Looking for Someone with Medical Knowledge Here?

Jay Windse

One Thousand Club
Okay, so I've been wondering:

Is there anyone here that has some form of medical knowledge?? I mean serious stuff, not just knowing how to apply pressure to a wound and that.

I mean, you know something about medicine or anatomy and physiology.

I want someone that knows something about this.

I myself don't have extensive knowledge, but I know more than the average person. Please reply if you do.

Kind of a weird request, but deal with it.

careful, asking for medical advice over the internet is potentially dangerous, not to mention you're not really supposed to ask for it on here in the first place.

Within Personal Topics you have the ability to raise questions and ask for opinions about personal subjects. However it is important to remember that any serious personal topics such as those that would be typically asked to a trained professional (including legal or medical advice) should not be posted in this forum.
Instead any professional advice (such as legal or medical consulting) should be handled directly by people who are trained in those matters. For this reason, please do no post personal threads that discuss your medical or psychological health or that ask for legal or otherwise professional advice.

Additional it is important to remember to not listen to users in regards to professional advice regardless of their credentials. These credentials cannot be verified and no user is considered a "professional" on RpNation.
No. Not advice. I'm not asking for someone to help me with an injury. Just someone to share my passion of medicine.

Does that make sense? I'm not asking advice my any means.

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My mother is a nurse so she knows all about it. Did you have a question? OR just wanted to talk back and forth with someone? It's it's a conversation you want, it'll be super hard to get her to join this site haha. I can listen, but I unfortunately wouldn't be able to give any useful input.
Well... No one I know is actually a doctor, however, my Aunt is a vet. Does that count?
Ah, I was asking to see if anyone personally knew anything, you know? No, I don't exactly count knowing someone.

And thanks, @White Masquerade, but I'm just looking for someone to chat with or whatever that's got personal knowledge as I've explained above.


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