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Skyrim RP - With Iskolde


"Scotland Forever"

Saorat knelt at the edge of a small pool a little way to the east of Fort Greenwall, splashing the cool water onto her face and arms to wash away the filth and to keep her mind firmly in the present. Normally she hated water and would go out of her way to avoid it, but on days like this, she relished its ability to wash away all sorts of grime, though it could only penetrate so deep. The battle today had been a hard one, though none were ever easy. She wondered if it would always be that way, and trembled at the thought that it might not be. Many lives had been lost that day on both sides, many by her own hand. Was it worthwhile? Saorat justified it with the thought that she had saved many lives as well, the lives of her friends and comrades, and had contributed to a cause that would bring peace once again. But still, the thought continued to trouble her.

It was good to be alone in the darkening trees, however. The evening filled her with a sense of calm, and she felt less out of place than among the drinking Nords around the campfire. They were good people, and she cared about them, but there were still times she preferred to be left alone to forget about life's troubles. However, that was not to be tonight, as footsteps behind her broke the silence. She jumped, her nerves still on edge, but relaxed to see the swath of blue rather than red on the other's uniform.

"Saorat, you're ordered back to Greenwall immediately. Galmar's orders."

She raised an eyebrow at the message but didn't verbally express her confusion. Why in the world would he send for her? What had she done? The two weren't exactly on the best terms, apparently he didn't care for a common cat questioning his orders. She had learned proper etiquette shortly after their first encounter, though she persisted from sheer stubbornness for a week after. Finally, she had to come to terms with the fact that despite her personal feelings toward him, he was her commander and had to be obeyed, which she did. Most of the time.

With a sigh, she flicked the water from her paws and walked back to the fort. Upon entering the room, she expected to find him poring over a map, but instead, he was fiddling with something over in the corner. She took her place and stared straight ahead, stating "You called for me." He turned from the corner and faced her, revealing a bound elf in a Legate's uniform.

"I'm told you come from Riften. Is this true?"

She glanced over at the elf and back to Galmar, uncertain where he was going with the line of questioning. Besides, he knew she was from Riften. It was one of the several reasons he gave for why she wouldn't make it. It was also one of the reasons she refused to leave.

She opened her mouth to answer his question, but he interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"Good, so you know the land around here. You're to watch this fellow until arrangements can made about what to do with him. He is not to escape." He leaned forward and stressed the words, staring straight at her. "Do I make myself clear?"

She broke her eyes away from where they had been staring through to the back wall and focused them instead on his with a hard look. "Yes, sir. Perfectly."

With that, the officer swept past her and began barking orders at the others in the courtyard, and she took a seat opposite of the Legate, placing her bow across her lap. She would have liked to be able to have some peace and get some rest, but apparently Galmar had other ideas, and as much as she disliked him, she wasn't going to let him down.
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Legate Jareen Braven scowled behind the mask covering his face. This was not good, General Tulliis would surely down rank him if he got out of here alive, that is. The Nord man, which he assumed was the presider over this camp, had left him under the eye of a Kahjiit woman. A cat fighting for the dirty Stormcloaks! How dreadfully odd.

Jareen moved his hands slightly, making a gesture the the cloth covering his face. His eyes locked with the Kahjiit's,"Would you kindly pull this mask down so I may speak clearly?" His muffled voice filtered through the red bandanna. Jareen didn't like this, not one bit. He could've stayed quiet if he wished, he could've stayed quiet for quite a long while. But, he was curious about this cat. She intrigued him, interesting, no one ever seemed to be able to catch the interest of the silent Legate Braven.

(Sorry for the shortness. I'm on pain killers, they do not help my writing skills.)
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Saorat was surprised to hear the prisoner speaking to her. Typically, prisoners didn't speak to their captors, maintaining a stony silence no matter what. At least, that's what the Stormcloaks had done whenever they fell prey to the enemy, refusing to show any signs of fear or weakness. Saorat hadn't seen any Imperial soldiers but had assumed they would be the same way. The races of men seemed to insist that they never felt fear or anxiety, silly creatures. Of course, one couldn't succumb to these feelings, but it was silly to deny they existed. Maybe the elven folk were more sensible in this regard.

She set the bow aside and reached forward, but hesitated. Would she be breaking protocol to allow the prisoner's request? Guards usually ignored their charges as much as the captives ignored them. But it couldn't be easy to breathe through the bandana around his face, and what was he going to do anyway, shout her to death? A flicker of fear crossed her face as she recalled the rumors spread about Ulfric. She didn't believe them herself but wondered if the elf too had some sort of hidden power. No, that was foolish, and if it was true, then the mask would make no difference. Fear and rumor had caused enough trouble already, there was no reason for it to prevent honoring a simple request.

"Alright, but you're not to cause trouble... I'm responsible for you."

She didn't know why she said it, there wasn't much he could do in the present situation. But he wore an officer's uniform, he had to have done something to earn it. He would have to be watched very carefully... At least he was polite, a quality that many seemed to lack.
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Jareen smiled as the mask was pulled away from his mouth,"Thank you. That thing was not pleasant." He cocked his head to the side, eyeing the Kahjiit up. He's been surprised she had even acknowledged his request, much less granted it. All gear he may have had before then evaporated into curiosity towards this cat woman. Jareen was honestly quite glad she was assigned to watch him, the races of men were sometimes impossible to bear, especially those Nord fools.

"Tell me, what is a Kahjiit doing fighting for the Stormcloaks?" He spoke evenly, eyebrows raised. Maybe a Nord had saved her life, or her families, or something of the like. He find it hard to believe a Kahjiit would just randomly sign up with the rebels without reason, perhaps she just wanted to fight and unfortunately had chosen the wrong team to fight for. Still, either way it was all quite odd indeed.
Saorat inclined her head slightly to acknowledge his thanks, then resumed her place. She felt his confusion and curiosity, and returned his gaze without blinking. It had always annoyed her when others looked at her as though she was some sort of bizarre hallucination, but had eventually gotten used to it. Maybe she was an oddity, but finally, she was unashamed.

The question didn't surprise her either. There were times when she asked the same question of herself. For a long time, she didn't really know, but finally began to understand.

"Skyrim is my home. This is my family," she said simply, indicating the singing Nords outside. "They gave me a place to consider my own, one that I can be proud of. They fight for their hearth and home, and I fight for theirs as well."

Perhaps it was a strange reason, but it was the truth. True, she had joined simply for adventure and to not have to return to scrounging about, but she loved the people around her and was determined to protect them whatever the personal cost may be.

"I could ask the same of you. You're a long way from... Valenwood?"

Yes, surely it was Valenwood. That hunter in Riverwood spoke of it from time to time when she brought in pelts and meat to trade. He was an impressive archer and even taught her a couple tricks during her brief stay there. She would have expected one of those arrogant Altmer to get involved with the Empire, but considered the Bosmer to be a simpler, gentler folk.
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Jareen simply shrugged, moving his fingers about in a stretching motion. "I was born in Cyrodil, I only moved back to the motherland when I was ten. But, by then I was old enough to have experienced the place I was born in." Jareen shifted slightly in his seat, bringing a shoulder up to scratch at his ear. He didn't like to talk about his past, he didn't like to reveal anything about himself really.

Long ago when he was just a small child in Cyrodil, the constant teasing from the Imperial children about his race handed him, he grew a thick outer shell that protected him from the words of others. Jareen stayed silent after telling the Kahjiit woman of his origin, not wanting to reveal to much, they might be able to use that against him.
Saorat nodded in understanding at his description of home. It was a good feeling to travel to the land of your ancestors, but she felt that the land of birth held far stronger ties. Even in Elswyr, she had felt strange and out of place until she was able to return to Skyrim. Warm welcome she had received... The memory of her initial capture leaped across her mind, and she glanced over the elf's features to see if fate had turned the tables on them. He didn't seem familiar, but there had been little chance to memorize faces in the confusion.

But, no matter. She could understand the desire to protect your homeland, and if he considered Cyrodill his home she wasn't going to argue with him. She wondered if she hadn't grown up in the province if she would be where she was now. On the other hand, if she had lived in Solitude, would she be a Legionnaire? She trembled at the thought, it was beyond her imagination to think of the betrayal of those she now called friends.

The elf fell silent after a brief mention of his homeland, evidently reluctant to disclose more to the enemy. That had been part of the Stormcloaks' training as well, though generally less formal. It was especially frightening for those who ended up receiving their training in the field itself. Galmar would probably be back to question him later, or at least figure out how much the Legion wanted him back, so she didn't have to worry about worming information out of him now. The thought of it made her sick to her stomach, and she turned her mind to the soldiers outside. They were singing, and Saorat found herself quietly mouthing the words as well as she leaned against her seat.

"In your great honor we drink and we sing..."

The singers wouldn't be awake all night, of course, but while they remained it was a comfort to hear their voices. She knew that as of that moment, at least, they were safe and happy, and the Empire couldn't touch them. They had survived one more day and were ready to face the next.
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(Since I'm a dumbbunny and can't figure out how to make accordions work in the new system, I guess we will just have to work from this old one.

Jareen put thoughts of his homeland aside and instead focused on how in Oblivion he was going to explain to General Tullius and Rikke, how he'd managed to get himself captured. To be honest, he wouldn't be surprised if they told the damn Stormcloaks to keep him he obviously wasn't up to par. If he did get back, however, he prayed to Mara that he did not get stripped of his Legate title.

Jareen's eyes found their way back to the Kahjiit who was silently singing,"The Age Of Oppression" under her breath along with the others outside. He was tempted to start belting out the lyrics to "The Age Of Agression" just for his own amusement, but thought better of it.

Jareen scratched at his leg,"What's Ulfric like? I've never met the man, and quite honestly, I don't know why everyone on my side of the war hates him." He broke the silence with the random question. Jareen had always wanted to meet the man behind the Stormcloak rebellion, he was a man who preferred to hear both sides of a story in order to make a decision, but he'd never gotten the chance so he'd made a decision without it. Now, perhaps, he had te opportunity to change that decision. 
[SIZE=13.3333px]Saorat was surprised to hear the elf speak again. She had resigned herself to a long, dull wait with a sullen Legate glaring balefully at her the entire time, but it seemed as though she had misjudged. His mention of Ulfric surprised her even more, as many of the Legionnaires she encountered scarcely spoke his name, and when they did, it was with a spit and a curse. It was times like that when she had to fight to keep from clawing out their tongues for such insolence. Now that she had the opportunity to correct the misconceptions, however, she found it difficult to find adequate words. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]When she did begin to speak, it was with a voice of great respect and awe, though a small thread of fear lurked underneath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]“Ulfric… is a great man, a strong leader who loves his people and his lands. He has no quarrel with the Empire beyond what’s been forced, and he treats his men fairly. But he expects much. No, he expects everything. There can be no half-hearts in his army, nobody who could be bought and sold. Each soldier must be prepared to give everything they have. But they are prepared and much more, for he is dearly loved and respected. He gives no order he wouldn’t do himself - indeed, he has been seen fighting alongside his men even in the thick of battle - and is merciless to wrong. He will be a good king, one who knows his people, who has bled beside them… He will not bow to any foe or forget any friend. Goodness knows we will need it…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The last statement took her off guard, and she scolded herself for letting her concerns slip out. In the presence of an Imperial soldier, no less! She would have to watch her words more carefully, and hoped that no harm would come of it. Hurriedly, she spoke again to cover it up and keep the Legate from pondering the implications of it further.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]“I have only had the honor of seeing him a few times, but I know some who have met him often, and he spoke to me once. When I traveled to Windhelm to join the army, there were many who wouldn’t let me come near, because I was a ‘sneak’ and a ‘thief’, someone with no business in the city… But he let me approach, and he spoke to me without accusation. He wasn’t soft, mind you. He made it clear he wouldn’t tolerate anything less than the best, but he gave me a chance. When I took my oath, he looked straight at me and simply said ‘Make me proud.’ No threats, no warnings, just an order. Every day since, I have striven to obey it to the best of my ability, for it is an honor to do so.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The words spilled quickly and Saorat leaned forward as she told the tale, unable to hide the joy and pride she still felt from the encounter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]“He is a good man, I admire him greatly.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]True, she still regarded him with some measure of fear as well as awe, but it didn’t lessen her opinion of him, and there was no reason to share potentially incriminating information with the elf.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px](By the way, I meant to mention this, but weird editing messed it up. She's likely about to turn the question back and ask the same about Tullius, but I wanted to give you a little more time to respond to this bit before jumping into a new discussion. Also, do you already get notifs for this, or do you want me to keep tagging? I assumed that you would get them automatically, but wasn't certain.)[/SIZE]
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(@Iskolde - Hey, quick question. What have you been thinking about where we're going? I mean, there's obviously plenty of time for them to sit and talk (assuming Galmar doesn't decide that's breaking protocol or something), but I didn't know if you wanted to keep going with that line or bring up something else. Presumably, Galmar has sent word out to the Legion to make negotiations, but that could be a couple days and it isn't certain what the result would be. We could make that decision ourselves or flip a coin or something when the time comes. He also may decide to do a bit of questioning, which would put both characters in a bit of a spot, or perhaps could have to deal with a rescue attempt. (Hah! What if the tables got turned in the process? That would be something...) Anyway, I just was curious about your thoughts and the direction you wanted to go. I'm fine with this relaxed chatty thing if you are, but wanted to make sure you were still alright with it. (: )
Oh, hello thread that got lost in the abyss for some time. Anywho, I'm cool with whatever you want to do, we could do the rescue thing...maybe introduce some people that our friends with out characters? Perhaps something crazy like a dragon attack randomly happens and people freak out, allowing Jareen to escape in the process and Saorat has to chase him down? I don't know, I'm brain dead as of late. (Lack of sleep kills.) :P
(Yeah, sorry about that... I figured that had happened, but didn't want to bug you about it. I can tag you each time if that's easier for you. (If I remember.)

Ahh, yes, random dragon attacks... Isn't Skyrim wonderful? (x

That could work well! Do you want them to make it to the Legion camp, or get trapped/lost somewhere in the process, or what? I feel like it would be kinda counterproductive for him to escape, then get brought right back to where they started. I think that would really just bring things to a standstill because either he would be reassigned to somebody else or it would completely end any sort of conversation. I mean, as it stands, it seems as though the fact that they're technically enemies has kind of drifted to the back of the mind. (Unless that's what they want them to think!) It's still there, of course, but it isn't a tense standoff anymore. But I think a failed escape attempt would bring that up again and revert back to the sullen guard/angry prisoner thing.)

( @Iskolde Oops, forgot to tag you... Sorry about that. (x
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(@Iskolde Just gonna let you know I'll be going home this weekend, so I'll not be able to post after Friday afternoon. But, if you're still wanting to go, we can probably get something going between now and then. (: )

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