Soul Eater: Insanity Emerging


Team Skittles Timekeeper

Death Weapon-Meister Academy Info Request Form

This form must be completed as truthfully as possible. Read and follow all directions. Any violation of this statement may result in disciplinary action such as a verbal warning or possible suspension.


Given Name:


Middle Name (Optional):

What is your official DWMA Nickname?

Provide a yearbook picture here (Anime appearance. May follow with standard uniform description and pictures as necessary.):




Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?

Are you a weapon or a meister?

If a weapon, what type of weapon are you?

If in the EAT class and a meister, what is your rank (Only 2-3 accepted three star students)?

If a meister, what is your preferred fighting style?

How many years have you attended the DWMA?

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?

What would others say are your flaws(At least 3, be honest.)?

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more:

What do you like?

What don't you like?

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography:

How do you feel about the DWMA?

Why have you joined the DWMA, what motivates you?

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?


Personal Items:

Other Important Facts:

This form will be held in confidentiality between the teacher and the respective student. Type your full name below as a signature to indicate that you have answered this for truthfully to the best of your ability.​
Note: these characters are controlled by @sonicfreak101


Given Name: Ivy

Surname: Landvik

What is your official DWMA Nickname?: Phobos or most people behind her back just call her the Green Rage Monster

Provide a yearbook picture here (Anime appearance. May follow with standard uniform description and pictures as necessary.):


Ivy is extremely muscular and fit. Her hair style is slightly shorter than the one shown in the picture and less stylized. She almost always has her green hair up in a ponytail but when she’s relaxing she tends to just let it hang.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 6’2’’

Hair Color: Lime green

Eye Color: Yellow


Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?: EAT

Are you a weapon or a meister?: Meister

If in the EAT class and a meister, what is your rank (Only 2-3 accepted three star students)?: Two Star

If a meister, what is your preferred fighting style?: Berserker

How many years have you attended the DWMA?: One year

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?: Powerful, brave, determined, intimidating, hard worker, loyal, competitive

What would others say are your flaws(At least 3, be honest.)?: Short temper, doesn't strategize, stubborn, doesn't work well with others (besides her weapon), bad people skills in general, tends to hold grudges

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more:

Saying that Ivy doesn't work well with others is a huge understatement. She has severe anger management issues and will blow up over the littlest things. She has a need to prove herself, since most people don’t take her seriously as a female berserker. She is aggressive and competitive, and enjoys fighting/sparring others to prove her strength. She has so sense of tact and will blurt out whatever is on her mind, regardless of how mean or insensitive it is. She is prone to violence and the only person who could possibly calm her down is her weapon partner, Demetri.

Despite her short temper, Ivy has a strange sense of optimism. Despite how mean she is, she believes in the value of hard work and believes that with enough effort, anyone can reach their goals. While she is blunt with criticism, she still encourages people to try harder in her own “aggressive” way. Once she grows to care about a person, she will be loyal to them until the day she dies (unless they severely betray her trust). She values bravery and hard work, so anyone who has these traits in spades could eventually warm up to Ivy (though she’ll never stop making mean comments, it’s how she shows affection).

What do you like?: Martial arts, fighting/sparing, working out, competition, listening to music (although she won’t admit it), her weapon partner Demetri

What don't you like?: Whiners, cowards, people who look down on her, assassins (She believes they are cowards who only strike when their opponent's back is turned), people telling her what to do, anyone who hurts her friends, losing

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography:

Ivy comes from a long line of berserkers. Her father, Bjoern Landvik, was a world famous berserker meister with his partner, Mio. After spending years working for the DWMA, they decided to marry and settle down to raise a family. However, seven years after Ivy was born, they were called to do one last mission for the DWMA. Mio perished during the mission leaving Bjoern to raise Ivy alone. As Ivy grew up she dreamed of following her father’s footsteps to become a great berserker. Bjoern was against this though, since female berserkers were unheard of and he didn’t want to lose his daughter like he’d lost his wife. He became extremely protective of Ivy and refused to have her trained as a meister. This created a rift between Ivy and her father and she begun to train herself in secret.

When Ivy was 13 years old, her father took her to meet the son of an old friend of his named Demetri. His parents had died two years ago and was living with his aunt. However, after the death of his parents he had become deeply depressed so his aunt invited Bjoern and Ivy over hoping that interacting with someone his own age would improve his mood. Ivy was excited to meet him because she heard he was a demon weapon. When Ivy came over Demetri was shut up in his room. When she got closer she could hear him playing a song. She stayed just outside the door as she heard him sing. The song touched her so deeply that her eyes began to water (If you are interested in what song it is, it’s Golden by Fall Out Boy). After hearing the song she burst into his bedroom and declared that he would be her weapon partner. Though Demetri rejected her at first saying that he was blind and not fit to be anyone’s weapon partner, Ivy insisted. She forced him to train his body to exhaustion and got him to be so mad at her that he got over his own self-pity and depression. Although they had a rough start the two would eventually become the best of friends. Demetri is the only person Ivy keeps no secrets from and is not afraid to show weakness to.

Unfortunately, Ivy’s father disapproved of Ivy hanging out with Demetri when he found out that they were training together. They constantly got into fights about it until Bjoern forbid her to see him. This was the last straw for Ivy. She packed her things, went to Demetri’s and ran away with him when she was 15. They spent some time on the road, training and wandering. Eventually they found their way to the DWMA, and joined up to improve their skills with an organization that would support them.

After being in the DWMA for about a year, she ran into a little girl named Honey and her weapon partner Igor in the DWMA weight room. Honey was so impressed to see such a powerful female meister that she picked up the courage to talk to her. Ivy enjoyed being looked up to and straight up told her that she would help train her to be powerful like her. She became sparring partners with Igor and introduced them both to Demetri. They are the only friends they have at the academy.

How do you feel about the DWMA?: She doesn't mind working for them but she mostly sees it as a method to become stronger

Why have you joined the DWMA, what motivates you?: To become a stronger meister.

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?: She wants to be the best berserker in history.


Personal Items: None

Other Important Facts: She is so closely bonded with her weapon partner Demetri that it is unlikely that she will ever be able to wield another weapon that isn’t Demetri.

--- Double Post Merged, Jan 27, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 27, 2015 ---


Given Name: Demetri

Surname: Voclain

What is your official DWMA Nickname?: The Piano Man

Provide a yearbook picture here (Anime appearance. May follow with standard uniform description and pictures as necessary.):


Demetri is extremely pale, and pretty skinny. Despite this he is quite fit but hides this under baggy sweaters. He lacks the lip pricing that the picture shows and his hair is more wavy. Since he is blind he makes sure his whole wardrobe is mostly brown and black so he doesn't have to worry whether it matches or not. Aside from that though he doesn't care about his appearance and almost always wears ratty sweaters and old sweatpants. His hair always hangs over his eyes too, since it’s not like he is using them anyway.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5’10’’

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: He was born blind, so his eyes appear milky white


Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?: EAT

Are you a weapon or a meister?: Weapon

If a weapon, what type of weapon are you? Battle Axe


How many years have you attended the DWMA?: One year

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?: Smart, insightful, calm, caring (though he doesn't like to show it much)

What would others say are your flaws(At least 3, be honest.)?: Pessimistic, low confidence, blind, apathetic

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more:

Demetri is the poster child for apathy. When he’s not being forced to work out with his meister Ivy, you’ll most likely find him slouched on a couch somewhere in the academy. He always seems to talk in a bored, monotone voice, and his face is usually deadpan, judging the world silently. He is a man of few words and the words he does have are usually sarcastic or full of criticism. Though not as blunt as his weapon master, he can still be very critical of people he believes aren’t living up to their potential or are just plain stupid. For the most part though, he doesn't care enough to say anything. His apathy tends to turn people off to him, and his only close friend is Ivy.

While Demetri tends to project an uncaring attitude, he really is a nice person deep down. Being apart of a rich family that got it’s fair share of media attention he learned to keep his emotions in check and give nothing away in his tone of voice and facial expression. In truth he enjoys spending time with people he cares about and helping people in need. He always willing to listen to his friends problems and give advice if they want it. He desperately wants to be useful for others and is afraid of being seen as a burden because of his disability. He tends to use self deprecating humor and has many moments of self doubt. The only person that can pull him out of a bout of self pity is Ivy. She is the only person he trusts fully and is not afraid to tell her how he feels. While he is apathetic when he is speaking, he lets out the full range of his emotions when he plays music. He uses music as a release of his emotions and it is the one thing he is not afraid to show passion for. He enjoys showing off his skill and playing music for others.

What do you like?: Music, working out, being useful, napping, relaxing, his meister Ivy

What don't you like?: People belittling him, taking care of him, and/or pitying him, anyone who hurts the people he cares about, people invading his personal space

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography:

Demetri’s parents were a weapon and meister duo that left their wealthy families to work for the DWMA. Working closely with one another they eventually fell in love, married and had their only son Demetri. Unfortunately Demetri was born blind, making it unlikely that he would follow in his parent's footsteps. Demetri's parents didn’t care though, and did their best to raise their son to know that he was more than his disability. Demetri showed an early interest in music which his parents greatly encouraged, setting him up for music lessons. Demetri’s early years were happy ones, spending most of his time learning how to play multiple musical instruments. Despite the fact that his parents were away on missions often, they loved Demetri and always found time to spend time with him.

However, when Demetri was ten years old his parents died while on a mission. Their deaths shook him greatly and sent him into a deep depression. His was sent to live with his aunt, who was quite wealthy and she employed many maids and butlers upon finding that she would be housing her sister’s blind child. Everyone in the mansion tried their best to take care of him but Demetri could tell that they pitied him for being blind and for being an orphan. Eventually he began to see himself as they did, as a weak, useless, blind boy who needed to be taken care of. He fell into a mindset of self pity and his depression worsened.

Demetri’s aunt begun worrying about her nephew’s depression, as it failed to lessen even two years after his parents death. She sent out message to Bjoern, an old friend of her sister. She heard he had a daughter around Demetri’s age so she invited them over hoping that interacting with someone his own age would cheer Demetri up. However Demetri didn’t want anything to do with them so when they arrived he was shut up in his room playing music. As he was playing a sad song to match his mood, (Golden by Fall Out Boy if you’re interested in hearing it) Ivy, Bjoern’s daughter burst into his room. She pointed a finger at him and declared that he would be her weapon partner. Demetri was flabbergasted by her declaration and refused her, thinking he wasn’t fit to be anyone’s weapon. Ivy refused to take no as an answer. She bullied him into working out with her, forcing him to do push ups and curl ups until he felt like he was about to pass out. She called him names and pushed him around to get a raise out of him. Eventually he broke and began screaming at her. She just smiled at him though and said, “But you’re not sad anymore are you?” She then left the shell shocked Demetri to his thoughts. He finally realised why Ivy had treated him the way she did. She treated him like she would treat anyone, not coddling him like everyone else did. Although she was mean she believed that he could do this and in a weird way she drove him to improve with her constant criticism. Ivy literally worked the self pity and depression out of him. After coming to this realization he begun to really like Ivy and enjoyed working out and hanging out with Ivy. They became very close friends who trusted each other completely.

Once Ivy and Demetri became friends he began to hear about her troubles with her father. Ivy wanted to be the first female berserker but her father was adamantly against it because of both her gender and the dangers being a meister posed. Ivy told Demetri all about her fights with her father and about he didn’t like the fact that she was training with someone who was a demon weapon. One day Ivy showed up to Demetri’s place with her bags packed. She simply told him “We leaving.” So Demetri packed his bags and left home with Ivy when he was 14. They wandered around and trained for a year before making their way to the DWMA. Demetri was happy to join the organization that his parents were apart of and hoped to continue in their legacy.

After being at the DWMA for about a year, Demetri was introduced to the weapon and meister pair Honey and Igor that Ivy met in the academy's weight room prior to the start of classes. He bonded with the twelve year old Honey over the fact that people often belittled them and he often face palms at Igor’s crazy antics. They are the only friends he has at the academy besides Ivy.

How do you feel about the DWMA?: He likes the DWMA

Why have you joined the DWMA, what motivates you?: To help Ivy to become stronger, and to better himself as a weapon.

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?: To live up to the reputation of his parents and prove himself as a weapon despite being blind.


Personal Items: Various musical instruments

Other Important Facts: He and his meister Ivy have such a tight bond that it is highly unlikely that he will ever be able to be wielded by anyone that isn’t Ivy.

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