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Fandom Song's of Mischief: The Muse (Loki/OC MCU)


No retreat, no surrender
(Please note this is a working title for a story that I plan to write later, but this will not effect what I end up writing)

"Look at me, left to toil in a cell and stripped of my rank. And yet, you still come to me as if ordered. Am I still that regal to you?" My hand comes up to touch the glass.
"Don't talk like that." I murmur, closing my eyes. "You've done stupid things, and for what reason, I don't know. But there is something wrong with you." I look up to meet his eyes. "The Loki I love is still in there somewhere. I don't know how deep, or how hard it'll be to get him out, but I won't rest until I do."
"You'll be in for a restless existence." Loki stands with a sigh and places a hand over mine on the glass. "You don't need to do this, Nettie...I release you." At this, I smirk and shake my head.
"That isn't your choice." I insist with a smile. "I will only release you when I am certain nothing I do will bring you back." At the sound of footsteps, I step back. "I need to go. Odin won't appreciate me being down here." I turn to leave, only to stop when Loki speaks again.
"You're wasting your time on me, Aneta. Even if you could help me, I'm still stuck here." I turn briefly and smile.
"Have you ever known me not to give up that easily, darling?" I ask before drawing my hood and slipping away, clasping a hand around the ring around my neck. "There will be a wedding if I have anything to say on the matter."

(This story will start from the first Thor movie and work to an alternate ending of infinity war and maybe after, depending on how well we go.)

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