Soleil's Charcter


Collect Beautiful Moments
Name: Ina 

Age: 23

Height: 5'3"

Weight/Body description: Around 130 give or take. Her body has decently toned muscles that only years of hard labor can give. She has long white hair, almost like snow with dark, almost black eyes. 

Occupation: She worked full time at a kennel/animal boarding during the day, while serving at a local restaurant on the weekends. Twice a week she'd take night classes at a nearby college. 

Weapons of choice: A compound bow and a hunting knife that she keeps strapped on her leg

Bio: Ina grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. At the age of 5 she was orphaned and left to live with her Aunt and Uncle on their farm. They were quite old, never had children and were sure to remind Ina that they never wanted any. She always felt that she was just another worker on their farm not their niece. She didn't have many friends growing up as she was always working after school. 

When she was 17 she packed a small bag of clothes, bought a train ticket and headed off on her own. She rented a small room over the detached garage from a family she barely knows, even after 5 years only sees them when she gives them the rent check. 

Ina has always been good at blending in, at being alone. This never seemed to bother her, she loved spending her time reading and practicing with her bow.  

At the start of the downfall she didn't put much thought in it, pushed all the warnings away just like every other person. On the day the chaos reached her town she was curled up in bed, like any other day she had off.  She had decided to check in and see if they needed help at her work. After going in and seeing no one around, which was strange because there was always someone in the building, she grabbed her coat and walked down the path to the back kennels.

She heard the sound first, loud wails and howling. She started running pulling open the door to see two employees walking face first into the gate of one of the kennels. Horrified, she called out the them to ask what was wrong. They spun around and started after her. She knew something wasn't right, they were cover in blood and dirt, and their eyes lifeless as they watched her. This wasn't happening. She tried waking them up, snapping them out of whatever trance they were in. Until one lunged at her, gripping her coat as if about to bite her. She screamed, snatching her arm back,  and ran down the opposite hallway.

She hurled herself into another room with a long row of kennels all empty. She heard them following after her and she slid down behind the door, keeping herself from being seen. They crept into the room going straight for the back. She quickly jumped from her hiding spot and out the door. She shut the door and grabbed her keys out of her pocket, locking it behind her. 

She went back to the first room, and went up to the gate that they were trying to get in. Looking in she saw a frightened, almost all black German Shepard staring back at her. She unlocked the gate, letting him out and walked to the next one. They were all empty, as if someone had let the rest of them out. She was glad someone had gotten to them in time. 

 She could still hear the two employees, trying to scrape their way out and didn't want to stick around for whenever they did. With the dog following after her, they got in her car and headed out of town. 

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