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Realistic or Modern Skins Roleplay





''We are the kids your parents warned you about''

Welcome to Bristol, England. Home of the young, wild and free. A group of college students creating memories, some bad and some good. Drama is created, along with romance and everything possible.


  • Charachters are unlimited but you must have a male made for every female. I don't want the ratio to be fucked up.

  • If roleplay turns to sexual, please fade to black.

  • Swearing, mention of drugs and drinking will be mentioned so don't join if you are sensetive to that. But, it is a Skins roleplay so what do you expect?

  • Have fun!

  • Bullying outside roleplay will not be tolerated.

  • I want your characters to be your own. Don't copy looks of the actual skins characters.

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Kevin laid on the couch in his living room, watching one of those weird reality show about cheap shoppers or something. He wasn't really paying attention to be quite honest. He was just usuing the tv as background noise. He flicked through photos on his phone to pass time. His two twin brothers were playing some match down the country somewhere and his dad made a mini holiday out of it and stayed over night to watch them. Kevin wasn't really interested. Free house or a stupid family trip? What would you pick? He clicked into the groupchat which was created ages ago with his friends, 'Free house, anyone interested in coming over? No booze so someone will need to pop out and get some ' He texted and send.




Alistair stared into the well-stocked refrigerator, analyzing all of his choices. Leftover pasta, fruit, yogurt...more fruit. Fruit was not going to satisfy the hunger caused by his high. He searched the cabinet next to the refrigerator and found a bag of unopened crisps. Perfect. He retrieved the bag and rushed in the direction of his room. A slim hand stopped him before he made his escape. "Ali, more junk food? Why don't I make you a nice fruit salad?" His mother was scowling, she knew how to make him feel guilty.

"Uhhh-" Luckily Alistair's phone buzzed before he had the chance to respond.

I accept. I can bring some rum but that's all I have. Alistair hit the send button and handed the bag of crisps to his mother. "Actually, mum, I'm gonna go over to Kevin's to study for that history exam. I'll grab a salad on the way or something."

Before she could reply Alistair was already up the stairs and in his room, shoving a bottle of rum into his backpack. He rushed back downstairs and out the front door, avoiding his mother's gaze. When he was far enough from his house, he lit a cigarette and inhaled. It always felt good to get away from the prying eyes of his parents.
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Ashley Ray was in the pub with her older sister and her friends. Laughing loudly at a joke one of them said, she felt her phone go off. 'Wonder who that is' She thought. She was not much of a social media person, and it was rare you'd see her on her phone. She noticed Kevin's ID on the phone and the message of a free house. Perfect. ''Hey, I better be off..'' She said to them. She grabbed her glass of drink, gulping it down quickly before exiting the pub.

She walked down the streets of Bristol. She could feel the stares of a few people. ''Problem?''She growled at a group of girls, one of them she thought was familiar from college. She watched as all the girls shook their heads and their eye contact went straight to the floor. Ashley had a bit of of a bad reputation when it came to running her mouth and fighting. She'd like to think she wasn't afraid of anyone.

She spotted an off license. 'Did Kevin have drink?' She thought to herself, but decided maybe it was best to get some incase. She walked into the off license. A unfamiliar face was working there. Usually she got what she wanted in here because she'd flirt with the man who works here so he never asked for ID. ''Hey babe'' She greeted, waving lightly. 'Babe really?' She thought in disgust to herself. She walked over to the end of the off license and grabbed a pack of beer and a bottle of vodka. She honestly is going to be broke after this. She made her way back up to the counter, ''That is all'' She said, placing it on the counter for him to scan.

''ID?'' He asked.

Ashley arched her brow at him, ''Quite offended. ''She said, chuckling, ''I forgot it in the car. I just look twelve'' She told him.

''I need your ID'' He repeated again. He didn't seem to budge.

Knowing he wasn't going to change his mind. Ashley decided to bring up the owner. ''I'll be telling my boyfriend, Jonathan , you know, your boss about this. ''She said, smirking as she picked up her drink and began walking out, quickly speeding up as she got closer to the door. She didn't buy for a single thing. But he didn't seem to be that bothered since he wasn't running after her.

''Fuck sake, Kevin. Why did you have to live on a hill?'' She groaned to herself, carrying the box of beer under her arm and vodka bottle in her hand. As she was walking, she spotted Alistair walking same direction. ''Hey Alistair, didn't you know smoking was bad for you?'' She grinned at him.



Bibi Bourelly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.0822042a8bc8ebfa835fdcb39330805d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.0822042a8bc8ebfa835fdcb39330805d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yelling could be heard through the halls of Bibi's apartment complex, joined with a few smashing bottles and you could almost call it a regular morning in the Ole Bourelly house. Their bickering was always about the same old things, why he wouldn't go get a job, why she was a 'whore' the whole shebang. Unlike other days the argument didn't last long, receiving a text from Kevin to come over which she gladly accepted.

Grabbing a bag she filled it with whatever drinks were around her and a few pills she found scattered on the kitchen table. Her father still yelling at her about God knows what as she left the apartment. Kevin's house was only a short walk away, arriving in a matter of minutes. Now she could take the completely logical way and knock on the door but being Bibi she wasn't the most logical person. Finding a nearby open window she smiled and climbed through, knocking a few things over followed by the usual yelled Fuck. Straightening herself up she looked around and groaned.
"Get the fuck down here Kevin! I didn't rummage through my dads bottles just for you to sit upstairs all day and do God knows what!" Bibi yelled as she got out the bottles and pills, placing them on the kitchen counter as she waited.




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Minutes went by slowly. If you could die from boredom, Kevin would of died long around. He flicked through every channel there was and nothing caught his eye. He heard lots crashes downstairs in the kitchen which caused him to jump. ''What the fuck?'' He whispered to himself. He heard familiar voices of Bibi which caused him to chuckle.

''I swear you better not have broken anything!'' He shouted as he began exiting his room and making his way downstairs. The place was actually clean for once. He was stupid to invite this crowd over because it'll be ruined in no time.

As he entered the kitchen, he noticed a few things knocked over. He was right. Place is going to be ruined. ''You've only been here about ten seconds and you've messed the place up'' Kevin joked. He picked up the things, setting them back into their place. When he was done, he leaned against the fridge and watched as she removed the drink from her bag. ''And your first guest in the Murphy household. '' He teased, flashing his pearly white teeth as he grinned brightly at her. @Aio
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Bibi Bourelly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.ebe4bdcc2c770c4a1fb21b59e076c27a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.ebe4bdcc2c770c4a1fb21b59e076c27a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bibi rolled her eyes as she heard Kevin complain about making a mess.
"Calm down. Nothing that can't be fixed." She said nudging one of the fallen items with the tip of her shoe. Looking back at him Bibi chuckled as she tossed a couple pills his way before she went in search of his bottle opener. "Pick your poison. Might I suggest the benzo or focalin?"

Finding the opener she popped a bottle open and took a swig as she sighed, leaning against the counter to look at him.
"Good more drinks for me." She chuckled, truth be told she was already slightly drunk and couldn't remember the last time she was sober but fuck it, she was seventeen she had the rest of her life to be sober.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fae0e70_cher1.gif.206e6b59eb862d6e254c3a1a6ed72252.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fae0e70_cher1.gif.206e6b59eb862d6e254c3a1a6ed72252.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Camilla was sitting at home on her leather couch, she was scrolling through channels, rolling her eyes at some of the kids tv shows she use to watch as a kid. The only one she could never roll her eyes at was Spongebob. It was one of her favorite things to watch as a kid and now. Camilla could just watch it for hours. But then her phone vibrated.

Taking out her phone she checked the group chat and grinned, texting quickly, "I'll be on my way ass hats. Just be aware, that this time, I'm going to be partying hard!" Camilla always says that when she goes to these hang outs. But its true. She can be the one who you can always find in the morning on the couch with a thing of vodka in her hands.

Camilla stood up and grabbed some of her pills from the medicine cabinet and some things of liquor from her parents stash. Now she was ready to go.

Before walking out the door she realized she was still in her pjs. Dropping her stuff Camilla ran up stairs and changed into her tight black crop top with high waisted shorts and cheat-a print heels. Now she was out the door.


Camilla was now at Kevin's house. Without thinking twice, she opened the door and quickly surprised her friends with a squeal, "I'm here ass hats!!!"​



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Taylor Murray


Taylor was propped up in bed after a long shift at the bar, shooting through her Tumblr feed. As she was scrolling she began counting her teeth. There were 32 teeth total in the human mouth, but the last time she had counted she had totaled up to twenty eight. Granted she had been on a heavy dose of Xanax and hash oil, which might have messed up her counting a bit...

"Well..." She muttered, "Somebody's horny.." She acknowledged the porn on her dash as she continued to swipe her thumb down the screen. A text popped up from Kevin.

'Free house, anyone interested in coming over? No booze so someone will need to pop out and get some'.

Pausing for a moment, her thumbs hovered over the screen as she contemplated if she should leave her bed or not...

She didn't have much booze left, only enough for her anyway... And her cat - Alice - was laying on her feet.

She decided to text him back, Fine... I'm coming... But Alice won't be happy about it. >:3 I don't have much booze left... but I have bud and oil...

As she hit send she turned to Alice, "Alright cat, time to get up." Alice's eyes flashed open and she meowed loudly in protest. Taylor grabbed the covers and ripped them off as she swung her legs off the side of the bed. Alice leapt to the side and shook her head violently, staring Tay down for a moment.

"Sorry, hun." Tay shrugged and dropped to her knees, looking under her bed and grabbing the small wooden box under her bed. It contained her weed and her hash oil in it. Throwing it in her backpack she grabbed her longboard and headed out the door.

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Kevin glanced down at the pills which Aio handed over. Kevin was all about having a good time, but fine line between being stupid and having fun. Kevin usually takes pills but he's usually intoxicated when he does. ''I think I'll leave the drug supply with you, but maybe later. ''He chuckled, passing up the offer. Kevin grabbed a bottle of beer which she brought, waiting till she was done with the bottle opener and used it. He felt his phone vibrate twice in space of ten seconds. ''They must of just got my text'' Kevin said. He clicked into Camilia's text, laughed softly to himself. ''What is with Camilia and the whole 'ass hat'' thing?'' He laughed, showing Bibi the text. Once he was done, he opened Taylor's text also. 'Bring the cat' He texted her back. Obviously he was joking, but he wouldn't be surprised if Taylor actually did bring the cat.

Kevin heard the familiar squeal of Camila. ''Least someone knows how to use a door'' He said, arching his brow at Bibi before making his way to the front door to greet Camilia. ''Bibi is just in there.'' He told her, closing the door for her behind her. ''I think Ashley , Alistar and Taylor are on their way. I know Ashley is probably going to be the last to arrive, she always dies coming up that hill'' Kevin chuckled. He made his way back into Bibi in the kitchen. ''I didn't hear from Austin. The rich I'm uncultured is probably sipping tea at the white house or some crap right now''

@QueenOfDisaster @Aio @mephistopheles

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb21d6c_cher4.gif.b320763e8790db6dd656a245dc0ba014.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb21d6c_cher4.gif.b320763e8790db6dd656a245dc0ba014.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Camilla laughed and rolled her eyes at him, "Oh he'll be here I'm sure. You know that country boy knows how to get down and dirty." Camilla handed her bag over to him, "Now, I don't know where you want the 'stuff'," Camilla giggled, "Just put it anywhere. A model always knows where to get more of this crap. Camilla then raised her eyebrows and quickly clapped her hands together, "Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Camilla laughed, "I have another southern joke!" Camilla walked up the stairs as she was talking and trying to control her laughter, "You know those southerns, probably drinking their moonshine and tipping over cows!" Camilla said in her best southern accent.​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb2a06d_luke1.gif.c5ccd8729b86b75910b853fa2aa25b9f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb2a06d_luke1.gif.c5ccd8729b86b75910b853fa2aa25b9f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Austin was currently hanging around the stables. He was taking care of his horse and what not. His horse was named, "Tips"... Weird name for a horse, but back then Austin thought it was the most cutest name for a horse.

As Austin was just done taking care of Tips today, he cleaned himself up and checked his phone for any notifications, "Ey, tips!" Austin patted Tips head, "I"m guessing I'm gonna have to head over to a little friendly get together." Austin quickly replied to the text saying, "Yeah, yeah, sorry I didn't respond in time. Me and ole Tips here were bonding... Without drugs and/or liquor. But, I'll be there in a snap... No... Don't worry... I won't ride Tips there like I did last time." Austin shot the text out onto the group chat then got into his jeep and drove over to Kevin's house.

He had his country music up high and all the windows rolled down. He just loved country music... Always brought him back home.

Finally he made it to Kevin's and knocked on the door louder than you can scream "neigh". Austin obviously didn't mean to knock that loudly. He just has strong arms.​



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Kevin started removing the drink from her bag and placed it on the counter next to Bibi's drink. He left the bag laying on the counter seeing as no one would touch it anyway. ''Yeah, him and Alistar will probably be here soon'' He said, ''Don't wanna look like such a ladies man, you know'' He teased. He knew deep down he'd be lucky to get a girl like them both though. Kevin listened as Camilla went on about her southern joke. They were pretty bad, but of course he was going to encourage her. Only reason he really laughed was how bad it was, ''Good one, Camilla. I'm sure Austin would love that one'' He said, taking a sip of his beer. He glanced over at Bibi when Camilla wasn't looking and mouthed ''That was terrible''. @QueenOfDisaster @Aio
Bibi Bourelly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.3ab3ba09d5d3122b4a1e39dfc9f06c07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4333793ee1af3badab93b8441ccffa6f.jpg.3ab3ba09d5d3122b4a1e39dfc9f06c07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bibi stuck her tounge out in response to Kevin subtly telling her to use the door. "I make life more interesting. Plus when the cops come you'll wish you could climb out a window as easy as I can." She taunted, sticking her head out the door to see Camilla and chuckled. "Camilla please stop with the accent your killing my ears." She joked as she acted as if she were dying. Laying on the floor for a few moments before getting back up and grabbing her beer.

Bibi nodded in agreement with Kevin. Jumping up when she heard a loud knock on the door and sighed. "Well Austins here!" She said though did not make an effort to move, instead she leaned on Kevin and chuckled. "Don't pull that ladies man crap with me. You and I both know you like it." Looking back at the door she started to yell. "Use the window you big idiot!"

@irl000 @QueenOfDisaster



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Kevin heard the loud knock at the door. ''Is everyone trying to break my house? ''He joked, ''First, we had you coming in the window and knocking everything over and now- '' He began, making his way over to the door as he swung it open to reveal Austin. ''Now we got this hillybilly trying to knock down the door '' He looked back at Austin as he stood in the doorway, ''By the way, hey Austin'' He said with a grin. After he came inside, he closed the door after him. He made his way back into the kitchen with Bibi. This place was going to be destroyed by tonight. And he could tell the neighbors probably already have about forty noise compliments send into the police station. ''Beer?''He offered Austin. @Aio @QueenOfDisaster


Hearing a familiar voice, Alistair turned around and spotted Ashley huffing and puffing up the hill. The sight of his friend made him smile. He took one last drag on his cigarette before flicking it to the ground and snubbing it out. "You sound like my mum!" He laughed as he approached her and took the box of beer from under her arm. With a wink, he hefted it up onto his shoulder and started to jog up the hill.

When he reached Kevin's house he knocked on the door but didn't wait for anyone to let him in. "I've got booze and weed! Didn't buy this beer though, took it from Ashley as I passed her on the hill. So really....I just brought rum. And weed. Is the gang all here?" He set the box of beer onto the floor and leaned against a wall to catch his breath.

@irl000 @QueenOfDisaster @Aio
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As she arrived she noticed more and more people starting to show up. Suddenly a small gathering was turning into a trashtastic party. Taylor smirked as she went over to the door and knocked on it. Turning the knob with her hand she notices the door was open and she walks straight through.

"I'm home bitches." A small chuckle escapes her lips as she takes a look around the room.
Ashley felt the relief off her shoulders when the beer was taken out of her hands. She still clutched onto the bottle of vodka. "Maybe you should listen to your mum wear more" Ashley teased, but she was one to talk.

She noticed Alistar started to jog up the hill which caused her to groan. "Dickhead!" She shouted as she huffed to herself.

Couple of minutes later, she leaned at Kevin's house. Seconds after Taylor. "I would make an entry like Taylor right now but I'm too out of breath" She panted. She closed the door behind her as she followed everyone into the kitchen."And this dickhead left me to conquer the hill on my own" She said, glaring at Alistar. She noticed all the bear gathering on the kitchen counter so she offered herself one and took one. "Anyone have a beer open?" She asked, looking around the place.

(I apologise, I'm currently only my phone so I can't use gifs and replys are probably tiny)

Kevin left the beer he offered for Austin on the counter. He heard a knock at the door which he began walking towards, but Alistar made his way in. "We've got plenty of booze and Bibi and Camilla have some pills" he told him. As he was about to turn around and make his way back to kitchen, but Taylor made her way in. "Hey Taylor, everyone is in the back" He told her. Seconds later, Ashely arrived. He couldn't help but laugh. That hill always killed her. "Maybe lay off the junk food and her fit" He teased her
Bibi Bourelly

Bibi watched as everyone flowed in from outside, think of how much easier it would be if they just used the widow once in awhile. "Here Ashley." She said popping open one of the beers she brought, going up and handing it to her before looking over at Alistar, shaking her head." I thought I taught you better. Making a lady carry her own beer? How rude." Bibi joked before taking another swig of her drink but finding it empty. Honestly she didn't know how she could drink so fast, it just happened.

She opened herself another beer and sighed as she leaned against the counter to watch everyone else as the filed in. All their loud entry's reminded her of why they were friend, they were all loud and annoying. She popped a few pills and dat down on the couch before realizing she left her beer on the counter and groaned. Raising her hands and she opened and closed her hands. "Kevin would you be a dear and get my beer for me? Please?" She whined, not really making an attempt to get up.

@irl000 @QueenOfDisaster @Opalite @mephistopheles
"Hey Taylor, everyone is in the back." Kevin said to her and Tay smirked, placing her longboard down and walking towards the kitchen.

"-- get my beer for me? Please?" Bibi whined to Kevin.

"Hey, Bibi my baby." She smiled, grabbing the open beer on the counter and passing it to her.

"Now where's the hard liquor?" Tay muttered, searching through the collection of alcohol on the counter. She found a bottle of Jameson and a smile tugged at the edge of her lips. Perfect. Grabbing a red solo cup she filled it with the liquor and took a long sip.

Exhaling, Tay takes a look a look around; meandering, she made her way to the backyard and opens her backpack pulling out a full sized bong.

"I'm smoking if someone wants to join me." She shouted to the rest of the group. Packing up the bong she takes a seat on the lounge chair and lights up.
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Alistair smiled at Ashley and squeezed her into a bear hug, "I might be a dickhead but I did carry your beer for you. I think that counts for something." He placed the contents of his backpack on the kitchen counter with the rest of the stuff. A lighter, a bag of weed, and a full bottle of rum. He opened a beer and drank it almost instantly before pouring some rum into a cup. "Pills? Someone place three into my mouth but don't tell me what they are. I want to guess!"

@irl000 @Aio @QueenOfDisaster
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