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Fantasy Sorcery!!! (Completed)

"Ouch." Minimite grunted as he flew up to Aquila's shoulder, favouring his right leg. He placed his tiny hands on her cheek and rubbed his face against it with a chirp of fondness. "It's been a while!" He said in his usual cheerful manner. "It was, uh, your weird Orc-werewolf friend that found me. He proclaimed himself a Warleader of Khare." Yan rolled his eyes. "Raised most of his forced to come at the Archmage. Did you know the Archmage has a whole army on the other side of Mampang? It's huge!" He shivered.

- Ask about Shank.
- Ask about the Archmage's army.
- Ask about Ellie.
>> Ask about the Archmage's army <<
"Shank...?" Aquila questioned with an amused smile. There was only one person in the entire world who could possibly fit the description of: weird orc-werewolf friend. The fact he'd raised an entire army and brought them to Mampang was a terrifying but extremely comforting thought. However, the next sentence was definitely not and Aquila distantly felt her stutter under the realisation.

"The Archmage's army?" Aquila repeated, looking down at Yan with wide eyes. "How big are we talking? And what kind of army are we talking about?" She pressed with dawning horror. The last week or so had been spent tracking down and killing the Archmage's Serpents; she definitely didn't want to walk into his army completely blindsided.
"Thousands, Aquila." Yan's wings slumped down. "They are on the other side, you won't see them until you climb the Fortress. But, they are getting ready to march. It's scary." He whimpered. "I don't know much. You giants never say everything there is to say. But, I'm here to take you to Halla, she knows everything. And your other weird friend is there too." He shook his head. "I swear, you Analanders attract a weird sort."

Yan flew a little then, hovering in front of Aquila's face and pointing at the road on the side of the cliff.

"There's Halla's village. Have to get there."

- Follow Yan.
- Ask him something else.
>> Ask him something else <<
That was disheartening and the red-head's brow furrowed at the fear that appeared to cover the Minimite. Such an immense army probably looked even more frightening to somebody so small. She released a quiet, shuddering breath and then pushed her own fear aside. Now wasn't the time to be scared, Aquila needed to be strong and fearless for those relying on her. Especially those that needed to see courage in others.

"My other weird friend? Which one is that?" Aquila asked, catching onto the lighter part of Yan's conversation. She was genuinely curious about who he was referring to, casting her mind backward in order to recall the people they'd met together. He could be speaking about Rhain; honestly the assassin was a mystery to her. Still, she followed Yan's point and set course for the village.
"The one that likes to drink and be hostile!" Yan laughed. "You know, the Elvin."

There was an unmistakeable gloom about the place they walked through. This close to Mampang, how could there be any joy. The birds overhead sung thin and miserable songs. Yan led her on the ledge that jutted over the chasm. There was a bridge on their left, an ancient thing, with its wooden planks now rotted. But they would not be crossing to the other side just yet.

They made their way along the winding path, with Yan eventually coming to rest on her shoulder to pause.

"I was looking for Halla's sister in those caves." He said. "She wandered off a week ago. She was very sick and it made Hall very sad." He sniffed. "I don't like seeing pretty women sad."

- Ask about Halla.
- Ask about Ruven.
- Ask about the village ahead.
>> Ask about Halla <<
Immediately Aquila stiffened at the mention of the girl and she actually stumbled slightly on her next step. Thankfully she caught herself and cleared her throat, levelling Yan with a concerned look. "Halla wouldn't happen to be a Satyr, would she?" Aquila asked quietly, mind thrown back to the deceased Satyr girl she'd found in the largest cave. "I... found a Satyr girl in one of the caves but it looked like she'd passed away from natural causes long before I'd gotten there."
"Oh, yes, a very pretty one!" Yan said with a grin, but his face fell when Aquila spoke next. He quickly flew into the air, away from her. "Not natural causes! Not at all! It was the Yellow Plague." He squeaked. "She went far away... not to get the others in danger." His eyes widened in panic. "You did not touch her body, did you?"

Aquila certainly did touch it, yet she was not feeling any worse for wear.

"It's okay." Panther's voice inside her mind calmed her down. "You got the plague once in the Hills. I healed you then. You are now immune."

- Answer.
>> Answer <<
Thank you again for that, Panther. Aquila breathed a soft sigh of relief, deeply grateful to her guardian in what she expected wouldn't be the last time. A reassuring smile was flashed in the Minimite's direction as he flew away. Undoubtedly trying to escape from the disease that otherwise would have taken him too. "Don't worry, Yan." Aquila assured him gently, "I'm healthy. I survived the plague and I'm immune now, my Guardian is too good to me sometimes."
"Are you sure?" Yan looked at her with worry. "If you got the plague, they are not gonna let you in the village."

But still he turned to guide her again, sometimes giving her a look over his shoulder to make sure she was still following. Or if she was still alive. They were passing by a deep grassy ravine across a rocky plateau which rose gradually. A few clouds moved across the heavens. They followed the path higher and higher up, while it curved around.

Eventually Aquila started noticing hoofprints in the ground underneath her boots. They were very similar to the ones at the cave.

"Halt!" Called a voice as they rounded a bend in the cliff.

"It's me!" Yan chirped, flying toward the Satyr guard.

"And who is with you, Yan?" The guard looked at Aquila, not quite trusting.

- Introduce yourself.
- Let Yan handle it.
>> Let Yan handle it <<
Silently Aquila raised one hand to wave toward the Satyr guard, mustering up a friendly smile to ease their tension. Then she raised up her other hand until both palms were facing up in the obvious symbol of surrender and 'I-mean-you-no-harm'. "My name is Aquila," She said as means of an introduction but otherwise allowed Yan to take the brunt of the conversation. Honestly, what was she supposed to say in this situation? Hi, my name is Aquila and I'm here to kill the Archmage and hopefully not kill everyone else in the process. Also, I'm definitely not infected with the plague!
"Yes, this is Aquila! She's my friend." Yan continued in his cheerful manner. Then, with some awe in his voice he added. "She's the Analander."

"Analander!" The Satyr flinched then scrambled quickly to make a deep bow. "Why didn't you say so before, Yan!" He hissed to the Minimite, then gestured further into the village. "Halla has been expecting you, though not so quickly. Please, follow me."

The guard let her into the Satyr settlement. Perhaps it was more an encampment than a village. That was a more fitting name seeing how everyone on the inside was geared up, like they were about to go into battle.


On the far side of the camp stood a big hut, made out of wood and fabric and in front of it stood another Satyr that beckoned them over.

- Go to the Satyr.
- Ask Yan about the encampment.
- Ask the guard about it.
>> Ask the guard about it <<
An embarrassed blush dusted itself across Aquila's cheekbones as the Satyr Guard bowed. She barely managed to bow in reply before they were being hustled across the encampment toward this infamous Halla. However, the further into the settlement they went the more she began to realise exactly what this was; a temporary abode from the burgeoning war.

"How long have you been stationed here?" Aquila asked the guard curiously as they ventured toward the beckoning Satyr. "...You look prepared for war." She prompted carefully, not wanting to risk offending the Guard or to seem inexperienced. Though she definitely was, painfully so. Around her was an encampment that was preparing for war on a grand scale against the Archmage's dreaded army. Aquila was beginning to wonder what she could offer them now -- she'd offer them everything she had if she could.
"We are the Resistance." The guard said proudly. "We haven't been here for long. In fact, it wasn't that long since we escaped the dungeons of the Archmage." Aquila could hear him grinding his teeth in anger. No one came unscathed out of their dealing with the Archmage, that much was obvious.

As they approached the Satyr in front of the tent, the guard bowed and left Aquila and Yan there.

"Greeting, Analander." The female Satyr called. "I am Halla, though I'm sure Yan must have told you already. I'm glad you found him." She smiled as Yan flew up to her, landing on one of her horns.


"We all know why you are here, so let's not waste time." She reached to remove the flap of fabric at the entrance of the hut. "Let's go inside and-"

But before she could finish the thought, an Elvin burst out of the hut, enveloping Aquila in a hug.

"It seems you have made many friends during your long journey." Halla smiled gently, as Ruven let go of Aquila, with an awkward expression, slightly embarrased.

"It is just good to see you again, sorcerer. We are in dire need of help." He rationalised.

- Hug Ruven.
- Shake his hand.
- Greet him.
>> Hug Ruven <<
Aquila's serious expression melted into surprise as she was enveloped by familiar arms, the words she'd been about to give having died on her tongue. Blue eyes blinked up at the vaguely embarrassed Elvin and she couldn't help the fond laugh that followed. "I missed you too, Ruven." Aquila said softly. And then, before he could escape from her grasp, she wrapped her arms around him in an answering hug. "I'm glad you're safe." She murmured, just for him to hear. It had been a tough journey and if there was anything that made it bearable it would be the friends she'd made along the way.

When she stepped away she sent Halla a different, more bashful smile as the Satyr had seen straight through her. "So it would seem."
Ruven gave a small embarrassed smile as he was hugged, but he did not resist. Halla walked into the hut, with Yan riding on her horn and Ruven and Aquila behind her.

The hut held only the basic furniture, a cot, a small chest and a wooden table covered with a map of the Fortress and its surroundings. Halla circled around the table and then turned to face Aquila.

"You have been cut off during your journey and you must have many questions, but let me tell you a couple of things first." She took a deep breath. "Your friends, as well as many other people who had enough of the Archmage gathered on the field on the other side of Mampang. Archmage's forces are amassed there and it is only the matter of days when they will strike. At least we are keeping them immobile for the moment, so they cannot sow more despair through the lands.

It was a good call killing all the Archmage's Serpents. They were his worst servants and would have hindered us greatly. But still, they outnumber our allied forces five to one. Our army was never supposed to retake Mampang and kill the Archmage. It is only there to draw his attention away from you, so you may go in and get rid of that vile bastard once and for all.

My people can get you through the first gate of Mampang, after which you will be on your own."

"Or you can fight with us." Ruven said.

"No, Ruven, we've talked about this." Hall scowled.

"With a sorcerer on our side, we would even out the odds. It is that damn mage of theirs that is screwing up our chances either way." The Elvin slammed a fist on the table. "Without him we can cut through the Archmage's army, I know we can!"

"And what about the Birdmen?" Halla said in a cool tone. "We have no one to watch the skies on our side. No, Ruven, we are a distraction, a sacrifice."

"I don't mind being one, but I did not bring my whole village here just to see them die!"

"You knew it was hopeless from the start!"

The two were now yelling at each other, the tension in the room unbearable. Yan had flew back to Aquila, hiding inside the hood of her cloak.

- Agree with Halla.
- Agree with Ruven.
>> Agree with Ruven <<
"That is enough!" Aquila shouted, blue eyes flashing as she stepped between the two, her temper flaring for a brief and ephemeral moment. "Do I not have a say in this?" She murmured, her voice much softer now as she forced the trembling in her hands to dissipate. It was now that she understood she would have to make a choice on where she stood. There was so much that she'd given up to make it to this point but walking through that encampment, knowing these people were willing to die for a glimpse of a chance of the Archmage's death. Aquila faltered.

"Halla," Aquila said, drawing herself to her full height as she faced the Satyr. "I cannot imagine how much you have sacrificed to be here and how much you would continue to sacrifice to bring the Archmage down. But I cannot abandon this army when I know that I could do something to help even your odds." But it was more than that, it was so much bigger than that. "There is more to killing the Archmage than just his death. What point is there if everyone in that army is killed? If the Archmage dies and there is nobody to celebrate, to rejoice, to live freely." Aquila frowned and shook her head, struggling to find the right words. "I'm doing this for people like them. Analand, Khare... they're just places. They mean nothing if there aren't good people in them.

"You don't have to sacrifice people to win this battle. Let me help you! You say they have a sorcerer? So do you! Use me! The Archmage can hide behind his retched walls and know we are coming for him and that there isn't anywhere that he can hide when we survive this battle."
Ruven snapped back to look at her quickly, about to say something against it, but when her speech revealed that they were on the same terms, his expression visibly softened. As she spoke further, his eyes followed her movements and it was very clear that he was brimming with pride.

"I understand your point." Halla sighed when Aquila finished. "And it is a nice sentiment. However, you must know that the situation is not simple. Even if we know the reason for our fight, only a few believe in it."

"The Archmage is blaming all the devastation on you." Ruven added in explanation, placing a hand on Aquila's shoulder. "I don't know how he's managed it, but he got a majority of people to believe him. Even the allied Kingdoms. He is blaming all the ruin on the King of Analand and his inability to wield the power of the Crown. He is saying that it was your King that laid waste to Ishtara and that he took the Crown to save the other lands. You are being represented as a terrible sorcerer, a faithful hound that is coming to destroy Mampang, the Annullander."

"I'm sorry." Halla said, looking at her with sadness.

- Be sad.
- Be angry.
- Don't care.
>> Be sad <<
"What?" Aquila breathed, stepping backward as if she'd been physically slapped. But Ruven was already there and now there was nowhere for Aquila to turn to. Vaguely in some deep corner of her mind she recalled Gaza Moon warning her about her King's misuse of the Crown. Perhaps that old woman had been foreshadowing what was coming to pass? It stung to be painted with the brush of evil and her hand clenched itself in the fabric of her cloak, right over her heart.

"Then let me fight with you," Aquila whispered as her gaze finally returned to Halla, trying desperately to fight back her body's trembling. Tears had begun to collect at the corners of watery blue eyes though she appeared not to notice. "Let me prove them wrong! Show them that I'm not fighting the Archmage for the King but for the people. If I'm to be labelled as a faithful hound then let's show them who I'm faithful to."
Ruven squeezed her shoulder supportingly and Halla gave an approving nod.

"I guess that makes sense." Halla sighed. "We will either all redeem ourselves or we will die trying." She shook her head in resignation. "Well, most of us Satyrs are already dead and what little of us is left can't wait to get back at that foul man." Her teeth gritted. "We will pack then. The rest of the allies forces are on the field already, we should join them as quickly as possible if you are completely sure about this."

"My people are there." Ruven said proudly. "They will fight alongside you. They came only because you gave them hope."

"The men are there too." Halla added. "Villagers, peasants from the Shamutanti Hills. They followed the Elvin too, as did the Orcs."

"And our biggest forces... the uh... werewolves." Ruven said with unease. "We still don't know what's their agenda."

- Ask about the werewolves.
- Ask about the Orcs.
- Ask about the Shamutanti residents.
- Ask about Halla's people.
- Ask about the Archmage's army.
>> Ask about the Archmage's army <<
"I... thank you," Aquila said finally, head bowed in respect to the Satyr before she reached up to squeeze Ruven's hand. Swallowing back the earlier tears she almost laughed at the mention of the werewolves' hidden agenda. "If I see Shank I'll ask him, normally he's quite forth-coming with his intentions." She huffed with a watery smile, strangely cheered up by the reminder that she'd be fighting alongside him again.

"Is there anything you can tell me about the Archmage's army? The sorcerer you mentioned too," Aquila asked, attention turned to Halla with an inquisitive look. "Any notable weaknesses that we can exploit?"
"Shank?" Ruven gave her a confused look. "I'm going to assume you are referring to the Warleader of the Werewolves. The self proclaimed King of Khare." He shook his head. "He's... something."

"The sorcerer is the Archmage's right hand, the commander of his troops." Halla answered. "He is a powerful man and very conniving. We have tried poisoning their supplies and sending spies into their camp, but he always sniffed them out. We would do best to dispose of him before the armies clash, his replacement cannot be worse than him."

"Maybe the Warleader will have more insight, he seemed to know him" Ruven added. "As for the army, well, it's not looking good. He has humans, goblins, elves and Birdmen all working for him. We are heavily outnumbered and the Birdmen have been a bloody pain in smaller skirmishes. But, there is no way to deal with them, expect shoot a dozen arrows at the sky and hope to hit them."

"There is something." Halla said, walking over to the chest and pulling out something wrapped in leather. "Alianna sent this to you." She gave the wrapped gift over to Aquila, giving her a slightly suspicious, yet intrigued look. "How you managed to get on her good side, I don't know."

"The witch!" Ruven hissed, still not on terms with Alianna it seemed.

The present revealed to be a small handmade wooden disk, with a golden needle attached to it that could be moved around, like a clock. As soon as Aquila touched it, she felt that it was a powerful artefact. It could be used for spell casting.

- Thank Halla and move out.
- Ask something else.
>> Thank Halla and move out <<

Blue eyes narrowed in concentration as Aquila listened to their concerns about the upcoming battle. From what she gathered it seemed that they were outnumbered and outmatched with the main problems being this sorcerer or right-hand man to the Archmage and the Birdmen. Right now she resolved to ask the Warleader for more information about the sorcerer and to see how she could make herself useful.

As Halla moved away from the chest Aquila was surprised to find the leather-bound object presented to her and accompanied by a familiar name. Ruven's hiss went unnoticed as she carefully unwrapped it to reveal a faceless clock with a golden needle in the center. But what could it be used for? Aquila frowned as she smoothed her fingers along the wooden frame before she placed it safely away.

"Thank you, Halla." Aquila said as she raised her gaze to meet the Satyr's; a solemn but genuine smile tugged at her lips. "You too, Ruven." With the added weight of Alianna's clock and the battle ahead Aquila found her mind slipping to thoughts of Rhain. Had she abandoned him to his fate? She wondered before immediately dismissing the thought; nothing was assured in this life. "I suppose we have a war to fight now."

The real encampment was on the edge of the forest at the Field of Mampang. The allied forces were gathered there, many of them wearing determined expression and stern looks, though some would divert their gazes as Aquila passed and she could see their hands shivering.

It was a motley crew if there ever was one. To see so many various races collaborating for one common goal was not a sight one saw very often. The humans usually did not care for the Orcs, the Satyr kept private at all times, and no one really liked the Elvin. But, surprisingly enough, there were no sounds of arguing or insults as one might expect in such a mixed crowd. Perhaps everyone was too tired for it, or too scared. Or maybe they were actually starting to get along.

Ruven, Yan, Halla and her Satyrs accompanied Aquila to the army camp. Ruven left as soon as they entered to find his Elvin, while Halla pointed out the large tent made out of tattered fabric in front of which stood two burly Orcs.

"Go meet the Warleader first. Then we can make plans for the battle."

"I'll stay with Halla." Yan said quickly, perhaps not eager to see the Warleader again. He flapped his wings and moved to sit on Halla's shouldedr, waving at Aquila.

When the Satyr left her, Aquila had nothing else to do but go and see the famous, or infamous, Warleader. The guards at the tent however, did not agree with that. Both of them stepped out as soon as she approached, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Who are you?" One of them demanded in a booming voice.

- Say you are the Analander.
- Say you are a sorcerer.
- Say you are Aquila.
>> Say you are Aquila <<
Aquila halted mid-step; the way into the Warleader's tent effectively blocked off by two distrustful looking guards. As they eyed her suspiciously she contemplated how to proceed. The likelihood of them recognizing her given name over the title of the Analander was extremely low but the unfortunate nickname Halla had informed her about made the young woman uncomfortable. Aquila was herself and not a faithful hound sent to war.

"My name is Aquila," She said, bowing her head in greeting before straightening up, shoulders squared. "I am here to request an audience with the Warleader about the battle?"
The Orcs only scowled further, stepping toward her, their demeanour now menacing. They clearly did not recognise or trust her.

But, before they could say anything, a voice sounded from inside the tent.

"Magic?" Shank called, moving the flap of the tent, sniffing the air through his face-mask. "I knew I smelled something familiar." He laughed then, stepping between his confused guards who bowed their heads and backed away. "Don't mind them. Both werewolves and Orcs, it's hard to control their temper." He shook his head, making big strides toward Aquila and placing a hand on her head, patting her with fondness. "Thought you'd come to fight instead of skulking around. Welcome, Magic! Now we can give that washed out bastard some proper kicking."

- Greet Shank.
- Hug him.

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