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Fandom Soul Eater: Ammit


There was a pause after the clash, Rimia only stared blankly at her opponent, assimilating what happened just now.

"I was... Hit?"

She touched her forehead and there were signs of blood, a small bruise.

"kuku..." At first she let out a small giggle, and then "kukuku, you really think you are the first person I have confronted?" She wiped the blood on her forehead, and fixed her attire, for the better or worse that hit put her back to her senses, but instead of rage there was focus, focus on her target.

"So be it" She noticed the young man started gathering attention of the crowd, and so she did step up to help him in that regard "Everyone, now I will show you all using this cretin as an example to what happens when you mess with Rimia" she prepared herself and launched herself towards him, the girl might not have notable strength, but she was confident in her own agility. Not that it would have mattered, as her pride would have stopped her from backing down even if the odds were against her.

LoneForAll LoneForAll
1543030923435.pngVivian boredly sat on the busy bus, staring ahead blankly. The hot cocoa in her hand was not the only drink people had on the bus, but it was the only hot one. It wasn't that she was particularly cold at this moment, more that she enjoyed the beverage to the extent she'd drink it in any weather. There was also the fact that in her small apartment she spends all her money on fans because she despises the heat, so at home drinking a hot mug of tea or cocoa wasn't strange.

Taking another sip of the sweat liquid she let out a soft sigh. She was off to school and honestly it was going to be a pain if her miester doesn't know how to use a spear. Plus, they will probably have to wear gloves to hold her, unless of course they don't mind holding cold metal. Vivian rubbed her hands tentatively against the warm cup as she wondered if this could possibly turn her ice cold hands to a normal temperature.

It wasn't even that she was cold, she was at a fine temperature, but for some reason her skin was always cold. Bleh. Vivian stuck out her tongue as she cleared her head. She didn't really care if her skin was cold, it didn't effect her to be honest. The liquid in her cup sloshed and spilled on the floor next to Vivian's shoes as the bus came to a halt. The bus stopped a short distance from DWMA making it easy for to get transportation from school to her house.

Vivian exited the public transportation with a few others and began walking the short distance to DWMA. She didn't bother to pay attention to those she passed and just made her way up the many stairs. She didn't stop once as she went up, not bothering to waste time stopping for breaks, it would be a sweater reward anyway once she reached the top and had no more steps to go up.

She approached the list of partners with another sip of her cocoa, searching silently for her name. It didn't take her long to notice the 6 letters that had become natural to her and followed the line to the name of her partner. Darkstar Ocean. Vivian shrugged and went to sit down cross legged against one of the school's walls. She had no idea who that person was nor any of the others on the list. She didn't know why she bothered checking, her Miester would find her first, it's not like she'd go around asking people's names until she hit home.

No, she was just going to sit and sip her hot cocoa. If someone wanted to talk to her fine, she didn't really care. But she wasn't going to go converse with anyone on her own free will like so many other students were doing at the moment. She'd much rather sit and sip her cocoa and wait until it was closer to the time DWMA was to start. That sounded much more simpler and much less work. So thus, Vivian sat sipping her cocoa against one of the walls, not looking at anyone in particular, but not staring off into nothingness.
Anime Twins.jpg
Axel and Hunter
The Taghan Twins
When Erica heard a voice next to her, she jumped and instinctively took a step behind her sister. Grace's reaction was quite different, though. She didn't even take her eyes off the scene in front of her. Her demeanor was quite friendly, though. She'd been here for a while already, so her Scottish accent wasn't so harsh anymore. It was softer now, but still recognizable, "Yup! There are certain times of the year where the view here just pops. The first day of school is one of those times. Nothin' says welcome to DWMA like that. Speakin' of which... well... welcome to DWMA."

The fact Grace knew he was a new student had nothing to do with seeing him, as she had never looked in his direction. Rather, she deduced this fact from what he had asked her. Any returning student would think the fact that it was quite the view pretty much went without saying, and it was almost impossible for a returning student not to recognize the twins. Therefore the most likely conclusion was that the guy that was talking to them was a new student. She couldn't pinpoint the accent of his, though. Her best guess was that it was an English kid, likely from a wealthy family, trying and failing to pull off an American accent. Either that or he was somebody straight out of one of those black and white films or old radio dramas. Either way it sounded kind of silly to her, but she didn't say anything.

Erica, on the other hand, wasn't making so many deductions. Instead she was staring straight at him. She really hadn't been prepared to associate with a bunch of new people yet. That's one of the reasons she wanted to rush to class. In a classroom environment, it was a little easier for her to get warmed up to some new students, and even if someone wasn't in her class, her interaction with someone new was usually occurring for more of a reason than just somebody coming up to talk to her. So she would normally have a chance to mentally prepare. None of that was the case here, and she simply stared like a deer caught in headlights, thankful that Grace was able to respond.

Killerclown Killerclown
Magna Carter.jpg
Magna Carter

Experimental Railrifle

Alex put his hands up and took a step back when he saw the cassette, a look of annoyance coming across his face, "Yo dude, cool it. Keep that away from me. All you'll do is ruin some merch. Seriously, tapes and I don't get along well. Any closer and I'd probably erase it, but I can't replace it."

What Alex was referring to was his residual magnetism. Being an experimental demon weapon known as a railgun or a railrifle, Alex basically had his own electromagnetic fields. Its common knowledge that magnets can erase cassette tapes. Although the fact about Alex's magnetism wasn't that common of knowledge. Nor was it something that occurred regularly, so to anyone else he probably just looked like someone just brushing Bad Twistah off.

The next thing Alex said didn't quite fit that, though, "Only reason I came over here is because I thought you might be a student and I was gonna say it'd be cool for a student to be doing live performances and stuff like that. Takes a lot of guts, especially since you're stuck here for a while if ya mess up. But I guess if you're not a student, it's not as cool." With that, Alex shrugged and turned to leave.

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Tachibana Kaori.jpg

Tachibana Kaori
Kaori took a sidelong glance at the girl that addressed her, but wasn't that interested in what she had to say. However, she wasn't about to let this girl make her look like some spoiled brat of a rich kid, so she decided to respond, "On principle, I do not mock. In the case of performers, either someone is talented enough to rival my own skills in their respective fields -- which means they are deserving of respect, or someone is not at my level and is therefore nothing I need to worry about. Talent has to start somewhere, and I would never try to suppress talent. That would be unforgivable for someone destined for the position I seek. Since my message was unclear, though, I shall clarify. If others plan to perform while studying, then so shall I. I cannot allow him to be the only image of talent that comes out of this school it would reflect poorly on me. I can't impress the world stage if they see me attending a school where the biggest talent is a walking pile of rotten flesh. And for your information, I'm not simply a poet. I have multiple talents. I'm one of the most popular idols in Japan and head of the Tachibana clan. As such I must maintain my reputation."

Ennuis Ennuis
Bad Twistah's lips curled and stretched into a symbol of contempt, but the corpse was struck with inspiration by what the boy said. If he was just ducking the civic duty of patronage for your street soldier who rapped and popped so you didn't have to, Bad Twistah would not allow him to avoid buying merch. If he was not just ducking and was lying about it Bad Twistah could charge for damages! Either way he was going to add to his sales today, which meant that the zombie continued to follow Alex while shoving the tape closer to range.

"Ahnahnahnah." began the undead with smile on his face, "Shiiet I can tell when an ese playin coy y'dig? Som con-su-mahs bit nervous steppin' up t'the plate; ain't feelin like they able t'hit homers since they saw what tha homie 'fo them did." The rapper was determined to hawk the merchandise and continued to wiggle the tape and shove it ever so closer for Alex to buy. "Twenny five a pop, it ain't a deal y'gonna run inta much. Cuz, otha suckas tryin' t'stiff ya. But ain't how I fly ese. Cuz I'm a Man uv the Streets, an' I'mma not let all my bitchin' fame get to me."

The walking corpse paused before breaking into a different tangent, one that wasn't as related to hawking wares. "Shiiiet I ain't leavin Death City 'til I get my ass thrown in t'Ghetto Penthouse, where I'mma record music videos and albums o til I die and can't get up. Buuh y'didn't seem t'get the knowledge o'the streets yo, so I'mma edjacate ya wit fresh knowledge upside y'head." As the zombie continued to get Alex to take his merchandise of the cassette tape he couldn't help but flaunt with a bit of moon-walking and other basic steps. "Like I weren't runnin' mah mouth, talkin big truths, shit y'won't find inna any formal teacha's room. We all students of 'Tha Game', it's called Life yo. An' all dem rules n pieces are things yer gonna keep learnin' so son, yer always a student. Nevah trust no homie talkin' shit like he know it all, yannowhatI'msayin?"

CelticHero37 CelticHero37
Jackson Clark


Jack's already flimsy train of thought was completely derailed as the girl sat down next to him, well within his unreasonably large personal space. Jack kept a tight grip on the edge of the bench, frost forming around his hand, unable to move away but desperately wanting to. He knew close contact was an inevitability, but that knowledge didn't stop his anxiety from flaring up; even sitting on a bench with another person like this terrified him, a thousand thoughts all rushing out at once. His face remained in the same scowl he'd had his entire life, but his darting eyes gave away his anxiety, unable to maintain eye contact with Charmaine.

Gotta calm down, stay calm Jack, it's all good, no need to freak, just stay calm, stay calm, stay calm...wait a minute. Did she...

"D...Did you s-say Charmaine?......Oh no." Having been on that bench for several hours at this point, Jack had plenty of time to memorize the name of his assigned meister; Charmaine Bristol. The one student he needed to make a good impression on. The one student that needed to think him capable. The one student he needed to interact with. The only student that mattered to him, and he'd gone and made a fool of himself in front of her already.

Jack cleared his throat once more. "I s-see. I guess t-that mmmmeans your my m...mmmmmmeis......" He couldn't finish the sentence, the last word lodging itself in his throat. It's over. The year hasn't even gotten properly started and I've already blown my one chance at impressing my partner. There's no way she'll want to pair up with someone that can't even talk right.

......Nnnnnnnnnno! No. Don't give up so quick, Jack, that'll just make things worse. Surely she's not that type of person. I mean, she actually turned around and answered me when I asked her name instead of not hearing me and walking away. Okay, gotta get her attention on something else, get some time to sort my thoughts out....Ah, that should do.

A decently large crowd had begun to form around the name-covered notice board, centered around a pair of students that were about to fight it out. He had been seeing it happen out of the corner of his eye, but hadn't given the scuffle any real attention until now. Flicking his eyes back and forth between Charmaine and the fight, Jack let out a nondescript "Um," desperately hoping Charmaine would understand.

animegirl20 animegirl20

Asagi Asagi LoneForAll LoneForAll
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Magna Carter

Experimental Railrifle
Alex let out a sigh and stopped walking, saying under his breath, "So not cool." The zombie's persistent energy was stressing him out. All he had done was try to give the guy a compliment and now he was being pestered. As usual, he found he wasn't in the mood for dealing with bullshit today. Of course, that didn't mean he lost his cool and snapped at the guy. After all, the guy was just trying to sell his merchandise. Although Alex doubted he'd get repeat customers if he chased them all like that.

Turning around to face the zombie with an indifferent look, mumbled, "Well, I tried to warn you." With that he reached out and grabbed the tape. He didn't try to pull it away or anything as if he were trying to take it before playing. He simply put his hand on it, waited a moment, and then said, "I don't buy faulty products. You're gonna wanna test that now. I bet you'll find that its blank."

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Bad Twistah leaned in towards Alex frowning distinctively showing off a toothy grimace. “Ese I don’t dig biters an fronters, tapes nevah faulty. I a real street soldier, so lemme give you a demo o t’intro.” In the back of Bad Twistah’s mind there was a nagging sensation that Alex was right and wasn’t joshing him around. However the zombie needed to move product, you always needed to move product, and he wasn’t a cheat. He in good faith could not sell a broken tape to Alex, it wasn’t good for the producer or consumer. But a different tape was fair game. So all that was needed was a bit of showmanship flair...

...Carefully swinging the boom-box down, and placing the inert microphone near it, he clicked the eject button. With a distinctive click the a tape emerged scrawled with, “BACKUP STREET BEATS” as opposed to “DA BONEYARDS” the name of the current album of tracks he was hawking. Raising up on his heels Bad Twistah began spinning rapidly leaving distinctive motion blurs, for his sleight of hand trick as he was exchanging the ‘supposedly faulty tape’ with a fresh tape, but not fast enough to start carving into the ground below him. After this spinning the zombie stopped, wobbled a bit before jumping up and slamming the tape in.

“Intro Track, Bustin From Da Grave; hot fire numbah, fast paced wit bit of sym-bo-lugeh. Ain’t the most on tha track buuh ya get a feel fa th flavahs dis ‘ere album spittin’ latah so a crash course comes upside ya head knowwhatimsayin’.” Remarked Bad Twistah as he briefly explained the concept of the song and how the themes present here would linger through the album. Clicking play the boom box began playing with the new tape’s intro track as if the faulty tape were not faulty.






Bad Twistah pressed down on the pause button and gave a smarmy grin towards Alex, “Shiiiiet I think you need a lil mo sunshine in yo life; despite yo frontin’ imma still offer it, same price even cuz I’m a nice homie like dat. Twenny Five a pop.”

CelticHero37 CelticHero37
Magna Carter.jpg
Magna Carter

Experimental Railrifle
Alex wasn't dumb, and he didn't appreciate someone trying to pull the wool over his eyes. Even if he couldn't see exactly what the zombie was doing, his swift movements were too reminiscent of slight of hand. Alex didn't need to see to guess what was going on. Not to mention the fact he knew very well the tape he touched wouldn't work. Despite all that, this guy was now implying that Alex was trying to front him.

Alex was generally a calm guy and usually didn't lose his cool, but he wasn't a pushover either, and he wasn't about to let this guy walk all over him. Narrowing his eyes and taking a step forward, Alex said, "Yo, listen here, punk. Even if I wanted to buy a tape, and by some miracle I didn't erase the content as soon as I touched it, players don't work around me. And even if I turned up the volume and gave it some distance, all it'd do is give me a damn headache. Electronics and I don't get along. Never have, never will. Not somethin' I can control. And I sure as hell ain't giving' you my lunch money. So give it a rest already. If you're havin' a concert, let me know. Otherwise leave me alone. I'm not buyin'. You got me?"

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
2022.pngNaomi stood there next watching as people arrived trying to decide if she should check to see if anyone of these guys were her partner. Though almost all of them seem to be in the middle of a conversation and she didn't want to interrupt. She then noticed a someone who had come up the steps. He seem to be out of breath. She could start with him. Naomi began making her over there. I can totally do this. Don't get nervous. Once she reached him she had her hair covering her face her nerves getting the best of her. "E-excuse me I-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she noticed the witch pointing over her way. She glanced at her and Naomi's face went completely red at her comment.

"Ask if hooker or whore. Aaaaan-”

Her hair wasn't totally covering her face anymore and you could see the embarrassment she felt. Do I really look like that? Then suddenly her face went dark and there was a scary aura slowly forming around her. "Wanna say that to my face bitch?" she said in a low growl. Though just as fast as the mood came it suddenly disappeared again and Naomi shook her head. And turned around quickly freaking out with both hands on her face. Nooo calm down calm down don't freak out. Mother said to stay calm and in control. It then suddenly hit her she was still next to that boy she was trying to talk to. She then quickly turned back around towards him and bowed and started to talk quickly. "S-sorry! My name's Naomi Yamazaki and I'm looking for Tomoki Fuji whose suppose to be my partner would happen to be him." She looked at him a little nervous then straighten back up.

As she waited for an answer she noticed a fight was about to start between a boy and a girl. She wondered if anyone would try to stop it or everyone was just going to watch.

Talking to:
Japanime Japanime

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
LoneForAll LoneForAll
Asagi Asagi
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color_anime_girl_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxao.png"D...Did you s-say Charmaine?......Oh no."

"Hmm?" Charmaine was still smiling anf you could almost see question marks popping up around her head.

"I s-see. I guess t-that mmmmeans your my m...mmmmmmeis......"

"I'm your what?" What was he trying to say? His Meis? what's meis? She sat their with a serious look on her face trying to figure out what meis was. But then she noticed him flicking his eyes back and forth. "Huh?" She looked over to see a circle forming around two individuals who look like they were about to fight. "A fight huh? Come on! Let's go watch!" She said as she got up and started making her way towards the crowd. This could be fun be fun watch or a really boring one. As she was about to reach the crowd she stopped suddenly and turned back to look at the white haired boy. "Wait meis?...…! Meister!" She quickly ran over to him and started talking really fast. "Meister! Is that what you were trying to tell me? That I'm your Meister? That's awesome! You seem way better then my last partner! Now come on new bestie let's go see what this fight is all about!" She said as she grabbed his arm and yanked him off the bench and then started dragging him towards crowd.

Quiet Snowfall Quiet Snowfall

LoneForAll LoneForAll
Asagi Asagi
View attachment 508162
Axel and Hunter
The Taghan Twins
When Erica heard a voice next to her, she jumped and instinctively took a step behind her sister. Grace's reaction was quite different, though. She didn't even take her eyes off the scene in front of her. Her demeanor was quite friendly, though. She'd been here for a while already, so her Scottish accent wasn't so harsh anymore. It was softer now, but still recognizable, "Yup! There are certain times of the year where the view here just pops. The first day of school is one of those times. Nothin' says welcome to DWMA like that. Speakin' of which... well... welcome to DWMA."

The fact Grace knew he was a new student had nothing to do with seeing him, as she had never looked in his direction. Rather, she deduced this fact from what he had asked her. Any returning student would think the fact that it was quite the view pretty much went without saying, and it was almost impossible for a returning student not to recognize the twins. Therefore the most likely conclusion was that the guy that was talking to them was a new student. She couldn't pinpoint the accent of his, though. Her best guess was that it was an English kid, likely from a wealthy family, trying and failing to pull off an American accent. Either that or he was somebody straight out of one of those black and white films or old radio dramas. Either way it sounded kind of silly to her, but she didn't say anything.

Erica, on the other hand, wasn't making so many deductions. Instead she was staring straight at him. She really hadn't been prepared to associate with a bunch of new people yet. That's one of the reasons she wanted to rush to class. In a classroom environment, it was a little easier for her to get warmed up to some new students, and even if someone wasn't in her class, her interaction with someone new was usually occurring for more of a reason than just somebody coming up to talk to her. So she would normally have a chance to mentally prepare. None of that was the case here, and she simply stared like a deer caught in headlights, thankful that Grace was able to respond.

Killerclown Killerclown
Robert grinned when he heard one of the twins welcome him to the Academy. He grinned and thought to himself," She seems like a polite young woman, i should try to make a good impression." He then said to her, his smile still evident," Thank you very much. I am happy to be here. DWMA is a very prestigious school and Daddy had to jump through a lot of hoops to get me here. By the way, my name is Richard A. Brown the 3rd, and i'm from Vermont." His grin then grew wider as he waited for one of the twins to respond.
Anime Twins.jpg
Axel and Hunter
The Taghan Twins
Sure enough, Grace had been right about one thing. This guy definitely seemed like a rich kid. Not that she saw that as a bad thing. After all, Grace and Erica were technically princesses, so she was in no position to judge. The fact that he was from Vermont was quite a surprise, though. Erica had relaxed a bit since he wasn't doing anything that would put her in the spotlight, but she was still silent and trying to be invisible behind Grace.

At this point Grace did turn from what she was looking at to give the new kid a bright smile back as she asked, "Vermont, huh? I wouldn't have guessed that. I've never been there. I'm Axel and this is Hunter."

Erica blushed and stiffened a bit, "Um... h-hi."

"We're from Na hEileanan Siar... er... Th-the Western Islands. Crap, what do they call it over here?" asked Grace.

"Um... The Outer Hebrides?" responded Erica quietly.

"I mean yeah, but he probably doesn't know what that is, um... Lewis and Harris? No, probably not."

"A' Ghàidhealtachd?"

"Not Gaelic you idiot... oh you mean... what? No, that's not... I mean, okay, but that's technically not... oh who am I kidding," Grace let out a sigh before finally answering, "You could say we're from the Highlands, I guess."

Killerclown Killerclown
The girl was stunned from his assault, enough that any traces of her prior annoyance were gone. Kazuo was pleased with himself. But then she laughed. She stated that he wasn't the first to strike her, but would she really react that way if she was used to it? Well, that was besides the point right now since he could tell she was preparing to retaliate. It may have been too late to consider this, but only now did Kazuo realize that he wasn't aware of what kind of student she was. If she was a weapon that could transform like him, he might have found himself a really troublesome opponent. The odds would be even less in his favor if she was a witch that could cast magic spells.

It was then that she lunged forth with more speed than he was expecting. He doubted that she packed that much of a punch, but quick and small enemies like this were difficult to land any blows on. But that's fine, all I have to do is predict where she'll be before she reaches there, and I should be able to hit her. Kazuo prepared himself, winding his fist back and keeping an eye on her feet... when something she said completely took him out of the moment.

"Everyone, now I will show you all using this cretin as an example to what happens when you mess with Rimia"

Kazuo froze mid-punch. Rimia. He knew that name. Of course he did; he had just read it not even that many minutes ago. Even all of this ruckus in the meantime wasn't enough to make him forget exactly where he saw that name. The board announcing the pairs for new students. That name was next to his. If she really was Rimia, then... Does that mean she's my meister? Kazuo winced involuntarily. The Nevada sun was no longer above him. He wasn't at the DWMA anymore, and everyone around him were gone. He was standing at a familiar riverside, with the unmistakable lighting reminiscent of dusk. It would have been beautiful if there wasn't a young girl lying before his feet, the grass beneath her being stained red. Her clothes and hair were also stained the same color. There were deep lacerations in multiple spots of her body. Kazuo could feel his vision blurring and breath grow short. His entire body was shaking, but his hands were more than anywhere else. He looked down at his palms, and his eyes burned from deep crimson that they were.

The demon weapon retched, holding back the urge to vomit. He heard voices, knowing that it would be their families rushing to their side, but instead it was the sound of a circle of people around him. Kazuo felt the heat of the desert once more, but he was shaking all the same despite being back in Death City. The students were jeering and his meister was but a few steps from being within range. My... meister... At those words, his eyes fell on his outstretched fist and everything became draped in a red filter, but only for an instant. Kazuo couldn't move. Even though he was about to be attacked, he couldn't do anything in response. It was too late for him to finish throwing his punch now.

Interacted: Asagi Asagi

Rimia tackled the young man, taking both to the floor, while holding him by the the necktie, she recalled how she got to that position on the first place, but something was not right.


The girl raised the necktie towards her even more, she took a closer look at the young man, black hair, with a delinquent face, Rimia was used to dealing with these kind of people, but in most cases they were plots executed stealthily under her family's ties, never a skirmish in plain broadlight for a petty reason, yet what caught her interest the most was his eyes. An aim that is set from what is beyond your eyesight...just like...

"Answer me...! You clearly could avoid that but you did not...what was that about not caring about hitting a woman? hesitation...? are you mocking me!?" She released her grip on his necktie and instead she grabbed his shirt collar with both of her hands "If you are set on doing something...then do it properly...regardless of cost!"

"Regardless of cost...regardless...of cost!" The girl was just repeating herself as she continued to pull back and forth the shirt collar of the young man, It seemed that she wasn't speaking to him anymore.

LoneForAll LoneForAll
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