Smoke & Mirrors [Closed, Under Construction]


Enemy Stand User
Below is the appropriate character sheet. When it comes to the rp and character creation, I have a few simple rules:

1. Avoid power playing. The rp emphasizes growth of character and power, so you'll have your chance to be amazing soon.

2. Drawn pictures only. I personally think that it is somewhat creepy to use images of strangers and that pictures of one's self are just in bad taste.

3. Control only your own character, unless you've specifically applied to run a segment with NPC's.

4. At least one full paragraph per post. I'm not too strict on length as long as it's readable and advances the story.

5. Treat everyone with respect.

6. Our characters are meant to start the rp with a good deal of history as friends. You are free to edit your profiles to include others if you'd like, as long as both people involved agree.

7. Please post at least twice a week, or your character will be assumed to be taking the background in a situation.

8. Once accepted, you are free to post. Your character's name will appear in the accepted character's list and I will reply to you, so please keep a look out.

Accepted Character List:

1. Seth Bridger

2. --

[Character picture or detailed description. Non-real images only, please.]





Brief History:

Favorite Memories:

Greatest Fears:


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Name: Seth Bridger

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Goals: Seth wishes to make his mark on Farpost as an artist that people will remember. He believes that life in a small town has given him a unique perspective in his extensive sculpting work. With that, he hopes to eventually catch the eye of the art community.

Brief History: Seth and the Bridger family in general have been residents of Farpost for as long as they have lived. His great grandfather opened up a garage and worked as a mechanic for his days until his father took over, and eventually he plans to pass the business along to Seth's older brother. Given this focus on his sibling, Seth was left to experiment to his heart's content, squirreling away old tools and scrap to transform into directionless hunks of primitive art. Through school, he was left alone by teachers due to his relative ability to meet their expectations without exceeding them. He was never seen as anything special, but was happy to be left to his own devices. Truthfully, he always loved science and history, but needed a completely different medium than writing and test taking to feel at home. Through these interests and his need to create, he continues to pursue his "abandoned material" sculptures, sharing his work with his friends in hopes of refining his talent enough to leave this small town behind for a life of fame.

Favorite Memories: Seth's greatest moments have always come about through his self-discovery. He fondly remembers nights in the quiet garage long after his folks were asleep, playing around with things he "found" in the shop and around town. His nights of experimentation with all sorts of materials drove his passion and his talent to their current levels, and he considers those nights very important. Perhaps more important, however, was the day that someone finally reached out to him in school. He had always been lazy, and something of a smart ass, but there were a few others there who saw past his lack of enthusiasm and found someone who dives into all that he cares about. From those early school days onward, he spent any time he could with these friends, knowing that he has truly found a home with them. He delights in all the times that he has shared work with them, and especially appreciates the more direct criticisms that a couple could provide.

Greatest Fears: Seth, as the quiet child in a family who had already found their "good young man" likes to pretend that he's alright with being forgotten. Truthfully, Seth craves attention and recognition, and is terrified that he may go his life without achieving something worthy of fame. Naturally, he pushes himself to be the best at what he wishes to do, but the thought that his art may not be good enough is equally scary to Seth. He will push for criticism when there isn't any needed, if only to know what he can do to be "worthy". If Seth never leaves Farpost, he knows that he will regret it all his life.

Talents: Seth, despite an inclination towards art, is actually a really fast learner when it comes to academic subjects that he cares about. He picks up topics in science and history without trouble, which tends to add a background to some of his work. Obviously, he tends towards the creative side, and would rather use what he knows to create than to discuss it with someone. He has a practiced hand with all sorts of tools, ranging from blow torches to nail guns, and can find a way to turn anything into a tool for creation.

Secrets: Truthfully, Seth feels like he will never escape Farpost. He loves his friends and family, but he would give up just about anything to be out of the town and in the big city. He knows that he may have to choose between his familiar life and his dream career, but he feels like the choice may be easier to make than his friends want to believe.

(Losts Of WIPness Ahead)


Name: Juniper Lockwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female


*To live by the Sea

*To graduate and go to college

*To marry someone she loves

Brief History: WIP

Favorite Memories: WIP

Greatest Fears:

Her fears are closely related with embarrassment and she really doesn't like to talk about them. Her fears are related closely to some trauma

Talents: She can play piano and clarinet beautifully and she is very smart.

Secrets: WIP


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