Literature So J.K Rowling released info about the American wizarding school...



On Pottermore I took the tests to find out what houses I'd be placed in for Hogwarts and for Ilvermorny. I got Slytherin and Pukwudgie. What are your houses, and what do you think of Ilvermorny and The History of Magic in North America?

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I'm a Slytherin and a Pukwudgie as well! Which surprised me, since people have been associating Pukwudgies with Hufflepuffs. I actually didn't read much on the history of the school, since I was too eager to get sorted into Ilvermorny. >.>
Stormblessed said:
I'm a Slytherin and a Pukwudgie as well! Which surprised me, since people have been associating Pukwudgies with Hufflepuffs. I actually didn't read much on the history of the school, since I was too eager to get sorted into Ilvermorny. >.>
I don't check my email often so I heard about the info from buzzfeed and I started flipping out lol. I went on Pottermore instantly.The history is actually pretty cool. I've picked up aanew insult from it as well, which all my non-potterhead friends are confused about
I got sorted into Thunderbird! I must admit, although I read the history, it felt like it should have been it's own stand alone novel or something.

Mostly because you don't get information about the houses unique personalities- just that the boys ended up liking these creatures, and named them to their house. I know there is additional information on the houses, but I feel like I would understand what being a Thunderbird meant more of I had character personality ties to them, you know?

Like the four houses in Harry Potter wouldn't be so identified with and widely known without the characters giving certain personality tropes to the equation, making it easier to relate to on a personal level.

I hope the new movie following Newt Scamandar provides more insight into these character personality tropes! It should, though- considering there are four houses, and four main characters.

It even goes so far as to bring in a No-Maj man to be the character twin to the muggle man who originally married Isolt, and I hadn't even made that connection till just now.

Makes me even more hyped for the spin off series! What do you guys think? Any theories?
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
I got sorted into Thunderbird! I must admit, although I read the history, it felt like it should have been it's own stand alone novel or something.
Mostly because you don't get information about the houses unique personalities- just that the boys ended up liking these creatures, and named them to their house. I know there is additional information on the houses, but I feel like I would understand what being a Thunderbird meant more of I had character personality ties to them, you know?

Like the four houses in Harry Potter wouldn't be so identified with and widely known without the characters giving certain personality tropes to the equation, making it easier to relate to on a personal level.

I hope the new movie following Newt Scamandar provides more insight into these character personality tropes! It should, though- considering there are four houses, and four main characters.

It even goes so far as to bring in a No-Maj man to be the character twin to the muggle man who originally married Isolt, and I hadn't even made that connection till just now.

Makes me even more hyped for the spin off series! What do you guys think? Any theories?

Yeah I'd love to see a spin off series about Ilvermorny or at least some different stories about the other Wizarding schools. I'd love to have characters that I could relate too in schools other than Hogwarts and had a full story developed around them.
I was sorted into Wampus. Which is kinda neat since I like cats, though I am very confused as to why I was sorted that way. The house "represents the body" and "favours warriors". I'm an nonathletic, nonviolent nerd and always have been xD Though I do suppose I consider health and vitality to be a crucial part of the human condition, and I would like the strength of a warrior without what fighting demands.

I definitely look forward to learning more about the houses so that I can see if that sorting makes any sense.
I got ravenclaw and Thunderbird which I'm happy about....although I do believe myself a Hufflepuff at heart.... The back story behind it was pretty awesome and I loved how it still kinda tied in with the orginal books ??
Hogwarts - Slytherin

Ilvermorny - Pukwudgie

Wand - Dogwood, Dragon Heartstring, 11 3/4", Slightly Springy
My Hogwarts house [what I usually get] are gryffindor and/or Ravenclaw. For Illvermorny, I got Thunderbird. Which is like Gryffindor, so....
I wonder how much equivalence can be drawn between Hogwarts houses and Ilvermorny houses, because I'm very much a Ravenclaw (and am sorted as such on both official and non-official quizzes). But Wampus does not seem to be anywhere close to what Ravenclaw typically is.

Perhaps the structure is much different than the Hogwarts houses, and no point for point comparison is really possible. All we really get is a brief description of what each house favors, and a part of the human existence associated with it (mind, heart, body soul). It would be interesting to see if there are another four characteristic traits that people can be divided up into.

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