Smoke & Mirrors [Closed, Under Construction]

potentially interested, waiting for further details about the tone, setting and whatnot to be clarified
eh, sorry mate, you want something with buildup and growth and I get that, but no RP that needs commitment to get anywhere actually lives long enough to get there in my experience, so I can't say I'll commit. It's just not a good medium for it, I feel. Check the longest running roleplays sometime, they're all about faffing about doing nothing and sometimes powerlevel dickwaving and hamfisted dorama.

Think of it like this tho, Josuke already had his stand and all its goodies at the start of his story and could do all this cool and awesome stuff with it. It didn't really define him or mean the exploration of the town's mysteries was any less strange, it just meant that he could do things from the getgo. Or for growth, we have Echoes which yeah starts out as the useless egg but takes like a chapter to grow into a thing with cool abilities and goes from there.
Oh hey, for some reason it isn't showing when I have a post here. You're absolutely right about the challenges of the medium. It's a sad fact of roleplaying, though I'd like to see what I can do to challenge that. If not, I'll build something a lot easier to access and drop into, just wanted to give this one a shot and see if there was something there. I suppose I'd like to try this again with a simpler out-of-the-box plot and see where it goes. Or heck, maybe something else that allows for a rich development in plot and world but gives people the cool powers and freedom that they want.

Though hey, putting that in terms I jive with doesn't hurt~

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