Video Games So... who else playin Among Us instead of doing schoolwork?


One body, many minds
We all know Among Us. It gets pretty wild sometimes, everyone accusing everyone and spamming the chat with "u sus".

Anyways this thread exists for the sole purpose of sharing your funniest/worst Among Us experiences and maybe finding a buddy to play with. I host public games often with the nickname Prob1stDed (aka "Probably the first dead" since I always die first or get voted off on the rare occasion I get to be impostor). Maybe I'll see some of y'all around.

Funniest experience playing with siblings; My sis was impostor and voted me (crewmate) off because she just wanted me gone. Next match I did the same to her. Then my bro and I teamed up, double impostors, and no one suspected us for the entire round. Yes, our sister was our first target. There is a LOT of sibling rivalry, and I've won quite a few games by calling my sis out.
So far, I've only played with randos. nothing weird or memorable yet lol
I have no idea how everyone always seems to think I'm sus. I got voted off one round when someone reported a body in an area I hadn't been seen in for the entire round (pretty sure it was body in nav and I vented out to weapons before going through cafe to admin. I was not the only person who wasn't with the group either.) No matter how sneaky I am or how much I stay with a group so I have a valid alibi its always just "... pink sus" and the end. I'm gone. xD
I am, already got my work done, now to wait for my exam results.
Also another funny experience!

Three rounds in a row, Purple was the impostor. All three rounds, they killed me first while I was fixing the stupid O2. So for the rest of the time playing with that group, it became known that if Pink dies, Purple sus. Especially if O2 was sabotaged. xD
Just last period, the professor fell asleep in the middle of a lecture, then me and my friends were playing among us, and I saw My friend [Redacted] hesitate for a moment before moving just after a Sabotage happened, I called it out, and it turns out she was one.
I saw My friend [Redacted] hesitate for a moment before moving just after a Sabotage happened, I called it out, and it turns out she was one.
Lmao you gotta be careful when doing the sabotage so stuff like this doesn't happen. Sometimes I misclick when trying to exit the sabotage map so I'm standing still for way too long with the alarms blaring. Somehow I've never gotten called out for that tho (I always do a fake task while sabotaging anything so when that happens, it looks like I'm trying to finish a task).
The funniest thing that happened to me was when I walked in on an impostor killing someone. We just had a staring contest for two seconds and then I reported the dead body XD
Stuff like that is why you gotta have a good strat. I've got a decent strategy myself;

Every impostor should know of a location that is out of the way but frequently has individuals completing tasks nearby, with a vent for a quick escape. Security and Electrical work well for this, but don't kill in Storage or Admin unless you are certain the coast is clear, and even then self-report is a good idea as these areas are out in the open/frequented. But obviously if the reactor's melting down don't kill in Security or you'll probably get caught, since the only time anyone's in Security is to watch cams so you're automatically sus.

Upper and lower engines, as well as Weapons/shields, have frequently used paths leading right to them so you'd better have a back up plan. Medbay and Nav are kinda risky but I've found in Nav you can vent out or you can sometimes get away with self-reporting. If you're gonna kill on the far right of the map though, best to do it while lights are out then run to Electrical asap, same for O2 if you're killing on left side of the map.

Also, sabotaging something on the opposite side of the map does not mean you're clear. I try to build up trust by doing this and then booking it to whatever's been sabotaged to "fix" it and provide an alibi ("I was fixing lights, [insert player] saw me/was with me"). If there's 2 or 3 impostors and only a few crew members left, double kill for an instant win.

No, I do not accept constructive criticism lol
Stuff like that is why you gotta have a good strat. I've got a decent strategy myself;

Every impostor should know of a location that is out of the way but frequently has individuals completing tasks nearby, with a vent for a quick escape. Security and Electrical work well for this, but don't kill in Storage or Admin unless you are certain the coast is clear, and even then self-report is a good idea as these areas are out in the open/frequented. But obviously if the reactor's melting down don't kill in Security or you'll probably get caught, since the only time anyone's in Security is to watch cams so you're automatically sus.

Upper and lower engines, as well as Weapons/shields, have frequently used paths leading right to them so you'd better have a back up plan. Medbay and Nav are kinda risky but I've found in Nav you can vent out or you can sometimes get away with self-reporting. If you're gonna kill on the far right of the map though, best to do it while lights are out then run to Electrical asap, same for O2 if you're killing on left side of the map.

Also, sabotaging something on the opposite side of the map does not mean you're clear. I try to build up trust by doing this and then booking it to whatever's been sabotaged to "fix" it and provide an alibi ("I was fixing lights, [insert player] saw me/was with me"). If there's 2 or 3 impostors and only a few crew members left, double kill for an instant win.

No, I do not accept constructive criticism lol
I just get my prey all alone, and then I go in for the kill XD

Although, if there are three people left, one impostor and two crew mates, then you can kill one of the crew mates out in the open and you have won. I just go on that and don't kill until only a few players are left. That works best for me XD
Yesterday, played Among Us until 11 pm, then realized I had an essay due at 11:59. RIP but I turned it in at like 11:56.
Yesterday, played Among Us until 11 pm, then realized I had an essay due at 11:59. RIP but I turned it in at like 11:56.
I do this literally every Sunday when my assignments are due. Except my parents take my laptop at 11 so I realize I have work to do around 10pm
I have school Mondays and Wednesdays, so I only have assignments due every other day XD {Except projects}

I play Among Us the rest of the time :3
I have a ton of notes and review stuff I'm supposed to be doing but I only actually complete the assignments that appear in the "upcoming/due" tab on schoology. Which means only a few actual assignments a day and a ton of info I'm gonna be missing when I go back to in-person school tomorrow (was home sick for the first half of the week. Not covid). FML

Also, Among Us is blocked/doesn't connect over school wifi so I'm trying to convince my parents to get me like the minimum data plan just so I can play with my friendos
Stayed home from school again (morning breakdowns are fun... Got up at a normal time, ate breakfast, got coffee, aaand got in an argument and cried my eyes out before missing the bus. And I'm still tired as hell) and I'm probably gonna be playing Among Us for most of the day. Unless I find some other game to play idk
Stayed home from school again (morning breakdowns are fun... Got up at a normal time, ate breakfast, got coffee, aaand got in an argument and cried my eyes out before missing the bus. And I'm still tired as hell) and I'm probably gonna be playing Among Us for most of the day. Unless I find some other game to play idk
Oof, I'm trying to do school work rn, but I kinda get distracted by Netflix from time to time :3
I named myself 'Emak', which means mother in Indonesian and the lobbies were filled with Indonesian. I acted as if I was everyone's mother and after a few rounds several players started following me around like good kids XD

I was once an impostor and my partner got thrown early. I won the round alone by sabotaging the reactor and pretending to fix one of the side while actually doing nothing.
Every time I get to be impostor I win because everyone just disconnects. And I rarely get to be impostor. It sucks
Seems my nickname (Prob1stDed) is accurate tho, I'm always first to get killed
I have officially skipped a day of school to play Among Us all day... what has my life become

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