Simply Another Introduction


Unlucky Member
Hello! Levels here. So I'm a newcomer to the Nation, but I'm certainly not new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for nearly eight years. I'm coming off a bit of a hiatus, so I may be rather rusty at the start. I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things shortly though. The genres I've always enjoyed most are slice of life, romance, family, adventure, fandom, dystopian, and futuristic. The majority of my characters tend to fall somewhere in the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I'm in the L category myself. My favorite fandoms to roleplay are Sherlock, Once Upon a Time, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.
You had me at romance and slice of life XD Well hi there! If you see my posts around, don't be afraid to reply if any of my ideas interest you <3

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