Skylar Livret

[SIZE= 22px]Skylar Livret[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 22px]The Storybook Princess[/SIZE]


Skylar is a middle aged teen of average wight and height. She has a slender build and a small bust. She doesn't wear glasses unless they are Gale-Force Reading Glasses. She has a pink Mermaid Heel guild logo on the back of her right hand. Skylar looks a lot like her mother. She has golden brown eyes, thin eyebrows, a small & cute nose, and long brown hair that goes down to her midriff. She typically wears a t-shirt that has an extra pair of sleeves, a skirt, leggings, and sneakers or boots. The patchwork skirt is one of her favorite things to wear since it was handmade by her mother. When weather gets colder she adds a jacket to her apparel and swaps out her skirt and leggings in favor of pants. Though sometimes she wears pants or shorts just because that's what she's decided to wear.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 134 lbs.

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Golden brown

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

- Kind

- Caring

- Wants to help

- Polite

Character Flaws:

- Shy

- Usually nervous

- Struggles with self-doubt

- Quiet


Losing memories of her mother

Losing comrades


Skylar is a shy and quiet girl. It takes her awhile to get used new people, but even around friends she acts nervous and shy, often pressing her index fingers together. She also tends to stutter when she talks, especially when she wants to talk about something and doesn't want to interrupt someone when she thinks they're busy. Skylar also struggles with doubt. She's quick to second guess her actions. Also if someone tries to compliment her she brushes it off by giving the praise to her Storybook Summons or stating that someone could have done it better.

Despite being shy, Skylar is extremely polite. She often puts "Mr." or Ms." with anyone's name who is older than her. Despite her struggles with self-doubt she's extremely willing to help out her comrades. She also wants to get stronger as a wizard so she can better help her comrades stay safe. After the rebel mage attack, Skylar fully realized what it meant to die after witnessing her mother's death. She misses her mother a lot and occasionally has moments of sadness because of it. She blames herself for her mother's death. If she had been a stronger wizard maybe she could have stopped it.


- Helping others

- Her Storybook Summons

- Her comrades

- Books

- Sweets


- Feeling weak

- Seeing comrades get hurt

- Public speaking

- Wizards that destroy things with glee


Skylar is the daughter of Mermaid Heel wizard, Brooke Livret. Skylar was born 9 months after a romantic fling with Brooke's then boyfriend, a wizard from Lamia Scale. Brooke was relieved to learn that she was going to have a daughter, since she'd be able to live with her at the Mermaid Heel guildhall. After Skylar's birth, Brooke's relationship with her boyfriend became strenuous as he wasn't allowed to visit inside the Mermaid Heel guild due to being a man and had too much pride to disguise himself as a woman. Brooke raised Skylar without the help of her now Ex-boyfriend. Brooke and Skylar quickly formed a familiar bond and maintained a strong relationship over the years.

Skylar grew up around a lot of strong women and her mother's Storybook Summons, though since they lived at the Mermaid Heel, Brooke only summoned the female Summons inside the guildhall. One of the prominent Summons Skylar grew up around was Cleopatra, a lioness lady that dressed and looked like she was from ancient Egypt in our world. While Brooke's other Storybook Summon's dutifully protected Skylar, Cleopatra was a little different from the rest because she seemed to naturally be thinking about Skylar's well being; making Cleopatra like a 2nd mother to the young Skylar.

When Skylar was 6 years old, Brooke wanted to see if her daughter had inherited her style of magic or the magic of her Ex. Brooke gifted her daughter a Storybook Summoner book called the Adventures of Tinkerbell. A proud, maternal smile appeared on her face as Skylar successfully summoned the small fairy girl. Brooke helped her daughter form a contract with Tinkerbell and began her daughter's training so that she'd be ready to act as a wizard when she was older. Skylar started her wizard life as a D-Ranked wizard when she was 12 years old. She was happy and excited that she was following in her mother's footsteps. Unknown to her calamity would strike about a year later.

Skylar was 13 when the rebel wizards started to attack. Brooke and Skylar where visiting Fiore at the time and soon found themselves in the crossfire of one of the first attacks. Brooke told her daughter to run and hide, but Skylar didn't and insisted that she could help fight. Skylar summoned Tinkerbell and tried to use Tink's Sleep Powder to cause the assailants to fall asleep. In the middle of her attack, Skylar was attacked by a rebel Ice-Make Wizard. Brooke's maternal instincts kicked in and she jumped in the way. Brooke's chest was pieced by the attack. As she started to bleed out, Brooke summoned all of her Storybook Summons, but excluded Cleopatra, and used them to keep the rebel wizards busy as she escaped with Skylar.

Minutes later, Brooke and Skylar ran into an ally. Skylar's mom then slumped over; this was as far away from the battle as she was going to get. Brooke pulled out her Tome of Cleopatra and urged her daughter to take it. While coughing up blood, Brook told her daughter to form a contract with Cleopatra. Skylar summoned and easily made a contract with the lioness woman. Afterward Skylar wanted to summon Tinkerbell and tell her to find help, but her mother passed away shortly after her contract with Cleopatra was finalized. Cleopatra urged Skylar to run. With tears streaming down her face, Skylar escaped the fighting with Cleopatra's help and returned to the Mermaid Heel guildhall. After all of the fighting was over, Skylar read through the names of the deceased. She quickly flipped to the Mermaid Heel list, skipping the Lamia Scale list and her father's name, and started to cry when she found her mother's name. Brooke's death was real, it hadn't been a long nightmare.

Skylar was reclusive for a couple of days as she grieved. Tinkerbell tried to cheer her up with her mischievous pranks, but none of them got Skylar to laugh. Cleopatra's maternal nature and the support from the other Mermaid Heel mages helped Skylar get through the heaviness of her grief. Skylar joined the Mermaid Heel section and vowed to become a stronger wizard. Over the last three years she has worked her way up to C-class and has given herself the wizard title of Storybook Princess, a phrase that her mother used to lovingly call her.

Section: Mermaid Heel

Character Rank: C-Rank


"I...I just want to make the world a better place. I...If I can..."


"I...I want to be a strong wizard my mother was."

Magic Ability: Storybook Summoner Magic - Like Celestial Spirit Magic, but uses books and allows the user to summon storybook characters.


Storybook Summon: Cleopatra: A spell that summons Cleopatra into Earthland.

Cleopatra's Spells:

  • Flame Claws: Cleopatra uses her fire magic to create flames around her claws.
  • Cat Scratch Fever: Cleopatra slashes at her opponent multiple times. If used as a mid-range attack the slashes great crescent shaped energy projectile. If combined with her Flame Claws technique, the projectiles are made out of fire.
  • Ankh Blast: Cleopatra generates a mid range fiery projectile shaped like an Egyptian Ankh.
  • Ra's Fire Barrage: Cleopatra generates a medium sized fire orb that looks like a miniature sun and it fires small fireballs until the orb is depleted.


A humanoid lioness Storybook Summon that is 6 feet tall. She has the body proportions of a curvaceous and mature human woman in her 30s. Fur covers her body. She has lioness ears, tail, and nose (even though her nose bridge is more human shaped). Cleopatra has regal black eyebrows, blue eyes with animalistic pupils, black braided hair, and has black Egyptian styled makeup around her eyes.  She wears traditional clothing from ancient Egypt, golden sandals, and gold arm bands below each shoulder. She also wears gold jewelry in her hair, around her neck, and scarab headband.


Personality: Cleopatra is a regal and queenly woman. She's serious minded, kind hearted, and maternal toward her wizard master, Skylar. She is trying to help Skylar blossom into a confident young woman/wizard by being an encouraging and comforting maternal figure. Cleopatra is protective of Skylar and will fight like a fierce lioness in order to protect her, her friends, or the innocent. She hates seeing Skylar cry and only get's more determined to fight her hardest at the sight. She also can be a tad bit overprotective of Skylar; for example, she'll growl at someone if she thinks they said something insulting about her master.

Storybook Summon: Tinkerbell: A spell that summons Tinkerbell into Earthland.

Tinkerbell's Spells:

  • Pixie Dust: Tinkerbell generates a powder that gives people the gift of flight. Can be a little disorienting at first if you aren't used to it.
  • Sleeping Powder: Tinkerbell generates dust that can cause people to fall asleep.
  • Itching Powder: Tinkerbell generates dust that causes people to itch all over.
  • Fairy Bomb: An offensive technique where Tinkerbell generates dust that creates small explosions.


Tinkerbell is a small fairy Storybook Summon that is 5 inches tall. She has an average build for a slender girl in her mid teens. Tinkerbell has blonde hair held in a short ponytail by a green scrunchy, thin blonde eyebrows, big blue eyes, and a small pointy nose. She wears a green dress that has a leaf-like shape at the bottom and green slippers with white poofy stuff on them.


Personality: Tinkerbell is a playful fairy with a bubbly personality. She doesn't like to see people sad and will try to cheer them up. Tinkerbell is easily bored and likes to use her abilities to remedy her boredom. She can be quite mischievous if bored enough and occasionally uses her abilities to set up pranks. She's bad at playing innocent if her prank succeeds. In battle she's determined to do what she needs to despite her lack of offensive power. If she's ordered to go get help, Tinkerbell will do whatever it takes to get a comrades attention, including being a pest.
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