Silver Lake Institute and Research Center

Kat Attack

| Wasted You†h |




(Picture or description is fine)


(You don’t have to give everything away. Leave room for character development)

Extra: (Anything else you feel is important)

Please wait for my approval before posting in the main thread, thanks.
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Dahlia Jones






Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)



Dahlia has very heightened emotions. She takes a long time to recover from serious incidents and can become angry, happy or devastatingly sad in the click of a finger. She often thinks about suicide and is very morbid. The only positive of her personality, is that if she is happy, she can stay that way for a long time if it is undisturbed by bad news. Her mood swings are often put on display, and she enjoys attention. She self harms, not to kill herself, but simply because she wants someone to notice-to see that she is hurting. She strongly desires intimacy; she wants someone to love her, but her wild and unpredictable behaviour can be off putting. Also, regardless of the fact of whether she likes someone or not, she can go from loving them, to having an intense hate against them. She often feels as if everyone around her is conspiring against her, and has theories that she is constantly being watched. She is also a hypochondriac, which means she will call an nurse many times a day, telling them that she has an illness.


Dahlia was brought up by her cruel, spiteful Mother. Her Father abandoned them both before she as born, and she became hateful of her Mother at a young age. Basically growing up on the streets, because she detested living with her Mother so much, she became very sensitive to people's words and at the age of fourteen, she made her first suicide attempt. She tried to drown herself in the bath, but her Mother kicked down the locked bathroom door before there was a fatality. She was admitted to an institution and was released five months later, where again, she over-dosed on aspirin and vodka. Being in and out of institutes, she became more and more unstable and eventually lost it again, suffering major head injuries after jumping off of a bridge near her home. Inevitably, she was locked up again, this time for two and a half years. On her return home, she was found making incisions on her arm with the zip of her coat in the back of her cab. Again, she was admitted to hospital, but more permanently, this time.


Dahlia has tried to kill herself four times.

In a previous institution, she bit off a part of her own skin, thinking that she had, 'lost her bones'.

SpectroVector said:



Dahlia Jones






Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)



Dahlia has very heightened emotions. She takes a long time to recover from serious incidents and can become angry, happy or devastatingly sad in the click of a finger. She often thinks about suicide and is very morbid. The only positive of her personality, is that if she is happy, she can stay that way for a long time if it is undisturbed by bad news. Her mood swings are often put on display, and she enjoys attention. She self harms, not to kill herself, but simply because she wants someone to notice-to see that she is hurting. She strongly desires intimacy; she wants someone to love her, but her wild and unpredictable behaviour can be off putting. Also, regardless of the fact of whether she likes someone or not, she can go from loving them, to having an intense hate against them. She often feels as if everyone around her is conspiring against her, and has theories that she is constantly being watched. She is also a hypochondriac, which means she will call an nurse many times a day, telling them that she has an illness.


Dahlia was brought up by her cruel, spiteful Mother. Her Father abandoned them both before she as born, and she became hateful of her Mother at a young age. Basically growing up on the streets, because she detested living with her Mother so much, she became very sensitive to people's words and at the age of fourteen, she made her first suicide attempt. She tried to drown herself in the bath, but her Mother kicked down the locked bathroom door before there was a fatality. She was admitted to an institution and was released five months later, where again, she over-dosed on aspirin and vodka. Being in and out of institutes, she became more and more unstable and eventually lost it again, suffering major head injuries after jumping off of a bridge near her home. Inevitably, she was locked up again, this time for two and a half years. On her return home, she was found making incisions on her arm with the zip of her coat in the back of her cab. Again, she was admitted to hospital, but more permanently, this time.


Dahlia has tried to kill herself four times.

In a previous institution, she bit off a part of her own skin, thinking that she had, 'lost her bones'.

Accepted. Love the back story; very emotionally in depth. A great character to start things off with.



Name: Mabel Royce (Yes, sometimes I recycle names because I just like them so much.)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Disorder: PTSD / Depression

Mabel has long brown hair and icy light blue eyes that bring out elegance in her pale skin. She has a very small thin frame, seems to be underweight. She is very average in height for her age.

Personality: Mabel was once described as the life of the party. She was quick to make friends and had plenty of them. Everyone describes her as loveable, sweet, and caring; always putting someone's needs before her own. Mabel was seen as a pure hearted girl. However, after the accident Mabel became very depressed, usually isolating herself from everyone. She stopped having contact with her friends, losing most of them as the weeks followed. Mabel often feels guilt and regret from the past, and can hardly control her emotions anymore.

Bio: Mabel grew up living the 'American dream.' She had a wonderful mother and father who supported and loved their only daughter to the ends of the earth. They lived in a large suburban home, complete with white picket fence. Mabel aspired to become a prima ballerina, having started lessons as soon as she could walk. She was one year away from going off to college to pursue her dreams.

Yet, one afternoon, her father had been working in the garage. Gas fumes clouded the garage, leading a potential danger. Mabel was told to leave the garage door open as she left for ballet class. Starting her car she had forgotten her shoes in the basement. She ran back inside to grab them, stopping to talk to her parents that had been painting the basement stairwell. The fumes caught spark from her running car, causing a massive explosion. Mabel watched in horror as the first floor collapsed, killing her parents before her eyes. She had been trapped in burning homes basement for some time before being rescued by the fire department.

Three weeks later she was committed to Silver Lake.

Extra: Mabel has stitches under her right eye that follow along her cheekbone, stopping at her hairline. This was a result from falling debris in the accident. She’s very self conscious about it, and will hardly make eye contact.




Dr. Andrew Tate






Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

His disorder is hidden, as no one has ever discovered it.


Andrew thinks everyone adores him. He has the illusion that he is perfect, and everyone around him knows it. He thinks he is God's gift to women, and will often flirt with fellow nurses, and has had many affairs with patients; taking advantage of their naivety. He exaggerates his talents and often flaunts the fact that he is a certified Doctor. He believes that he is special; a gift to humanity, someone who everyone should respect and basically bow down to. He has an extreme lack of empathy, and cannot respect others' feelings. He often believes that other men or women are envious of him. He has also been known to laugh at some of the patients. He despises people of a different ethical background and is severely racist.


He was brought up with rich parents. They never really took notice of him and he was basically ignored throughout his childhood. As he grew up, he attended boarding school and he decided that the only way to live up to his Parent's inhumanly high expectations was through becoming successful. He did just that, and as he was a part of a very wealthy and respected family, no one expected that he would be mentally ill. In his teens, he bullied people on the streets, to the points where his friends felt uncomfortable being around him and he was simply abandoned. He rarely hears from his parents, but he carried on his work as a Doctor as he feels it makes him superior; he can perform medical, some times painful, treatments on unwilling patients.


He is a Doctor.

He killed his childhood pet dog with a sharp stone in the woodland outside of his parents mansion.

SpectroVector said:



Dr. Andrew Tate






Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

His disorder is hidden, as no one has ever discovered it.


Andrew thinks everyone adores him. He has the illusion that he is perfect, and everyone around him knows it. He thinks he is God's gift to women, and will often flirt with fellow nurses, and has had many affairs with patients; taking advantage of their naivety. He exaggerates his talents and often flaunts the fact that he is a certified Doctor. He believes that he is special; a gift to humanity, someone who everyone should respect and basically bow down to. He has an extreme lack of empathy, and cannot respect others' feelings. He often believes that other men or women are envious of him. He has also been known to laugh at some of the patients. He despises people of a different ethical background and is severely racist.


He was brought up with rich parents. They never really took notice of him and he was basically ignored throughout his childhood. As he grew up, he attended boarding school and he decided that the only way to live up to his Parent's inhumanly high expectations was through becoming successful. He did just that, and as he was a part of a very wealthy and respected family, no one expected that he would be mentally ill. In his teens, he bullied people on the streets, to the points where his friends felt uncomfortable being around him and he was simply abandoned. He rarely hears from his parents, but he carried on his work as a Doctor as he feels it makes him superior; he can perform medical, some times painful, treatments on unwilling patients.


He is a Doctor.

He killed his childhood pet dog with a sharp stone in the woodland outside of his parents mansion.

Accepted, and in love with him already.


Chloe Garcia || Thirteen || Female

Disorder: Multiple Personality Disorder


Chloe is rather quiet and shy most of the time. She doesn't get along well with other people and often feels very lonely, when her other personalities aren't around. She's also very anxious- she has a bad habit of chewing holes into the sleeves of her sweaters. She's a very picky eater and doesn't like many types of food. She's easily frightened or intimidated. She thinks of her other personalities as brothers and sisters.

Cassandra is incredibly chatty and excited about absolutely everything. She's a bit of a girly girl, as she loves shopping and clothes and shoes. She often criticises the other personalities for their lack of fashion and likes to wear lots of make-up. She can be quite frustrating to the others, as she often runs amok in stores. She's even stolen a few things before. She likes boy bands and celebrities and read dull romance novels.

Malik is the more malicious personality as he's often snappy and rude towards other people. He likes to yell and run around and destroy stuff- he's also gotten Chloe into trouble more than once. He's very arrogant and confident in himself. He's impulsive and a little bit sadistic. He appears to hate everybody.

Lyra is the "youngest" of the personalities. She acts like a child; she's easily bored, she likes to make friends with other people and is a bit of a drama queen. She adores sugary food and eats a lot of cake. When she talks, she tends to lisp a little and has an irritating tendency to pronounce things wrong- especially the word yellow, which she pronounces "lerrow". She often sucks her thumb.

Patch is probably the most normal of the personalities. He's very intelligent and sensible but sometimes a little sarcastic. He is easily irritated by stupid people or annoying people. He drinks a lot of tea and has a British accent- he is the only personality to have an accent. He's terrified of germs and avoids public bathrooms like the plague.


Chloe had always wished for siblings- older and younger- because she disliked being an only child. Her mom did try to have more children but all of them died in the womb. Chloe never had many friends either due to the fact that she was a rather quiet child. When she was nine, Chloe was in a car crash where both her parents died. Obviously, she was taken in by her aunt and given counselling to help her over the loss of her parents. Her counsellor soon began to notice something odd.

Sometimes, Chloe was her regular quiet self that said barely anything. But other times, she was louder and more chatty. Sometimes, she was ruder and more sarcastic. Once or twice, she was even downright scary. Soon, these personalities got names and it went on from there.

Eventually, Chloe was put in the institute because her aunt was very concerned about what these personalities were doing; some of them were rather reckless and wild and kept getting her into trouble. Chloe is aware of the other personalities existing but she does not see her condition as a disorder. She thinks that the personalities are her unborn "brothers and sisters" that got trapped inside her body.

Her other personalities may or may not develop "backstories" of their own.​
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]


Chloe Garcia || Thirteen || Female

Disorder: Multiple Personality Disorder


Chloe is rather quiet and shy most of the time. She doesn't get along well with other people and often feels very lonely, when her other personalities aren't around. She's also very anxious- she has a bad habit of chewing holes into the sleeves of her sweaters. She's a very picky eater and doesn't like many types of food. She's easily frightened or intimidated. She thinks of her other personalities as brothers and sisters.

Cassandra is incredibly chatty and excited about absolutely everything. She's a bit of a girly girl, as she loves shopping and clothes and shoes. She often criticises the other personalities for their lack of fashion and likes to wear lots of make-up. She can be quite frustrating to the others, as she often runs amok in stores. She's even stolen a few things before. She likes boy bands and celebrities and read dull romance novels.

Malik is the more malicious personality as he's often snappy and rude towards other people. He likes to yell and run around and destroy stuff- he's also gotten Chloe into trouble more than once. He's very arrogant and confident in himself. He's impulsive and a little bit sadistic. He appears to hate everybody.

Lyra is the "youngest" of the personalities. She acts like a child; she's easily bored, she likes to make friends with other people and is a bit of a drama queen. She adores sugary food and eats a lot of cake. When she talks, she tends to lisp a little and has an irritating tendency to pronounce things wrong- especially the word yellow, which she pronounces "lerrow". She often sucks her thumb.

Patch is probably the most normal of the personalities. He's very intelligent and sensible but sometimes a little sarcastic. He is easily irritated by stupid people or annoying people. He drinks a lot of tea and has a British accent- he is the only personality to have an accent. He's terrified of germs and avoids public bathrooms like the plague.


Chloe had always wished for siblings- older and younger- because she disliked being an only child. Her mom did try to have more children but all of them died in the womb. Chloe never had many friends either due to the fact that she was a rather quiet child. When she was nine, Chloe was in a car crash where both her parents died. Obviously, she was taken in by her aunt and given counselling to help her over the loss of her parents. Her counsellor soon began to notice something odd.

Sometimes, Chloe was her regular quiet self that said barely anything. But other times, she was louder and more chatty. Sometimes, she was ruder and more sarcastic. Once or twice, she was even downright scary. Soon, these personalities got names and it went on from there.

Eventually, Chloe was put in the institute because her aunt was very concerned about what these personalities were doing; some of them were rather reckless and wild and kept getting her into trouble. Chloe is aware of the other personalities existing but she does not see her condition as a disorder. She thinks that the personalities are her unborn "brothers and sisters" that got trapped inside her body.

Her other personalities may or may not develop "backstories" of their own.​

Accepted and very impressed with your character.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Accepted and very impressed with your character.

Thank you. I worked so hard to impress you, Senpai.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/acne-treatment-boys.jpg.fbd8ea2ced56bf8ffdba94e27cfc5d2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/acne-treatment-boys.jpg.fbd8ea2ced56bf8ffdba94e27cfc5d2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Blake Mathews






Reactive Attachment Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder


Blake is full of lies. He doesn't follow the rules and is constantly irresponsible. Hes very impulsive and never thinks ahead. Hes very aggressive to other people in his life. He cares not for what his actions may do to others emotionally or physically. When his ears are greeted with kind words he simply ignores them. The boy is very ignorant of any caretaker and will not show them any type of affection. He will at times hurt, mistreat and steal from others. He will never be able to connect with anyone that is his caretaker. Even through all of this if your ever to truly reach him. You'll find a boy that will only care for those who have been able to break through his iron wall of self boundaries set by his brain.


Blake Mathews was raised by nothing. His home was an orphanage. An orphanage that ignored the children in every way. Except necessary things such a food and water. So when the time came for his adoption, the disorders were already in place. When his new caretakers tried to give him comfort or affection he simply ignored them and that's how it went through his teen years. His adoptive parents thought something was wrong with the boy, but they truly didn't know. So when the boy, attacked his teacher. Then the parents knew there was something wrong with the boy. So they shipped him off to institute.

(Anything else you feel is important)



  • acne-treatment-boys.jpg
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"Call me Mr. Rumi!"

Rumiko Junhong


"I was mistaken for a high schooler last week..."

Twenty Six


"I'll take you asking as a compliment."



"It's gotten better though, the voices have died down."







"I'd hate to talk about myself but..."

Rumiko was given his nickname 'Sunshine' while growing up with great reason, every student in each of his classes having known his personality immediately as he walked through the door with a large crooked grin as he serenaded them.

Sunshine is very kind hearted and loyal to those around him, his sweet and gentle persona coming naturally with anyone he comes acrossed. He's a childish boy who if described to a stranger they'd likely imagine he were thirteen or perhaps twelve. He is barely seen without a smile and its known that being serious is a difficult task for him, though if his job asks for it he is capable of doing so. Rumiko is rarely angered, the task of irritating him next to impossible though that doesn't mean he is hard to frustrate just like anyone else he can lose his cool, he simply has a lot of patience due to his past lifestyle.


"I felt it, I experienced it. We literally felt each others pain."

Rumiko was born in North Korea beside his twin brother Shoya, literally. The therapist had been borne attached to another human, he and his brother were conjoined twins and though this case their mother didn't wish to separate them even when their father had left their mother at the sight of them. The twins were connected by their torsos, blessed with their own set of legs, own hearts, and their own pair of lungs. The rest of their organs, cramped conjoined bones and arms were all they shared.

And they saw no wrong.

They grew up as other children would, and were just beginning to attend school when the harshness of life occurred. He and his brother fell victim to the fierceness of ammonia, Rumiko believes that he'll never feel such flaring pain ever again. The once easy task of breathing had become difficult, especially when his brother began to weaken. Sunshine through large breaths for air would encourage his brother to continue fighting, that he did know and understood what he was feeling. And he did, for he felt it, it coursed through him like his own blood.

Though in the end, it was useless. In an act of quick thoughts the doctors had separated them even when Rumiko pleaded otherwise. The rest of their organs, cramped conjoined bones, and arms were all they shared. Though that familiar statement was ended when, after hours of surgery, Rumiko woke up. Alone. His mother had chosen him over his brother, mainly for the reason of the large gap of health differences, how much his brother was struggling to simply breath and supply oxygen to his heart ending the debate.

After this incident Rumiko and his mother moved to the current location in hopes of forgetting their old lives. Though the voice in Sunshines head wouldn't allow him to forget, one after another voices began to compile themselves into the boys head not allowing him a spare moment of peace. The loudest of the voices was always his brother, even when he was dead Rumiko could hear his voice, tempting him with different things and choices. When mentioned to his mother Sunshine began attending more counseling and therapy, and has supposedly improved greatly. But these experiences drove him to want to be a therapist and help those that may struggle like him.


"Quick facts!"

Rumiko has terrible health, and can often be found sick. Medication is always at hand for him.

Rumiko has only one arm, his right.

Rumiko has a major sweet tooth.

Rumiko is A-Sexual, never one to think about love.

Dresses fairly formally, he has a love for bow ties.

The Akolite] [CENTER] [B] [ATTACH=full]91109[/ATTACH] [/B] [B] Name[/B] [B] Blake Mathews[/B] [B] Age[/B] [B] 19[/B] [B] Gender[/B] [B] Male[/B] [B] Disorder[/B] [B] [/B][URL=" said:
Reactive Attachment Disorder[/URL] and Antisocial Personality Disorder


Blake is full of lies. He doesn't follow the rules and is constantly irresponsible. Hes very impulsive and never thinks ahead. Hes very aggressive to other people in his life. He cares not for what his actions may do to others emotionally or physically. When his ears are greeted with kind words he simply ignores them. The boy is very ignorant of any caretaker and will not show them any type of affection. He will at times hurt, mistreat and steal from others. He will never be able to connect with anyone that is his caretaker. Even through all of this if your ever to truly reach him. You'll find a boy that will only care for those who have been able to break through his iron wall of self boundaries set by his brain.


Blake Mathews was raised by nothing. His home was an orphanage. An orphanage that ignored the children in every way. Except necessary things such a food and water. So when the time came for his adoption, the disorders were already in place. When his new caretakers tried to give him comfort or affection he simply ignored them and that's how it went through his teen years. His adoptive parents thought something was wrong with the boy, but they truly didn't know. So when the boy, attacked his teacher. Then the parents knew there was something wrong with the boy. So they shipped him off to institute.

(Anything else you feel is important)
Accepted of course.


SkyFilms said:



"Call me Mr. Rumi!"

Rumiko Junhong


"I was mistaken for a high schooler last week..."

Twenty Six


"I'll take you asking as a compliment."



"It's gotten better though, the voices have died down."







"I'd hate to talk about myself but..."

Rumiko was given his nickname 'Sunshine' while growing up with great reason, every student in each of his classes having known his personality immediately as he walked through the door with a large crooked grin as he serenaded them.

Sunshine is very kind hearted and loyal to those around him, his sweet and gentle persona coming naturally with anyone he comes acrossed. He's a childish boy who if described to a stranger they'd likely imagine he were thirteen or perhaps twelve. He is barely seen without a smile and its known that being serious is a difficult task for him, though if his job asks for it he is capable of doing so. Rumiko is rarely angered, the task of irritating him next to impossible though that doesn't mean he is hard to frustrate just like anyone else he can lose his cool, he simply has a lot of patience due to his past lifestyle.


"I felt it, I experienced it. We literally felt each others pain."

Rumiko was born in North Korea beside his twin brother Shoya, literally. The therapist had been borne attached to another human, he and his brother were conjoined twins and though this case their mother didn't wish to separate them even when their father had left their mother at the sight of them. The twins were connected by their torsos, blessed with their own set of legs, own hearts, and their own pair of lungs. The rest of their organs, cramped conjoined bones and arms were all they shared.

And they saw no wrong.

They grew up as other children would, and were just beginning to attend school when the harshness of life occurred. He and his brother fell victim to the fierceness of ammonia, Rumiko believes that he'll never feel such flaring pain ever again. The once easy task of breathing had become difficult, especially when his brother began to weaken. Sunshine through large breaths for air would encourage his brother to continue fighting, that he did know and understood what he was feeling. And he did, for he felt it, it coursed through him like his own blood.

Though in the end, it was useless. In an act of quick thoughts the doctors had separated them even when Rumiko pleaded otherwise. The rest of their organs, cramped conjoined bones, and arms were all they shared. Though that familiar statement was ended when, after hours of surgery, Rumiko woke up. Alone. His mother had chosen him over his brother, mainly for the reason of the large gap of health differences, how much his brother was struggling to simply breath and supply oxygen to his heart ending the debate.

After this incident Rumiko and his mother moved to the current location in hopes of forgetting their old lives. Though the voice in Sunshines head wouldn't allow him to forget, one after another voices began to compile themselves into the boys head not allowing him a spare moment of peace. The loudest of the voices was always his brother, even when he was dead Rumiko could hear his voice, tempting him with different things and choices. When mentioned to his mother Sunshine began attending more counseling and therapy, and has supposedly improved greatly. But these experiences drove him to want to be a therapist and help those that may struggle like him.


"Quick facts!"

Rumiko has terrible health, and can often be found sick. Medication is always at hand for him.

Rumiko has only one arm, his right.

Rumiko has a major sweet tooth.

Rumiko is A-Sexual, never one to think about love.

Dresses fairly formally, he has a love for bow ties.

Accepted! Once again, I am thoroughly impressed with all the characters and their amount of personal depth.


Dahlia Jones (SpectroVector)

Mabel Royce (Kat Attack)

Chloe Garcia (Fallen from Heaven)

Blake Mathews (The Akolite)


Andrew Tate (SpectroVector)

*coming soon* Garrian Everett (Kat Attack)


Rumiko Junhong (SkyFilms)



*coming soon* Brittany Low (Kat Attack)


If everything here looks correct, we can begin. Others can catch up within time. I know a few people are ready to start, and it would be cruel of me to withhold their "creative juice."


Posting the starting thread sometime tomorrow!


"you can not ever call me by my last name, not under any circumstances , I will find you"

Orchidea D'Egidio






Bipolar II disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder


dark brown hair with red at the bottom, a little tanned, blue eyes


"I'm a great person to be around ,really pretty and bla bla bla......"

she is really arrogant, but don't dare ever say that to her

most of the time: she is really friendly ,but not very social. she mostly waits for the other people to come to her ,unless she is really really interested in talking to the other person. she loves arts and crafts and is quite good at it ,but you mustn't come close if she is busy because if one of her ideas doesn't come out like she wanted it to...she freaks out and goes on a rampage. you don't want to be there, believe me. she is really easily triggered. she knows it all. she is confident she does.


once triggered: it depends on what is triggered. depressive episode ;all self-esteem is gone, doesn't sleep, eats or to much or nothing at all, think constantly of death, can't concentrate on one thing.

deflated episode; has no energy after 10 hour sleep, eats nothing but gains weight, feels worthless but isn't depressed, doesn't want to do anything.

hyper episode; can do everything at the same time, only needs 3 hour of sleep a day, feels the pressure to keep talking, starts singing out of nowhere (she isn't the best singer), her thoughts race trough her head creative-stream ,increase in goal-directed activity, does thinks on impulse without thinking about it with very bad consequences

manic episode; RUN, RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!! all sanity is gone, doesn't sleep till she finds the person who did this to her, homicidal thoughts and actions, unreasonable, anything in the way of her actions


"none of you damn business"

Orchidea's family included; 3 brothers, 3 sisters, her mother, her father, her two aunts, and her grandpa. they all lived in a small cottage in Italy. she learned early in her life that family means everything, that's why the whole family had to stay together in one place, because they don't have enough money to have there own home. and everybody had to work, to keep the family alive. Orchidea tried hard to do her best and make enough money, but no one wanted to employ her, she got made a few cents a day begging out on the streets. all the people in her village were poor and didn't have a lot of money to spare. then Orchidea started showing early sighs of Bipolar. there was no one else in her family that had any disease or disorder, so they took her to a doctor, and he confirmed it. they didn't know what to do with her. they didn't have the money for medication. so they sold her to some rich landlord living in silver lake. Orchidea was forced to work for him, she had to clean the house, if the whole house wasn't perfectly clean he would keep hitting her till it was. she couldn't do anything to him because he paid her family for the work she did, she had to keep working, for them. but the guests.... there a whole different story. they didn't matter no one would care if she would just release some anger on them, would they? nah... any guests that triggered her... would get what they deserved, if you walked over the just cleaned floor making it dirty again... well. let's just say they... disappeared and no one heard of them again. the landlord didn't really mind, as long as no one asked questions and he still gets they're last rent cheque. that worked for quite some time, but a year later someone "accidentally" dug in the wrong place. the minute news got out her landlord turned her in. to avoid him being a suspect. the trial was short ,they immediately locked her up. the cells were so dirty she was going crazy, she kept getting grosser cellmates, because they "kept on ending up dead" for some reason. she never liked any of the prisoners, they called her "pretty girl" only because someone is clean, doesn't mean you have to be mean to them. just before Orchidea turned fully insane, one of the guards told her they looked at her case again and she can be dismissed ,but she does have to undergo treatment at Silver Lake Institute and Research Center. she taught for awhile, by then they gave up on partnering her up with new cellmates. so she had her own room here and it was super clean. for some reason still she accepted the offer, but there was one last thing she wanted to know. would there be other people with problems, like her there? are they able to treat her? so she packed her stuff and came to the institute.



"every thing needs to be clean, clean, clean"

cleaning, being dirty is not an option (after the janitors leave she cleans the whole building again, to be sure everything is nice and tidy)

"say a time anytime I'll be there, and don't you dare be late"

punctuality, right on time, always

no one but her sets foot in her room (the owners may not know it ,but she had extra locks set so no one could ever get in)

"other peoples opinions are more important than mine, as long as they love me I love me"

everything for her reputation, if people don't like her she often gets depressive episodes

don't call her by last name ,family is dead to her, and her landlord called her miss D'Egidio


she has a pocket watch tattoo on the right side of her shoulder​
hugepegasisfromooo said:


"you can not ever call me by my last name, not under any circumstances , I will find you"

Orchidea D'Egidio






Bipolar II disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder


dark brown hair with red at the bottom, a little tanned, blue eyes


"I'm a great person to be around ,really pretty and bla bla bla......"

she is really arrogant, but don't dare ever say that to her

most of the time: she is really friendly ,but not very social. she mostly waits for the other people to come to her ,unless she is really really interested in talking to the other person. she loves arts and crafts and is quite good at it ,but you mustn't come close if she is busy because if one of her ideas doesn't come out like she wanted it to...she freaks out and goes on a rampage. you don't want to be there, believe me. she is really easily triggered. she knows it all. she is confident she does.


once triggered: it depends on what is triggered. depressive episode ;all self-esteem is gone, doesn't sleep, eats or to much or nothing at all, think constantly of death, can't concentrate on one thing.

deflated episode; has no energy after 10 hour sleep, eats nothing but gains weight, feels worthless but isn't depressed, doesn't want to do anything.

hyper episode; can do everything at the same time, only needs 3 hour of sleep a day, feels the pressure to keep talking, starts singing out of nowhere (she isn't the best singer), her thoughts race trough her head creative-stream ,increase in goal-directed activity, does thinks on impulse without thinking about it with very bad consequences

manic episode; RUN, RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!! all sanity is gone, doesn't sleep till she finds the person who did this to her, homicidal thoughts and actions, unreasonable, anything in the way of her actions


"none of you damn business"

Orchidea's family included; 3 brothers, 3 sisters, her mother, her father, her two aunts, and her grandpa. they all lived in a small cottage in Italy. she learned early in her life that family means everything, that's why the whole family had to stay together in one place, because they don't have enough money to have there own home. and everybody had to work, to keep the family alive. Orchidea tried hard to do her best and make enough money, but no one wanted to employ her, she got made a few cents a day begging out on the streets. all the people in her village were poor and didn't have a lot of money to spare. then Orchidea started showing early sighs of Bipolar. there was no one else in her family that had any disease or disorder, so they took her to a doctor, and he confirmed it. they didn't know what to do with her. they didn't have the money for medication. so they sold her to some rich landlord living in silver lake. Orchidea was forced to work for him, she had to clean the house, if the whole house wasn't perfectly clean he would keep hitting her till it was. she couldn't do anything to him because he paid her family for the work she did, she had to keep working, for them. but the guests.... there a whole different story. they didn't matter no one would care if she would just release some anger on them, would they? nah... any guests that triggered her... would get what they deserved, if you walked over the just cleaned floor making it dirty again... well. let's just say they... disappeared and no one heard of them again. the landlord didn't really mind, as long as no one asked questions and he still gets they're last rent cheque. that worked for quite some time, but a year later someone "accidentally" dug in the wrong place. the minute news got out her landlord turned her in. to avoid him being a suspect. the trial was short ,they immediately locked her up. the cells were so dirty she was going crazy, she kept getting grosser cellmates, because they "kept on ending up dead" for some reason. she never liked any of the prisoners, they called her "pretty girl" only because someone is clean, doesn't mean you have to be mean to them. just before Orchidea turned fully insane, one of the guards told her they looked at her case again and she can be dismissed ,but she does have to undergo treatment at Silver Lake Institute and Research Center. she taught for awhile, by then they gave up on partnering her up with new cellmates. so she had her own room here and it was super clean. for some reason still she accepted the offer, but there was one last thing she wanted to know. would there be other people with problems, like her there? are they able to treat her? so she packed her stuff and came to the institute.



"every thing needs to be clean, clean, clean"

cleaning, being dirty is not an option (after the janitors leave she cleans the whole building again, to be sure everything is nice and tidy)

"say a time anytime I'll be there, and don't you dare be late"

punctuality, right on time, always

no one but her sets foot in her room (the owners may not know it ,but she had extra locks set so no one could ever get in)

"other peoples opinions are more important than mine, as long as they love me I love me"

everything for her reputation, if people don't like her she often gets depressive episodes

don't call her by last name ,family is dead to her, and her landlord called her miss D'Egidio


she has a pocket watch tattoo on the right side of her shoulder​



Dahlia Jones (SpectroVector)

Mabel Royce (Kat Attack)

Chloe Garcia (Fallen from Heaven)

Blake Mathews (The Akolite)

Orchidea D'Egidio (hugepegasisfromooo)


Andrew Tate (SpectroVector)


Rumiko Junhong (SkyFilms)


*coming soon* Garrian Everett (Kat Attack)


*coming soon* Brittany Low (Kat Attack)

In case you missed it, the first post is up!
I was looking at the roleplay recruitment and I'm seriously dying because I'm so stinking obsessed with Red Band Society it's unhealthy. May I join, pretty pretty please?!
I had started the CS before you said anything xD


Neverlynn Jane Moore


Seventeen years





Dissociative disorder

Compulsive liar




Very outspoken and is herself around the others, but when in the real world she's quiet and shy. She's always humming or singing and she's very good.


When Never was young, she was in a car accident, she doesn't remember anything before but she knows it was bad. If she brings it up to her mother, she bursts into tears. After realization that she would never know Neverlynn began to make up stories to fill in the blanks, which has led to her being a compulsive liar.
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Suzette said:
I had started the CS before you said anything xD


Neverlynn Jane Moore


Seventeen years





Dissociative disorder

Compulsive liar




Very outspoken and is herself around the others, but when in the real world she's quiet and shy. She's always humming or singing and she's very good.


When Never was young, she was in a car accident, she doesn't remember anything before but she knows it was bad. If she brings it up to her mother, she bursts into tears. After realization that she would never know Neverlynn began to make up stories to fill in the blanks, which has led to her being a compulsive liar.
Skyler Horan






Bipolar Disorder


Selective Mutism



Skyler has dark brown hair and freckles that line his high cheekbones, he has generous lips, long thin fingers, milky white skin and
startling blue eyes.


Skyler has bipolar disorder. Skyler is usually very guarded and quiet, face a stoney mask of brooding boredom, the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome due to the different assortments of medication the hospital pumps into his veins. But when Skyler forgets to take his medicine he's a flirty, unabashed, manipulative insomniac. Because of his disorder Skyler is very susceptible to mood swings, when he's angry, sad, happy, or panicked, his moods are increasingly dramatic, and it often doesn't take him very much to reach a point of paranoia.

Skyler lives his life in a daze of mood stabilizing medication. He often looks out of it and quiet, but snappy when addressed in a way he doesn't seem fit. There is no "normal" for Skyler, there's just happy, insomniac Skyler and quiet, drugged out Skyler.


He grew up in Ireland, Mullingar to be specific. He grew up with his mum and his dad, his father was often out of town, doing "business" with his female "associates". Skyler grew up unaware of his fathers affairs with other woman, he also grew up unaware of his mothers, and his own impending disease. Skyler's mom was diagnosed with cancer when he was 7. With his father mostly out of town, Skyler was the one to help his mother with her medications, clean up her sick and, towards the end carefully spoon feed her water as her body began shutting down.

His mother died when he was 13. It was a bowel obstruction caused by tumors. She was wheeled into hospice at the young age of 47. She lasted 5 days. Skyler spent many nights after that in his home alone, awaiting his fathers return. That was when his mood swings began to progress, he had had them all his life, it was never serious to the point of worry. When his father finally returned, Skyler was ballistic in his paranoia, shaking and muttering small reassurances under his breath. His father had come home in a state, all yellow teeth, sour breath and slurred speech. Vodka always was his fathers best friend.

Skyler's school nurse contacted his father much later on, after Skyler's mood swings progressed rapidly, he had shaved off half of his hair, came to school with tattoo's littering his arms, molding into the cigar burns and bruises. He had episodes in class, claiming that he was smarter then the teachers, vandalizing the school and constantly unstable. He was diagnosed with bipolar mania at 15. He t0ok medication, and worked his way through it himself. He knew from the time he was young that he wouldn't grow up to be like everyone else. And right he was. Bipolar, basically orphaned and abused. At 18, Skyler came to the realization that he liked boys. Skyler stopped taking his medication. Skyler tried to kill himself. His dad found out, and Skyler was on the next plane out to go live with his aunt, Cindy, who lived in upstate New York.

Skyler got violent, his medication stopped working, and Cindy sent him to Silver Lake. He was put on stronger drugs, and as long as he was on them, Skyler simply didn't speak.


He's homosexual and has increased sexual urges when without medication

Is prone to violence

Has an Irish accent
Sock said:
Skyler Horan






Bipolar Disorder


Selective Mutism



Skyler has dark brown hair and freckles that line his high cheekbones, he has generous lips, long thin fingers, milky white skin and
startling blue eyes.


Skyler has bipolar disorder. Skyler is usually very guarded and quiet, face a stoney mask of brooding boredom, the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome due to the different assortments of medication the hospital pumps into his veins. But when Skyler forgets to take his medicine he's a flirty, unabashed, manipulative insomniac. Because of his disorder Skyler is very susceptible to mood swings, when he's angry, sad, happy, or panicked, his moods are increasingly dramatic, and it often doesn't take him very much to reach a point of paranoia.

Skyler lives his life in a daze of mood stabilizing medication. He often looks out of it and quiet, but snappy when addressed in a way he doesn't seem fit. There is no "normal" for Skyler, there's just happy, insomniac Skyler and quiet, drugged out Skyler.


He grew up in Ireland, Mullingar to be specific. He grew up with his mum and his dad, his father was often out of town, doing "business" with his female "associates". Skyler grew up unaware of his fathers affairs with other woman, he also grew up unaware of his mothers, and his own impending disease. Skyler's mom was diagnosed with cancer when he was 7. With his father mostly out of town, Skyler was the one to help his mother with her medications, clean up her sick and, towards the end carefully spoon feed her water as her body began shutting down.

His mother died when he was 13. It was a bowel obstruction caused by tumors. She was wheeled into hospice at the young age of 47. She lasted 5 days. Skyler spent many nights after that in his home alone, awaiting his fathers return. That was when his mood swings began to progress, he had had them all his life, it was never serious to the point of worry. When his father finally returned, Skyler was ballistic in his paranoia, shaking and muttering small reassurances under his breath. His father had come home in a state, all yellow teeth, sour breath and slurred speech. Vodka always was his fathers best friend.

Skyler's school nurse contacted his father much later on, after Skyler's mood swings progressed rapidly, he had shaved off half of his hair, came to school with tattoo's littering his arms, molding into the cigar burns and bruises. He had episodes in class, claiming that he was smarter then the teachers, vandalizing the school and constantly unstable. He was diagnosed with bipolar mania at 15. He t0ok medication, and worked his way through it himself. He knew from the time he was young that he wouldn't grow up to be like everyone else. And right he was. Bipolar, basically orphaned and abused. At 18, Skyler came to the realization that he liked boys. Skyler stopped taking his medication. Skyler tried to kill himself. His dad found out, and Skyler was on the next plane out to go live with his aunt, Cindy, who lived in upstate New York.

Skyler got violent, his medication stopped working, and Cindy sent him to Silver Lake. He was put on stronger drugs, and as long as he was on them, Skyler simply didn't speak.


He's homosexual and has increased sexual urges when without medication

Is prone to violence

Has an Irish accent
Accepted! And already in love with him even if he isn't into girls haha

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