Anime & Manga Some good anime?

I am in the process of watching Mirai Nikki. I'm not sure if that was mentioned yet, but it is entertaining enough. It is kind of typical in some ways, but what can you do, eh?
there are no good anime

nah just kidding

Durarara and it's second season is pretty cool, as is Baccano (made by the same guy), so is Death Parade.. if you like mindf*ck-y stuff, Paranoia Agent and Serial Experiments Lain are great. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni is great if you love horror, but you need to watch it's second season to get all of it.

The Monogatari series is great, and Shinobu is best girl. Madoka Magica is definitely something you want to watch if you're a fan of magical girl anime that's a little bit darker than usual, and even if you aren't, it's still a great show. Terror in Resonance is one of my favorites that came out of 2014, Jojo's Bizzare adventure is cool, aaand that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Sorry if it seems kinda disorganized, I tried to come up with a list off the top of my head. And, I didn't read through all of it, so there might be a few others have listed.
If she'd like to try out action and fighting stuff, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure might be a good one for her to try out!
A few that a can think of off the top of my head would be...

Fate/Stay Night has all the action but comes with the satisfaction of a real story. I absolutely love what they are doing with Unlimited Blade Works.

My Love Story is comedic and totally adorable. Its also very unique! The main character isn't your typical pretty boy and I think that's what makes it great.

If you want something that will take up all your time for a few days I would suggest the Garden of Sinners series. Its a show that is really psychological and a bit gory but when you watch all the movies and finish, its just so amazing.
Michiko e Hatchin was by far the best anime I have ever watched, and the creators of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo {probably spelled it wrong, I'm sorry.} also helped into making this anime. Every time I hear the end credit song I start balling. The feels in this show is so real. You'll cry most at the end of this 22 episodes series.

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I have been recently watching an anime called "Hyouka". It is based on a series of Japanese mystery novels and it's pretty good! The animation is great, the characters are likeable, and the storylines are best I've seen in the mystery genre! It's intense, funny, tear-jerking, and thought-provoking! If your sister likes mysteries that don't involve murder and crime or if anyone wants to have a change of pace in their mystery, then check out "Hyouka"! It will not disappoint!
Watch Fairy Tail!!! How could nobody mention it before :o

And if you like Sword Art Online like they all mention, I would also suggest .hack ( dot hack, yep)
Some anime's I can recommend would have to be Gargantia To the Verdurous planet (Its on Netflix) Gurren Laggan (Also on Netflix) and from what I watched, Cowboy Bebop (Not on Netflix but I got the complete series on DVD) And Akame Ga Kill, (On Crunchy Roll)
KILL LA KILL. If you can get past the fan service, and see the huge heart and rich characther development this little show has it's worth it.

Unlimited: Psychic Squad


Golgo 13

Blade of the Immortal

Ghost Slayer Ayashi

Pumpkin Scissors

Are some of the few I've watched recently. Gangsta is still going so I haven't seen all of it, but amazing.

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