Soul Eater: Insanity Emerging


Team Skittles Timekeeper


A sound soul dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body.


Welcome to Death Weapon-Meister Academy!

More commonly known as the DWMA. It stands as a defense against the forces of evil, which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity to the very depths of fear and madness. The demons known as kishin and their insatiable hunger for destruction. To ensure the kishin never regain their hold on this world, this academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself.

So basically, we're an organization that exists to protect and preserve peace. I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well, that isn't important. For now, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!

If you find yourself reading this letter, it must mean that you have enrolled in the DWMA! Due to a recent mishap all personal student and teacher files have spontaneously combusted.

However, there is no need to worry. Everything is quite under control. The student responsible has been properly dealt with. All you have to do is fill out a form we have sent you to be put into our new files. All teachers will also be required to fill out this form.

Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to the Death Weapon-Meister Academy!


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