partner was up to made it claw at his throat, choking him.

"Come on M-Mac, need to know what's going on."

Mac was silent, frozen in the battle over his mind. However, Sprite's words echoed through the room. Once again, the voice in Mac's mind spoke. Who is that? You better not be trying to replace me, Mac. Fear makes you dependent. Look at how frail and scared he is. This isn't anything I can't fix. You should let me help him. He doesn't need all this fear, and neither do you.

Mac's eyes opened in the room to reveal a demon standing in front of him. He now had the strength he needed to fight. No. You will not touch my meister. You will not erase his fear. I remember your lies. You ARE afraid.

Pshh, I don't know what you're talking about. Listen to yourself. You know I'm incapable of fear. There is nothing I'm afraid of.

You're not afraid of fear?

Rising to his feet, Mac stepped toward the demon. This is my space. Get out! I do not have time for your games!

The demon walked out, closing the door. However, it did not lock behind him. Then Mac's voice came through to Sprite, "Don't worry anymore sprite. I'll explain everything once the job is done."

There was silence through the connection and Sprite could feel the panic choking him further. He kept a tight grip on Mac and then forced his focus elsewhere. If he kept obsessing over this, he was going to freak out and that wasn't going to help anyone. Perhaps Mac was mad at him for not stepping in sooner? If he hadn't froze up then the man would have been his to fight and he wouldn't have been beaten to a bloody pulp.

"I'm sorry Mac," Sprite murmured softly. He was going to have to work on his response to fear. He made his first attempt to stomp his current fear down by putting faith in his weapon. He was purposely not speaking to Sprite so there was no need to fear for his safety. He had said he could handle madness. But fear for their partnership cropped up instead. Would Mac leave him to find a new meister?

The sound of Mac's response washed away a good portion of his fear, but a worm of terror still wriggled around his heart. "Good; glad to know we'll finally be on the same page. Now what do you want us to do with the unconscious man?"

Mac tightened around the man's wrists as he said, "Unconscious? He's toying with us Sprite. The fight isn't over yet."

Sprite looked down at the man in surprise then back at Sprite. "Are you sure? I mean... from my angle the guy looks dead." Sprite said thoughtfully. "Well okay then, we've got a guy pretending to be unconscious. What now?"

A pause echoed through the partner's communication. The trisection staff wrapped around the enemy's wrists jostled in thought.

"Eh, I'm still trying to figure that one out myself Sprite," said Mac.

Sprite sighed softly, brainstorming different possibilities of actions that could be taken. Well, if the guy is pretending we can't just leave him... but still, what if he's not? He needs medical attention for sure. But we can't let him touch anyone.

"I suppose we can just hang out here and babysit the guy? Or we could try dragging him somewhere but we've gotta make sure he doesn't touch anyone else if we do," Sprite offered, "I just hope that no one else needs a fantastic meister like me and a wonderful staff like you's backup."

@RubyRose<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b2c5540_AngryAnime.jpg.459907fff08b8e55c5ac31f4ae9e5fc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b2c5540_AngryAnime.jpg.459907fff08b8e55c5ac31f4ae9e5fc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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