

Three Thousand Club
Face claim:(this is your hero in costume.) 








Years heroing: 

None- She might have to be convinced into it




Silithia isn't the traditional hero. She never has been. Silithia's interests are more internalized, mostly in protecting her son, Deimos. If heroing gives her a way to keep her son out of labs and gives him a better life than she had, she'll take it. She puts on a harsh and grumpy front just to scare off anyone who might have an interest in her kid, but she is actually a sweet and loving person. She can most be described as 'the mom friend'. Carrying band aids and such for those who need them and always offering a shoulder to cry on. She acts older than she is, having taken up quilting and often enjoying a quieter lifestyle. She is very mature for her age, being forced to grow up rather quickly, and always seems to keep a level head to make rational decisions (a rare trait among 17 year olds). But don't take her kindness for granted. Even look like you may hurt her toddler, she will not hesitate to rip your head off. She also self-appoints herself as the 'sass-master'.

Origen story:

Silithia exists due to loopholes in abuse laws. A sick and twisted scientist named 'Dr.Crowley' took advantage of the fact that animal abuse laws only apply to pure animals and any laws applying to humans also don't cover hybrids. Crowley's goal: godhood. Every experiment he makes is to bring him closer to his goal of ultimate power. He began looking into prehistoric genetics and found preserved DNA of an unknown prehistoric beast that would easily assimilate with human DNA. Thus Silithia was born, a hybrid of beast and man. Upon further investigation, it was found that the creature she came from was actually the beast that was called dragons my many ancient people. She was far too dangerous and strong to keep awake for long periods of time, so she was drugged to sleep most of her life.

Her creation brought up many questions. Why did dragons die out? Why are their DNA akin to humans? But most of all, if they could be hybridized once, can they be hybridized again and diluted further? Dr.Crowley put some thought into it and decided that Silithia would provide him with a child to experiment on whether she wanted to or not. He couldn't find anyone who was willing to forcibly procreate with an unwilling dragon, so Dr.Crowley took it upon himself. Silithia was left knowing that if she were to have this child in that hellhole, it too would be experimented upon.  She had to escape for it's sake. She eventually gathered the strength to break free when an assistant forgot to drug her out. The lab was burned to the ground and Silithia escaped to have her baby three months later and has hidden from Dr.Crowley and his abominations for two years. 

Life has been hard. She's had no income, so she fixed up the top floor of an abandon warehouse in gotham to mimic a home and made it inaccessible to anyone who can't get on the roof. She does what she can and hides well among the humans. However she has been broad casted in some bad light. Sure she means well, but Silithia has some trouble with 'gentle takedowns'. Sure  a couple robbers were stopped, but two are now on life support.

Powers/Skills/Gadgets: (Feel free to split this up.)

  • Can switch from dragon form to human form in a rather short amount of time but retains her strength-    She is 20 ft tall weighs over 10 tons and is armed with various spikes and horns that could easily impail a man. Her wingspan is enough to cast a shadow over the entire mount justice. Her jaws are strong enough to easily crush an elephant and her teeth face backwards meaning the only way of escape is to sever whatever limb she managed to bite down on or convince her to let go. She has a double wing set, with a smaller pair of wings that tuck under her primary pair that are useful for turning and high speed flying.She blends into the night sky seamlessly. the bottoms of her wings display the stars above and glow as she uses lunar abilities.
  • Fire:  flint-like teeth in the back of her jaw that create a spark and light an oily substance in a gland in the back of her throat to blast 10 minutes of continuous fire.
  • Lunar energy- Only useful at night. She can absorb lunar energy, manifest it and blast it at opponents. Like god-zilla's deathray of radiation, only a bit less dangerous.
  • Air strike

Weaknesses: (we all got em fellas.) 

- Safe-zone. With so many biological weapons, there's sure to be some places that she can't reach. In the area next to her flanks, under her belly and right in front of her nose are the safe zones. Find them and stay in them. Staying in front her her nose is risky because of the pressure sensors, but that that point just remain completely still. She will never notice your there unless you move.

-balance: balance is key, such a massive weight is precariously balanced on four legs, take out two and she will fall. Get her over on her back and she'll never get up until she is pushed on her side or turns human again. Pull her head too far back and she will be forced to walk backwards.

Space: fighting in a small area is hard for such a huge animal. If she has to level the ground she will, but this takes up time.

Swing: when swinging her horns or her tail spikes at someone, if they manage to dodge it, a weak point will be exposed. Either her throat or her flanks. She usually never swings her head and her tail at the same time but if she's fighting two assailants she may have no choice.

Small opponents: the larger the opponent is the more of an advantage Silithia has, however smaller, lighter opponents pose a problem. If they manage to get on her back they're is literally nothing she can do to throw the rider. And from there they have the advantage because between the plates on either side of her spine there is nothing to protect her.

Jaw muscles: her vice like grip in her jaws are deadly when snapping shut, but the muscles used to open her jaws aren't as strong. They can be tied shut with regular fence wire and she will be forced to try to work it off before she can open her jaws.

Her kid If Deimos is in danger, she will do whatever is nessicary to get him out of danger. Even if it means willingly letting herself be manipulated into doing evil.

fame/Infamy: 45

Extra: (Anything else you wanna add?)
Face claim:(this is your hero in costume.) 







Years heroing: 

None- She might have to be convinced into it




Silithia isn't the traditional hero. She never has been. Silithia's interests are more internalized, mostly in protecting her son, Deimos. If heroing gives her a way to keep her son out of labs and gives him a better life than she had, she'll take it. She puts on a harsh and grumpy front just to scare off anyone who might have an interest in her kid, but she is actually a sweet and loving person. She can most be described as 'the mom friend'. Carrying band aids and such for those who need them and always offering a shoulder to cry on. She acts older than she is, having taken up quilting and often enjoying a quieter lifestyle. She is very mature for her age, being forced to grow up rather quickly, and always seems to keep a level head to make rational decisions (a rare trait among 17 year olds). But don't take her kindness for granted. Even look like you may hurt her toddler, she will not hesitate to rip your head off. She also self-appoints herself as the 'sass-master'.

Origen story:

Silithia exists due to loopholes in abuse laws. A sick and twisted scientist named 'Dr.Crowley' took advantage of the fact that animal abuse laws only apply to pure animals and any laws applying to humans also don't cover hybrids. Crowley's goal: godhood. Every experiment he makes is to bring him closer to his goal of ultimate power. He began looking into prehistoric genetics and found preserved DNA of an unknown prehistoric beast that would easily assimilate with human DNA. Thus Silithia was born, a hybrid of beast and man. Upon further investigation, it was found that the creature she came from was actually the beast that was called dragons my many ancient people. She was far too dangerous and strong to keep awake for long periods of time, so she was drugged to sleep most of her life.

Her creation brought up many questions. Why did dragons die out? Why are their DNA akin to humans? But most of all, if they could be hybridized once, can they be hybridized again and diluted further? Dr.Crowley put some thought into it and decided that Silithia would provide him with a child to experiment on whether she wanted to or not. He couldn't find anyone who was willing to forcibly procreate with an unwilling dragon, so Dr.Crowley took it upon himself. Silithia was left knowing that if she were to have this child in that hellhole, it too would be experimented upon.  She had to escape for it's sake. She eventually gathered the strength to break free when an assistant forgot to drug her out. The lab was burned to the ground and Silithia escaped to have her baby three months later and has hidden from Dr.Crowley and his abominations for two years. 

Life has been hard. She's had no income, so she fixed up the top floor of an abandon warehouse in gotham to mimic a home and made it inaccessible to anyone who can't get on the roof. She does what she can and hides well among the humans. However she has been broad casted in some bad light. Sure she means well, but Silithia has some trouble with 'gentle takedowns'. Sure  a couple robbers were stopped, but two are now on life support.

Powers/Skills/Gadgets: (Feel free to split this up.)

  • Can switch from dragon form to human form in a rather short amount of time but retains her strength-    She is 20 ft tall weighs over 10 tons and is armed with various spikes and horns that could easily impail a man. Her wingspan is enough to cast a shadow over the entire mount justice. Her jaws are strong enough to easily crush an elephant and her teeth face backwards meaning the only way of escape is to sever whatever limb she managed to bite down on or convince her to let go. She has a double wing set, with a smaller pair of wings that tuck under her primary pair that are useful for turning and high speed flying.She blends into the night sky seamlessly. the bottoms of her wings display the stars above and glow as she uses lunar abilities.
  • Fire:  flint-like teeth in the back of her jaw that create a spark and light an oily substance in a gland in the back of her throat to blast 10 minutes of continuous fire.
  • Lunar energy- Only useful at night. She can absorb lunar energy, manifest it and blast it at opponents. Like god-zilla's deathray of radiation, only a bit less dangerous.
  • Air strike

Weaknesses: (we all got em fellas.) 

- Safe-zone. With so many biological weapons, there's sure to be some places that she can't reach. In the area next to her flanks, under her belly and right in front of her nose are the safe zones. Find them and stay in them. Staying in front her her nose is risky because of the pressure sensors, but that that point just remain completely still. She will never notice your there unless you move.

-balance: balance is key, such a massive weight is precariously balanced on four legs, take out two and she will fall. Get her over on her back and she'll never get up until she is pushed on her side or turns human again. Pull her head too far back and she will be forced to walk backwards.

Space: fighting in a small area is hard for such a huge animal. If she has to level the ground she will, but this takes up time.

Swing: when swinging her horns or her tail spikes at someone, if they manage to dodge it, a weak point will be exposed. Either her throat or her flanks. She usually never swings her head and her tail at the same time but if she's fighting two assailants she may have no choice.

Small opponents: the larger the opponent is the more of an advantage Silithia has, however smaller, lighter opponents pose a problem. If they manage to get on her back they're is literally nothing she can do to throw the rider. And from there they have the advantage because between the plates on either side of her spine there is nothing to protect her.

Jaw muscles: her vice like grip in her jaws are deadly when snapping shut, but the muscles used to open her jaws aren't as strong. They can be tied shut with regular fence wire and she will be forced to try to work it off before she can open her jaws.

Her kid If Deimos is in danger, she will do whatever is nessicary to get him out of danger. Even if it means willingly letting herself be manipulated into doing evil.

fame/Infamy: 45

Extra: (Anything else you wanna add?)

Ooooo dragon....kinda....Accepted. 

Face claim:(this is your hero in costume.) 







Years heroing: 

None- She might have to be convinced into it




Silithia isn't the traditional hero. She never has been. Silithia's interests are more internalized, mostly in protecting her son, Deimos. If heroing gives her a way to keep her son out of labs and gives him a better life than she had, she'll take it. She puts on a harsh and grumpy front just to scare off anyone who might have an interest in her kid, but she is actually a sweet and loving person. She can most be described as 'the mom friend'. Carrying band aids and such for those who need them and always offering a shoulder to cry on. She acts older than she is, having taken up quilting and often enjoying a quieter lifestyle. She is very mature for her age, being forced to grow up rather quickly, and always seems to keep a level head to make rational decisions (a rare trait among 17 year olds). But don't take her kindness for granted. Even look like you may hurt her toddler, she will not hesitate to rip your head off. She also self-appoints herself as the 'sass-master'.

Origen story:

Silithia exists due to loopholes in abuse laws. A sick and twisted scientist named 'Dr.Crowley' took advantage of the fact that animal abuse laws only apply to pure animals and any laws applying to humans also don't cover hybrids. Crowley's goal: godhood. Every experiment he makes is to bring him closer to his goal of ultimate power. He began looking into prehistoric genetics and found preserved DNA of an unknown prehistoric beast that would easily assimilate with human DNA. Thus Silithia was born, a hybrid of beast and man. Upon further investigation, it was found that the creature she came from was actually the beast that was called dragons my many ancient people. She was far too dangerous and strong to keep awake for long periods of time, so she was drugged to sleep most of her life.

Her creation brought up many questions. Why did dragons die out? Why are their DNA akin to humans? But most of all, if they could be hybridized once, can they be hybridized again and diluted further? Dr.Crowley put some thought into it and decided that Silithia would provide him with a child to experiment on whether she wanted to or not. He couldn't find anyone who was willing to forcibly procreate with an unwilling dragon, so Dr.Crowley took it upon himself. Silithia was left knowing that if she were to have this child in that hellhole, it too would be experimented upon.  She had to escape for it's sake. She eventually gathered the strength to break free when an assistant forgot to drug her out. The lab was burned to the ground and Silithia escaped to have her baby three months later and has hidden from Dr.Crowley and his abominations for two years. 

Life has been hard. She's had no income, so she fixed up the top floor of an abandon warehouse in gotham to mimic a home and made it inaccessible to anyone who can't get on the roof. She does what she can and hides well among the humans. However she has been broad casted in some bad light. Sure she means well, but Silithia has some trouble with 'gentle takedowns'. Sure  a couple robbers were stopped, but two are now on life support.

Powers/Skills/Gadgets: (Feel free to split this up.)

  • Can switch from dragon form to human form in a rather short amount of time but retains her strength-    She is 20 ft tall weighs over 10 tons and is armed with various spikes and horns that could easily impail a man. Her wingspan is enough to cast a shadow over the entire mount justice. Her jaws are strong enough to easily crush an elephant and her teeth face backwards meaning the only way of escape is to sever whatever limb she managed to bite down on or convince her to let go. She has a double wing set, with a smaller pair of wings that tuck under her primary pair that are useful for turning and high speed flying.She blends into the night sky seamlessly. the bottoms of her wings display the stars above and glow as she uses lunar abilities.
  • Fire:  flint-like teeth in the back of her jaw that create a spark and light an oily substance in a gland in the back of her throat to blast 10 minutes of continuous fire.
  • Lunar energy- Only useful at night. She can absorb lunar energy, manifest it and blast it at opponents. Like god-zilla's deathray of radiation, only a bit less dangerous.
  • Air strike

Weaknesses: (we all got em fellas.) 

- Safe-zone. With so many biological weapons, there's sure to be some places that she can't reach. In the area next to her flanks, under her belly and right in front of her nose are the safe zones. Find them and stay in them. Staying in front her her nose is risky because of the pressure sensors, but that that point just remain completely still. She will never notice your there unless you move.

-balance: balance is key, such a massive weight is precariously balanced on four legs, take out two and she will fall. Get her over on her back and she'll never get up until she is pushed on her side or turns human again. Pull her head too far back and she will be forced to walk backwards.

Space: fighting in a small area is hard for such a huge animal. If she has to level the ground she will, but this takes up time.

Swing: when swinging her horns or her tail spikes at someone, if they manage to dodge it, a weak point will be exposed. Either her throat or her flanks. She usually never swings her head and her tail at the same time but if she's fighting two assailants she may have no choice.

Small opponents: the larger the opponent is the more of an advantage Silithia has, however smaller, lighter opponents pose a problem. If they manage to get on her back they're is literally nothing she can do to throw the rider. And from there they have the advantage because between the plates on either side of her spine there is nothing to protect her.

Jaw muscles: her vice like grip in her jaws are deadly when snapping shut, but the muscles used to open her jaws aren't as strong. They can be tied shut with regular fence wire and she will be forced to try to work it off before she can open her jaws.

Her kid If Deimos is in danger, she will do whatever is nessicary to get him out of danger. Even if it means willingly letting herself be manipulated into doing evil.

fame/Infamy: 45

Extra: (Anything else you wanna add?)

Ooooo dragon....kinda....Accepted. 
She counts as a dragon, she's always fun to play in DC settings. Especially the first time they usually meet. I'm just wondering which I should make next. I'm stuck between my newest concept (an ice pixie- sounds girly but don't jack with him or you'll be thawing your fingers for a week) or a ninetails or my big scary dog
She counts as a dragon, she's always fun to play in DC settings. Especially the first time they usually meet. I'm just wondering which I should make next. I'm stuck between my newest concept (an ice pixie- sounds girly but don't jack with him or you'll be thawing your fingers for a week) or a ninetails or my big scary dog

Personally I think we need a heavy hitter. :)  
Well heavy hitters don't get much heavier than Silithia does. She's scary, idk I'm kinda leaning ninetails

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