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Fandom Skyrim Roleplay

Depends, a few daedric artifacts from other games. (Example: *Insert plot here* and Wraithguard wasn't destroyed.), races that can't be played normally on TES and etc....
what about mods like Wheels of lull ( i liek to use the strange obscure lore and that fits with it)
Alright I'm up for it but I warn you my knowledge of the elder scrolls world isn't that great I've played both oblivion and skyrim and my memory is sucky so even then I might forget alot of details but I'll try my best and what I need to know Karcen will help me with I'm sure


Two questions: Would it be possibly to play a stealth oriented archer, that occasionally dual wields daggers/one handed blades (Probably steel, elven, or dwarven daggers) should the situation require melee combat?

My second question is, would it be possible to join the Dark Brotherhood?
Apex said:

Two questions: Would it be possibly to play a stealth oriented archer, that occasionally dual wields daggers/one handed blades (Probably steel, elven, or dwarven daggers) should the situation require melee combat?

My second question is, would it be possible to join the Dark Brotherhood?
Yes and yes :D

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