
F o o l i s h n e s s

// v a n i l l a //

[SIZE= 36px]Hirune Orochi[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Third Son of The Giant Snake[/SIZE]




[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Name: [/FONT][FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Hirune Orochi[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Villain Name: Hydra[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Other Nicknames: [/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']That Foodie two doors down[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Slippy Snake[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Kabob Monster[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Flower boy[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']That-guy-who-seems-to-have-three-people-in-one-body.[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Ages: [/FONT][FONT= 'Anonymous Pro']Nineteen (Hirune), One Hundred (Kuen - Upper Left), and Thirteen (Levi - Lower Left)[/FONT]

Species: One half snake and two ghosts.

Heights: Varies (Upper Left = 5'9) (Center Right = 5'5) (Bottom Left = 5'4)

Weights: Varies (Upper Left= 132 lbs) (Center Right= 120 lbs) (Bottom Left= 116 lbs)

Possession: His family members are able to possess his body for a short period of time, even changing his physical properties.However, the majority of the time he is in control of his own body with their voices just whispering into his ears. Yeah who am I kidding, they are basically yelling at each other mentally with Hirune being a mediator.

Venom: His saliva is poisonous to the average human, about as lethal as a Black Mamba, although since he is partially human he sometimes does 
displays signs of being poisoned (not that it will kill him) but he will feel incredibly sluggish, easily susceptible to disease, and loses most common reasoning.

Animal Communication: He is able to talk to snakes, although controlling them is out of his grasp, but at least his brother Kuen is able when he ends up taking the steering wheel. Then again he is dead so where did that get him.

Petrification and Constriction:He is able to make people slow down their pace when he makes complete eye contact from five feet or less, Levi is able to do so fully and make people feel like they are being wrapped and strangled. Of course, this is simply a mental power, so willpower and believing that this was false usually breaks it.


+ Being a smol bean

+ Close Range Fighting

+ Speed/Agility
+ Boi. He has superpowers


- Poisoned by his own Power

- Can't f**king make a decision before talking it out in his head for four minutes

- He has two people in his head. How bad is mental state? Now consider they are his brothers. FUUUUU

- Stamina

- Betrayal/Overly Trusting

- Lack of Control.

Sexuality: "I think we are in a majority vote for Heterosexual, and One vote for Foodsexual... Foodsexual isn't a sexuality Levi...Alright ONE Bisexual."


He is one big cute mess, as one would be when you are basically sharing everything with your family against or with your permission. He is normally rather enthusiastic and cheerful, almost like a male cheerleader for his brother's aspirations, not really having many himself other than catching up to his brothers... which is hard when you are in the same body. Levi is usually oblivious to his cheering, and goes about his day eating Kabobs after taking control of Hinune's body and plotting plans to take over the world as he does so. On the other hand, Kuen is remarkably prideful and usually says that he knew that already as snobbishly as possible, taking control of Hinune's body as soon as it is threatened or he is a weakened state after fighting or accidentally drinking his own venom - his being a bit more forceful. Just a bit. (not really).

His is as gluttonous as it comes, it just comes to matter that Levi was more gluttonous as it comes, the two other brothers sighing at him when he uses Hinune's body to eat at all-you-can-eat buffet rather than making his move to control the world, Kuen scolding his rival because of this. Yeah. You heard me. Two brothers in the same body of a person who has no aspirations whatsoever than to help his brothers who have already died, wants to take over the world by themselves. Imagine the conflicts.(xD)

He is indecisive, he always has been even when his brothers wasn't in his body causing mental chaos in the smol bean's mind.  

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