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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

(Yup. It's morning correct?) 

Else Hyland

Else had been staring at her swirling ceiling fan for longer than she wanted to originally. When blue eyes finally found their way over to the digital alarm clock positioned on her nightstand she groaned. In a final effort to actually get out of bed, she heaved herself off the mattress and swung her feet over the edge of the bed onto the cold wood of her bedroom floor. Hissing at the cold now shooting its way up her foot she retracted her feet from the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest. A long sigh escaped her before she found the strength to return her feet to the wood. In two long and sluggish strides she was at her attached bathrooms door and a door knob turn later she was inside, pulling the black tank top she'd worn to bed over her head and turning on the shower.


40 minutes later

[SIZE= 14px]Its honestly had never taken Else very long to get ready. This was about as long as she put into it every day. Already clothed in a simple gray t-shirt and jeans she was in the living room searching for the lost keys to her car. Else didn't know where the hell she was going but she figured she should do something besides laying around all day. The keys were nowhere to be found and she was beginning to get frustrated, she could've sworn she left them on the next to the front door when she'd come home from practice last night. But, unfortunately, they were no longer there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Caleb! Did you take my keys!" Else shouted at her fifteen year old little brother, who was most likely still asleep comfortably in his bed. Combat boot clad feet began carrying her in the direction of his room when she was surprised by a muffled answer from said little brother. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"They're on the kitchen table. I took the car to get my back pack, I left it at the school." Caleb responded, his messy head of blonde hair poking out from behind his door to point in the direction of the kitchen before disappearing back inside. Else rolled her eyes and pivoted around back toward the kitchen where she found the keys laying on the table. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Thanks, don't take my car again without asking, idiot! Tell mom and dad when they wake up that I went to get breakfast!" Else shouted as she exited the Hyland family home. She grimaced at the sun, breakfast it was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@ Anyone [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px](Else will be at some random diner that serves breakfast if you wish to interact with her.)[/SIZE]
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Joseph was already sat at the diner already sipping on a Pepsi to get him going in the morning as he watched a girl walk in. He motioned for her to sit with him as she would've ended up waiting five minutes anyway, plus he hadn't ordered yet.

(most depressing response to your post @Iskolde)

[SIZE= 20px]Else Hyland[/SIZE]

Else had been off in her own little world whene the blonde boy sitting at the counter motioned for her to sit with him. The movement had almost gone completely unnoticed by Else. But, thanks to the gift that was peripheral vision, she'd seen his offer and kindly excepted, sliding into the stool next to him with a smile. One side off her mouth pulled up higher than the other, an odd quirk in her facial expressions. Else offered the boy her hand to shake, introducing herself in a surprisingly lower voice with hint of gravelyness.

"Thanks, felt kinda awkward just standing there. The names Else." 


(It's quite alright, hun, my intro posts are always sort of long.)

Evan K.


The morning's light crossed the windows of his room as he leaned forward,touching his forehead lightly to the glass. The only times that Evan bothered to move was when his view became too blurry from the soft breathing coming out of his nose. Turning around,he allowed his eyes to adapt to the sudden change of light. He never hurried himself. That seemed pointless when he had nowhere to go. He pulled random dark clothes from his wardrobe,taking a quick moment to wonder about the last time he had bothered to actually pick an outfit. The last time he cared. He takes a quick look at the mirror before running one hand through his hair and leaving the bathroom. The black mass that he loosely calls a hairstyle was hopeless. It was always completely messy,pointing everywhere. That used to bother him.




He walked inside the dinner,not really talking to anyone. People seemed to be nervous around him. Apparently he stared too much,but that was mostly curiosity. He liked to know people,even if they didn't care to know him. The few real friends he had seemed to understand that. His eyes quickly drifted to two people in the dinner,making a quick evaluation of them before he dropped down in a table by himself. 


"They seem nice. Overly nice. Could be fake. They aren't leaning towards each other or speaking with the tone with familiarity. Strangers? Maybe."


Mentioned: @Iskolde @LoneSniper87
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@Daniel reaving

"Mmm. Sweetie, I don't want to ruin this lovely moment but I'm hungry. I'll buy you some breakfast, if you like". Abella sat up a little, moving her hair away from her face. 


Why hello again, puddin'. I'm sure you know the drill...


"So... you want to keep kissing"?

Samantha smiled as she sat in abellas lap straddling her waist as she smiled at her. "Alright love." She said with a smile but made no attempt to move off of her
Name: Alec Lysander Garett

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing at 5'11" and 175 lbs, Alec has dark brown hair which is swept to the left and moss green eyes behind his glasses. He has a slight tan and a lean body. 

*Anything spicy or sweet
*Taking a stroll

*Nosy people
*Getting woken up for no reason
*Being told what to do
*Winter season

Do they like school?: Not really, more like he tolerates the idea of it.

Sports: Swimming and basketball.

Relationships: Not interested at the moment.

Crushes: None.

Extra details: 

Alec is the type of person who prefers to blend into the background and not draw attention to himself. He does things at his own pace. At first, he might seem a bit cold and sarcastic but really, it's just his way of getting used to the idea of another person. He might not seem like it but he's a good listener. He rarely gets angry and tends to avoid conflict whenever he can. Once he warms up to someone, he becomes playful and he smiles more often.
(I see the fact I mentioned a five mimute wait went unnoticed by @Florence lol)

 "Joseph Walker." He said, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." He added. "You go to school nearby?" He asked. "Oh, and breakfast is on me, so no worries." He said, a small grin appearing.
Alec woke up to the smell of burnt eggs, coming from the kitchen, as slight annoyance crossed his features. 'That idiot did it again... when will that kid ever learn?' He pushed away his covers as he sat up and swung his legs to the side of the bed, before he stood up and walked out of his bedroom. He made his way downstairs, scratching at his stomach as he covered his mouth with a hand, and went towards the kitchen. He stared blankly at the person at fault, looking down at their handiwork. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, cocking an eyebrow, "You know very well I can cook, right?"

The person squeaked in surprise as she slowly faced him with a guilty expression, paired with a nervous laugh, "Hehehe, sorry, did I wake you up?" She glanced at the sad remains on the pan before shifting her gaze back to him. He sighed and walked towards her, placing a hand on top of her head, "Not really, I needed to go anyways." He shrugged with one shoulder, nudging her from the sink in order to clean up the mess. "You go take a bath first while I take care of this." The girl was about to open her mouth to say something else but quickly shut up and let out a resigned sigh, murmuring okay as she quietly followed his instructions.

He began to make quick work on scraping the burnt egg off the pan and dumping it off the garbage, before he cleaned up the mess that was left behind. He glanced at the clock, which read 7:30, 'Just enough time for a quick shower.' 

Fifteen minutes later, he was all clean, wearing a black shirt under a red plaid long sleeve, to which he rolled the sleeves to his elbow, and denim pants. He went downstairs to the living room and put on his shoes there. He waited a few moments until the girl emerged from the room, wearing a blue dress with white polkadots and doll shoes. He took the keys and with that, they went off.
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Alec led the little girl towards the garage where he kept the bike, making her look at him with wonder-filled eyes, "You're finally going to let me on your bike?" She chirped, unable to keep her excitement from her voice, to which he replied with a lazy smirk and a shrug, "Yeah, going to get us there faster so we might as well. But just so we're clear, this is a secret between the two of us and you have to hold on, else we're walking, got it?" She nodded enthusiastically, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!! It's a deal!" She grinned widely, revealing a missing front tooth. The brunette just chuckled as he passed her a kid-sized helmet and put on one himself before he took off the kickstand and mounted, keeping the motorcycle straight with his legs. He then picked up the giggling little girl and placed her in front of him, before he placed the key on the ignition and turned it on, glancing at the parameters as he held on, "Ready? Then hang on." He slowly released the lever and drove through the familiar route, being mindful of his speed as not to jostle the child. What he could have done in five minutes, he extended two-fold. 'I might as well, since I don't think they'll be all too happy to know that I let a seven-year old ride on a motorcycle.' He turned to a corner and slowed down considerably as they got closer to their destination. Finally, he stopped in front of a homely diner.
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