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Fandom SNK Modern!AU- Life 2/9


One Thousand Club
Only Canon!Characters: list of characters (forgive me if I forgot anyone)

In current modern!verse keep their ages the same, jobs/personality/connections accurate for character

(can be flexible though I mean really)- Setting could be a city (I need your opinions though)

Eren Yeager-

Bertolt Hoover-

Mikasa Ackerman-

Annie Leonhart-

Reiner Braun-


Historia Reiss-

Hange Zoe-(claimed in OOC chat)

Levi Ackerman-taken

Erwin Smith-taken

Armin Arlert-(claimed in OOC chat)

Sasha Blouse-

Petra Ral-

Jean Kirstein-

Marco Bott-

Oluo Bozado-

Mike Zacharius-

Connie Springer-

Hitch Dreyse-

(you commit to your character/s through the multiverse but may trade/give up or anything idk we're reasonable)






Relationships: (including your ships)

What You Want in the RP: (this is where you may elaborate on where you want the character/story/etc to go. It is so very important you write stuff here!! I don't have a giant plan guys!)


My Charries-

Name: Levi Ackerman

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Occupation: -- (depends on where we set the modern!verse) thinking.. Owner of private business or social work case management

Residency: Assuming.. Small Condo

Relationships: (including your ships)

Ships: Eruri, Rivetra, LeviMike,

No current relationships

What You Want in the RP: (this is where you may elaborate on where you want the character/story/etc to go. It is so very important you write stuff here!! I don't have a giant plan guys!)

Possible romance side story (or parent side story), Levi is primarily my 'effects of the SNK!verse' character; since he has retained the most traumatic memories with all his years.








Relationships: (including your ships)

What You Want in the RP: (this is where you may elaborate on where you want the character/story/etc to go. It is so very important you write stuff here!! I don't have a giant plan guys!)

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*Erwin Smith*

*35?* Wiki did not provide age, but we assume older than Levi or at least acts older so possibly 33 but in the 30-35 range?


*Private Business owner. He manages several law firms and may or may not have a share in a club or two ;) But his business venture aren't the only big thing about him *

*Despite his perceived pay nothing elaborate. Possibly a medium sized house or condo like apartment*

* Erwin is someone that everyone knows of but not everyone knows. He has a surprisingly small close knit friend circle. But spends most of his time “making nice” and overseeing the running of his business. He has a lot more going on underneath those bushy eyebrows. He has plans, big wonderful plans. However, he often forgets that this isn't the world up there in his head. This is the real world. The one right here and things don't always work out that way once you factor in the human variable. *

*For Erwin I ship Erwin/Levi Erwin/Hange Petra/ Erwin My guilty (feel free to judge) pleasure is Erwin/Eren/Levi. Erwin/ OFC Erwin/OMC . I only do ship's with the Kiddo's (Armin/Erwin) if it's done in a none squeamish way. But those are my top two for Erwin. That is not to say I am not open to other developments. As far as other ships I like I said am rather lax and willing to go with the flow

*Hmm I would like to see more than just*Boom love and Romance more instant then Naruto's ramen* these characters just don't seem that way to me. I’d like to see some development let's get our hands dirty dig deep have some introspection and shit. Other than that let's have fun and go with the flow I'm in no rush. I also second what @iAmKira has said. *

*Please let me know if you have further questions for me or if I forgot something*
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Name: Hanji Zoe

Age: don't know her real age, so let's say around 35

Gender: Female

Occupation: Scientist (since that seems the most fitting for her)

Residency: Small house outside the town/city (where the rp is gonna take place)

Relationships: None at the moment, she just has a small group of friends who can cope with her... craziness

As for the ships, I ship her with Levi or Erwin or maybe even Mike, not quite sure

What You Want in the RP: Well I would prefer to see where the rp takes up, no rushing things


Name: Armin Arlert

Age: 15 (This is what the wiki said. Should we make characters like him slightly older so they may have jobs? Or should they just be students?)

Gender: Male

Occupation: Depends on the answer to the age thing. If we are keeping him at 15 then he's a student but does part time work at the library. If we are making him older then he is a paramedic. (Idk, that job requires you to keep calm, think clearly and be kind. All of which, Armin is.)

Residence: Small apartment. Possibly shared with a roommate.

Relationships/My ships: ArminxJean and ArminxEren. Those are my main ships. Possibly ArminxReiner as well. No current relationship.

What I would like to see: Like @SmoothPsycho said, good character development. But I also want to see different character interaction. Like everyone talking to everyone not just some people talking to certain people. Everyone in the 'community' should be closely linked. Then perhaps something bad could happen and it would affect everyone? I would also like to see the seriousness of the show brought into this but also with its humorous nature as well. And I like the idea of a romance side story ^.^


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a2ca0562f9b06ca8928005580e4ba618.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a2ca0562f9b06ca8928005580e4ba618.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Or with the age thing, we could just over look the fact that Armin is a 15 year old paramedic?



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Name: Jean Kirstein

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Occupation: If 15, some kinda rentacop, if 18, I'm thinking either a law student or some form of accountant.

Residency: Small shitty inner city apartment.

Relationships: Is this just with Jean, or generally? Cos I ship SashaXJean and JeanMarco

What You Want in the RP: I get to build a working relationship with someone, as well as being able to fuck someone or somethings shit up. Maybe something along the lines of a Vietnam War AU, or some type of Dystopian future.

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/JeanKirstein.jpg.09c3139af6cf8d93d4833c2a2f50250f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/JeanKirstein.jpg.09c3139af6cf8d93d4833c2a2f50250f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Petra Ral

Age: 30

Gender: female

Occupation: she owns a small cafe (yes, Levi, they serve tea) in the middle of town.

Residency: a small, but decent apartment above her cafe, it's nice and cozy.

Relationships: LeviXPetra (well, shit. I forgot the name)

What You Want in the RP: I am a HUGE romance fan, and would like to see a little bit of romance and I would love some action. (Aka, crime, robbery, crash accidents, ANY THING TO CAUSE DRAMA)


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(Geez, I'm so late. Sorry BTW!)

Name: Sasha Blouse

Age: 18 (around there xD )

Gender: Female

Occupation: I would think Sasha would be the intern of a chief, so basically running errands and also going to a university since she's still 18.

Residency: A dorm on her university's campus (most likely shared with Ymir and Historia)

Relationships: Hm...I happen to ship JeanxSasha or perhaps SashaxConnie? I don't mind however SashaxMarco. What a cute match full of cinnamon rolls.

What You Want in the RP: I love the idea of having a Romance rp along with some 'Slice of Life' elements that helps progress the story towards a good character development at the end. (I guess you would call it, Development of the End? Sorry that was a baadddd joke.) I would also like to push Sasha out of being the 'Potato Girl' you know? She has alot more qualities other than being a potato lover xD



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