Soul Eater: Insanity Emerging - Rules


Team Skittles Timekeeper
Death Weapon-Meister Academy Terms and Conditions

  1. This is a high end academy, you must behave with the proper rules of etiquette (All RPNation rules apply. Take a moment to read them if you are not sure:
  2. Administration has ultimate say on all punishments (moderators reserve the right to update or change the role-play at any time as well as accept or deny characters. We don't want to take advantage of these rights, but we will if someone is bringing down the RP).
  3. All classes signed up for, you are responsible for (For now only two characters are allowed per player).
  4. All students must attend classes regularly (You must post at least once every two weeks unless you have notified the moderators that you will be gone. If not notified, your character will be written out of the RP).
  5. Complete all assignments to the best of your ability (You must write at least a paragraph per in-character post).
  6. No idle chatter (Keep OOC posts in the OOC section).
  7. Use proper grammar (Be coherent with your constructed English sentences. We won't be super picky about this, but keep it in mind when writing).
  8. Always do your best work (Please show detail and commitment to this role-play. Bland posts are okay every once in a while, but don't make it a pattern).
  9. You must provide proof of identity (Prove that you have read the rules by writing "DWMA student" somewhere in your post and underlining it. Also, please make a post in the OOC and say hello).
  10. No bullying (You may not at any point animate another person's character without their expressed consent).
  11. No cheating (Dice rolling for fights and other things is accepted. However, you must put the dice roll in the post it refers to. This is to keep people from cheating).
  12. Treat everyone with respect (No god modding. Also, no mistreating other players. These things will not be tolerated).
  13. If you are unsure of what to do, ask a teacher (If you are unsure of what to do or feel like something might break the rules, ask the moderators @Hales @sonicfreak101 @DeadgurlXD @CelticHero37 . You will not be faulted for your ideas, but for your actions).

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