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Fandom Soul Eater: Ammit



✧☽ 𝒹 𝓇 𝑒 𝒶 𝓂 𝒾 𝓃 𝑔 ☾✧
Tomoki Fuji

As Tomoki walked through the city on his way to DWMA, he could hear crying and aggressive yelling from an alleyway. Turning into the narrow passageway, he spotted two boys picking on smaller kid than them. "Hey!" Tomoki yelled from the end of the laneway with his arms crossed and a noticeable frown on his face. The kids looked in his direction, confused on who he was and what he wanted. Tomoki walked towards him. He looked at the smaller boy and noticed he had bruises and he was all dirtied up. He walked over to the boy to check to see if he was ok to walk. Once it was confirmed he was able to walk, Tomoki helped him up. "Get outta here." He told the smaller boy before he thanked Tomoki and speed walked out of the alley. "Who the hell are you?" One of the bullies asked. The veins in Tomoki's forehead throbbed as he clenched his fists. "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?!" Tomoki shouted. "Heh. You wanna piece of us?" The other boy asked smugly. Tomoki curled his upper lip and extended one of his hands toward them. Then he gestured for them to come. "Bring it." He said.

One of the boys charged at him with a punch. Tomoki moved to the side of the punch and grabbed his arm with one hand while simultaneously punching him in the rib with his other hand. He continued to hold his arm as he kneed the boy in the gut. Throwing him down to the ground. The other boy ran up behind Tomoki and began choking him. He immediately raised his shoulder and turned around, elbowing the boy in the face then kneeing him twice in his stomach. The boys laid on the ground defeated. Tomoki looked at the boys then he remembered he had to get to school. He sprinted to out of the alleyway and towards DWMA.

By the time he got to DWMA's ridiculously long stairs a crowd had already began forming at the entrance. He continued running up the stairs, his breath coming in short gasps. "Almost there." He thought. The stairs blurred below him. He continued running for what seemed like forever. The steady pound of his footsteps echoed into his ears as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his forehead and splatter to his chin. Step! He had finally made it to the top of the stairs. Tomoki was bent over at the top catching his breath. It was gonna be a serious pain on the ass to get to school everyday.
A girl silently walked the streets of the city, while her surrroundings were filled with noises, laughter, shouts, and violence, she paid to them no mind. After all, what was she looking for was located somewhere else.

"It was a problem to get here while still remaining on low profile...but I finally made it kukuku" She laughed as she continued walking, judging from her clothes, way of walking and even her way of speech, one could guess she was from a different country.

At last, the girl stood and gazed at the countless sets of stairs that were facing her, their number and length were absurd, ridiculously absurd, but that was her destination, or rather, the way to get to her destination.


*gasp* *gasp* It took her a long time to finally reach the top, and her pale and trembling body indicated that it also exhausted her considerably.

This is nothing She said to herself while she fixed her posture and clothing.

"Oh dear sister just you wait..." She raised her palm of her hand towards the sun "this school will be the perfect opportunity for me"

And with a grin on her face, Rimia started her days on the DWMA Academy.

Jackson Clark

It's so hot.

"Whoa, look! Is that steam coming off of that guy?"
"Quiet, you idiot! He looks really mad about something!"

It's so hot.

"It's really cold over here! You feel that?"
"You think it's got something to do with that steam-dude's soul wavelength?"


Jackson sat by himself sat on a bench just under one of the skull-shaped overhangs that served as the DWMA's main entrance, mist floating about him as he blasted himself with his own ice-cold soul wavelength to try and stay cool. He had been like this for hours, long before any other student had arrived. He had a big, grand plan for his first day as a DWMA student, and this is all it had amounted to.

Ugh. I knew it'd get pretty toasty here, but I didn't think it'd be this bad even in the shade! I went through all the trouble of waking up crazy early to get here and find some shade before the sun rose, and it's still roasting me! How am I gonna get the respect of my assigned meister now!?

Jack had a sour face. Jack knew he had a sour face, and he knew nothing he tried would change it because he'd already tried everything. There was no chance of him keeping his assigned partner by being friendly, so that meant Jack had to impress. He would come in swinging, having spent the months leading up to this day training his heart out to master his weapon form and get a handle on his soul wavelength, then he'd use his permanently angry face to his advantage and cut an imposing and serious figure. He had it all planned out so well.

Now, he looked like little more than a Popsicle that had an angry face drawn on it before being abandoned on a bench to melt away. I should've known this would happen. I've never even been south of Yukon Territory before! Why did I ever think I could take the heat of Nevada on? Ugh. Well, at least I managed to get into EAT class. I heard that some weapons managed to graduate without ever having a meister, so it's not completely hopeless. Right?

Having been soundly defeated by his own hubris, Jack decided to take a glance about his spot. Most of the other people he could see looked younger than him; twelve or thirteen, at most. That was the typical age people would awaken their weapon heritage, apparently, meaning Jack was a late bloomer. A few seemed curious about him, but once they noticed he was looking at them they would shy away. There were a few closer to his age, but most of them seemed like second and third years, and were only here for the new student meet-and-greet. Much like the new students, these ones seemed hesitant to approach him too once they saw his naturally angry expression.

Slumping down further on the bench, Jack let out a massive sigh that was accompanied by mist that evaporated as quickly as it had formed. Not even a single day had gone by, and Jack already felt like he had lost a major battle.
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"SUUUUUUUCK IT CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!" hollered out Camilla Delacroix barreling past some nondescript loser while throwing a half-hearted flail of the limb, perched on top of a bitchin' motorcycle, one hand on the handlebars and the other holding her hat in place. All of Death City, the sidewalks, the housing complexes, damn near anything the witch felt like, served as her oyster for riding. Her pink hair was whipping through the breeze as she began skidding through narrow alleyways and dashing across the pavement.

As she was reaching closer to her destination, she noticed there would be two options. The first was just moving down through the crowd, but that'd be a bitch on the paint-job and would possibly require her to expend more effort at fighting back pests than she cared for. "Tch. This better not screw with suspension." Camilla grumbled out as she swung the handlebar around to twist to her new target; a makeshift ramp.

The motorist quickly sent the vehicle forward towards the ramp and began to soar through the air, to land down very top of the school steps whereupon she began doing donuts and leaving very noticeable skid-marks.

"WOOOOO! EAT A BAG OF DICKS YOU LOSERS!" and with that triumph uttered Camilla gave the crowd a double deuce and began scratching at her own back. "Gooood I could use a massage." remarked Delacroix as she remained ontop of the bike.
Meanwhile, there was an individual at the bottom steps with the crowd who had came, wielding a boombox over their right shoulder and a battery-operated stick microphone in their left hand. The zombie known as Bad Twistah smirked as he quickly slammed down the microphone to the cobbles below and pressed the play-button.

The sound of fresh jams were erupting from the mix-tape located inside and the microphone was quickly brought up to his mouth. Bobbing his head and body to the beat Bad Twistah gave out a toothy grin as he could feel his bones ready for this musical conquest. Right now the beats were starting slow, which gave him time for a bit of an introduction.



While continuing the groove the rapper opened a section of his jacket as he began pulling out some cassette tapes, "I GOT WAY MORE ON MY MIIIIIIIXTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE! SELLIN' EM RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!"
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2022.pngNaomi never dreamed she be going to DWMA or the facts she was a weapon. She stood at the bottom of the steps with nervous look and red face. She was nervous about coming to school but that wasn't the reason why she seemed so embarrassed. "M-mom!? I can't believe your making wear this!" She said as she stared down at her clothes. "What's wrong with it? Besides I worked hard on this. There's magic on here that gives extra protection for when your in your sword form and gives you magic boost. I put a lot of work into it." Naomi looked down at her feet. "But could you at least not make so revealing?" Her mother laughed. "Is that what your worry about? How silly and anyway it's to late to make changes to it." She then turned her daughter around and pushed her to the steps. "Now go on and good luck dear." A broom then appeared in her mother's hand and hopped on it and flew off. Naomi gave a small wave. "Bye mom..." She then slowly turned back around to the steps and breathed in. "Ok I can do this."

Walking up the steps wasn't to bad but it was slightly annoying. Though she didn't complain while walking up she kept noticing a few stairs at her. I can't believe mom is making me wear this. She thought to herself. Oh well she would get use to it eventually. When she finally reached the top of the steps she went straight to the board to check for partners though in truth she was nervous about meeting hers. "I hope their nice." She said quietly to herself. "Let's see....Tomoki Fuji?" Suddenly she heard a BAM! with screeching sounds and a female voice yelling out,


Naomi jumped slightly and turned around. Apparently some witch was making the noise and she was on a "Motorcycle?"

Japanime Japanime
Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Richard Brown the 3rd walked through the streets of Death City with a smirk on his face. He couldn't believe he was here attending the prestigious DWMA academy. Daddy had always wanted a Meister or Weapon in the family, something about bringing the Brown family name prestige. As Richard continued his walk towards the direction of the Academy, he let out a small scoff as he thought to himself," It is excellent that i am coming here and all. But, what does Daddy mean by "prestige"? Aren't we already prestigious enough? I mean surely owning the Brown Conglomerate would already make us prestigious enough." He was interrupted from his thoughts when he was damn near ran over by a girl on a motorcycle. Richard was quite unceremoniously knocked to the side as the motorcycle drove past him. Richard immediately got up, red in the face as he yelled to the girl," Motorcycle riding hoodlum!" He then let out a humph and continued his walk to the DWMA, no wonder his Daddy hated motorcycles so much,.

Richard ignored the rapping zombie when he got close to the steps of the academy, rap was uncivilized music anyways according to his Daddy.. His jaw immediately dropped when he saw the massive flight of stairs he would have to climb. Richard sighed as he started to climb the steps, thinking to himself as he did," What kind of moron puts a prestigious school on a massive flight of stairs? This is gonna be hell to climb every morning."
15 Minutes Later
Richard huffed and puffed as he finally made it up the stairs. Like he predicted, climbing those stairs was like hell. His feet were hurting from all the walking, and, to his surprise, he had to stop to catch his breath twice. This surprised him even more due to the fact that he was in excellent shape. When he finally reached the top of the stairs, the first thing he noticed was someone on a motorcycle. He immediately recognized her as the woman who nearly killed him earlier. He decided to ignore her and immediately started to walk towards the partner list. " Savage", he said to himself as he walked past the girl on the motorcycle.
color_anime_girl_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxao.pngCharmaine had already been here for a year now but she didn't have partner. She did have one but that partner of hers wasn't the best in fact. It didn't work out so they went their separate ways. Now it was new year and she was positive that her new partner would work out this time. Once she reached the steps she put her head phones on and put on some music. She was in her own world playing air guitar as she walked up the steps though she suddenly stop when something caught her eye. She took the heads phones off and rested them around her neck. "Is that zombie?? Whoa haha cool! Nice rapping man!" Charmaine yelled over towards him and gave him two thumbs up. She then continued her way up the steps. Once she made she noticed a witch sitting on a motorcycle. Why the she would bring her motor cycle here Charmaine had no idea. She was about to go look at the partner list but stopped when she notice some guy sitting on a bench. He look like he was practically melting. He seem to have a angry expression on his face and the other students seemed to be avoiding him. Though she thought nothing of it and walked up to him anyway. "Hey you alright? You look a like grumpy melting popsicle. Haha"

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Quiet Snowfall Quiet Snowfall
The 14 year old boy shuffled down the streets of Death City with hands in his pockets and a lit cigarette between his lips, leaving a trail of smoke as he strode. The site of such a young boy smoking drew disapproving gazes from civilians, which he made sure to respond with hostile glances that were usually enough to make them look the other way. Yakko Kazuo wasn't in the mood to be judged by people that didn't know him. His journey from Japan all the way here to America with nothing but the clothes on his back had already been taxing enough to this point. It's not like he needed them for directions to find the DWMA, since anyone could most likely spot the academy from any given spot in the city.

When Kazuo reached the entrance to the world-renown school, he almost regretted his several thousand mile-long trip. The stairway leading to the front doors might have rivaled that of Misato's in Kunamoto or even dwarf it. Would they notice if I skipped the first day of school? If it's me, I don't think they would... Really, they should thank me for not showing up. I'll only cause them more trouble than I'm worth. However, seeing what looked like a sheltered rich kid, a scantily clad girl, a delicate-looking short girl wearing a dress, and other children around his age and even younger than him climbing the stairs was enough to make what little pride he had drag his feet up a few steps before he knew it.

Almost half an hour, a few breaks, and several hundred steps later in the Nevada sun, Kazuo was sitting on the final step leaning back and breathing harder than he had in his whole short life. Those stairs were probably more frightening than any school lesson, witch, Kishin, or corrupted soul he'd ever face, so things could only go up from here. From this angle, he could see the spires of DWMA upside down, which he took some time to admire while he caught his breath. Finally properly standing up and turning to face the academy, he took in the site of its architecture that was unlike anything he believed he would find anywhere. Then he looked back to get an overhead view of Death City itself. I'm going to be staying here from now on... Not bad. Probably too good for me, just like the last place. This time I'm not going to half-ass it. I'll never make up for what I did, but I'll at least become worthy enough for this city and this school to not be ashamed of having me. This, Kazuo promised himself.

His meaningful self-reflection was brought to a grinding halt by the commotion in front of the school. There was a teen with visible mist coming off of him as he sat on a bench, a girl with a witch's hat on a motorcycle that made him wonder how she got that up here, and a man with a decayed body rapping to the tune of a boombox on his person which reminded Kazuo that he truly was in America. He also spotted those he had seen take the stairs ahead of him throughout the horde of people, but they were nowhere near as eye-catching. Groaning at this preview of his academic life, he tried to ignore it and blend into the more nondescript group of soon-to-be students. Squeezing through where the lake of people was at its most dense, he finally found the center of their attention. It was a board near the front doors of the building, with a list of names split into two sections under "EAT" and "NOT." Bringing his eyes to the latter of the two, he scanned the postings until he found his own name. Next to "Weapon - Yakko Kazuo" was "Meister - Rimia" and that was all. Kazuo couldn't help but react verbally to that.

"Haah? 'Rimia'? That's it? Did they run out of ink?" Then again, DWMA allowed for stage names that you could request to be known as in every capacity while enrolled. Kazuo knew this because he had registered with a fabricated surname because his clan was relatively well-known and he didn't want anyone in or out of the academy recognizing him. His assigned meister seemingly fell into the same category. Problem was he couldn't even determine a gender from that pseudonym. Kazuo looked side to side through the lines of faces, any one of which could be his partner for who knows how long. Lighting another cigarette, the boy took a long drag, not caring he was exposing several people to secondhand smoke this way. "What a pain in the ass," was all he could say at the prospects of his second life.

Asagi Asagi
Quiet Snowfall Quiet Snowfall
Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
animegirl20 animegirl20
Killerclown Killerclown
Jackson Clark
Jack was about ready to call it quits, to melt away into a hammer-shaped puddle, when a girl approached him, unafraid of his sour face. Despite looking to be on the dainty side, she absolutely radiated confidence, as if there wasn't anything in the world that could stop her--the type of person Jack simply couldn't understand. His mind was elsewhere at the moment, however; namely, thinking hard about how he was going to respond.

Okay, Jack, this is your chance. Just gotta respond like a normal person, say something about the heat. Easy. Jack opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but stopped. His anxiety came out in force, gut twisting and words catching in his throat. All he had to do was mention the heat, but how? How do I start this conversation? Do I lead with a joke to try and keep the mood light? What if she doesn't get it or thinks it's not funny? Do I just keep it matter-of-fact, then? No, that wouldn't work either, just look at the way she's dressed, there's no way she's the serious type! Oh god, I'm taking too long. I gotta say something or she might think I'm weird or creepy!

"...Popsicle?" Jack repeated, the word rolling out of his mouth in a low growl before he could stop it.

No, not that, you idiot! Now she definitely thinks you're weird! Come on, you gotta say something else! Just answer her question already!

"It's...hot." Jack forced these words out, half afraid he'd puke in the process. Way to state the obvious! What'll you say next? The sky is blue? Water is wet? Ugh, this conversation literally just got started and I've already blown it. She'll probably tell all her friends about this. I can hear the rumors already--Jackson Clark, DWMA's resident ice-covered moron! So stupid he can't even talk right! No...no! Can't give up yet. Maybe if I keep things moving, she'll forget about it. Okay, now you need to ask her something...her name! Introductions are an essential part of any conversation with a stranger. Everything I've read says that's the case, anyway.

Jack coughed twice to clear his throat, then straightened up a tad and tried to look the girl in the eye, though he couldn't help but keep glancing away. "W...What's....What's y-your name?" He managed to ask, albeit in a rather hushed and nervous voice.

animegirl20 animegirl20
While Reshmi was excited to get to school on time, something new had caught her attention. At the base of the massive flight of stairs, there was a zombie singing and peddling cassettes. Approaching the mortally challenged rapper, she smiled and waved to him. "Bad Twister was it? I really admire your spirit and I would like to buy two of your mixtapes."

The zombie's music wasn't something she was familiar with it, but she could tell he was really expressing himself and not just faking it for fame. It was really heart warming to her and such an attitude should be rewarded. Plus, her partner might appreciate his musical talents.

Glancing back at the stairs, a thought came to Reshmi. "Also... Are you out here often? Are the stairs the only way to the school up there or is there a lift of some sort?" While she could walk up there, it wasn't something she looked forward to. Especially if she had to do it every morning... Unless that was part of the school experience here. "Huh, morning workout maybe?"

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
"Milady, though your driving skill is impeccable it is times like these in which I must stress the importance of dignity and grace before the lesser peoples. What would your mother think of this sort of vulgar outburst? And on the first day of class, no less.", Sir Harley Davidson harrumphed as he transformed back into a human, now in his true form of a weird middle aged man kneeling on all fours with his technician sitting on the small of his back. Massaging the small of his back with his knuckles, he wondered where he had gone so wrong in raising the young mistress. She used to be such an affectionate child, bringing him frogs she'd smashed by the roadside and begging to ride on his handlebars. Had he been too lenient in teaching her proper manners? Davidson sighed.

"I really must ask you to go easier on my suspension, as well; I've not ached this badly since our roadtrip to see the pyramids last summer...", Davidson shuddered involuntarily at the memory; it had been almost a year and he was still picking sand out of his radiator.

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
“AYYO YO, THEN BUY A MIX-TAPE!” Bad Twistah cupped one of his hands around his mouth as he hollered at Charmaine who simply took advantage of the demo system without wanting to put miles in. Truly it was a worse crime than the kid dressing like it was church or some shit, and that smoking beatnik as they did not try any honey-laced words before ducking from their rightful duty in purchasing. “CAN’T JUST RIDE LEG HOMIE, GOTTA PUT IN T’DOLLAHS OR YOU BE FRONTIN’. CUZ YOU ISN’T THE ONE POPPIN IN THE STREETS LIKE I AM, YOU WANNA SHOW Y’LEGIT IN SUPPORTAN THE CAUSE, YOU BUY A MIX-TAPE!” The zombie grumbled as he second-naturally checked his body to make sure everything was still, well roughly in place. Shoving something back in he noticed a much more friendly honey coming over his way, with the intention to buy no doubt! This was good, he had many mix-tapes to sell off before clearing his inventory for the day. Moving units was an essential part of being gangster and furthering rapper cred.

“AYYO ESE! FO SHO GONNA SELL YOU MY MIIIIIIIXTAAAAAAAAPE BUH FIRST, LEMME EDJACATE JA ‘BOUT THE NAME!” Bad Twistah began to speak to Reshmi before quickly flourish his free hand down to the side, keeping his thumb, index and middle fingers out, while bobbing his head a little.

THEN T – W – I

Finishing finishing yet more beats, Bad Twistah crouched down and struck a pose as he stared at Reshmi. “Cuz yanno ain’t a pirate, ain’t ending my name with no aargh sorta sound. AIGHT NOW I GOT YO HOOK-UP, BUTCHU GOT T’SKRILLAH, THE FAT STACKS OF CHEDDAH!?” Bad Twistah gave a rather toothy grin as he whipped open his jacket and pulled out a pair of mix-tapes from it and began moving them around while keeping a firm contact with his buyer. You never knew when a shoot out over merchandise would happen.

“TWO FO FIDDY GREENS, A BARGAIN YO. CAUSE YOU CAN’T BEAT TAPE QUALITY, THE SUCKAHS ALREADY WOUNDED UP!” Bad Twistah stood most triumphantly and self-assuredly in the superiority of this out-dated technology. “Buuuh you ain’t jus’ biz talkin’, aight I can deal, got mo merch t’move but I’mma lay down some fresh knowledge upside y’head y’dig?”

Bad Twistah glanced up to the behemoth of a school as he started explaining to Reshmi, “I’mma answer yo inquiries from t’tippity top to the bottom; shiiiet I’m all ovah Death City, but like these days, yea I do my rounds o’er here cuz like lots of people yanno, means more folk eyeballin then buyin’ product. Some might say it’s risky but dawg I’m hard and live on the edge yo. As fo the stairs, sorta a workout or symbology – ain’t sure, but I know some foos live there so they only maybe do it the one time. Buuuuh lotsa ways to skin a cat yanno what I’m sayin?”

“So y’readeh to lay down the dollahs?”
Ennuis Ennuis animegirl20 animegirl20

“DONWANNA.” Firmly remarked the witch as she slumped down attempting to fully lay on her manservant Sir Harley Davidson, but not fully making the effort to ruin his attempt to massage his own back. As Camilla squirmed around, both trying to avoid inevitably knocking herself off the weaponized help and get a position she was really cozy with she continued on. “Lessers know they are lesser. Grace is not for them, it makes them think they are equal. I’m not gonna explain to Mom why a bunch of inferiors started up the USSR again. That’d be on you for you misleading them. Mom wouldn’t like that vulgar thinking. Do you want to be responsible for that?”

Surely that explanation would be enough to get Harley off her case. After all he knew of mom’s temper and what a battle-axe she could be, and she would surely get out the boiling cauldron. The young mistress was damn certain that this indifference was fine. After all why would she bother with tact when directed apathy was so much easier!? The loyal servant Harley probably wasn’t trying this intentionally. Sir Harley Davidson was good help worthy of serving, other servants were not but Harley definitely was. He was probably just being ordered by mom to see how far her will went. And Camilla could not show any signs of weakness from appearing that way, she had a reputation she had to keep not only for her own sake, her family’s, and even to an extent the hired help. And Camilla could not let any of them down because doing so would kill her own rep.

Mmmm. The pyramids were cool, and way faster riding down. Those dudes became all the giblets! All of them! Camilla began, only just realizing the later half of Sir Davidson’s statement, as she was still slumped over on the butler, "Buuut it’s fuuuuuuuun! And I would be sad if I couldn’t do cool driving stunts. Buuuuuuut can’t take you into the shop all that much so your suspension needs to stay top-notch.” The witch began swiveling her head around as she began to think of how to deal with this problem. “You need a stronger back Davidson. Go do that.”

She lazily pointed a finger towards the freakish little inbred in the sweater, “Oh tell the chump he’s a chump.” Camilla scoured the scene looking for others to note things at. She then pointed towards the scantily dressed one, “Ask if hooker or whore. Aaaaan-”

Camilla slowly blinked as she lowered herself, “Donknow what else. Class? I guess? Other chumps are chumps? I wanna a snack...”
Shining Wizard Shining Wizard Killerclown Killerclown animegirl20 animegirl20
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"I suppose this must be it"

Rimia scanned the halls of the school, ignoring the multiple students she passed by, in the end what was she looking for was just a piece of paper with her information.



"I guess they didn't care much about this name?. Not like it matters, I discarded mine a long time ago" The girl continued to gaze at that paper, Rimia, just a fake name she came up with to fill details, her real name was not needed for this school, after all she was here to gain experience, not waste time on meaningless acts. Yet the girl continued to check that paper, as besides her name, the kind of student she was and her Class, there was another information that was related to her


"I guess it is inevitable" she clicked her tongue, the idea of associating with someone else was against her mindset, but there must be a relation between Meisters and Weapons to growth. Of course, In Rimias mind they were nothing more than stepping stones. Checking everything she had to check, the girl sighed and made her way to the countless of students gathering near the entrance, so she would be told where to go by the teachers...until

"As long as the room is cl-" She paused, there was something that caught her attention, a young man passed next to her, what caught her attention was his odor, specifically the smell of the cigarette he was currently smoking "Oh...? I do not mind people with suicidal tendencies, but would you off somewhere else? there are still people with things to do" Annoyed, Rimia addressed the young man that was polluting the atmosphere, her atmosphere.

LoneForAll LoneForAll
color_anime_girl_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxao.pngIt took the guy a minute to answer her and when he did he just repeated the word popsicle with a low growl. "Hmm?" Did he not like I called him popsicle? I can't help what he looks like. She thought to herself. He then said it was hot. She just smiled. "I could tell you were hot by the way the sun seems to slowly melting you. But hey! Don't worry about it you'll get use to it." Her eyes moved over to the board with the listed partners. She really wanted to go check it. She was just about to walk off when she stopped when she heard a hush and surprisingly nervous ask her name. She looked at him for a moment then laughed a little. He's nervous?? Wasn't expecting that. She grinned, "The name's Charmaine Bristol! The prettiest girl and most awesome person you'll ever meet!!" She said with great confidence. "And soon to be the greatest Meister ever!!!....Well I will be once I figure out who my partner is." She then sat down next to him on the bench and leaned her face close towards his. "What's your name?" She asked cheerfully.

Quiet Snowfall Quiet Snowfall
He could hear the "rapper" produce another unintelligible series of lyrics even from here, as well as a girl whining incessantly among all the other chit-chat among the new students. Noisy. So Noisy. What were they even supposed to do? Wait for the teachers? Find their partners and go to class themselves? Maybe Lord Death the Kid himself would grace them with his presence. Yeah, right, as if we're important enough for that, Kazuo mentally sneered as he exhaled more smoke.

"Oh...? I do not mind people with suicidal tendencies, but would you off somewhere else? there are still people with things to do"

Kazuo narrowed his eyes in irritation and raised an eyebrow, looking down to see the owner of that voice. It was the delicate-looking girl that he saw climbing the stairs ahead of him. This was his first time getting a good look at her from the front. He couldn't tell if she was American or perhaps European. Her state of dress was very formal and distinguished much like his own, although her tiny hat was too tacky for his tastes. Despite that mouth of hers, she can at least dress herself decently, which is more than I can say about most of the riffraff here, Kazuo noted, particularly recalling that one girl. Wardrobe could only do so much though, because everything else from her tone to her expression told the young nodachi that she was a spoiled brat that likely came from a background of privilege. Kazuo couldn't help but grin in spite of himself. Not like I'm any different. Hypocrisy would never stop Yakko Kazuo, however.

"The school grounds aren't your property, no more than mine," he finally responded, looking her dead in the eye. "I don't have to go anywhere. If you have a problem with it, move. You have legs, don't you? Or why don't you try to take it from me if you think you can?" To reinforce this provocation, Kazuo moved the cigarette back up to his mouth to take another drag, then raised his arm to where he knew it would be out of her reach. "I'll give you some credit, though. You at least had the courage to confront me and tell me to my face that you have a problem with me, unlike all the cowards around me," Kazuo taunted, looking side to side at the faces of everyone who refused to say anything about his smoking. "So move along, little ojou-sama. Unless you want to be made an example of." Kazuo was doing himself no favors of making a good first impression on his first day of school by threatening a girl smaller than him.

Asagi Asagi
Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
animegirl20 animegirl20
"So move along, little ojou-sama. Unless you want to be made an example of."

"The nerve...!"

What it appeared to be just a simple yet agressive remark escalated into something else, as the young man she addressed replied to her in not exactly an agreement. If there was something that angered Rimia to no limit was making fun of her height.

"I care little about the rest of the students here" she took a couple of steps toward the young man "But if I am obliged to teach a dog some manners..." and with a quick motion she launched her arm towards him, but her target was not the cigarette, instead she grabbed the guy's tie.
"I will gladly do it...do not tempt me you imbecile"

Anger was the only emotion going through the girls mind.

@ LoneForAll LoneForAll
Listening to the zombie's lyrics and nodding her head in agreement every now and then, Reshmi wondered what exactly he was saying. The rhythm of his words sounded an awful lot like poetry, but the actual contents went over her head. At least until the end when he put emphasis on the correct pronunciation of his name.

"My apologies Bad Twistah, I didn't mean to offend! Wait, cheese? Greens? You're hungry?" As soon as she said the words, it dawned on her that he was referring to money and blushing slightly, she looked away and paid him. "Thank you. So there's dorms up there?"

Looking up at the massive school, it certainly made sense. They would have plenty of room for everything the students could possibly need. "Well, I should get to school now. Good luck Bad Twistah, I hope you sell all your cassettes today." As soon as she took a step towards the stairs, she realized she had did something terribly wrong in her conversation. "Oh, sorry, my name is Reshmi Bhattacharya." She spoke her last name slowly to make sure her new acquaintance caught it. "It can be a little overwhelming if you're not familiar with it."

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Ah the exchange of goods and services, Bad Twistah was grinning as he began flicking through the bills, sweet, legal, tender currency that were given in exchange for the two mixtapes. "Aww ya y'oughta be notin' em, some foos straight up livin' there, others don't." remarked the zombie peeking away from his newfound economic gains and to Reshmi as he gave the response. With a satisfied demeanor, the rapper placed his change into his pockets as he opened his jacket to check his inventory.

He still had much to sell.

"AYYO, BUH-HATCH-RRG-YA" began the zombie, presumably trying in earnest to get the name right - which even still had troubles despite the slow delivery - , "RESHMI!" Bad Twistah claimed his beat-box and microphone and slung them over his left shoulder as he began bobbing up and down as he proceeded to head up the staircase, jogging a bit to get ahead of her. Once he was certain he was in a visible range for her he performed a series of strange gestures with his hands, "KEEP IT REAL N FLY ON THE WEST SIIII-EEEEDEEEE, Y'FEEL ME HOMIE? AN' WHEN Y'NEED T'HOOK UPS, HOLLA FAH YA BOY, THE BAD TWISTAH! PEACE!"

Now Bad Twistah needed to hawk his merchandise to those other punks upstairs, the students with some disposable income to spend on his mix-tapes. Plus he had to attend classes anyhow; the only trouble that would occur would be if he was called out on being a student. Because being in the education system would always do a number against your hardcore rap image.

Ennuis Ennuis
Suddenly, he felt a slight yank by the neck. The brat had actually grabbed him by his tie, pulling him down a hint to be closer to her height. While not quite unexpected, Kazuo couldn't help but be taken aback. Not that he let it show, in fact, he started laughing at her face now that it was closer to his. "It must be nice to be a woman, huh!? To be able to conduct yourself however you want with impunity, never suffering consequences for your actions!" Declaring that, the weapon burst into laughter again. He really did strike a nerve with her.

Collecting himself, he stared at her with a now deadpan expression. "I'll let you in on a little secret," he said softly, dropping his cigarette from between his fingers. Carefully and stealthily, Kazuo reached up with his gloved hands... and grabbed a hold of the girl's pigtails on both sides of her head and forcefully pulled her closer so that he could whisper into her ear. "I'm a hopeless piece of shit that isn't above hitting women, so I'm the last person you want to pick a fight with." Then, with a bloodthirsty smile, he brought her forward so their foreheads slammed into one another. The recoil was enough to make him lose his grip and step back in pain. He could feel a warm wetness above his eyes and slowly slide down his nose, which brought a tinge of nostalgia to the boy.

Shaking a little, he tried to raise his voice to cover it up. "If you're looking to teach some manners, start with yourself! Looks like I'll have to take up this responsibility, especially when you made me waste a cigarette..." Spitting to the side, Kazuo raised his fists in preparation and cackled gleefully. "Consider this an introduction to the real world, you sheltered swine! My first day and I'm already in a fight... How typical! Just what I'd expect from me! Wouldn't have it any other way! Everyone, watch carefully," he beckoned to the growing amount of onlookers circling around the ensuing fight. "Your first lesson at DWMA is to learn from this, so that you don't one day end up like me!"

Interacted: Asagi Asagi
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Anime Twins.jpg

Axel and Hunter
The Taghan Twins

The door to the Taghan twins' apartment finally swung open and Erica burst out. "Come on Grace, we're gonna be late," she called, looking back. From inside the apartment came Grace's voice, "Alright, alright. I've almost got my shoes on. Okay. Buh-bye Wally-Wall." Grace finally came out as well. They were wearing matching outfits like usual. Today they chose their plaid dresses because it was the first day of school and they wanted to show off their Scottish heritage. "Bye Wallace!" called Erica before they closed the door and rushed out.

Erica was focused on getting to school as fast as possible. As such, she had to keep tugging on Grace to get her to move. Grace was simply taking in the scenery, "Come on Erica, it's the first day of school. Loosen up and look around. It's always fun seeing all the new faces and all the excitement. Before everyone gets tired out from classes and the new kids meet the stairs."

"I-I just really don't wanna get in trouble on the first day."

"Neither do I, but we'll be fine. We've got plenty of time. The stairs aren't an issue any more, remember?"

"O-okay... but please hurry."

"Yeah, yeah, alright. Let's go."

They came up to the stairs and didn't break their pace as they just continued up it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. When they finally made it to the top, they were standing next to a guy that seemed a little too dressed up for school. Then again, today they were too. Neither of the twins were out of breath and Grace just smiled, "There, see? We've got plenty of time. I wonder what the view's like today." With that she turned around to look down into the city. Erica just stood awkwardly beside her, anxious to class and not really sure what else to do.

Killerclown Killerclown
Magna Carter.jpg

Magna Carter

Experimental Railrifle
Alex strolled through the streets of Death City with an appropriately deadpan look on his face. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his hoodie and earphones hung from his ears and swung loosely like an accessory. Anyone who looked close would notice that they weren't plugged into anything. Today was one of those days he was indifferent about. All the extra energy flying around was a little annoying, but it also meant that people were on their devices less on average. Instead they'd be trying to find friends and make good first impressions. There was a lot of posturing involved that he didn't much care for either. Normally he would've just stayed home today, but since he'd finally been allowed to actually start taking classes, he had to brave the gauntlet. It was a little irritating, but not nearly as bad as he'd expected.

He was almost to the stairs when something caught his attention. His eyes flicked over to a noise that reminded him of a rap concert. It was there that he saw the zombie. To some it would've been a very new and strange sight, but he was used to it. "You've gotta be kidding me," he said to himself before shrugging, "Eh, at least he's doing it live and not just blasting shit on some damn speaker. Takes some guts... no, that's not right..."

After a moment he decided to walk up to the guy, "Yo, you a student?"

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager
Shiieeet. The thought quickly emerged in the zombie's mind; he was endanger of being caught while riding on the down-low. His rapper credential, his reputation as a hard spittin' street soldier, did not need a blow that being associated with any part of the formal educational system. Bad Twistah cocked his head towards Alex, while his mind rattled off possible answers, while giving a toothy grin.

"We all students of 'Tha Game' y'dig-" Bad Twistah began to extend out both of his arms but quickly stopped with the left when he felt the boombox was slipping from its place. Man he needed to spring for the velcro attachments; maybe he'd get them after he hawked some more of his wares. "All play Tha Game, jus' a mattah of how we a playin', how we's sees it. Buuuh nuff 'bout that yo-" Unfurling his jacket the rapper quickly reached in to grab another cassette tape and began brandishing it in front of the lad.

"Whatchu need is some street fresh bars! MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE! Twenny-five a pop, no need t'rewind it. Most ballin' hook-up in alla Death City dawg!" With that brief speech for hawking his wares given, Bad Twistah began wiggling in the mix-tape in his hand to convince Alex to do his duty to the streets and buy the mix-tape.

CelticHero37 CelticHero37
Tachibana Kaori.jpg

Tachibana Kaori
A girl in a new black kimono that was beautifully adorned with all sort of subtle flowers came walking down the main street of Death city. Although no rain was falling, she rolled a red umbrella in her hands, keeping the sun off her fair skin. She did her best to keep her distance from others and avoid any rowdy scenes. Most of the people weren't of her class and were certainly disgusting in their behaviors. She had only been in America for a few days and was still getting over the culture shock, as this was the first time she really had to stay for an extended period and associate with the people here.

As she approached the stairs to the school she would be attending, she noticed a significant amount of what she assumed were students getting bottled up around someone. When she took a closer look, a look of disgust contorted her face for a moment before she corrected herself. She didn't want those sort of lines. She couldn't help but feel a revulsion to what looked like nothing more than a standing hunk of rot. To make things worse, it seemed like he thought himself to be a performer. It was absolutely appalling. She worked tirelessly on her image and this guy looked like a walking trash can in her mind.

Walking nearer the group, she found herself standing next to a girl as she said to no one in particular, "Hmm, I had planned to focus on my studies and my partner, but seeing as people like him find it appropriate to come out and perform here for you all, I would be doing a disservice if I didn't offer up my own talents. It'd be a shame if people thought he was the only talent that came from this school."

Ennuis Ennuis
View attachment 507132

Axel and Hunter
The Taghan Twins

The door to the Taghan twins' apartment finally swung open and Erica burst out. "Come on Grace, we're gonna be late," she called, looking back. From inside the apartment came Grace's voice, "Alright, alright. I've almost got my shoes on. Okay. Buh-bye Wally-Wall." Grace finally came out as well. They were wearing matching outfits like usual. Today they chose their plaid dresses because it was the first day of school and they wanted to show off their Scottish heritage. "Bye Wallace!" called Erica before they closed the door and rushed out.

Erica was focused on getting to school as fast as possible. As such, she had to keep tugging on Grace to get her to move. Grace was simply taking in the scenery, "Come on Erica, it's the first day of school. Loosen up and look around. It's always fun seeing all the new faces and all the excitement. Before everyone gets tired out from classes and the new kids meet the stairs."

"I-I just really don't wanna get in trouble on the first day."

"Neither do I, but we'll be fine. We've got plenty of time. The stairs aren't an issue any more, remember?"

"O-okay... but please hurry."

"Yeah, yeah, alright. Let's go."

They came up to the stairs and didn't break their pace as they just continued up it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. When they finally made it to the top, they were standing next to a guy that seemed a little too dressed up for school. Then again, today they were too. Neither of the twins were out of breath and Grace just smiled, "There, see? We've got plenty of time. I wonder what the view's like today." With that she turned around to look down into the city. Erica just stood awkwardly beside her, anxious to class and not really sure what else to do.

Killerclown Killerclown
Richard let out a groan of annoyance when he saw the crowd gathered in front of the partner's list. He then scoffed and thought to himself," Daddy wouldn't do anything in a crowd this large. I could bribe these people to move out of the way, but i may run out of money before i can get them all to move. Fu.. it, i will just wait for them to move out of the way." He then walked over to the front of the stairs and stared at the city, it was a surprisingly awe-inspiring sight. He then noticed two girls wearing matching Scottish outfits. The first thing he noticed was that they looked alike. "Hmm," Richard thought to himself," They must be twins." He then turned to the twins and said with a voice that had a hint of a transatlantic accent," Hello there, Quite a view isn't it."
As Reshmi looked at the new treasure she had bought from the street poet, the dismissive tone of a girl beside her caught her attention. Most people would have ignored it, but Reshmi was not like most people. Whenever she encountered ignorance she knew she had to correct it, after all it is what she would want others to do for her if she ever found herself in such a situation.

"Excuse me, but even if you don't personally like his poetry, surely you have to admit that from a technical stand point he is quite skilled. And even if he was unskilled, which he isn't, it is still the expression of his soul and should not be mocked." Her voice was gentle and she punctuated the statement with a smile. "Greetings, my name is Reshmi Bhattacharya."

The girl's robes, fair skin, and attitude told Reshmi everything about the other girl. She was from a family of incredibly high status. Pity. She had often met people that let such fabulous lives warp their judgment, but the girl was still young and could still learn. "So, are you a poet as well?"

CelticHero37 CelticHero37

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