Sitka Wilmur

Name: Sitka Wilmur


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Age: 32

Gender: Male

Field of study: Mechanical, Metallurgical, Astronautical and Nuclear engineering. Meteorology and space sciences. (All of these really go into two degrees, but they’re the areas his expertise goes into)

Bio: Sitka was an engineer for NASA. He was salutatorian when he graduated at Columbia University in New York, with his bachelor’s degree. His high GPA and academic awards landed him a job offer with NASA. Enthused at arriving at his dream job, he did well with the company. Despite his success, and his natural talent as a mechanical engineer, he wanted to follow his further interests in space science fields and went back to school at the Texas A&M university so he could continue his work with NASA.  At age twenty-eight he earned his PhD in engineering, and continued his course work another year to finish his secondary degree in metallurgical engineering.

Shortly after he and the team he was with in NASA made a break through in electromagnetic propulsion system and was recognized with high awards. Sitka was approached by the U.S government for a job in one of their specialized departments, and upon accepting the position Sitka found himself deep within the walls of Area 51. Amazed and highly motivated and challenged by all the projects and information previously unknown to him he has done well, and has been completely satisfied working there. 

When the meteors hit around the U.S, there was a sudden buzz around Area 51 than Sitka has seen before. He is as fascinated as he is horrified by what has happened to these people, and he wants to everything he can to help cure them. He doesn’t believe these powers can be without side effects or that they are a good thing. Having seen first hand in NASA what radiation and first hand exposure to elements and unknown effects of space do to human beings, he worries there will be a much greater problem if they can’t figure out what has changed them on such a biological level so quickly.

Personality: Sitka has placed such a focus on his education and career that he often forgets to take a break. He’s not good at balancing work and a personal life, and so the latter has fallen to the wayside since he took his job at NASA. Sitka is very watchful, and he stays quiet unless a stimulated conversation arrises and he can’t help himself but join in. He’s a very focused man and quite the pessimist. He’s the worrier and it constantly looking at what can fall apart, in order to keep things from doing so. He has quite the soft spot for the amazing, new AI that lives in Area 51 Foust, and is always happy when he is granted the chance to look at Foust or tinker with anything to do with him. He also finds Foust’s personality quite easy to be around without becoming distraction because Sitka doesn’t perceive Foust as having any expectations of his interactions. 

Rank: Level 6

Family: Sitka is a single child, and his parents lived in upstate New York, and are still alive since they weren’t in NYC or part of the destruction.

Significant other: Single, broke up with his ex Amy when he accepted his position as a scientist for the government and was transferred to Area 51.

(I imagine this is what his ID badge picture looks like:)

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