• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ♦Skittlez♦


Dazed And Confused

S ♦ K ♦ I ♦ T ♦ T ♦ L ♦ E  Z



This roleplay is like a bag of skittles - you won't know what you're going to get. 

I will set the basics needed to start off (setting, ground rules, etc) but the rest will be your own creation.


S ♦ E ♦ T ♦ T ♦ I ♦ N ♦ G


State: Los Angeles, California

Year: 2017


R ♦ U ♦ L ♦ E ♦ Z


1) No Godmodding - Yes, your character can be a God or Goddess, but no, they cannot be all powerful.

2) Be respectful, don't be a dick.

3) If you're going to kill someone's character off, give them a heads up first.

4) One paragraph replies minimum - My biggest pet peeved is short, shallow responses. Tell me what your characters feeling, their thoughts, what little quirky habit do they have. Anything other than - "Okay, "Jane said. 

5) Have fun!






Character Sheet


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