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Fandom Skaven In Warhammer 40K



Elder Member

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away ratmen preformed great experiments of magic and science on a limitless power source of pure magical chaos that they had no true understanding of. It was not suprising that they had a city to lose in doing this, but that they still had cities to lose.

It was not uncommon for them to level their own cities, in fact skavens greed for the warpstone was both the first and second most common cause of skaven death. With trying to murder everything skaven and non skaven having fell into third place. However chaos by it's very nature is not always bad for you, sometimes it is very very good for you, in order to be very very bad for someone else. It is not that random chance could ever favor the skaven, and in truth it never really did, a society built around a magic cancer rock has flushed away their luck for beautiful insanity. Rather though, random chance can use the skaven as a terrible luck of the draw for someone else, which looks quite near luck for the skaven but do not be confused it will cause them as much suffering as any other path.

The skaven lost a city to this great experiment, however the skaven of this city found them in the bottom of another world. A world of steel and concrete and several trillion humans. What is the small clan to do, well the only thing they ever do of course. Go to war with everything and shove magic exploding cancer rock into everyones face until they win.

So that was a lot of un-needed waxing poetic. It was an attempt at setting a certain tone. I want to play this game with a bit of humor. If you can't laugh at turning humainty into slaves and shoving magic cancer rock into a tank gun to see what happens, then what can you laugh at?

I will probably make a discord for it at some point after player selection. For now this thread will remain empty until turn one.
Please go read OOC and Sheets if you wish to submit a PC to try to conquer the imperium with,

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