Sophia Immanuel


Fun Killer
[SIZE=10.5pt]General Information[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Sophia Immanuel[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Nickname: Sophie[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sex: Female[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]


Sophia, upon promotion to Commander: 

Sophia, as a traveler: 

[SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance Details: Sophia has about her a regal bearing, despite her more shabby situation after her discharge. She holds herself with grace and the remnants of the harsh-drilled manners of her childhood are always visible. She speaks with a layered accent, a bedrock of high society with the coarse orders and sleek respect of the military layered overtop in a thick but ever-weakening layer. She radiates determination, self-assuredness, to a degree which occasionally borders on overconfidence and a daredevil lack of care. She smiles often, always looks people in the eye, makes small gestures when angry and large ones when enthused, speaks with a singsong alto that sounds like the ringing of shipboard bells, and comports herself with a feline grace that is only in part a performance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Height: 5’10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weight: 160[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Build: Sohpia has an athletic build, the record of a lifetime of physical exertion. A life of good nutrition and care for he physique has left her, while in no way a physically domineering individual, one who looks capable of feats of strength and endurance. She’s lost the lithe dancer’s body she had in her youth, but the dexterity is far from gone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Equipment: Typical of an Aeroth, Sophia carries a motley assortment of equipment and mementos she’s accumulated throughout her career in the sky, an ever-changing vestment of useful items that changes as fate takes away some and adds others. Her nickel-plated revolver, the mark of her service, is rarely far from her hip. A whipping red scarf, silk or wool depending on the state of her finances at any given time, trails in the wind behind her more often than not. She dresses practically despite her love for fine clothes and elegant settings: her job demands coarse leather, rough wool, hard-soled boots and sharp knives more often than she would like, if only to project the sense of danger and experience that can save a traveller’s life without the need for action. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Strengths: Sophia took to the military like a fish to water, at least at first, and sought to excel beyond the men who dominated the officer corps and made up the entirety of the enlisted ranks. She fought against being the weakest, the other, the outcast, and so worked twice as hard to earn recognition for her soldiering. She is a tremendous shot, an extremely talented markswoman with most weapons. She’s been in enough firefights to have a good sense of spatial awareness, of quick reflexes and more importantly good on-the-spot thinking. Physically, she’s hampered by her gender and build, but her service shows and she is well above average in most physical categories. She is a passable navigator, a mediocre engineer when she has instructions and all the tools she could ever need, a competent leader and a skilled pilot of small airships: she never had any experience with larger vessels, before or after her service. She has an abiding love for firearms, and an excellent knowledge of how they function, how to repair them, and how to handle them outside of fights.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Flaws: Sophia is not particularly book-smart, having joined the officer candidate school as soon as she was legally able to. She lacks knowledge of the arts and sciences, and of politics and history. Her understanding is limited to her experience, what she picked up in her travels or was taught as a result of her occupations. She is a chronic risk-taker, one who does not think twice before jumping into danger. She is something of a gambler, she lives on the thrills that her adventures earn her, and she is not one to plan too far ahead. She lives in the moment, not in the future or the past, and has never quite had the motivation to change. Her lack of forethought has gotten her into more than a few instances of very deadly trouble, and the scars have stayed with her. She is perhaps  [/SIZE]too trusting for her travelling status, she tends to take people at their word more than she should. She also enjoys to play the hero, and lets herself fall into the role of dashing storybook hero even, especially, when it is a fundamentally bad idea to do so. She is rash, brazen and stubborn as a mule, it is exceedingly hard to change her mind. She has never been one for hand to hand combat, has something of a glass jaw, and lacks some of the casual social charm someone who travels for a living has to rely upon. She’s quick to foster a reputation, but in all cases rather than selectively, and so she has made more enemies than she has friends during her travels, and likely more determined foes than allies. She never has had any affinity for crystal nor any particular aptitude or interest in its use.


[SIZE=10.5pt]General Personality: Sohpia is a woman who fills any room she’s in. She’s quick to joke, quick to laugh, quick to forgive and quick to anger. She speaks loudly, gestures in grandiose fashion, is eye-catching and vibrant enough to draw and keep attention. Her wit is sharp and cutting, perhaps too deep for some, but she takes as good as she gives among friends. She is prideful, she always wants to look her best and be thought well of, she tries to live up to, in many small ways, the great characters she saw on stage in her homeland. She is matronly to select few, louche and seductive to others, and expects obedience when it is offered. She feels emotions strongly, and is not the kind of person to rest: she gets anxious when there is nothing new to do, nothing interesting to find. She took to the skies to see the world, not to sit still, to follow the winds rather than wallow below the seas, and so she rarely stays, following the Traveller’s Catechism when she can of only remaining in a place for three days. She tries her best to be a good person, to do right and make the world a better place, to find her own way to achieve the goals her homeland instilled in her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Virtues: As mentioned, she does her best to be virtuous. She tries not to lie, she tries to be a good person, to give to charity and to help those in need, to not harm anyone and to not tell anyone how to live their lives, but her life in the sky has made her compromise these morals more than once. She likes to entertain, to brighten the lives of people around her, and to fall into dramatic roles. She fancies herself the star of her own opera, and so tries to live up to not only the altruistic callings of her own personal morality but the heroic virtues of her childhood idols, the citizens of the stories her mother read to her during long nights. She tends to sing to herself, and makes frequent notes for herself so as not to forget about important matters. She keeps herself, her ship and especially her weapons clean as a whistle, prizing diligence and cleanliness above most other virtues. She is always ready to hear someone’s problems and to try and salve their woes, is always ready to be a shoulder to cry on, and more than likely is ready to leap to solve the problems at the end of the experience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Vices: Sohpia is addicted to danger. She hates to take no for an answer and chafes under orders or requests. She is stubborn, proud, more than a little egotistical and suffers from vanity. She thrives on adventure, on action and risk: she is a compulsive gambler and risk taker, and only through talent and heavy luck has she stayed alive long enough to continue to put herself in danger. She jumps before looking, speaks before thinking, chooses on whims and fancies more often than not. She has a hard time taking things seriously, now that she is out of the military: her days of taking and following orders are over. She is slow to give respect to those she doesn’t deem worthy of it, and her metric of deciding this is arbitrary at worst, or at the very least arcane and changeable. She dislikes change, as a rule: she sticks to the ways that have seen her through so far. She’s not a luddite by any means, but drags her heels at innovation and alteration, liking to inhabit a ship, and a world, where she knows the score and can live the life she wants as best she can.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Likes: The wind in her hair, a hot cup of coffee on the observation deck, elegant clothes and fine jewelry. Good company, handsome men, rich settings and well-decorated retreats. Her ship, her bed, her family, her friends, the little creaks and whistles the fuselage makes when it cools. Clean guns, new guns, working guns. The smell of sulphur, brass, lead, saltpeter and cosmoline. Financial stability. Danger, excitement, action, risk, gambling, hardship and good stories. Exotic locations and far-off lands, new things to see and hear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dislikes: Monotony, pain, loss, the sea. Tight spaces, boring conversation, the dingy, unclean or rotten. Pretentious people that aren’t herself, lectures, people trying to tell her how to live her life. Unnecessary change, overambition, hostility and a lack of civility: a distaste for chivalric virtues. Debtors, liars and thieves, especially pirates.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Beliefs: In her youth, Sophia took the word of the Brass Eagle as doctrine. She wanted to live up to their propaganda, to be the ultimate warrior for a better future clad in the regalia of the eagle and carving her way across the sky, doing her duty to The Prince. Her time in the service made her idealism slip, dropped her sights and changed her view on the world. Gone were her dreams of changing the world as she left the service. She contents herself with doing good for those she cares about, and letting them do the same for their own circle in the way they think best. Gone is her subsumation into another person’s dream. She works for herself, to create a life she would be proud to look back on. She wants to make memories, to live a life she can admire, to be proud every night when she goes to bed of the things she’s accomplished, to live without regret or second-guesses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]History: Sophia’s parents were minor nobility on Aured when the Brass Eagle was pronounced. They kept their holdings by giving themselves over to the new state, and managed to survive the purges by showing loyalty and skill. This determination to find a place in the state that had eliminated so many of their peers only compounded with the birth of their only daughter, Sophia. She lived a hard life, one of constant expectation: she was raised to be the model child of the Brass Eagle. She was forced to be dutiful, strong, determined, intelligent, brave, and utterly loyal to the ideas of the Eagle. Her devotion led her out of secondary schooling into the military, where she earned an officer’s bars and found a new home, one that expected just as much from her, especially given her gender. She found a love of the sky, crewing a Frigate in a large-scale offensive against the Hecate Pirates that earned her some amount of renown. She sacrificed the wide open skies for a commander’s position aboard a submarine, in a large deep-sea expedition that has only grown.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Her split from the eagle was slow. The skies were no longer there to mollify her, her parents had enough political capital and connections to not rely on her successes to hold their position. Each day she wondered why she had to follow orders, why the Eagle deserved her loyalty. Each day she heard more about the outside world through the inevitable back channels that pierced through the propaganda. She saw more of the outside world, met more of its people bit by bit. She had the opportunity to earn her captaincy, but instead she chose to retire, to take her small stipend and leave the military. It didn’t take too long for her to find a ship and leave the Brass Eagle entirely. With her money, she established herself as a capable hand with a gun, and with the proceeds from that she earned enough to buy her home among the clouds, the Immaculate. Now she sails where the winds take her, dreams buoyed by the far off horizon and the songs on her lips, helping The Lodge make the sky a place for all those who have the same urge for liberty.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Ethnicity/Origin: Brass Eagle[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Faction: Aeroths, The Lodge.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Culture: Cleanliness is a virtue in the Eagle, and it is a virtue Sophia has taken completely to heart. She has a fondness for spicy food and coarse liquor, given the normal palate of Aured, sleeps deeply and rises early from a lifetime in the military. A reticence on the topic of intimacy and a propensity for aggressive wit both come with her homeland, and she has always thought the Eagle produces the best music in the sky, no matter its purpose.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Profession: The Immaculate can be seen doing all sorts of jobs. Sometimes it acts as a courier, other times it carries its Captain as a mercenary, a gun for hire. Sometimes it is a trade ship, a prospector, a hunter or an explorer, and sometimes it lends its services to the Lodge, either out of greed or altruism depending on Sophia’s finances.[/SIZE]

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Mute: No).

Crystal Consumption: No

Magic Stamina: 6

Magic Power: Doubled

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[SIZE=10.5pt]Additional Details[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Relationships: Brass Eagle: Strained, hostile, and fundamentally unfriendly, though in no way violent. She is an Aeroth and a member of the Lodge. She has no strong feelings between the Crysalists and the Millennials. She is openly hostile towards most pirates, though has met enough decent people on pirate ships to not be violent on sight.
Family: Her parents still live on Aured, the capital of the Brass Eagle. She has a cousin in the Brass Blade, and an uncle who holds a minor government position on the surface as a representative of the Eagle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Pets: (Do you have any animals)?[/SIZE]

Pets: A cat, Rosco.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Theme: Fratelli d'Italia[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Goals: To lie on her deathbed and have no regrets.[/SIZE]

Airship: The Immaculate


Airship Details: [SIZE=10.5pt]Her ship is a single-crewed, mono-blimped cutter in the Arcadian style. It lacks armaments, but has three larger Ce Rottini [/SIZE]propeller engines replacing the two standard. It has been molded to suit her, everything bears the mark of her habitation, everything positioned to make her life as smooth and easy as possible. It is large enough to accommodate guests, but not for long. It is by no means sturdy enough to get into any sort of serious conflict, but it is one of the fastest ships she's ever had the pleasure of seeing outside a racetrack. She races it, from time to time, though she's only achieved moderate success and little financial benefit.

Equipment: A kitchen and a mess, a navigator's toolset tucked beside the helm, a cabin for its captain and little other space below deck not given over to storage. The aforementioned high-performance engines, some prow armor, several well-placed parachutes, a stock of ammunition and reloading supplies for Sophie's own weapons but no actual ship-to-ship armament. A safe with the lion's share of her riches stored inside, the heaviest object on the ship.
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@PentagonWhite I've updated the character template sheet to be more accurate. You can put the information on your airship from Build to the Airship section listed in the updated character temple sheet. I appreciate that you posted a lot of detail for your character, it will make it easier for me to develop the plot to aid your character's development in the roleplay.

I've set up the Magic portion in the character template sheet, feel free to add those details in, even if you don't use magic. There's always a possibility your character may use magic later on.

Clarifications: Your parents live in the Brass Blade nation correct? I'm just confused by them still living on Aured.

Your character will be accepted once you add the Airship/Magic portion into the correct areas, and when you answer my clarification. Otherwise, thank you for the immense detail you put into your character sheet, I look forward to RPing with you!

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