

I was thinking last night, then it dawned on me




Name: Sorventh the lord of red, bringer of death, taker of life



Age: Lost track somewhere around 600 thousand 

Height: Human - 6' 1"

             Dragon - 155'

Weight: Human - 175lbs

              Dragon - 160 tons

Length: 380'

Wingspan: 465'

Voice: Sorventh (at 0:50)

Personality: Sorventh forgives but he does not forget. Due to some unfortunate dealings in the past Sorventh has a deep hatred for morals. He believes them unworthy, not fit to live on this land. For tens of thousands of years he studied mortals, learned every race and side. At first he thought no mortal was worthy to touch even soil, this lead him into battle with the mortals for millennia. As time continued he continued studding them, until he finally found mortals that changed his mind. Now days he tries to do less purging and focuses more on studying, sometimes he still has trouble believing if mortals will ever become truly worthy. Truthfully he doesn't respect anyone who he deems unworthy, which is almost everyone besides dragons and select mortals. Though time and study has softened him considerably, and now days he takes much less radical steps as he use to. 

Sorventh may seem a little extreme in some places but he does still appreciate the more elegant things in life. Always curious for something new that would spark his interest or something else about mortals he didn't know about. He likes things in structure and order, when pushed to the edge he reacts solely on instinct. He likes to have a closer relation with some of his own kind, for he believes they are some of the few beings that can truly understand his thoughts better than others. In person he appears calm and thoughtful, a mind of racing ideas.

Bio: Sorventh at the early stages of his life, all he wanted to do was explore. He was a mighty dragon, he wanted to know what the world was like from a dragon view. He explored from ones ends of the earth to another taking in all the could. He saw the beginnings of great civilizations that would dominate, he saw the awe striking power of nature, the intellect of other supreme beings, even the beauty of mortals. In the earlier portion of his life Sorventh was wondering around a city of humans; in his human form of course. He was taking in the sites, seeing what new things they had come up with. It was here Sorventh felt something he had never felt before, and will probably never feel again. He turned a corner when he saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her name was Evelyn, tall, dark raven hair, large brown eyes that could penetrate anyone's soul. She was the most gorgeous thing he had ever known. Of course he knew he could never truly be together for they couldn't have children and he would far out live her, but he didn't care. Perhaps this would be a chance to see what a human lives like. 

He went to talk to her and they hit it off right away. Before he knew it they were married and moved into a small home their in the city. They lived happily together, it was the best he had ever felt. Though a man still has to provide for his family so like many times befor he went out hunting, however on the second night out their something felt every wrong for him. Instantly in the middle of the night he left all his things and rushed back to his home fearing for his wife. He flew back as a dragon to get their as fast as possible. In front of his was a small orange glow, his gut was right. The town was under attack from a neighboring King. When he got closer he turned back to human and fought his way back towards his home. When he got close his heart was beating out of his chest, the entirety of the district where his house had being, was completely on fire. There was no way in a normal human would have be burned to a crisp if they tried, but he was no human. He ran through the flames as fast as he could, all his clothes had be burnt away, his home was only partly on fire, maybe, just maybe there was a chance.

Flaming boards fell around him, smoke stung his eyes. Evelyn! he cried her name Evelyn! Evelyn! He turned a corner, time slowed. His worst fears realized, she laid on the floor, lifeless hands over her stomach where blood pooled. Her eyes were open, face, twisted in pain and sorrow. He collapsed next to her, he held her hands. How could someone so evil, destroy something so innocent. He cried out as the the flaming house crashed around him, he cried out to the world, he cried out to his mother. That night he lost forgiveness, that night a monster was created. Losing self control he reverted to his dragon and within moments the surrounding area was left with nothing but smoldering ash.

Sorventh flew off shortly after to a near by mountain to mourn his devastating loss. During this period he had begun to think, it was the mortals they had done this. All of this, they were the reason there was so much hate and destruction in his world. Now that he looked back he had seen it before, greed, corruption, anger, hatred, sadness, selfishness, destruction. Deep down they were all the same, some may wear stone masks of kindness, but underneath they were all the same. None were even worthy to even step on this land. For the next hundreds of thousands years he waged war against anyone he deemed unworthy. Unfortunately that meant basically everyone. This is when he had died the most, a total of 14 times, one of them was by accident. The other were all from the wars he waged against the mortals, 2 were from the Orcs, 2 more from the Nymphs and Fairies. 3 form the Elves, 4 from the Dwarves and the last 4 were from the Humans. The reason he died so much from the Dwarves and Humans was because he was specially targeting them. The Dwarves because they were fun and the treasure he could collect from them, the treasure filled a small portion of his heart, no matter how small it was. The Humans because they were the most creative and they are the ones who sent him along this path.

He spent all those years fighting and studding all the species, he probably has the most detailed studies of the races because of how much time he spent studying them. He didn't know why he did this maybe it was because somewhere in his heart he hoped that someone would prove him wrong. No one did.

He had fought against all the races, with his great power he shredded the massive armies of man, battled magic against the elves. He had dominated the tides of Orcs and clashed like waves against the stubbornness of the Dwarves. He had cleansed the earth of civilization and he had united them. His name had been know over the generation. The Elves called him the lord of Red, the Dwarves know him as the bringer of death, and the Humans fear him as the taker of life.

over the later years he destroyed less and less, but still hadn't found a mortal worthy enough. So he continued on his mission. It was after a hard battle with a particularly stubborn King that he was mortally wounded. He took to the mountains to recover his wounds. Sorventh turned to his human form hoping not to draw any attention. Unfortunately his wounds were to deep as he passed out deep in the mountains, looking as if he had died again. To his surprise he woke up in a warm bed not where he normally reincarnates from. He learned he had been taken by a secluded village in the mountains. There only purpose was to escape the harsh rules of society and live in harmony here. He had finally found someone who was truly worthy of this land. They taught him their ways and with a new perspective, he set off once again to all the races with a new eye to look through. He now wonders the land as a kind of traveling scholar, advising noble here, sorting out rables there and so on. Now he walks the kingdoms trying to see the world in a different color than red. "I do not despair, the misery that is now upon this land is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of progress. The hate of men will pass and kings die, and the power they took for the land will return to the land and so long as men die, progress shall never parish..."
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