Someone come help me brainstorm!! XD

Beautiful Disaster

Howling, yet alone.
Welcome!! Thank you for exploring my thread. If you are good at brainstorming and coming up with ideas then please stay and join me!! If you have ever heard of Minecraft we are already on a good start! Now, you are probably thinking... Minecraft? How boring....

BUT it doesn't have to be.

A group of friends and myself built this HUGE interactive world in minecraft. Not complete yet, but still in the works. We are planning on using it to make it one giant roleplay! There are cities, shops, port islands for goods, dungeons, castles, quest... Etc.. It kinda has a Skyrim feel. The open world, quest finding, skill building aspect. The only thing we are missing is a good story behind it all. I thought I would reach out to my fellow roleplay site and ask all you awesome people if you have any good story ideas and if you would help me come up with something pretty awesome!!

Hopefully if I get someone to help me, maybe we could roleplay something as well! ALSO!

If you have an xbox one and feel as if you could get into the roleplay as well, maybe you could join us! We are a pretty awesome bunch and a few more people wouldn't hurt!! :D
I would love to help you Brain Storm! I don't have an X-box myself, but I enjoy MINECRAFT.
Sweet!! :D So the island is rather huge! There are multiple cities and places to buy potions/armor/food and many pubs and inns/hotels. Basically there is a lot to work with. Is there any idea you could throw out there?

Well, there the idea of Community. You can have something happen that would affect them all. A Zombie Invasion?

Then there are the Classes, Lower, Middle and Upper. Pergaps something has happen with a royalty or a government.
Well, there is a corrupt mayor we incorporated. He could have something to do with it! That is definitely something i will write down!
Remember to give him connections. A mayor affects so much stuff in a town, perhaps he is ciphering items from stores. Selling them for profit somewhere else.
Ohhhhh, brilliant!! xD That is genius for him!! It makes total sense to because we built a huge house for him and inside the walls he is hording money. I love that idea!!
He could have thieves in disguise, but they have to be incognito. It wouldn't be fun if you found them easily.
That would have to be something the NPC's only know about I think. I don't think that would be something everyone should know about or else everyone would be finding them easily. It could be fun to use that as a side plot quest or something cool like that! Could be something the major is in on also. They could be his thieves... Hmmmm. Ideas are starting to flow!! xD
The Roleplayers would have spawn in a friendly area or place, I would feel if I spawned during a fight I feel that it would be threatening.

If the fight was a way to integrate them into the Community, It would be best to give them choices.

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