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Futuristic Sol Colony- Neptune (Open and Accepting)

@HighSanguinaryPriest @Andraus

Ronda caught the flask with one hand, producing a heavy thunk. "Emeretta, ah didn't think ah'd be seein' y'all this soon. Anyways, Artemis says there's some kinda trouble at some mine or somethin', and ah'm comin' along to break any heads if heads need to be broken. Ah guess y'all are too." Ronda then took a sip from the flask and asked, "What is this stuff? It's got a nice kick to it."
"A little something I concocted. I call it Juggernaut Juice. It's made up of primarily absinthe, black rum, Ginger brandy, with a splash of gin, and three caffine tablets dissolved in there, along with a shot of the barkeep's preference." Marius replied "Let me tell ya, it may hit you hard, but you're gonna hit others much harder." he added comming up beside them. "So what's the plan? Assault, or infiltration?" he asked now down to business. "If the latter, I would like a layout of the area ma'am, maybe be able to insert myself under their noses and allow ya'll in."

@Crispy Fries
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@HighSanguinaryPriest @Andraus

"Ah dunno what th' plan is. This is Artemis' show, and we're just taggin' along to give her a little extra muscle. Ask her, not me." Ronda was just planning on shooting at the same people Artemis was, but it was probably a good idea to have more of a cohesive plan. In fact, part of the reason Ronda had agreed to come along was her eagerness to get some blood on her hands, but that wouldn't end well if she was going in blind.
@HighSanguinaryPriest @Crispy Fries @RIPSaidCone @CkSmalling

Artemis would just stare at them, before sighing, and looking over. "Alright, you can come along, but just keep up." She said. She preferred to work in small groups, and 3 was about her limit. Getting on the tram, Artemis would just wait along with them in the tram, as began speeding away. Artemis would then open only one eye. "I co-own a Mine in Armali, the Prosperous Mines, alongside a Renovationist Kid named Charon. He works the place, and keeps about 75% of the ore....and the rest he sends to me for personal use. He is also the one who fixed up my gear." She said, showing them her weapons.

If the kid managed to fix up weapons that someone like Artemis preferred using, then he was a fucking prodigy.

However, an Issue has been popping up lately: Mao Industries, a Loyalist Corporation, has been buying up Mine's left and right. I left the place pretty well defended with PMC guards, but this is big: Tian Mao himself is there, and from the sounds of it, he's scoping the place out." She said, leaning back. "I am going there for extra muscle, but I'm not the only one heading there." She said, before showing them a holo-image.

"Two of my partners are going there as well. They may be young, but I've trained them all that I know, so they'll be a big help if this gets violent. "She said, before tossing Marius a map of the terrain. It was as if she picked it simply because of it's local: The mountain was to their backs, the area was bottle-necked in, so they could only enter one way, and she had a thorough understanding of the terrain. In short, this place was the perfect staging point for a defense.

Charon would bow his head as he listened. He then motioned for the guards to step to the side. "That is a rather big commitment, Mister Mao. I will say nothing less than I am honored that you'd take an interest into my operation: I've aspired to be a mining boss since a young age." He said, before turning. He would then whisper to Mao. "However, even if I were to agree to this, there are several issues: One of which being that'd I'd be in breach of a contract that'd probably see me sued sixteen different times to hell." He said.

My benefactor is the one that gave me the funds to start this expedition. Our agreement was simple: She'd give me the funds to start the mine, and I'd be allowed to keep about 75% of what we dig up: The rest she uses for her own personal reasons. As I am sure you can imagine with virgin ground, that number is an offer I couldn't refuse." Charon said, showing them the fact that the technology wasn't from the Loyalists.

It was Renovationist technology.

She supplied me with everything necessary, and all I have to do is dig it up. So while I can give my consent to this, Mister Mao, You'd also have to convince my partner and investor: Artemis Lehon, PMC Armored Division Commander, NLA First Lieutenant. " He said.

If the PMC had a stake in this, then that meant they were most likely using it for private supplies. Though why'd they offer such a large cut of things to the man was odd. It was either a stroke of dumb luck....or something else was going on.

At this, Charon would feel a tap on his shoulder. "
What is, I am in middle of a very important meeting." He said, as he heard a whisper in his ear. "Ah, Andrew? Send him in, we'll need him on the Mech tonight." He said. He would then look towards Tian Mao. "While I cannot fully authorize it's sale, I can give you and the rest of your company a tour of the mines, to ensure this trip is not a wasted one. " Charon said. He was trying to be as accommodating as possible, but he also had regulations he needed to follow.
Looking over the map carefully, maris noticed a few good vantage points, one in patricular grabbing his attention. "This spot here" he said pointing to said area. "Would be a perfect vantage point for both sniping and the use of explosive ordinance if it calls for it." the area contained what looked like large mining equipment, including a good sized crane. "Give me enough time, I can set up there and get a magnificent view of the surrounding area. In fact this whole section would allow for me to properly do a few successive jumps, allowing maximum mobility. Lots of cover and vantage points here, here, and here" he added highlighting the sections. That'll be my playgrond. It will give me the ability to to giv y'all some overwatch as well"

Leaning back in his seat with a small sadistic smile, he picked up his flask and took another nip from it before settling in for the long ride as the other two possibly discussed where they would be positioned, paying close attention, as to know where to cover them.
@Andraus @HighSanguinaryPriest

"In that case, ah'll dig mahself in with Artemis and make sure nothin' gets past that choke point." This seemed like a fairly simple operation. There was only one way the enemy could come, and that meant they had a good chance if they dug themselves in. "Artemis, are there minin' explosives we could use? Those could make some pretty good traps."

Tian nodded as he responded with, "Indeed it is, Mr. Minos. Which is why I am somewhat expecting my interest to be rewarded in the future." He could give some respect to the boy for wanting and succeeding in his aspiration, it was quite an admirable trait to be able to succeed in something you've set your sights for and stick with it since childhood. The talk of issues however wasn't so pleasing to the businessman's ears. Raising an eyebrow as he said, "May I learn more about this contract, I would be interested in seeing if there were ways around this predicament."

It was as he expected, the mining boss had a benefactor of some sort. He could tell from the kind of equipment they had on site, no newly formed company would be able to aquire this kind of technology and so it did make sense. However he was now a lot more interested in the mine's benefactor, what personal reasons she would have for using mined material and where she got the money for this equipment. "Quite a lucrative deal I must say."

Artemis Lehon, that name rang many bells to a man with such great influence like Tian. She was PMC, that was good as Mao Industries had done more than a few deals with them before, NLA was even better but of course their leadership wouldn't admit having to buy weapons from a man like Tian.

Of course there was something shady going on at this mine, Tian could notice these things with ease after all he was in shady business himself and he was relatively interested in what was happening but business came first and as long as he could secure a contract here then he wouldn't care about shady dealings.

"Well I would most certainly like to meet, Ms. Lehon so we could discuss business involving this mine and it's operations but a tour around the facility would do nicely for the time being. Feel free to lead the way, Mr. Minos." He said, gesturing to the entrance of the mine with one hand as he jerked his head to the rest of his touring group, security and executives to follow once the tour began.

Meanwhile outside the mine Mao's private security forces were busy setting up temporary camps to scope out the area, small teams of Forward Security had been sent to high vantage points to make sure nothing got the jump on them, snipers and spotters included and German shepherds were used in patrols to check for any irregularities or tresspassers. More soldiers had arrived along with more heavy weaponry and equipment.

( Everyone- I am doing a timeskip, considering everyone is heading towards Opremross (technically), so we can begin the actual story. Is that alright with everyone?)
@Shireling @Crispy Fries @HighSanguinaryPriest @RIPSaidCone @Nerdork @Cadenach Sorry this took forever, I was really busy this weekend.

As Circe and Perseus were recovering from a late night of drinking (and Perseus bedding a rather lovely lady), the two would meet up at the cafe nearby. Perseus would just yawn. "Late night for you too?...." Perseus asked, slipping on his gear.

Circe would just slip on her weapons as well, looking towards him. "Yup. Did some house scouting as well. As much as we make in a week, we could settle ourselves in the Executive district of Opremross, and still have money to piss around. I swear, I gotta love my job sometimes...."She said, checking her ammo. " Okay, 80 shotgun shells, 240 Sub machine gun rounds, and I finally got this shield working....only lasts for a minute, at max, but better than nothing." She said, putting her stuff away.

Perseus would nod, before checking his own ammunition. "....Sniper rounds: 40 HP rounds, 40 AP rounds, 80 standard rounds. Sub machine gun, I have about 300 rounds, and for my Stun Baton, I have 3 and a half batteries." He said, checking on his stuff.

Charon, having received a message from the duo, would just walk over. "Hey guys! Glad to see you all are still in the city. Thanks for keeping an eye on the mine last night. I swear, we hit a gold mine.....no, seriously, half of the ore down there was gold!" He said, placing a nugget on the table. It was about the size of his palm. "That is just 'one' of what we dug up, yesterday! I swear, I told Andrew to take one, as well as the rest of the digging crew: We hit the jackpot, so I wanted them to take a bit for themselves. Guy went to go show his family, I guess. They're going to be 'very' rich when this is over." Charon said, obviously excited at the prospect of hitting a large vein.

"Well, it seems my confidence in you was well placed, Charon." A voice said. Walking up would be Artemis, with Ronda and Marius. Artemis would then look towards Ronda and Marius. "Let me get introductions underway. These two are my 'apprentices', as well as my partners: Temperance and Valor. I think you know them by reputation for being Criminal Killers" She said, jerking a finger towards the two young adults. The two had a name for themselves in the underground: They answered crime with a loaded gun.

Circe notably stiffened: It was no secret that Loyalist and Chauvinist didn't get along, but out of respect, she kept her mouth shut. "Pleasure to meet you two." She said, her finger tapping her shotgun. Her tech was clearly renovationist work.

Perseus would just look up, staring at them blankly, before reloading his sniper rifle. "Hello." He said, shortly. It wasn't out of a dislike for either group, it was just he felt he had seen Ronda somewhere before......he was probably drunk or something when they met, though.

"and the youngest there, is Charon: He's the mining boss I told you about....and a damn good one, if this nugget is anything to go by." She said, holding it up. The thing was big, and heavy. "Did Mao give you much trouble?"

Charon would shake his head. "These two came and gave me a hand, keeping them from getting too comfy. Said he'd like to meet you another time, to 'discuss' ownership of the mine, so if you see Mao Industry Security? Keep a loaded gun in hand." He said, looking towards the others. He had a rather cheerful demeanor about him. "Nice to meet you two! Glad to see my boss is working with such upstanding people."

Before anyone else could say anything, on the loud speakers, radios, or televisions everywhere, a sound would be heard indicating a message was about to be broadcast. Soon, a voice full of authority would speak up.

Good people of the Neptune Colony. My name is Councilor Zhass Undyne, Councilor of our great capitol Opremross. I am here today, with my fellow councilors from every city on Neptune, to deliver a message." The voice said, before there would be a cough. " We have all noted the increased tensions between cities. Isolation from the mother-world, and....differences in opinion have long since divided us. Now, with the approval of the rest of my councilmen, we're going to start attempting to strengthen the bonds between our cities, for only together will we be able to survive and thrive!"

Another voice would speak up: It was Councilor Joseph Vazquez, Admiral of the Fleets of the Forces of Fort Typhoon. "Alright everyone, listen up: Those in the PMC, SDF, and NLA military personnel are to report to the Port District of Nueport, immediately. We shall be undergoing a mission of great importance: The reclamation of the city of Capek, which has long been lost to us due to tragic events. We're going to send all of our forces together, and take the city back!"

A voice would speak up after it: It was Head of Development, and Councilor of Nueport, Zaphira Guinevere. "As this is a widespread project, we're allowing the contracting of mercenaries, civilian volunteers, and anyone wishing to involve themselves in this undertaking. The reward shall be substantial, that I can promise. But the greatest reward shall be the reclamation of a piece of our home, and the ability to lay to rest the hundreds of souls that died in that tragic disaster."

"Thank you for your time in listening to this announcement, and remember: Per Virtutem Autem Gaudebit." The message said, before switching to the regular broadcast.

Perseus was silent the entire broadcast, his eyes wide as he soaked up the information. This was what he was waiting for, a chance to finally learn the truth of what happened.....He wasted no time, grabbing his weapon and placing it on his back. "I am not missing this. Valor, you got the Zues working?"

Circe would nod, grabbing her shotgun, and placing it on her back. "
Yeah, It's armed with basic weapons, but It's functioning enough to head to Capek. " She said, looking towards Charon. "You coming, Loyal?"

"What? You think I wouldn't go, and miss out on a chance to make history? Damn right I'm taking part! I got all the stuff I need with me, so I'll just follow your lead." Charon said, excitedly.

Artemis sighed, knowing she would have to go as well, due to this being a standing order. She would then look towards Marius and Ronda. "I'll have my Trident brought up to Nueport, but It only has room for two. I can only take one of you. "

Perseus would look over. "We can take the other. Our Submersible can house 4 Passengers, and is quite spacious. "He said, loading his sniper rifle. He handled the gun as if it was born into his hand.

Only a seasoned marksman had that sort of control.
A wicked smile overtook Marius' face as he heard the news. Perhaps this was to be the catalyst for their independance. Perhaps not. Either way, he and his atlanteans would be there at the front. He turned to Artemis as she adressed him.

"I'll have my Trident brought up to Nueport, but It only has room for two. I can only take one of you. " She said to the both him and Randa. Marius simply shrugged. it had been a while since he was out in the oceans, kinda been craving it. Along with bloodshed but that would hopefully happen soon enough. As it stood right now, he hated being in the same room as the Loyalsit and Renevationist.

"Just strap me to the outside of it. I don't think i could stand being in a tighter space than this with those two." He replied checking his weapons. Satisfied, he collapsed his GD-10, and placed it on the magplate on his back. "So are we just going to stand around here circle jerking, or are we going to leave?!"
@HighSanguinaryPriest @Andraus

"Ah'll take th' Trident with y'all. They're probably gonna want me there on th' double since ah'm an officer." Ronda was more than happy to be going out on a real mission, and it was convenient that she was already geared up. This was a prime opportunity to get blood on her hands, and Ronda was raring and ready to go. This mission would be especially interesting too, since they were going to the sunken city of Capek. "Hey, Emeretta, how about we make a little bet?"
"And what pray tell, what would be your wager?" Marius said with a sadistic smile. Like Ronda, he too was itching for combat. To be in glorious battle with his brothers and sisters. "Because if it's you killing more loyalists than me, then you're on!" He replied with a laugh. Oh, it was going to be a good day. "Now, if we could stop jerking eachother off, we have a war to start." Marius added, before having his helmet fold over his head, concealing his face, as several interfaces popped up, all giving tactical data, and analysis.

@Crispy Fries
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"Well, y'all just read mah mind. How about this: if ah get th' most confirmed kills, then yer buyin' drinks when we get back. If y'all get more kills, then ah'll buy y'all a night with a girl of yer choice. Hell, that girl can even be if ya want." Ronda liked making bets like this, as she always enjoyed a little friendly competition. She also had no problem with offering herself, since it would just raise the stakes a little and make things more fun. "How's that sound to y'all?" said Ronda as she flashed Marius a grin.
"How about this, you win, I buy the drinks. I win, and you buy me and my fellows drinks." Marius replied checking his systems. Satisfied he made his way back out towards their newest rally point. "Now Quit dilly dallying, and get your ass in gear ma'am." he barked with a hint of amusement. "Unless you have a better offer." Marius continued, as he quickly made his way to the docks. "Now, let's go! We've got people to kill!"

"Ah'd say that th' first offer was better, but suit yerself," said Ronda as she followed Marius. She was ready to get into the fight, and it was obvious that Marius was too. It was a bit of disappointment that he didn't take the first bet though, as Ronda felt that the stakes were a little higher and thus more fun. She did one final check on her gear, and it appeared that she had everything in order. It was time to kick some ass, and Ronda was eager to go.
The guard approached Robert and gave him a pass into the facility. He smiled and shook his hand and thank him. He swiped the card over the small console near the door and it opened. He stepped in and made his way to the Supervisor who was at the mecha hanger bay. After a few minutes, he reached the hanger and approached a guy,asked for directions and in a matter of minutes, he was behind the super. "Aaahhh you must be Robert, the new guy. We have little time for intro's so get in that mech over there.." he pointed to a large mech near the door "... and start your descent. Do not worry, the mech is in fine condition so you will be safe. Now get moving." Robert didn't have to be told twice. He quickly made his way to the mech. The latch was already open so he just jumped in and sat on a hard hat. He quickly stood up and took the helmet from the seat and wore it. He switched on the mech and a screen lit up. It showed him the basics of how to operate the mecha and he smiled and started to navigate the mech towards the mine.


After a few hours of continuous drilling, he was starting to question his own existence. "Dammit this mine is old. There is literally nothing in this god forsa-" suddenly the drill stopped. "Aaahhh great. Now the drill is dead." He tried to remove the drill bit, tried to yank it off and when it did, he was lost for words. "No freaking way." He was staring straight at one gold vein. " Sweetheart, here i come." He drilled a large size and began the ascent. He showed it to his supervisor who took him straight to Charon. After a lengthly discussion, he was released and a huge chunk of the gold he found was given to him. He did not waste any time. He took the first train out if the station and back to his home.


"Mom!! Dad!!! You will not believe what happened today at the mine." He did not wait for a reaction from his parents as he slamed the large ore on the table. His mom looked at the ore abs smiled. "This is 89% pure. It has a huge market in other cities." His dad rubbed his chin and smiled. "Well well well. We may have a way out of this city." Roberr just smiled. "We cannot go yet. I still have a contract with the mines. But once we are done, we are leaving first thing. No wasting time."

Sedric sat at his desk looking over some reports. Checking his watch, he sighed. Finally, after so many years of pushing for this initiative, the announcement would be going out shortly. He stood up and continued to read as he walked out of his office to the fore-office where his secretary Marna was typing furiously.

The Lovejoys had proven invaluable in helping him plant the seed in each of the three world governments. Now everything was rolling right along, picking up speed faster than he'd thought. Oh well, if there was a time for uncontrolled momentum, it was now. Some troubling reports popped up on the datapad as he stepped out onto the spacious balcony to the right of Marna's desk. That was the hardest part about the NLA. Too many hotheads disregarding the administrative process. He looked at the three profiles displayed. Not just one, but TWO NLA officers working with the PMCs. He'd have them discreetly investigated before carrying on the next part of his plan. For now though, he had to change and meet his driver. If he wanted to have the upper hand when things really started kicking off, he NEEDED to accompany this expedition in person.

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