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Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. But I can't get used to this site!!


the master of Eurgh

sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I just can't get used to this new site.  At all.

1.  How do you change your avatar.  It's driving me INSANE.

2. I can't seem to be able to link Character sheets and OOC Chats onto the main RP.   I'm on mobile, but always will be.   I just don't understand why it has to be so complicated.

3. It drives me nuts that I have to always check the "notify my of replies". Because of you forget, you're screwed.

its far too complicated now. I enjoyed the old system, as it was like the many forums (RP and non RP) that I'm used to.  A simple click of the button and tabs were added to your thread. Badabing badaboom.   

Maybe im just an old fogey.  But I need help.  Big time.
  1. To change your avatar, go to your profile.  Click your name in the upper right hand corner.  There will be a link to view your profile page.  From there, click the avatar image.  You will be given the opportunity to change it.
  2. There is no longer a tab system for roleplays.  You can use the toolbar above the post draft to create a hyperlink.  The button looks like two links connected to one another.  Another option is to copy and paste the URL of each page into the OP of the roleplay (edit the post).
  3. There should be a preference setting which can be set that allows you to automatically follow a thread after replying.  Click on the notification list, then click Notification Settings.  You will be able to find several options that you can change to fit your needs.
  1. To change your avatar, go to your profile.  Click your name in the upper right hand corner.  There will be a link to view your profile page.  From there, click the avatar image.  You will be given the opportunity to change it.
  2. There is no longer a tab system for roleplays.  You can use the toolbar above the post draft to create a hyperlink.  The button looks like two links connected to one another.  Another option is to copy and paste the URL of each page into the OP of the roleplay (edit the post).
  3. There should be a preference setting which can be set that allows you to automatically follow a thread after replying.  Click on the notification list, then click Notification Settings.  You will be able to find several options that you can change to fit your needs.

1. Thank you, but when I do that I just get a black box around the image.   Nothing else.  I don't know whether this is a bug or not.

2. On mobile, this just looks messy and gets horribly confusing.   Do you think there's a possibility of bringing the tabs back?

3. I'll give that a shot, thanks!
1. There is an announcement on the home page saying that images will be wonky for a bit. 

2. I don't think that the tabs are coming back. 
Saying this from actually having RPed in the old site. Tabs made the RPs look... organized... but (in m opinion) it's now one helluva mess
Either/or. But, they're slowly fixing themselves. So you'll have to wait it out. Many people have already gotten their pictures back. 
Saying this from actually having RPed in the old site. Tabs made the RPs look... organized... but (in m opinion) it's now one helluva mess

It it just made things... Easier to find.   I mean I like some stuff, like being able to find content I made it have posted in without having to scroll for days.

But I preferred the other format.   I feel that some users who aren't brilliant at coding, or people like me who usually RP on mobile are getting a bum deal.
Because even before the images started to rejiggle themselves, I didn't have a button to change my avatar. So I definitely don't have the option to reupload it.  

Think im going to have to see what happens after this rejiggle is over.

The current "change avatar" button is "Inside" your profile image...?
No, but it was in that box when you click on it, if I'm right in understanding the first replier's response.     There's nothing there.

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